The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 357 Manufacturing

Chapter 357 Manufacturing

The long-faced man is called Huang Debin, and he is indeed 33 years old. He has lived in this peach blossom village for generations.

There is a mother in his family who is over 60 years old. She married a daughter-in-law in the early years. When she gave birth to a child, she died of dystocia. She left a girl, and later married another, adding two boys and one girl.

There are a few members of the family. Although the girl left by the original wife has lost her mother, the stepmother treats her as if she is her own. It is very good, so the family is happy.

The Huang family has no farmland, and they don't need to cultivate it.

Huang Debin has rarely gone hunting in the mountains these few years, relying on a hundred or so peach trees under his control every year. His wife is good at needlework, and his eldest daughter learned from her before she got married. Not bad.

Relying on the sales of those peach blossom diseases in March and April, and even until May and June, plus the silver earned from doing needlework and selling them in the city below the mountain, it is enough for the family to have enough food and clothing.

It's just that Zhao Ran was too generous. Huang Debin was not short of money, and he was not a person who couldn't live with money, so he accepted Zhao Ran's money and took him directly to his home.

The Huang family does have some skills.

The small courtyard with front and rear entrances was built in my own home, and it is very spacious.

After entering the door, Huang Debin and Luo Shi packed up their things, made tea and brought cakes, they were extremely attentive.

The things in the house should indeed be cleaner. It can be seen that he is very careful and delicate in these things on weekdays.

Luo Shi put the cake, but seeing the materials on Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan's body, she herself was also a needleworker, so she could tell at a glance that it was worth a lot.

Put the things back to the side, rubbed his hands, and said embarrassingly: "The flower cakes are made of peach blossoms that have been dried and sealed at home. They are cleaner than the ones outside, and they taste good, but now I look at them. The appearance is not good, the ladies usually eat exquisite cakes, I am afraid they will not like the ones we make.

However, due to the snow disaster this year, every family is very sad. It is not easy to have these things. Our family is still good, and there are some families who cannot eat.

Ladies, let's take this as a cushion.

The mountain road is rough and difficult to walk, and the ladies are so precious, so if they come all the way by car, they may also be hungry. "

Jiang Wan took a sip of tea first.

The tea is really not a good tea, it can't be compared with the ones she usually eats.

It's just a little more flavorful than clear water.

However, in such a place, it is not easy to keep some tea at home.

Jiang Wan wasn't picky either. After putting down the teacup, he went to get a piece of peach blossom cake.

The cake was indeed not exquisite, but she tasted it and it tasted really good.

Even when she was in Shengjing, the cakes she ate could satisfy her appetite as soon as she ate them, and there were only so many delicious ones.

The peach blossom cake that Luo Shi made by herself tasted just right to her liking.

Jiang Wan frowned and smiled: "Sister-in-law Luo's cake is really delicious, and it looks very delicate to me. There's no such thing as a bad appearance. Sister-in-law Luo is really too modest."

Luo Shi saw that she really didn't dislike her, so he was a little relieved.

Several people sat around the table on three sides, and there was no side to sit on.

Zhao Ran called the husband and wife: "Don't be too busy, we just use your place to rest, drink and eat, such busy work makes us feel embarrassed, please sit down and have a rest."

Huang Debin and his wife did not refuse too much.

After Zhao Ran gave way once, and Jiang Yuanzhan gave way again, the couple sat opposite each other.

Luo Shi was more or less cautious, with both hands hanging under the table, rubbing them together, not knowing what to say.

Huang Debin was fine, he poured himself a cup of tea, and poured a cup for Luo Shi as well.

Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan saw it in their eyes, and both felt that Huang Debin looked like a big and three rough person, but in fact he was very kind to Luo Shi, knowing how to be considerate and distressed, even in front of outsiders, it was the same.

This is a habit engraved in his bones, and he didn't do it deliberately for a while.

The smile in Jiang Wan's eyes grew stronger.

After Jiang Yuanzhan put down his teacup, he called Huang Debin: "I came from the front and passed by a village. I couldn't survive there. We brought a lot of food and drink with us when we went out, as well as charcoal quilts. Leave them a lot.

That village is really bad, and we don't think it's good to stay there overnight, even if we go to drink water or eat something in someone's house, we really can't open our mouths.

So left something behind and left in a hurry.

I thought I didn't know how long it would take to meet another village and town, but I didn't expect to meet your village after walking for a long time. "

When he said this, he made a noise, as if he was very puzzled, and immediately asked: "These two villages are so close to each other, why can't their village seem to be able to survive, but I see you guys seem to be doing well?

Everyone was hit by a snowstorm, so it doesn't mean that the disaster is more serious on their side, but the disaster on your side is not as serious, right? "

Who knew that Jiang Yuanzhan had just finished asking this question, and Huang Debin's face suddenly changed.

Zhao Xing and the others looked at each other, and Pei Qingyuan became nervous for no reason.

Jiang Wan frowned, but didn't speak.

Anyway, with Zhao Xing and the others around, there was no need for her to ask questions.

Sure enough, she thought so, and Zhao Xing asked in a deep voice: "Is there any problem?"

Huang Debin snorted coldly: "The nobles are talking about the Xiaohezi village in the west, right?"

Zhao Xing nodded and said yes: "It's Xiaohezi Village, that's right. When we left things behind, the people in the village were very grateful, so many came up to send us off.

We felt uncomfortable again. They said that the hundred households in Xiaohezi village were very grateful to us and so on.

Far away, I couldn't hear it clearly, but it vaguely sounded that it was indeed the name. "

Huang Debin's complexion was even worse: "Their village can't survive, so they can't blame others, let alone the snowstorm this time, even if there is no natural disaster, their village will not be better!

How much grace has been given by the imperial court and the government, but I don’t know how to be blessed when I am in the blessing, so I have to make a fuss, rush to die, and end up ruining my good life. Cry all day long.

But you say, what is the use of this? "

When he said this, he shook his head: "There is really nothing to say. I felt very unlucky when I kicked it! Back then, we almost got involved in our Taohua Village! It's just that I was full and had nothing to do. Make trouble and provoke yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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