Chapter 339 Shocked
"Brother, why can't you figure it out?"

Zheng Shuangxue peeled the skin of the melon seeds, took out all the melon seeds, and put them in a small white porcelain dish aside: "It's a big risk, if you want to get it, how can you not give it? People say that they are willing to give up. It's a matter of the world. It is only what you give up that you gain.

This white wolf with empty gloves, I can't do it, brother can do it? "

Her attitude was too indifferent.

The tone, the tone, did not take this matter to heart at all.

Zheng Qingzhi saw her look like that, and heard her tone of voice, it is really an understatement. As the eldest brother, he just felt heartbroken: "Second mother!"

His voice became slightly clearer, and he scolded, with obvious dissatisfaction.

All the next words must be to teach her a lesson.

Zheng Shuangxue laughed.

All Zheng Qingzhi's subsequent words were blocked in her throat by her slight smile.

Not going up or down, neither can reprimand her, nor can she be reconciled to swallowing.

"I always say that bro, reading books is beneficial, but if you read too many books, you will become pedantic."

As she said, she patted her palms, then stood up slowly, took the small white porcelain dish, and put it in Zheng Qingzhi's hand: "Brother, why are you angry?"


Zheng Qingzhi was really furious.

But for no reason, when she asked this question, most of the anger dissipated inexplicably.

Yeah, why are you angry?
Erniang did such a thing for the sake of her family.

She gambled her reputation to give her family another chance.

And what about him?
He has been in the capital for so long, what has he done for his family?

Diligent in government affairs, conscientious in doing errands, but his official rank is not high, it is extremely inconspicuous in the imperial court, and it is all what should be done, which is not a credit.

He still wants to be so angry now, yelling at Amei with a straight face.

Zheng Qingzhi turned to look at the white porcelain plate.

The melon seeds were piled up on a small plate, and she peeled them one by one.

"Er Niang, I don't want to scold you, nor do I want to blame you for anything."

He lowered his eyes, and his tone slowed down: "I was really angry just now, and I also feel sorry for you.

You and His Highness the Third Highness conspired with this kind of thing, no one told you in advance, I was in Beijing, you stayed by my side, and you didn't discuss it with me at all.

What if something really happened? "

As he said, he shook his head: "When I go home, Ah Weng and Aye will also blame me.

Erniang, I know your intentions..."


Zheng Shuangxue always had a faint smile on his face.

She seemed to know what Zheng Qingzhi was going to say, and interrupted him with a crisp voice.

Zheng Qingzhi was talking about being excited, but when he heard her voice, he subconsciously stopped: "What's wrong?"

"Don't say that."

Zheng Shuangxue's tone was still light: "You may not know my intentions."

Zheng Qingzhi frowned.

This sister has been like this since she was a child.

Always confusing.

It's not that it's unfathomable, but that she said a lot of things and did a lot of things. They seemed to have the same meaning, but she really didn't think that way.

It has happened too many times since I was a child.

"then you……"

"Brother doesn't need to know what my intentions are. Even if I ask, I won't tell brother."

Zheng Shuangxue had already walked back to the official hat chair, Shi Shiran sat down again: "Even if people outside know about this matter, it will damage my reputation, and it's okay to be ill.

If the family benefits, they must remember my benefits.

In the future when I marry the Third Highness, he will have to be crowned a prince, and it is likely that he will not be able to stay in Shengjing forever like the king of Shu.

I thought it through very thoroughly, and followed him to the fief. These people in the capital may not be seen in this lifetime.

It's no big deal to be blatantly refused marriage now.

Anyway, in the end, I'm the only one who can marry him, and that's enough. "

"Second mother, you..."

This time it was Zheng Qingzhi himself who stopped the call.

He had a vague guess in his heart, but he hesitated, wondering if he should ask.

Zheng Shuangxue saw through his thoughts: "There are no outsiders in the house, and there is not even a servant girl left in the house. If brother wants to ask anything, he can ask directly. Of course, answering or not depends on brother's question. Can you answer, would you like to answer?"

Zheng Qingzhi felt that she was not a younger sister, but rather an ancestor.

The lofty attitude really makes people feel uncomfortable.

The point is, at first glance, she looks gentle on the surface.

So it's hard to say that she is that kind of arrogant little lady.

In this regard, she is much better than what Yuan Niang did.

She is not as spoiled and unruly as Sanniang, who is always the most willful.

Obviously Erniang should be the most docile one, but that's not the case.

"Are you planning something for yourself?"

This question is not too difficult to answer.

Without thinking, Zheng Shuangxue nodded and said yes.

Zheng Qingzhi's originally frowning brows were furrowed further, and the brow peaks were gathered high, so that people could see through his dissatisfaction and anxiety at the moment at a glance.

"The family will arrange everything for you, so why do you have to make plans by yourself? Erniang, don't be fooled by your cleverness one day, and follow Yuanniang's footsteps again!"

After all, he was the elder brother, and he was used to disciplining and restraining his younger siblings when he was at home. When he said these words, he would unconsciously raise his voice, and his voice was dull, like pearls and jade, resounding loudly.

Zheng Shuangxue has long been used to it, and she doesn't feel angry: "Why do I have to follow in the footsteps of big sister?"

She laughed and shook her head: "Big sister thinks she's smart, but I'm not.

She always thought that she was superior to others and that she was the smartest, but in fact, she was not all clever, with thoughts that couldn't get on the stage, and couldn't stand the stimulation of people's words, so she ruined her life.

Her bright future was gone, and her family was ashamed to follow her.

As for me.

Even if the news really leaked out and outsiders laughed at me, I was wronged in this whole matter, and I can't blame me for anything, let alone my family.

Brother, that's why I say you read too many books, and everyone reads pedantic.

Is a good name really that important compared to real benefits?
Reputation, decency, we put aside our gentry status, when we are penniless, these things can't even bring us a white steamed bun, a bowl of Yangchun noodles.

That is the most illusory and unrealistic thing! "

Zheng Qingzhi was shocked beyond measure.

He never thought that there is such a truth in the world.

He inherited the court training from a young age, learned to be a gentleman, has a decent reputation, honor and glory, and this is something that can never be left behind!
(End of this chapter)

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