Chapter 350 Desolation
On the day we departed from Shengjing, we got up early and the sky was gray with some snowflakes.

Not big, fragmented, just wrapped in the cold wind, so cold that people's hands and feet are cold.

It's damn cold.

Rao Jiang Wan put on an extra apricot-colored bijia over the peach-colored jacket, and put on a cloak with a hood on his body. When he went out, he still felt cold after leaving the Dilong charcoal fire.

This is the first snow in Shengjing this year.

So weird.

Shengjing has the most snow, and it is like this every year, but since November this year, everyone has not been able to welcome the first snow, only the sky is filled with cold day by day, that kind of dry cold makes people unwilling to move their nests.

It's almost February now, and the first snow isn't falling.

Thinking about the snow disaster in Kuaiji, God may be really sick.

After getting out of the gate and getting into the carriage, the time for the imperial guards to leave was set by the imperial court. Zhao Yu would send them off when they left the city from Anhua Gate.

Zhao Ran and the others went from home to Anhua Gate to meet up.

When I left the city, the sky was very bright, the sunlight was thin, and the color of the golden glow could hardly be seen. It really didn't look like the morning sun, but more like the afterglow of the setting sun.

The crowd didn't know who was so blind, let alone speak, and muttered a few words in a low voice: "This kind of sky is so evil, it really makes people feel uneasy."

Someone next to him grabbed him.

Even more afraid of things, he simply stood a little far away from him.

Zhao Yu looked in the direction where the voice came from. He didn't know if he saw the person clearly, but he just took a quick glance, snorted coldly, and walked away without saying anything.

Near Kuaiji County, it's already February 23.

It took almost a month for this road from Shengjing to Kuaiji. The large group of people marched like this, and the footsteps were always slower.

During this period, Zhao Xing also thought about it and rushed to Kuaiji County first, but he gave up later.

On February 24th, Zhao Xing and Zhao Ran brought Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan with them, and Jiang Yuanzhan who came out of the city to join them. There were five people in the group, and they only brought the accompanying servants and maidservants with them. They even chose five guards. just in case.

The accompanying people refused, but Zhao Xing couldn't hold back and carried out Jin and Emperor, and they couldn't either.

Anyway, Zhao Xing is an imperial envoy, and his status is under pressure. They can only persuade him, and they cannot force him to stay.

Kuaiji is adjacent to the mountains, surrounded by many mountains, and many nearby villages are located at the foot of the mountains, and what's more, they are on the mountains.

When Zhao Xing and his party entered Xiaohezi Village, it was deserted and desolate.

Jiang Wan looked around and frowned subconsciously: "Kuiji County has always been prosperous, these places in Jiangsu and Zhejiang have never been so poor, and they have never been a land of poor mountains and rivers, and now they have come to such a land."

With a serious face, Jiang Yuanzhan echoed: "I arrived earlier, and I saw more in the city than you, and even the people in the city are already miserable, not to mention the villages in the nearby mountains.

The consolation funds from the imperial court may not be of much use to the people of Kuaiji.

It is still the food and charcoal fire supplies allocated, which are more life-saving.

But these people are in the mountains, or there is no news, or it is not easy to go down the mountain. In short, it takes a little longer to get food and charcoal in the city, and life is even more difficult. "

Under this catastrophe, if you delay for one more day, you will starve to death and freeze to death.

Pei Qingyuan couldn't bear it either: "Wouldn't the governor of Kuaiji send people to distribute the relief food and charcoal to the villages? How do the officials below do things?"

Although she is a girl in her boudoir, she also knows something.

Because there were disasters in Hedong in the early years, she, Aye, presided over the disaster relief.

At that time, Aye was away from home all day, and even A Niang was worried.

She stayed with A Niang at home, and heard some things about disaster relief from A Niang.

After the disaster passed, Aye Song came down and mentioned a little bit when he returned home.

Officials at all levels complement each other, and it's not that the county magistrate is required to take care of everything alone. Wouldn't that kill people?
The county magistrates in the counties below received relief funds and food from the state capital, and then brought them back and distributed them to each household.

Even if there are villagers like Xiaohezi Village who live on the mountain, it is not easy to go down the mountain to the city, and there will be no delay.

So when Pei Qingyuan said this and Zhao Xing and the others were all silent, she realized it.

It is the Kuaiji officialdom that has been rotten from top to bottom.

So after she let out a long sigh, she remained silent.

"Look there!"

Jiang Wan's eyes were bright, and out of the corner of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a figure not far away.

It looked like a child about ten years old, thin and small, not tall, he hid furtively behind the tree, and ran away in no time.

Jiang Wan went to see Zhao Xing, Zhao Xing raised his eyebrows slightly and called Yuan Fu.

Yuan Fu understood immediately, and led two people to catch up in a hurry.

After all, he was just a child. Even if he was the most familiar with the village, there was nothing to hide in this place. Even if he ran, he couldn't run far. After bypassing the tree, he found the child's trace at a glance.

Yuan Fu ran quickly with his people, and brought the child back to Zhao Xing and the others in a short time.

"Let go... let me go... I'm just curious to have a look, I don't want to do anything bad."

He shivered, his shoulders trembled, and he kept his head down, not daring to look up.

Jiang Wan thought that Yuan Fu and the others had frightened him just now when they were chasing him, so he stepped forward two steps, asked Yuan Fu to let him go, and said to the child in a soft voice: "We are merchants from other places. I moved to the south to settle down, passed by Kuaiji County, and knew that there was a catastrophe in Kuaiji, and passed by your village again, but I didn't see a single person.

We have driven for a long time, and the city is in a mess, and now we want to ask someone for a glass of water.

Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, we just chased after seeing someone suddenly, not to hurt you. "

Maybe it's because Jiang Wan is gentle and gentle, and her voice can catch water.

In addition, she was so beautiful, in the eyes of the child, she was like a fairy.

What's more, they are a group of people, wearing gold and silver, and brocade clothes, no matter how you look at it, you know that they are rich and powerful men and women.

The child asked her softly, "Really?"

Jiang Wan smiled and said yes: "Can you lead us to your house for a drink of water?"

The child hesitates.

Jiang Wan took a small piece of broken silver from the embroidered bag at his waist, spread it on the palm of his hand, bent slightly, and handed it to the child: "This is just a Sichuan capital for us to eat and drink at your house, and it's not worth it. I will take your family for nothing, let alone take advantage of your family, okay?"

The child's eyes were clear and sparkling. He shook his head and took a few steps back: "I can't ask for your silver, you just follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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