Chapter 341 Helpless
After seeing off Zhao Xiyue, Jin Hedi looked at the mess all over the place, and his heart became more and more irritable.

He simply stood up, with his hands behind his back, and walked towards the Xici room.

Concubine Zhen followed after seeing this.

After entering the Xici room, Emperor Jin and Emperor sat cross-legged on the Arhat bed. Concubine Zhen thought for a while, and before Jin Hedi could speak, she went straight to the seat opposite her and said, "Why don't you ask someone to come in and put the outside first?" Are you tidying up?"

Emperor Jin He frowned: "You don't have to worry about that, Li Fu will clean up later. What kind of tea do you want? Tell them to bring cakes?"

Concubine Zhen was indeed flattered, but she still shook her head and said no need: "The princess who got up early spoiled an unknown amount of food, and my concubine watched from the side and ate a lot of food. Now I am so full that I can't eat anything. Now, the officials don't need to consider concubines."

Jin Hedi snorted twice, then took something like a playbook from his cuff, and put it on the table casually, then pressed a corner, and pushed in the direction of Concubine Zhen.

Concubine Zhen's heart trembled.

These eight achievements are secret documents sent by the Zheng family.

Just now, in his rage, he overturned all the memorials on the imperial case to the ground, but put the secret book into his cuff.

Obviously he didn't want the servants below to have the opportunity to see a few words.

Now that means...

Concubine Zhen pursed her lips: "Officials, this is a secret."

"It's about the marriage between San Lang and Zheng Shuangxue, not the government affairs, you see."

After he sent a message, Concubine Zhen had no choice but to refuse, so she could only read the secret book.

But the more he looked back, the angrier he became.

Not to mention Emperor Jin He, even she would be very annoyed after hearing these words!

The Zheng family really dare to say it.

It seems that what is said in this secret book is to complain about grievances, but in reality?
He also talked about the achievements of the Zheng family in the past, and said that the sage is seriously ill now, and then he even asked for a crime.

There are two culprits.

One is that His Highness the Third Highness was raised in the Zheng family in Xingyang since childhood, and now it is the Zheng family's fault for what happened now.

Then it was pushed to the front that Zheng Shuangyi shot and hurt someone because of jealousy.

What is said in the secret book is no way to teach women.

But this kind of thing can't be compared!
Otherwise, wouldn't the meaning have changed?
It seems to be saying that Zhao Yi's recklessness is all due to the poor education of the Zheng family.

It's almost the same as teaching a child without a way.

But Zhao Yi's Aye is Emperor Jinhe, the Son of Heaven in front of him.

If you really want to say that the son is not the fault of the father, Zhao Yi is so reckless, so openly resisting the marriage, whose fault should it be?

Concubine Zhen's fingertips trembled suddenly, and the secret fold became hot.

She threw it away casually and never touched it again, even her eyelids were trembling: "This... this... The Zheng family is too arrogant!"

Arrogant indeed.

One after another, they were convicted and had accidents. I thought they would be safe.

However, it seems that because of the case of Yu Wenshichang being poisoned, the court only pushed the Han family to take the blame, and did not plan to pursue it any further, and it seemed that they would not care about anything with the Zheng family. Now his family feels powerful and very capable.

Even the queen's situation and circumstances in the palace are already very bad.

Although these news were deliberately blocked by Emperor Jinhe, the Zheng family may not know about it, but the more they think about it, the more annoying and chilling it is.

Still relying on the queen.

But the queen devoted herself wholeheartedly and tried her best to protect the whole Zheng family, so she couldn't make the Zheng family half-conscious.

"I'm angry in my heart, and that's why I'm frivolous and flamboyant. I don't know what the word restraint is for decades."

Emperor Jinhe stroked the auspicious cloud pattern on his cuffs with his fingertips, and looked sideways at Zhengui Concubine: "Since the Sun family has been favored by the court, they have been cautious and behaved in a very low-key manner. It has been several months, and it has never happened The unbearable words or notes are submitted to my royal case.

At the beginning when I promoted you and your family, you were afraid that something would happen, that the censor would catch you, and desperately wrote the memorial.

Now it seems that you are really worrying too much.

Your home is fine. "

How can that be the same.

The small family of the Sun family is not worthy even if they received the earl's gift.

Concubine Zhen is quite self-aware about this.

There is no way to compare with the Zheng family.

She couldn't take it either.

Do you want to boast about the honesty of the people in your clan?
Or follow these words to say that the Zheng family is inappropriate?
When Jin Hedi said this in anger, he might not necessarily pursue the Zheng family when he calmed down.

She doesn't get into trouble.

Jin Hedi scoffed: "Ah Yue is worried that you are too cautious and can't say what I like to hear. You really made her worry."

"The official family..."

Concubine Zhen was startled and raised her eyes to look.

Emperor Jinhe shook his head: "I ask you, how to deal with this secret book?"

"Official, how can I..."

"You don't have to say how you know, let alone say you dare not."

Jin Hedi waved his hand and interrupted her, not letting her finish her refusal at all: "I said, this secret document, you give me an idea, how to deal with it."

Concubine Zhen didn't really understand.

She has been in the palace for a long time, and she has seen more and heard more, so of course she has thoughts in her heart.

Besides, she served personally in front of the First Empress Dowager back then, and the First Empress Dowager would sometimes talk about this, whether it was government affairs or noble families.

It's just that Concubine Zhen knows how to hide clumsiness.

I have hidden it for so many years, and I am used to it.

Jin Hedi's attitude today...

Concubine Zhen frowned invisibly: "Why do the officials have to ask concubines to answer this question? You know that concubines are the last thing to ask about these things, and even if they hear them, they will pretend not to listen."

Emperor Jinhe was a little helpless.

He sighed weakly and softly: "You used to be a nobleman, but now you are my noble concubine.

The queen is sick, and the harem is headed by you.

If I encounter any troublesome things, do you still want to be the same as before and ignore them? I just want to sit in the Zhaoyang Palace and talk to you, but you just say that you don’t understand, you don’t understand, you don’t know anything ? "

This is……

Concubine Zhen's pupils trembled, and her almond eyes widened immediately: "The official family, you are too flattering to concubine, I dare not..."

"I knew you were going to say that!"

Although Jin Hedi's voice was raised, he was not angry, and there was more helplessness in his tone: "The days to come are still long, so it can't be like this forever? You are already a noble concubine, and you have to learn to change.

I am not forcing you.

Maybe the Zheng family was angry today, and they spoke a little more heavily. "

He took a deep breath, and went to look at the secret book again: "If you don't want to say it, forget it, lest Ah Yue find out, think that I have bullied you, and come to trouble me again."

Concubine Zhen felt a sigh of relief for no reason.

He is alone.

It's always true that the heights are always cold.

Without the company of the empress, being the son of heaven, this heart is also the most illusory and cannot be realized.

He just wants to have someone by his side who can accompany him and say a few thoughtful words.

"The official family..."

Concubine Zhen bit her lower lip: "There is no need for Zhu Bu to seal the secret, just send it back to Xingyang as it is."

(End of this chapter)

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