Chapter 351
After seeing off Pei Zhaoyuan, Xu Shangjun and the others began to feel uneasy again.

After all, they just had an unpleasant experience in Jingzhao Mansion this morning.

Now even though that Minister Pei personally sent them to Jingzhao Mansion, and Huang Shaoyin seemed to have a very good attitude when he talked to Minister Pei just now, Xu Shangjun and the others would still be afraid in their hearts.

When Huang Qingbao came back from the outside, Xu Shangjun and the others had already been taken to the court by the guards.

There is no further writing on the pleadings.

Huang Qingbao entered the door all the way from the outside, with his hands behind his back, he strode up to the high platform with great strides, and sat down on his seat.

He subconsciously touched the gavel.

I have already held it in my hand, and I planned to retake it again.

But when his eyes touched Xu Shangjun and the others, and he remembered what Pei Zhaoyuan said earlier, he put the gavel back in his hand.

Xu Shangjun and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, but Xu Shangjun had the courage to ask tentatively, "My lord?"

Huang Qingbao waved his hand and interrupted him: "Today, my officer came late and surprised you this morning. Although I was asking about the case, you are both the plaintiff and the victim, so don't be too cautious.

As for the morning—

There are many servants in the Jingzhao Mansion, and there are always some misbehaviors. When Mr. Fu Yin gets better and comes back to take charge, I will naturally tell Mr. Fu Yin about today's affairs in detail, and rectify the atmosphere of Jingzhao Mansion. I will definitely give you a lesson justice.

Don't take it to heart either. "

He is an official, aloof, and it is extremely rare to be able to speak like this.

Xu Shangjun and the others are not the kind of people who put their noses on their faces and don't know what's good or what's wrong.

So he followed Huang Qingbao's words: "Don't dare, Master Shaoyin's words are too serious, we can't afford it."

It is modest and polite.

It is indeed what a scholar should look like.

A modest gentleman, nothing more than that.

He also understands the truth very well, and is the most able to speak the truth, and will not mess around and hold on.

This is good.

It's no wonder that he was able to be named on the gold list, and his high school was on the list.

Approval flashed across Huang Qingbao's eyes, and he was obviously very satisfied with Xu Shangjun.

Now that the matter has been exposed, Huang Qingbao himself will of course not bring it up again: "I am very pleased that you can say that.

I just heard Pei Shilang say that you lost your pleading paper in the chaos this morning? "

Xu Shangjun seemed embarrassed, nodded and said yes, his voice was a little low: "I should have rewritten the pleadings and filed a complaint again, but the students were negligent. I am really too angry and anxious, so this is..."

Huang Qingbao didn't let him finish his sentence, and said, "My officer said, you don't have to be so cautious, let alone be so uncomfortable. After all, if this case is true, you are the victims and the most innocent, so don't worry about it." Like this."

After he finished speaking, he paused for a while, and then continued: "So Xu Shangjun, you first got this news from your master, who is your master's name?
And Pei Shilang said before that your master used to be an official in the Guozijian, so you have some contacts in the capital, and you still have old friends in the official department. I am afraid that this news was written to your master by a colleague of the official department.

You don't have to be afraid, since the first report, these things must be clearly explained.

Now that you dare to leapfrog the ranks and sue all the way to Jinling City, your master will definitely explain everything to you before you leave.

Who is that official official, you have to tell me, so that I can verify this matter. "

Xu Shangjun and the others looked at each other again.

Of course they have concerns in their hearts.

One was that Huang Qingbao didn't know whether he was reliable or not.

If he is unreliable and is in the same group as those people, then if they rashly say the name of that lord, not only will they not be able to sue successfully, but they will also harm that lord.

And they themselves are afraid that in the near future they will also be sentenced to death for the crime of leapfrogging false accusations.

Second, this is the core secret.

I just entered Jingzhao Mansion today, and I haven't clarified any details yet, so I asked them who the adult was as soon as I came up.

Xu Shangjun was thoughtful.

He always found things strange and strange.

Why doesn't this sound like they want to investigate the case for them, but more like killing people and destroying evidence?
When Huang Qingbao saw that they were hesitating and hesitating, they refused to speak for a long time, hesitating terribly, he understood everything in his heart.

In fact, he has seen too many such first informers.

Always afraid, always feel that officials and officials protect each other, and it is difficult for ordinary people like them to get out of the government when they come to the government.

How can it be possible to say that it is so easy to get out of the body when the people sue the government?

That's called hitting a stone with an egg.

So my worries are very heavy.

So Huang Qingbao wasn't angry either.

He just smiled helplessly, then shook his head and sighed: "If you don't trust me, I can understand and understand.

Moreover, this case is of great importance, and it is not the official's sole discretion to decide.

How about this--"

Huang Qingbao clicked on the table: "You don't trust me, you can always trust the adults of the Huo family in Jinling, right?"

Huo family?

That old master of the Huo family is not the current Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

All affairs of the official department are under his control.

And it is absolutely impossible for him to collude with these people.

As for how the people under his nose cheated and changed positions under his nose, it is still unknown to this day.

But Xu Shangjun and the others knew very well in their hearts that Huo Huaizhang would never be in cahoots with those people, just a nest of snakes and rats.

Whoever calls them is the Huo family.

It's the Jinling Huo family.

It is not necessary, nor can it be committed.

Xu Shangjun still hesitated: "Master Shaoyin, this against the rules?"

Huang Qingbao laughed: "Rules are determined by people. Besides, as long as this case is verified, the official department itself will be involved, and Huo Shangshu will also intervene. After all, he is the official secretary. He should be more furious than anyone else.

Since it was the lord of the Ministry of Officials who sent you the news, you are afraid that I am unreliable and untrustworthy, so I will send someone to take Huo Shangshu..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

Originally, I wanted to send someone to invite Huo Huaizhang to Jingzhao Mansion to speak, but after thinking about it, I thought it was inappropriate.

The whole is the same as summons.

He didn't dare either.

So he covered his lips and coughed: "I sent someone to invite Huo Shangshu to have a meal outside. You are tired and hungry after tossing all morning, right? I will pay for the money myself, and I will treat you as the one who invited you to dinner. You tell Huo Shangshu, it's okay, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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