The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 356 Contradictions

Chapter 356 Contradictions
Taohua Village is indeed not far from Xiaohezi Village.

It's just that the mountain road is rugged and difficult to walk, so it takes extra effort.

Old Man Gao led the way for Zhao Xing and the others. When he saw the gate of the village, Old Man Gao stopped and refused to go any further.

Zhao Ran asked him in a loud voice, "Why didn't Dad leave?"

Father Gao just shook his head blindly: "There's nothing to walk around, so I won't lead Mrs. Lang and his wife into the village. The village has its own rules, and it's not easy for people from other villages to walk around.

People in Taohua Village have weird tempers, and our two villages used to have a lot of disagreements, so it would be easy for me to accompany the ladies and gentlemen to cause troubles, so it is not appropriate.

But for those who come to Fu from outside, their village is quite polite.

Go into the village by yourselves.

Don't be afraid, they are not thugs, they want to drive and beat people indiscriminately.

What's more, the lords brought so much food and charcoal, leaving some for them, they are not ignorant of good and evil. "

This is not to deal with and not to move around, it is obviously too understanding.

Zhao Xing frowned when he heard this.

Zhao Ran obviously heard something was wrong, so he wanted to ask Father Gao about it.

In the end, Jiang Yuanzhan held him down, and he understood, so he stopped.

"Then trouble daddy, we will enter the village on our own, if you are willing to wait, you can wait for us outside, and we will take you back to Xiaohezi Village in our carriage after finishing the business."

Zhao Xing thanked him, and said a few more polite words.

His tone was gentle and his expression was soft, as if he said this from the bottom of his heart, as if he was really afraid of tiring people.

But Father Gao still took Zhao Xing's words, shook his head and said he didn't dare: "We are from the mountains, we are used to walking the mountain roads, and it won't be long before we walk back by ourselves.

Mr. Lang and his ladies are also resting in Taohua Village. I have never heard that Taohua Village is so noisy when they go to the government office. It is probably better than our village. It is estimated that there are still a few good households. Mr. Lang It's fine if you and the ladies want to rest and stay overnight, so I won't bother the nobles to worry about it, so I'll go back. "

After he finished these words, besides that, of course he would like to thank Zhao Xing and his party again.

It is not an exaggeration to say that I am grateful to Dade.

Although when Zhao Xing and the others left the village, all the villagers in Xiaohezi Village had already thanked Zhao Xing and the others.

Those life-saving things that sent charcoal in the snow saved the lives of their whole village, which is a supreme merit.

At this moment, Old Man Gao turned his head and left. Seeing him walking away, Zhao Ran clicked his tongue: "I always feel like he's hiding something and doesn't dare to enter the village."

Zhao Xing hummed: "But no matter what he's hiding, once he enters the village, he'll figure it out, and there's no need to ask him or ask him to follow us into Peach Blossom Village.

Since he doesn't want to come, let him go back.

Originally, they were all poor people. "

But the poor people in the world must have something to hate.

Zhao Ran frowned.

Zhao Xing had obviously seen the change in his expression, thought for a while, didn't say anything else, and stopped him directly: "I know what you want to say, needless to say, tell the servants to pack up the leftovers Come out, let’s get ready to enter the village, it will come in handy later.”

Zhao Ran pouted embarrassingly, but after listening to him, he didn't say anything more.

Zhao Xing passed him, moved closer to Jiang Wan, took her hand, and squeezed her fingertips lightly.

Although the fingertips were a little cold, it was not bad.

After the snow disaster in Kuaiji, the weather has been very bad, and it is the coldest time at this time, and now it is even colder when there is a disaster.

When I go out, I have to wrap up three layers inside and three layers outside. Even so, I feel that it is not warm enough.

Zhao Xing specially found a few pairs of deerskin boots for Jiang Wan, the most important thing was keeping his feet warm.

He asked her in a low voice, "Is it cold?"

Jiang Wan shook his head, kicked up his toes, and showed him the toe of the buckskin boots: "Thanks to the second brother for finding these pair of buckskin boots, they are very warm, not at all Feeling cold."

Zhao Xing said that's good, seeing that Zhao Ran had finished his work, when he met Zhao Ran again, he changed his face again, solemnly, and after explaining a few more words, he pulled Jiang Wan forward, and the group of people Then I went into Peach Blossom Village.

Peach Blossom Village, as the name suggests, there are countless peach trees planted in this village.

I heard people say that when the peach blossoms are in full bloom in March and April in previous years, the peach trees in Taohua Village bloom very well, which can be regarded as a must.

So at that time, many nobles in Kuaiji County would ride in horse-drawn carriages in small groups. Even if the distance was longer and the mountain roads were rugged, they were willing to come to Taohua Village to have a look.

When the peach blossoms are newly blooming, the villagers in the village will pick a lot, dry them and store them in the sun. When the peach blossoms are about to fail, they will take them out, make cakes or flower cakes, and sell them in the city.

Relying on this can actually earn a lot of money every year.

Each family even concentrates on tending these peach trees every year, and can earn a lot of money in three or four months. In the second half of the year, they can go to farm or do other things, which is enough for the family's annual expenses. Can also be a little rich.

Therefore, the life of the villagers in Taohua Village is indeed much better than that in Xiaohezi Village.

Zhao Xing and the others entered the village and saw the villagers within a short distance.

In twos and threes, sitting around under the ancient locust tree with withered leaves on the street.

They were all wrapped in thick cotton coats, apparently not unable to live because of the snowstorm.

Someone kicked the people around him with their toes, and the three men looked sideways and saw Zhao Xing and his party.

A man with a long face looked about in his early thirties, threw away the food in his hand, stood up, and walked towards this side quickly.

Jiang Yuanzhan and Zhao Xing subconsciously stood forward, and Zhao Xing quietly protected Jiang Wan behind him, and Zhao Ran also protected Pei Qingyuan in the same way.

Until the man came forward and stood still: "Where did you guys come from? How did you come to our mountain?"

Zhao Ran thought for a while, looked at Zhao Xing and Jiang Yuanzhan, and took the initiative to answer the villager's words first.

Naturally, it was that kind of rhetoric again, the same as when he was in Xiaohe Village.

The man on the opposite side made two oohs after listening, with a calm expression: "Then I am afraid that you are not familiar with this place, and you have taken the wrong road. You should not go up the mountain when you come out of the city. The mountain road is rough and difficult to walk. I see you They are all delicate and expensive, with thin skin and tender flesh, so the bumpy road must be uncomfortable, right?"

Zhao Ran smiled and said yes, but seeing that the man didn't mean to be polite, he took out the money: "We just entered the village, and we don't know where we can rest our feet.

This mountain road is indeed not for people to walk, so I have to trouble this big brother, can you show us a way?

Is there any inn in the village, so we can go to take a bath and change clothes, and have a relaxing meal. "

(End of this chapter)

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