Chapter 345 Accident
Years later, when the imperial court opened the court to make copies, no one in the court knew the secret records of the Zheng family, and no one knew about Queen Zheng's serious illness.

Everything is the same as before.

Only when the Sun family was reused in the imperial court did some splashes arise, but it was not enough to turn into a storm.

Concubine Zhen had already taken the place of Queen at the New Year's Eve banquet, anyway, they would not provoke the Sun family now.

Besides, the nephew of the noble concubine, who became an official in the Metropolitan Procuratorate in the next year, is the most humble person, and he is diligent in doing things. If there is anything he doesn't understand, he will take the initiative to ask for advice. He is the most open-minded and teachable, and he will help with some trivial errands, and even buy some cakes with scraps of money to distribute to colleagues as a thank you gift.

He is really good at being a man, even better than Zheng Qingzhi.

The difference between a poor family and a noble family is clear at a glance.

This kind of person is of course pleasing, and there are noble concubines standing in the palace, and everyone maintains a peaceful face, which is also very good.

But until the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month, the imperial court received the playbook presented to Beijing by Kuaiji.

The snow disaster in Kuaiji is rare in a hundred years, and many people died of freezing, and all the crops in the fields were also frozen, and there is no hope for the next year's harvest.

And because of this natural disaster, the Kuaiji students actually rioted.

Jiang Wan was shocked when he heard this: "Natural disasters and man-made disasters, although I know that every time there is a natural disaster, there must be a man-made disaster. After all, this person will not be able to survive. Try to survive.

Sometimes when I think about it, it is not unreasonable for people to say that troublesome people come from poor mountains and rivers.

But I have only heard of mob riots, gathering crowds to make trouble, or looting or robbing, but I have never heard of students who are studying to make trouble!

They are all scholars, they are powerless, and they should be the most sensible, how could this happen? "

Zhao Xinghei had a sullen face, and took two mouthfuls of tea.

When I was in Funing Palace, I said such a big carload of words, my mouth was dry, and I was irritable when I came back from the palace.

He was in a hurry to eat, Jiang Wan said twice: "Slow down, drink slowly."

She had never seen Zhao Xing like this.

He's always on his toes.

It can be seen that this matter is really urgent and weird.

He is angry.

Jiang Wan stood up, walked towards him, and after he finished his tea and put down the cup, he handed over the handkerchief.

Zhao Xing took it over, wiped it slightly, and didn't return the handkerchief to her: "I'll ask the girl to take it down and wash it later."

Jiang Wan said it was fine, and grabbed his own handkerchief and came over: "It's not dirty, I want you to say that."

She put it away, and then asked Zhao Xing: "You haven't said anything yet, what's the matter with the Kuaiji students?"

"It's because they believed that the snowstorm in Kuaiji was caused by the corruption and fraud of the Kuaiji officialdom, and the people of Kuaiji had to share the burden of the crimes committed by the heavens."

Zhao Xing's face sank again: "But the snowstorm affects only ordinary people the most, including those students who study hard.

How could there be no surplus food in the households of merchants, dignitaries, and officials?

Hoarding food on weekdays, even if the snowstorm hits fiercely, they have both food and money, and they can buy enough charcoal fire to keep warm and carry them over.

Those who died of starvation and freezing outside could never be them.

So the Kuaiji students were furious, gathered together, forcibly broke into the government office, and smashed the Kuaiji magistrate's office. "

"Havoc in court?"

Jiang Wan felt his scalp tingling for a while: "They are all scholars..."

Her voice trembled: "The ten-year cold window is for the purpose of being a high school in the imperial examination, and being able to stand out after becoming an official, honoring the ancestors.

Forcibly breaking into the court, the crime is the same as rebellion, this... this... They say that Kuaiji officialdom is corrupt and corrupt, is it because of any problems in the imperial examination? "

"I don't know the details, but when the papers are submitted, the imperial court will send people to Kuaiji to investigate clearly."

Zhao Xing took a deep breath, besides, he slowed down a bit: "And this person is very important, and he can convince the students of Kuaiji, otherwise, not only will they not be able to calm down, but they may even make them feel that officials and officials are protecting each other. .

So this cannot be solved by sending important officials from the court to Kuaiji. "

After he finished speaking, Jiang Guan's Lingtai was clear for a while, and he immediately understood.

She nervously shook Zhao Xing's hand: "Father is going to send you there?"

Zhao Xing looked back at her: "I want to go by myself."

Jiang Wan pursed his lips.

It is indeed the best to go to Zhao Xing.

He won't be with those people, and those people don't deserve it.

Zhao Yu couldn't leave the capital easily, and Zhao Yi's intentions were not right.

In fact, it is okay to let my uncle go, but my uncle has ignored these things for many years, and being a rich and idle person, he just throws his hands away and doesn't care about anything.

So Zhao Xing is the best choice.

Moreover, he came from a noble family, was honored as a prince, and was ordered by the imperial decree to travel to and from Kuaiji County, which naturally promoted all important military and political affairs in Kuaiji.

It can not only frighten the officialdom of Kuaiji, but also appease the students of Kuaiji.

It's just that Jiang Wan is worried.

"Second brother, I'm not trying to stop you, but this matter..."

She hesitated for a moment, Zhao Xing had already taken her words: "I am going to pay them justice, even if they have overwhelming resentment and anger, they will not vent it on me.

Who is not clean in the Kuaiji officialdom must be checked to the bottom.

Even if those people have something to do with Jingzhong, they dare not do anything against me.

I am the imperial envoy Kuaiji, and I have the status of a prince. If something goes wrong in Kuaiji, none of those people will run away.

The case will become bigger and bigger, which is not what they want to see.

So there won't be any danger, you don't have to worry about it, and it hasn't been decided yet, the emperor has to think about it again.

If you really want to go, it will be settled in a few days, and there will definitely be guards from the Imperial Army at that time. "

As he spoke, he took him into his arms, patted Jiang Wan's back comfortingly, and said softly, "Zhuzhu, do you want to go to Kuaiji with me?"

Jiang Wan suddenly raised his head, his eyes sparkled brightly: "Take me there?"

Zhao Xing looked at her like that, and felt very childish: "I thought the imperial guards would mobilize the troops, so it would be better to conduct private investigations in micro-services. After the brigade departs, we will approach Kuaiji. It is useful to sit in the courtroom and listen to those people's excuses.

And this trip is safe, so I can take you with me.I think that if my father really asked me to go, he wouldn't let me go alone. The eldest brother and Zhao Yi can't be together. Most likely, this job will fall on Zhao Ran. Let's take my cousin with me.

Anyway, she was about to go back to Hedong, and now she was back from a trip to Kuaiji Office, and she almost happened to go back to Hedong.

Haven't you been thinking about this thing?Do you want to go? "

(End of this chapter)

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