Chapter 352 Details
But how can it be like this?
Life is made by people, and only by muddling along like this can life be a mess.

Not only Wang Erbao's family, but the whole Xiaohezi Village is probably the same.

This Xiaohezi Village is not yet under the jurisdiction of the county. In terms of geographical location, this village is directly under the jurisdiction of the state capital.

It's just that officials like the county magistrate seldom come to the village to inspect in person, let alone go to this mountain to experience the people's feelings.

But as a county guard, he should know the villages and towns under his rule.

If it is said that Xiaohezi Village has been living so hard for many years, it must be the fault of the county guard.

After Zhao Xing was silent for a long time, he called Yuan Fu: "There are a lot of rice noodles in the car, you take someone to fetch them, and distribute them to the villagers in the village.

There were charcoal quilts and the like in the car behind, and they were taken together. "

Before they came, they had inquired about the population of Xiaohezi Village, so the things they brought were enough to distribute to the people in the village, but the charcoal fire quilts were less, otherwise it would appear too deliberate, so as not to arouse suspicion.

In fact, after seeing the situation here, Zhao Xing couldn't bear it.

It's better to bring some more, every household, everyone can share, at least for a few days to live a good life.

The people in the village are simple and kind, they don't have so many thoughts, and they don't think so much.

As soon as Wang Liu heard that there were rice noodles, charcoal fire and cotton quilts, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say, and wanted to thank him, but he didn't dare to come up and drag Zhao Xing: "How can this be done? It can't be done. ..."

She repeatedly declined, but it made everyone feel uncomfortable.

Such an honest person dare not even accept such a favor.

No wonder they didn't dare to compete for the court's consolation money and disaster relief food and charcoal fire.

That should have belonged to them.

When Jiang Yuanzhan was retreating from the enemy in Nanyuan, he had seen the people displaced and displaced.

Only then did he truly feel the weight of the silver gun in his hand.

Prosper the country, protect the family and defend the people.

Those eight words were just hanging in his heart in the past, but in fact they were so light and fluffy that they couldn't be put into practice.

At that time, it was considered to be a reality, and he really understood the meaning of several generations of the Jiang family joining the army and practicing martial arts.

Seeing the scene in Xiaohezi Village now, he felt the saddest in his heart.

He once said that he went into battle in armor and fought hard to kill the enemy for the safety of his family and for the people of Daye to live and work in peace and contentment.

But now it is clearly not.

"Sister-in-law Liu, you don't need to refuse. These things are nothing to us. After passing Kuaiji County and going to other places, there is no such a big disaster. We have money on hand and can buy it at any time."

As he spoke, he stood up and strode towards Wang Liushi, and gave her a hand without asking her to thank her: "It's a life-saving thing for you, just accept it.

Sister-in-law Liu asked Erbao to go to the village and tell him that he was young and nimble, and he ran fast. At noon, he found a spacious place, made some white flour steamed buns, and steamed rice to eat. Can have a full meal. "

Jiang Yuanzhan's voice paused for a moment, and he took out a money bag from his sleeve pocket: "Here is 20 taels of silver, and you can take it too. We are away from home, and we don't bring many quilts, and the charcoal fire may not be enough for you to use for a long time. , So I turned around and took the silver and went to the city to buy some quilts.

As for charcoal fire food, you still have to go to the city to get it.

It was distributed by the imperial court for disaster relief, you deserve it, and the government can't do anything to you.

The things we give can only provide temporary relief and cannot guarantee long-term benefits. "

"No, this is not possible, I really dare not..."


Wang Liushi did not dare to touch Jiang Yuanzhan, and hastily withdrew his arm, let alone accept the 20 taels of silver in his hand.

She waved her hands again and again to say no, but Wang Erbao supported her, and called A Niang: "These gentlemen and girls are all very good people, A Niang, let's accept them, otherwise they will really freeze to death and starve to death... ..."

Children's ideas are also very simple.

Wang Liushi was about to scold him a few words, but instead he looked like a grown-up, raised his head, his eyes were full of stubbornness and strength: "Please leave a name for me, sir, you are our benefactor, you are all Well, without these things, none of the people in our Xiaohezi village would be able to survive, they wouldn't be able to survive this, and they wouldn't be able to survive this natural disaster.

But we can't accept the grace of our benefactor in vain.

When I grow up in the future, I must work hard and earn more money, even if it is not so much, I can pay back a little bit.

The benefactors are rich and affluent, and don't care about these things, but it is a life-saving grace to us.

You don't need to take it to heart, but we must keep it in our hearts and keep it in mind for a lifetime! "

He is a good boy who knows how to repay his kindness.

Even if he just talked about it, and when they left Xiaohezi Village, they would immediately forget about these things and forget about them completely, both Zhao Xing and Jiang Wan felt that Wang Erbao at least knew how to put himself Pretend to be a good boy.

Jiang Yuanzhan patted him on the shoulder twice: "Good boy, you have a backbone, you go first and notify everyone in the village, every household, you know?"

Wang Erbao replied with a cry, and ran out of the small courtyard in a hurry, and went to the village to inform other people.

Wang Liushi couldn't refuse any more, he was very restrained.

Pei Qingyuan thought for a while, stood up to pull her, and simply took Wang Liushi to sit down with her: "Sister-in-law Liu doesn't have to do this, and she made it very clear, even if it's what Er Bao said, wait In the future, when he is promising and prosperous, he will be able to return it to us if he finds another opportunity, but now he must live on, after this winter, live well."

Wang and Liu sighed again: "Yes, benefactors are all good people, all the best people."

Jiang Wan also imitated her way of waving her hands: "Sister-in-law Liu doesn't need to call her benefactor one by one, but I don't understand that Xiaohezi Village is backed by mountains, and people say that if you rely on mountains, you can eat mountains. I can farm, but how can my life be like this?
When I look at you, I don't mean that it took a day or two to live like this, and it's not all because of the snowstorm, it seems to be like this all the time? "

When Wang Liushi heard this, she sighed even more heavily: "Little lady, you don't know something..."

"I'm married."

Jiang Wan corrected with a smile.

After all, Wang Liushi came here, glanced at Zhao Xing in a hurry, and changed his words embarrassingly: "Miss, you don't know, we have no land to cultivate for a long time, and we were taken away by the land security two years ago. Well, it is said that the government issued a notice to take away the cultivated land and redistribute it, but it has been two years, and it has not been redistributed to us again!"

(End of this chapter)

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