Chapter 358
Before leaving the palace, Mrs. Zheng had to pay homage to Empress Dowager Zhang again.

Empress Dowager Zhang met her in Hanzhang Hall.

Today's Mrs. Zheng is dressed in a simple and elegant outfit, and her usual elaborate attire is gone.

She looked very different from before.

But it reminded Queen Mother Zhang of the time when Mrs. Zheng came to Jinling City.

At that time, Mrs. Zheng had just married, and she was still at home, and she hadn't gotten used to the life in the palace.

In fact, she is not used to or adapted to those magnificent and luxurious things, every thing and every thing.

Zheng is still the same as before.

Originally, Zheng Shi also looked soft.

So in fact, the Zheng family at that time was still very pleasing.

The Empress Dowager Zhang also liked her.

Although Jinyu was not like this before.

Jinyu was still young, and during those years she was raised in the capital, because she was a child who was pampered and raised, she was naturally the kind of child who liked wealth the most.

Everything on him is precious.

She also really likes those gold, silver and jade objects.

Simple and elegant, which is rarely seen in her body.

She only dressed more elegantly when she went to the temple to worship occasionally.

But elegant dress, but also very pretty.

When Queen Mother Zhang first saw Mrs. Zheng, she remembered Huo Jinyu at that time.

However, it is not enough to confuse the two people.

It's just that I have a preference for Zheng Shi from the bottom of my heart.

Seeing Mrs. Zheng again today, and thinking about those things in the past, Empress Dowager Zhang's eyes became softer.

Of course, Mrs. Zheng failed to see the look in Empress Dowager Zhang's eyes.

After all, she has always been respectful, and since the Anqing Palace incident happened last time, she has been even more in awe of Queen Mother Zhang.

Therefore, for Queen Mother Zhang, Zheng has never been able to treat her as a real elder.

The Empress Dowager Zhang is more like a god who is aloof and worthy of awe and admiration.

And in fact it is.

As for talking about being a mother-in-law of her own parents, Mrs. Zheng really didn't dare to think that way, and she never thought about it that way.

Mrs. Zheng pursed her lips slightly. The Empress Dowager Tongzhang had already invited An to see her. When she stood up, her brows and eyes were still lowered: "Empress Dowager, my concubine...the minister is leaving the palace."

She said it smoothly in front of Queen Mother Zhang, and she was used to it.

The words that came out of his mouth made people's hearts sink.

The Empress Dowager Zhang also sighed inaudibly: "You, it is true that I have delayed you, and you have been delayed for two years."

Mrs. Zheng quickly shook her head and said no, let alone dared not: "The Empress Dowager appreciated the courtiers back then, that was the blessing of the courtiers, and also the blessing of the entire Zheng family in Xingyang. There is no delay.

In fact, at this point, the courtier must also be responsible.

If the courtier's daughter could be better, even better, then His Royal Highness King Ying might fall in love with the courtier's daughter, and naturally she would not be able to make it to where she is today.

The courtier has studied etiquette since she was a child, if she can persuade His Royal Highness King Ying, there are many things that the courtier can contribute to, maybe it may not be able to change the final outcome, but it is the courtier who has done her best. "

She flattened the corners of her lips again, bit her lower lip slightly, and when she took a deep breath, her eyelids lowered down: "It's already the way it is now, my daughter is grateful to you and His Royal Highness King Ying .

That day, the courtier was confused for a moment and did something wrong. She almost did something wrong to Princess Mingyi, and almost used the princess to fulfill her own selfishness.

It's because you don't care about your courtier's daughter and are willing to hold your hands high, that's why you don't say so much to your courtier's daughter.

Now he is willing to let the courtier's daughter reconcile with His Royal Highness King Ying, and ask the courtier's daughter to return to her original place.

This is His Highness's kindness and your fulfillment. "

Mrs. Zheng finally raised her head, and her gaze was on the Empress Dowager of the previous chapter: "I wish you peace and health, success and worry-free."

After hearing this, the Empress Dowager Zhang couldn't help being moved: "Mr. Zheng, come here."

She sat on the Luohan bed and waved to Mrs. Zheng.

Mrs. Zheng just hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward.

The hem of the skirt was held in the palm of her hand.

When she went forward, she didn't dare to sit down side by side with the Empress Dowager Zhang, but lowered a little, squatting on the footrest.

The Empress Dowager Zhang still pulled her up: "It's really unnecessary to be like this, get up and sit down, I'm going to leave in a while, sit down and talk, this time, I may not be able to see her face.

You just say what you have, and you are not guilty of whatever you say today, so you don't have to be restrained. "

Zheng Shi said yes, but in fact he didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

She followed the Empress Dowager Zhang's wishes and sat down on the other side of the Arhat's bed.

After sitting down, Mrs. Zheng pursed her lips and looked over again: "Actually, in the past two years, I haven't been able to be filial in front of you, nor have I been able to say a few words properly.

Now that I am leaving, the courtier has done some embroidery work and handed it over to the inner mansion. After the inner mansion checks it according to the regulations, it will be sent over.

Naturally, the craftsmanship is not as good as that of the embroiderers in the palace, but I just hope that the Queen Mother will not dislike you. "

"Your craftsmanship is also fortunate to have seen, so there is no need to say this."

The Empress Dowager Zhang handed over a hand and rubbed it on the top of Zheng's head: "Gu also heard before that you are an excellent female worker, why do you have to be so self-effacing like Gu?
If you really can't show what you make, you don't dare to offer it up.

You are indeed a good boy, but Azhao himself does not have such a blessing.

Otherwise, even at this point today, if he changes his title to King Ying and wants to move to Yingzhou, you will still be by his side.

You have a good temperament and can tolerate him. If you can get along well, you will be fine in the future.

Even when he doesn't think about those things anymore, you young couple can at least have a good life. "

The Empress Dowager Zhang said while shaking her head and sighing: "I don't think it's anything, what kind of relationship you have cultivated in the past two years, after more time in the future, it will gradually get better.

Gu really didn't expect that Ah Zhao would find Gu, and he dared Gu to speak, begging Gu to let you go free, let you make peace with him, and let you go back to Xingyang.

And I begged Gu to protect you more in the future.

Because of what happened to Mrs. Chen earlier, he was probably afraid that the Zheng family would treat you like this, so he wanted to ask Gu Ken to protect you and lift you up, even if the Zheng family felt that you were the same as Ah Zhao and Li didn't dare to belittle you or look down on you.

Gu raised Ah Zhao single-handedly, and no one knows Ah Zhao's temperament better than Gu.

In fact, he still has his heart on you, otherwise he would not think about these things for you, and even came to ask Gu how to treat you well.

Gu is telling you this now, not to make you feel any burden, but just to let you know that there is nothing wrong with you, and it's not that Azhao doesn't have you in his heart, it's just that you don't have that fate. "

(End of this chapter)

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