Chapter 346
Kuaiji County is now two things.

Disaster relief, investigation.

Neither of these two should be delayed.

The imperial court stepped up, and all other regulations were easy to draw up, even disaster relief.

Although the snow disaster in Kuaiji is rare in a hundred years, according to the previous records in other places, there are rules to follow.

The difficulty is the person in charge.

Emperor Jinhe didn't want Zhao Xing to go, fearing that he would not be able to go to Kuaiji if he was young and experienced enough, and he couldn't find out clearly.

He knew that the king of Changping County had been wise and safe for so many years, just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so it was the most appropriate time to send him out.

It's just that Mao Mao rashly wanted to use him, and he was afraid that there would be a lot of discussions from the government and the opposition.

As for the so-called important ministers in the court, they must only assist from the sidelines, and cannot be the ones who are in charge, otherwise the Kuaiji students will definitely not recognize them.

I struggled like this for two days, and the consolation funds allocated to Kuaiji had already set off. With Jiang Yuanzhan as the commander, he ordered troops from the camp in the western suburbs, and another [-] forbidden troops accompanied the army to lead the way, all the way day and night, to Kuaiji. Go for disaster relief.

However, Jiang Yuanzhan's trip was only responsible for escorting the comfort money for disaster relief and the food raised in Shengjing, and the food allocated from various places around Kuaiji will also be sent there for emergency in the next few days.

In the army, he has no right to intervene.

Therefore, it is better to decide as soon as possible who will be in charge of the case.

"I think that although His Royal Highness King Shu is young, he is mature and prudent, and he has been trained in the Ministry of War for the past six months, so he is worthy of this position."

"My minister agrees."

It is useless for the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Officials to say such things.

The silence of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Household Affairs seems to be meaningless.

Jiang Hu stood there with a serious face, not saying a word.

It was still Zhao Yu who frowned, and took two steps towards the palace: "Father, this matter should not be delayed. The escorting army has set off for almost two days, and the court has not yet decided who will be sent to Kuaiji to preside over the case. Such a delay will be even more useless to the Kuaiji situation.

Erchen thought that Erlang was indeed worthy of the job, and it would not be impossible to select a few capable people to assist him.

There are so many people in the Ministry of Punishment, and the same is true for the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Households. Can't we choose 30 people to go to Kuaiji with Erlang?

Even if Erlang is really miserable, but he has the status of a prince, even if he is allowed to sit in Kuaiji to appease the emotions of the students, it is enough! "

As he spoke, he clasped his fists and bowed his hands again and bowed down: "I still have two candidates, and I can recommend them to my father."

Emperor Jinhe knew that he was also struggling with the Kuaiji case these days, so he asked him, "Which two candidates?"

"Zhao Ran and Yuan Daoxi from the Prince's Mansion of Changping County."

Zhao Yu straightened up while speaking: "Zhao Ran is the eldest son of the county prince's mansion, and the emperor's uncle has been ignoring outside affairs all year round, but as Zhao Ran grows older, he always has to practice, and he has the identity of the clan and royal family, and he is accompanied by Erlang. , or can help to make suggestions, even if he can't, it is his responsibility and responsibility as a clan member to accompany Erlang to sit in Kuaiji County.

As for Yuan Ziming - he is a person who has been familiar with military books since he was a child, and his military strategy may not be defeated by others, and his outstanding talent is well known to everyone.

Of course, those who run errands must be carefully selected, but those who follow Erlang to make suggestions and help make decisions are even more sloppy. "

He's really good at picking people.

The eldest son of Changping County Prince's Mansion, even if there is no Zhao Xing, Zhao Ran is enough to take people to Kuaiji alone.

Asking him to go with Zhao Xing shows that the court attaches great importance to the Kuaiji student riot case.

And Yuan Daoxi.

If he wasn't up-to-date, Jin Hedi wouldn't think highly of him either.

He was selected as Zhao Yu's accompanying student after thousands of choices. Now that he is getting older, and it is time for the court to employ people, it is indeed time to send him out to do some errands in a beautiful manner, and then return to the capital. , better assist Zhao Yu.

Jin Hedi took a deep breath, and his expression gradually calmed down.

The two ministers of the household department and the criminal department looked at each other, and they had already made a decision.

The Secretary of the Household Department stepped out, and rushed ahead of the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment to reply: "I think what His Royal Highness Su Wang said is very reasonable, which shows that the prince has far-sightedness and thought a lot about the case of the student riot in Kuaiji, which is why he has such a comprehensive approach." .

The minister seconded. "

Anyway, he said it all, and the Minister of the Ministry of Justice didn't bother to say it again.

He cupped his hands and said a second voice.

The matter was settled on the spot.

The Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Household Affairs will each remove 20 people, and they will accompany the imperial guards to investigate the case the day after tomorrow.

Zhao Xing served as the governor of Kuaiji, and transferred all important military and political affairs in Kuaiji County. He also ordered Jiang Yuanzhan and others not to rush back, but to stay under Zhao Xing's command and escort the army and imperial guards for Zhao Xing's dispatch.

He is an imperial envoy by decree, and he is also the prince and prince. Jinhe Emperor trusted him and gave him the right to specialize.

This right is given a lot, but no one in the ruling and opposition parties dares to refute it.

After the court is over, the decree can be sent out.

But Zhao Xing took Zhao Yu and went to Funing Hall to meet him.

Jin Hedi only thought that he had other things to report, or it was the first time he had received such an important errand, so he wanted to talk to him.

As a result, as soon as the two brothers entered the Xici room, Zhao Xing did not hide at all, called his father, and went straight back: "I want to take Wangfei and Miss Pei to Kuaiji together."

When Jin Hedi heard this, his subconscious reaction was to get angry.

But that temper came up in an instant, and then suppressed in an instant.

Erlang is not that kind of kid.

What's more, he even brought Dalang with him.

Even if he wanted to mess around, Da Lang wouldn't do it.

Jin Hedi's expression was dark, and he gritted his molars: "Tell me, the purpose of going to investigate the case is to bring justice to the students, and to find out the truth of the matter.

You are an imperial envoy, the governor of the Kuaiji appointed by me, and you will transfer all the important military and political affairs of the Kuaiji.

What are you doing with your wife?
Moreover, although the journey is not very far, but the case is very important, and the journey cannot be delayed day and night. The journey is tiring, and the girl may not be able to bear it, so you are willing to take the princess with you? "

The last sentence is clearly yin and yang.

Zhao Yu stopped talking.

Originally, he planned to help and smooth things over, but after hearing this, he didn't want to say it anymore.

Take a moment to vent your anger on him.

What is he drawing?

He took a half step back, covering his lips and coughing dryly.

Zhao Xing was also helpless, pursed his lips and sighed inaudibly: "I have no plan to enter the Kuaiji with the imperial guards. The brigade marched into the city in a mighty way to investigate who is clean and who is not clean in the Kuaiji officialdom , I'm afraid it's as difficult as reaching the sky.

So Erchen wanted to visit incognito and around Kuaiji County, maybe he would gain more.

Since the micro-service private visit, it is of course true to bring the female relatives.

Otherwise, a stranger who suddenly appeared near Kuaiji would be too attractive. "

(End of this chapter)

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