Chapter 354 Mob
Dibao is not so courageous.

All the lands of hundreds of households were confiscated, and he didn't need so much even if he rented them out by himself.

And as long as the villagers team up to make troubles at the county government or even the state government, the dibao of Xiaohezi Village will not be able to afford to go around.

You still have to have someone behind you to dare to act like this.

No wonder Wang Erbao's Aye took the lead and led the villagers to the government office to sue the officials and made a fuss. Not only did he fail to get his land back, he was also locked up for a few days. He was so frightened that he never dared to Go to the Yamen to make trouble.

Now that they heard what Old Man Gao had said, what else did Zhao Xing and the others not understand.

The governor of Kuaiji came from the Wei family, but it was from a branch of the Wei family.

In the present generation of the Wei family, the descendants of the descendants are those who are not up to the mark, and the dukedom of Kuaiji County must be passed on. According to the law of Daye, the eldest son who wants to inherit the duke cannot hold important positions. God, it's a disaster.

Therefore, apart from the eldest son, there are only three Langjuns from the Wei family's direct lineage or even the concubine, but one is in poor health, worse than Jiang Yuanhui, and the other is too disappointing. He has learned sleeping flowers since he was 14 years old. Suliu, hugging left and right is really unbearable.

So I picked such a child from the side branch, the most promising and the most decent child.

All the way was also supported by the Wei family, so he took the position of Kuaiji County Sheriff.

Jiang Wan knew this person.

Occasionally, my aunt would mention him a few words, but they were all boastful words.

So this time when the accident happened in Kuaiji County, my aunt still couldn't believe it, and then my uncle persuaded her, saying that it might not be the person who committed the crime.

There are so many people in the Kuaiji officialdom, and the lack of security is due to the fact that the bottom people deceive the top and the bottom, steal the day and change the sun, corrupt ink and commit fraud, which has nothing to do with this person.

If it is necessary to say that there is something wrong with him, it is nothing more than insufficient supervision.

As a county guard, failing to conscientiously restrain and manage the officials under him is dereliction of duty, but it is far from dereliction of duty.

Even if the court wants to punish, it's not a big deal.

Only then did my aunt feel relieved a little.

However, it seems that things are not that simple.

"Why didn't you think of going to Beijing to file a complaint?"

Father Gao had already finished eating a white steamed bun.

Zhao Xing and the others brought a lot of noodles. They steamed two or three hundred steamed buns, and put them out one after another. The steaming heat never dissipated.

Father Gao was about to reach out to get another one. Hearing Zhao Ran's words, the hand holding the steamed bun paused: "Are you going to Beijing to sue for imperial court?"

Jiang Yuanzhan moved his hands, took a steamed bun nearby and handed it over: "Yes."

As Old Man Gao went on, he smiled and shook his head: "In the first two years, the government sent people to watch us, and they still wanted to go to Beijing to file a complaint? It would be our fate to leave Kuaiji County.

If we want to go down the mountain to sell some mountain products and exchange some money back to supplement the family, we are afraid that the officials will misunderstand us. When we want to go down the mountain, we will find a way to sue and beat us up.

The family is so poor that they can't get rid of the pot. Who dares to get sick?Who dares to toss into Half-Life?
Ladies and gentlemen, take a look at the Wang family——

The Wang family used to have a lot of land, planted it well, and could go into the mountains to hunt.

Wang Quan'er is the best hunter in our village.He can call back some very valuable ones every now and then, and he peels them off and takes them to the city. There are some special collectors for this, and the price they give is also fair.

So like the Wang family, they should have quite a lot of savings. His family used to be considered a big family in our village.

The results of it?What do you see now? "

The four walls of the house are bare, the clothes are not covered, and the food is not enough.

The most desolate and desolate is nothing more than that.

Just because Wang Quan'er was injured, the family land was gone.

Zhao Xing's face was livid: "It's a bastard!"

"Bastard? Those who kill a thousand swords should be killed by a thousand swords!"

Father Gao also followed Zhao Xing in cursing.

But after scolding, he took another big bite of the steamed bun and sighed: "But what else can I do besides scolding at home?

Two years later, the officials withdrew to the city, and we didn't have that kind of thought anymore.

Knowing that even if he goes to Beijing to sue, there will be no results, why bother with such a fuss?

Life is not good now, and every family is suffering, but at least they are still alive.

We have had enough of being under the watchful eye of officials for two years.

Even Wang Quan'er was convinced at that time.

We are poor ordinary people. As the saying goes, our arms can't twist our thighs. How can we compare with the adults in the officialdom?
Even if he was destined to leave Kuaiji County alive and arrive at Shengjing, so what? "

The villagers of Xiaohezi Village were completely disappointed and scared.

In their hearts, they felt that even if they went to Beijing to sue the imperial court, it would be useless, and the county magistrate had someone in the court.

What's more, in the eyes of the people in Kuaiji, this Master Wei was born in a noble family, and they don't care about any side branches or direct branches.

All he knew was that this was the Wei family, with the support of the Wei family. He also had a cousin who married to Jinling and became the head mother of the Privy Council.

The privy envoy's mansion is related to Pei Guogong's mansion.

Who in Kuaiji people don't know these things?

I just can't afford it.

Zhao Ran wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zhao Xing.

Zhao Xing just blocked him calmly, and then asked Father Gao: "Then you never thought about going to Wei's house to make a fuss?"

The titles of county dukes bestowed by the prefects of each county have no real power.

Moreover, this kind of title is different from the titles such as duke and marquis conferred by the imperial court.

It's all fake. To put it bluntly, the name sounds good.

Whoever occupies the advantage of the prestige of the county, the lord of that family will be the new Duke of the county. This has long been an unwritten rule of the court, and everyone tacitly agrees.

However, the Wei family was still prosperous 30 years ago.

Otherwise, the two families would marry at that time, and the aunt would not have married the uncle.

It's just that now that the family's nephew is not up to date and wants to support a subordinate superior, the Kuaiji Wei family has faint signs of decline.

However, this kind of people who take advantage of the prestige of the county are very influential in the local area.

No real power, but the right to speak.

All the prefectures and counties will give his family three points of thin noodles.

Not to mention that the governor of Kuaiji was originally from the Wei family.

If there is no way to ask for help, you can go to Wei's house to explain the whole story clearly, but it may not be that the master of the Wei family will not take action to discipline him.

That is not in charge of government affairs, let alone county affairs, it is the county sheriff who restrains and disciplines.

But I didn’t want Father Gao to shake his head and say no: “He’s a big family, where is the place where we people can easily set foot? The county guard’s surname is Wei, the same Wei as the Wei family. Are you going to get someone to arrest you?"

He smiled wryly: "Let's forget it, we don't want to cause trouble, let alone dare to cause trouble. In fact, if it wasn't for such a severe snow disaster this year, our life in Xiaohezi Village would just go on like this. It also prevents the government from labeling us as mobsters again, which is really unbearable!"

(End of this chapter)

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