Chapter 355 Chaos
It is true that life is lived no matter what.

Hundreds of people in Xiaohezi Village, if everyone really thinks this is the way to go, they have to accept their fate, Zhao Xing and the others naturally have nothing to say.

This is the choice of the villagers of Xiaohezi Village, and they can only respect it.

But this mob—

The law of Daye stipulates that once the government decides to be a mob, the land and property will be seized, the good registration will be removed, and the government will pursue him. Once arrested, he will be imprisoned for at least ten years.

After the disaster in prison is over, there is still nothing that can be done.

There was no land to farm, and all family property was confiscated, and even the household registration could not be registered.

The imperial court was extremely strict in dealing with the mob.

It can even be said that there is no room for it.

So who dares to easily assume the hat of the mob?No one can afford it!
Jiang Yuanzhan's expression changed: "Father, were you almost designated as a mob by the government before?"

Speaking of this, Father Gao seemed very annoyed, and slapped the table so hard that the pottery bowls on the table shook, and three or five of the white steamed buns on it fell off.

Old man Gao was a little embarrassed.

He did it subconsciously, and he wasn't angry at the nobles, so he picked up a few white steamed buns that had fallen with the pair of clean chopsticks in his hand, and put them back.

After he put the chopsticks in his hand back to the original place, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not aiming at the lord and the ladies, and I don't dare, it's really the lord who just asked about the mob..."

He even wiped his tears with his hand.

"Didn't Wang Quan'er take us to the government office to make trouble in the first place, trying to get our land back, but instead he was arrested and locked up, saying that he was a troublemaker, punishing the small and the big."

When he said this, he paused for a while, and continued to say: "Wang Quan'er suffered a lot in prison. Although he was only locked up for a few days, he suffered a lot. He was beaten, couldn't eat enough, and didn't even sleep. They don't tell people to sleep well, and he can sleep for more than an hour a day, which is considered polite by the guards.

He is not a fool himself, this is what they deliberately want to punish him.

Let him have some color to see, so that he can have a long memory, don't go out of the gate of the prison, and take the lead in making troubles in the government office the next day.

It's been about half a year since this happened.

Although everyone has lost their land, anyone with a man in the family, with hands and feet, can enter the mountain.

Whether hunting or picking mountain goods, they can support their families and make ends meet.

No matter how bad it was, at that time many strong young men went to ask Wang Quan'er for advice on hunting.

In fact, life can still go on. "

Since I could still live on at that time, how did I live like this later?

Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows slightly: "At that time, I was able to live on, but then why did I suddenly lose my life?"

"My lady doesn't know that there are so many people in a village, and not everyone is willing to live a good life by their own efforts.

After all, there are those idlers who refuse to do serious work.

Originally, the family had allocated land, and they could give the land to others to grow, and they would harvest a little, enough for themselves to survive. Anyway, they were the only ones in the family, with no parents to support, no wife and no children. , alone, no one needs to worry about it, eat less and use less.

As a result, there was no land, and they were the group of people who could not survive the most. "

Zhao Xing suddenly realized: "After half a year, those idlers in the village gathered together again and made trouble with the government, right?"

Old Man Gao couldn't help sighing: "Yeah, he's not up to date and has no brains, and he didn't discuss with us before doing things.

Isn't it necessary to hit a rock with an egg?
As a result, a total of five people went there, and none of them came back.

A few days later, the government issued a notice saying that they were mobs who smashed government offices, conspired against each other, and wanted to seize land and property. They were each sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Mr. Lang, of course they may not live up to expectations, and there are some inappropriate things in this matter, but is this enough to be called a mob?

They also just want to live in their own way, that's all. "

If so, it depends on how to say it.

They can be innocent or guilty.

If they really openly smashed the government office, it is indeed an accomplice to treason, but it is just a mob, which is already very merciful.

It's just that Zhao Xing remains skeptical about how credible the words "smashing the government office" are.

Seeing the crowd, Old Man Gao didn't react at all, and continued to talk about who he was: "In fact, it was because of this that the government sent someone to watch us.

Sir, if you don't say anything else, don't we dare to make trouble again?

The hat of the mob, the government will detain it for you, who dares to do so? "

He shook his head again and again: "Those few have been blind for half their lives in vain. There is no other way. It's still the same sentence. They can only accept their fate."

Accepting fate is accepting fate again.

The villagers in Xiaohezi Village probably have the same thoughts as Gao Daddy.

Feel that fate is unfair, but only feel that this is their fate.

It's already an unfair fate, they can't change any situation, so it's better to accept it calmly.

It's right to think about it this way.

It was indeed as he said, if it hadn't been for the sudden and violent snowstorm, the villagers of Xiaohezi Village would probably have lived like this for the rest of their lives.

Anyway, it's too bad to be reluctant, at least there is no risk to bear.

Jiang Wan's throat tightened, and he really didn't know what to say.

These villagers are used to this kind of life, and the thoughts are deeply ingrained in their minds, and they cannot be changed by a few words.

Jiang Wan was furious and felt sad, but in a sense, she could understand and sympathize.

So she looked sideways at Zhao Xing, Zhao Xing obviously had a bad complexion, he also pursed his lips, the corners of his lips were flattened into a line, obviously he didn't intend to speak again.

She felt a little relieved.

After all, the people Zhao Xing looked down on the most in his life were the villagers of Xiaohezi Village.

It's not about not fighting or snatching, but that what was originally theirs was snatched away, and they didn't feel that they had to snatch it back, and they had to seek justice and an explanation for themselves.

It was a real headache.

On the other hand, Zhao Ran took the words of Gao Daddy first: "Daddy, is there a situation like Xiaohezi Village in other villages and towns?"

Father Gao said: "There is only one Peach Blossom Village near our village, but the two villages have moved around in the past two years, so if Mr. Wang asks me if there are other villages and towns like ours nearby, it will be fine. I really do not know.

But Taohua Village is really not far from us. The lords have carriages and horses, and they leave Xiaohezi Village to move. They will leave now and arrive in half a day. "

Zhao Ran said twice: "Did the two villages often communicate in the past?"

Later, he dragged old man Gao to gossip for a long time, in order to prevent old man Gao from getting suspicious, he said a lot of things before he stopped, and there was nothing else to say.

(End of this chapter)

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