The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 340 Long Yan's Fury

Chapter 340 Long Yan's Fury

When Zheng's playbook was sent to the capital, Emperor Jinhe lost his temper.

At that time, Zhao Xiyue sent a cup of ginseng chicken soup made by herself to Funing Palace. Originally, the father and daughter were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was very good.

As a result, Li Fu sent Xingyang an urgent secret package for six hundred miles.

Zhao Xiyue already felt bad at the moment, but she couldn't persuade him not to watch it.

Jin Hedi took it, looked at it, and then got annoyed.

The emperor was furious, and the matter quickly spread to the harem.

Concubine Zhen was so frightened that her three souls went to Qipo, and she thought it was Zhao Xiyue who messed around in the Funing Palace, which annoyed Emperor Jinhe, so she took people and hurried to the Funing Palace.

This is also the first time she has served beside Emperor Jin He for so many years, and she approached Funing Hall on her own initiative.

She lived in the harem and never came forward.

But today I was in a hurry and didn't care about those.

Li Fu knew she was coming, so he rushed out to greet her.

Concubine Zhen was worried about her daughter, so she took two steps at a time. She didn't even care about her self-preserved manners, and asked him in a tight voice: "Officer Li, I heard that the officials were furious and very angry. Is there something wrong with the princess? I would like to ask the internal officer to pass it on for me..."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Only then did Li Fu cut her off, persuaded her a few words first, and because he knew she was worried, he didn't dare to tease her, so he just told her to calm down for a while, and then hurriedly replied: "The official is for Zheng Zheng's sake." Mi Zhe at home is angry, the princess is fine, don't worry, she is persuading her in the palace at the moment, but the official family is angry, and the princess can't persuade her.

But it's a good thing that the princess is here today, so someone can persuade her, otherwise the official's temper will become even worse. "

Concubine Zhen breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

After hurrying all the way from Zhaoyang Hall, the hanging heart was finally able to be put back in my stomach.

She panted heavily, and patted her chest to calm herself: "It frightened me, and I thought it was the princess who said something wrong and offended the official."

But he never mentioned the matter of Zheng Jiami's death.

She didn't want to know that either.

It had nothing to do with her.

It's all about the previous dynasty. She is a member of the harem and cannot interfere. It's best to pretend that she didn't hear it.

If it was possible, she wished she could rush in and take her daughter away now, so don't get involved.

As a result, Concubine Zhen was just about to say that she was going to leave, but Li Fu had already opened her mouth and said: "The official said that you will go in and talk."

Concubine Zhen immediately guarded her feet, her face froze: "Me?"

Li Fu said yes, and became even more pompous: "The official said that since you are here, go in and talk with me. After all, the princess is still young, and she doesn't understand these things, so don't tell her to stand here and listen to it. It's not good."

What can she say to Jin Hedi?

She hasn't interfered in affairs outside the palace for decades.

In the past, even if he really had any troubles in the government affairs, he would always go to the queen to tell one or two things, and it would be their turn.

Concubine Zhen really didn't want to go.

But Jin and Emperor had spoken, so there was no room for her to refuse.

What's more, he can replace his daughter.

After all, she's used to being cautious, and she knows what she's doing, so she won't be talking nonsense and causing trouble.

But Ah Yue... She is used to being outspoken, and I'm afraid it will be even worse in front of officials.

So Concubine Zhen gritted her teeth, braced herself, and followed Li Fu into the palace.

Funing Hall was in a mess.

The notebooks on the imperial case were scattered all over the floor, and the teacup was also broken. I don't know if I didn't have time to clean it up, or after I finished it, I smashed another piece.

But Concubine Zhen has a very clear eye.

The chicken soup sent by Zhao Xiyue was safe and sound at the hand of Emperor Jinhe.

It can be seen that even in his rage, he was still thinking about the chicken soup made by his daughter, so he avoided it and did not break it.

Concubine Zhen breathed a sigh of relief calmly.

Fortunately, the officials also really love Ah Yue.

She went up to invite Ann, and she knew about it anyway, so she had nothing to pretend, so she persuaded first: "The officials should calm down, no matter what kind of thing happened, it didn't happen You can't change it, you take care of the dragon body, if you really get angry, it's not good. Let's look at the chicken soup made by the princess herself, thinking of nourishing your body, let's try to calm down."

Jin Hedi didn't call someone in to show her face, let alone in front of Zhao Xiyue.

He hummed heavily, and then called Li Fu: "Send the princess back to the palace."

Zhao Xiyue was worried about him and was unwilling to leave: "Father, can't I stay here with you? Even if I just talk to you and relieve boredom, you may feel better."

Jin and Di have always known her filial piety.

He lovingly rubbed the top of Zhao Xiyue's hair: "Father and imperial concubine have a word with your concubine mother, you can go back, it's fine."

Zhao Xiyue looked at him worriedly, then turned her head to glance at Concubine Zhen, and finally fixed her gaze on Emperor Jin He.

Jin Hedi patted her on the head twice: "Afraid that the father will embarrass your mother and concubine, do you want to vent your anger on your mother and concubine?"

"The official family..."

Zhao Xiyue pursed her lips and said no: "Father is not that kind of person, and Mother Concubine did nothing wrong, so you won't take it out on Mother Concubine, I'm just worried about you."

The main reason is that she knows what kind of temperament her mother has.

Sitting here, unable to utter a word for a long time, the words spoken are definitely not what the emperor likes to hear.

Sitting together like this, what can I say.

Doesn't the more you talk, the more angry you become?
She didn't know what was written in the Zheng family's secret book, but it was related to Zheng Shuangxue's marriage.

But to make father angry like this, either because father has had a long-standing grudge against the Zheng family, and now that there is no queen in the middle, even if it is a sesame seed, he will make use of it and explode.

Or the Zheng family still didn't know how to restrain themselves and uttered wild words in the secret book, just like they did many times before, which angered Long Wei like this.

No matter which one it is, Zhao Xiyue doesn't want her mother and concubine to suffer along with her.

But I dare not say this.

Jin Hedi seemed to see through her thoughts, and shook his head with a smile: "Your mother and concubine know better than you, you go, so she won't add fuel to the fire and annoy me even more."

He was talking about this part, so Zhao Xiyue had no choice but to stand up slowly.

Even Concubine Zhen persuaded her: "Ask Li Neiguan to take you back to the palace. I will accompany the official family to talk for a while. Didn't you prepare some ingredients and said that you will make cakes for the official family in the next half day?" It just so happens that the official family is unhappy, so you go back and prepare, make cakes and send them over, the official family will not be so angry when they see your filial piety, go quickly."

Zhao Xiyue said yes, took two steps back, knelt down and bid farewell to Emperor Jinhe, and then followed Li Fu slowly out of Funing Hall, without further ado.

(End of this chapter)

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