The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 349 I am going too

Chapter 349 I am going too
In fact, it took Pei Zhaoyuan a long time to understand the whole thing.

Xu Shangjun and the five of them were indeed in high school last year, and Xu Shangjun's ranking was not bad.

He has always been a very smart person. When he was studying in the academy, the master valued him the most.

Sure enough, in the end of the scientific examination, he did not live up to his master's trust.

However, the officials of the Hejian Mansion were corrupt and perverted the law. One year later, their rankings were crossed out, and five other people were replaced to replace their rankings. Even their names and other information were changed.

This kind of thing... This is not within the scope of the criminal department.

However, Pei Zhaoyuan has been an official in the court for so long, so it is impossible for him to be ignorant of scientific research.

Every year in the imperial examinations, including when the imperial court opened Enke, the students go to the exams. As long as they get the rankings, the papers are also sealed up. Along with their high school rankings and the list of final rankings, the files are sealed together, and then Sent to Beijing and handed over to the official department.

If they go to Beijing to rush for the exam and pass the exam three years later, it will become their last experience.

If he wins the palace examination again and is awarded the top three, then he will have to add another sum.

However, the latter will not be subject to local management, and the Ministry of Officials will be responsible.

So it seems a bit unbelievable to say that after a year, they can play tricks on this and replace their rankings.

What was even more unexpected was that Xu Shangjun and the others discovered this.

According to Xu Shangjun himself, it was their master who got the news, and then the five of them went to the magistrate's yamen to ask.

It would be fine if he could make it clear, but the prefect of Hejian hesitated, saying that he would know when he went to Beijing for the exam two years later.

If their rankings are really replaced, then they are not eligible to enter the examination room to take the exam, and it will not be too late to make trouble at that time.

This is simply outrageous, it is really unseemly!
They are not the children of wealthy families.

Didn't the ten years of studying hard in the cold window be for the day when he was named on the gold list?

What's more, the five of them are already in high school.

Suddenly being told that their rankings have been replaced by others, wouldn't it be a joke to go to Beijing to catch the exam two years later?

Where are they qualified to take any scientific examinations, let alone dream of winning the high school examinations in the palace.

Entering the imperial examination has become a delusion.

So where are the five people willing to let go?

So I didn't know how much money was spent, so I asked in every possible way.

It is also the master in their college who has some connections and connections.

It is said that he had been in the Imperial College before, but Pei Zhaoyuan did not ask in detail who it was.

He will not be responsible for this case, and now he is just asking about it to see if there are any major loopholes. If there are any, these five people are false accusations. He doesn't need to alarm the Jingzhao Mansion anymore, and he can deal with these five people today. Lost.

But if not, the case would be very intriguing if what they said was true, and it would have to be investigated carefully.

It is not too late to ask for specific details later.

Anyway, the Master was born in the Imperial College, and he stayed in Jinling for a few years when he was young. Although he is getting older now, his connections are still there.

He is most optimistic about Xu Shangjun, saying that after Xu Shangjun was in high school, he wrote to tell his old friend in Jinling, who is still working in the official department.

As for who it was, Pei Zhaoyuan still didn't ask.

Anyway, after the case is handed over to the Jingzhao Mansion, they will investigate and understand.

And it is because of this.

At that time, Xu Shangjun's wife wrote letters, pulled down his old face, sold favors, and entrusted old friends. When Xu Shangjun came to Jinling for the scientific examination, or even the palace examination for high school, he would make one or two plans and plans for him in the court, and help him plan out a bright future.

In fact, Pei Zhaoyuan was very touched when he heard this.

These days, everyone cares about fame and fortune, but fame and fortune, in the final analysis, are all for themselves.

Xu Shangjun's wife doesn't seem to be like this.

He really likes Xu Shangjun, and he really wants to plan a good future for Xu Shangjun.

This is a pity for talents. Perhaps in the eyes of others, he is also making plans for himself.

After all, he is sincerely for Xu Shangjun, and when Xu Shangjun becomes famous one day in the future, it is impossible to forget him.

But in Pei Zhaoyuan's view, this is not the case.

That master, who could have taught quietly, didn't have to get involved in these things anymore.

He is impartial and selfless, and he thinks wholeheartedly for Xu Shangjun.

Therefore, Pei Zhaoyuan couldn't help feeling that not all the world is full of selfish people, there are always such selfless people.

It is touching.

And his old friend must also know his love for Xu Shangjun, that's why something went wrong in the official department. Xu Shangjun and his names were crossed out, and after they were replaced by others, they wrote a letter at the risk of being discovered by the superior. Sent to Hejian Mansion and told Xu Shangjun's wife.

This is actually ironclad evidence.

Because the words were spoken by an official from the Ministry of Officials, he must have seen the file with his own eyes.

Indeed, the names of Xu Shangjun and others were replaced by others.

He didn't want to see his old friend disappointed, so he spoke out.

In fact, in other words, corruption, perversion of the law, and malpractice for personal gain are indispensable here.

Substituting other people's names must be done up and down, and they have received a lot of money.

As for Xu Shangjun and the other five, they became victims because they were born in poverty, powerless and powerless.

This time, the reason why there was a commotion was because of Xu Shangjun's wife.

Otherwise, when Xu Shangjun and the others came to the capital to rush for the exam two years later and found that they were not qualified to enter the exam room at all, it would be useless to make trouble.

Many things have disappeared in three years.

Now that he has disappeared, even if he files a complaint, how can he investigate?

At the end of the investigation, maybe Xu Shangjun and others will be accused of false accusation.

Sentenced to capital punishment.

Such a great young talent is just a pity.

As for these things, Pei Zhaoyuan suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

Because it must have happened before!
Absolutely impossible only this time!
What was not exposed before was because those people had no connections, no connections, let alone such a good fortune as Mr. Xu Shang.

So in the end, I can only accept my fate, waste three years, and take the exam again.

They are not born well, and they are not qualified to mess around.

If it wasn't for Xu Shangjun's wife, I'm afraid Xu Shangjun and the others wouldn't dare.

Pei Zhaoyuan's face turned livid: "If according to what you said, this case is of great importance—"

He prolonged the ending, and suddenly stood up, with his hands behind his back, and walked down the high platform: "I will accompany you to Jingzhao Mansion, and hand over the pleading paper today!"

(End of this chapter)

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