The girl is not good in this life

Chapter 360 Wei Zhichao

Chapter 360 Wei Zhichao

Wei Zhichao, the prefect of Kuaiji, is only 35 or six years old. He is well maintained and in good spirits.

He was born in a literati, and he has been studying since he was a child. He has never practiced martial arts, even those fancy fists and embroidered legs.

He is well-mannered, and he looks like a very kind-hearted gentleman.

It would not be long before Zhao Xing and the others returned to the city from Taohua Village.

But they actually wandered outside for two days before returning to the city.

Zhao Xing was an imperial envoy, and both Zhao Ran and Jiang Yuanzhan were of high status, and they indeed came to Kuaiji with their duties.

So when the guard of honor of the imperial envoy was really set up, Wei Zhichao hurried to the exclusive residence of the imperial envoy.

Only him.

When Yuan Fu tucked his hands into the door to answer, several people were still studying the conclusions from the nearby visits.

Seeing Yuan Fu enter the door, Zhao Xing asked him in a deep voice: "What's wrong?"

Yuan Fu pouted: "Master Wei is here."

Zhao Xing frowned: "Is he alone?"

Yuan Fu said again: "Master Wei said that because the master has been here for a few days, the imperial guard of honor was not really displayed, and during the process, he specifically explained that officials from all over Kuaiji County were not allowed to greet him, and only asked General Jiang to pick him up, so he I didn't dare to come to see you rashly.

Seeing the imperial envoy's ceremonial guards set up today, he guessed that the master was willing to see them, but the master didn't summon them, so he was not sure, and dared not bring a group of officials to the imperial envoy's mansion to meet them, so he came alone, first with Master, please greet me, meet and greet, and the rest of the matter will be arranged by the master. "

Wei Zhichao's intentions are well known to everyone.

Zhao Ran has already taken the words with a sneer: "We all know that the Wei family in Kuaiji is married to the Gu family, that is, they are married to the Duke of Peiguo and our county prince's mansion.

The imperial envoy to Kuaiji was managed by the second cousin, the governor of Kuaiji, and I assisted from the side. It was Yuan Zhan who escorted the consolation money and disaster relief food and charcoal earlier.

He came alone, of course it would be much more convenient to talk. "

Jiang Yuanzhan's expression was also gloomy.

Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

Waiting for Zhao Xing to make up his mind.

In fact, you can not see it.

Because there is no such rule in itself.

When the imperial envoy summoned him, Wei Zhichao only needed to clean up the government office, called the officials to gather in the government office, Zhao Xing went to the hall, announced the decree, and took over all important military and government affairs in Kuaiji. There is always a chance to meet him.

Even if the imperial envoy's guard of honor is set aside, there is no need for him to make a special trip to pay homage alone.

The corners of Jiang Wan's lips twitched before he was about to speak, but Zhao Xing had already waved his hand to call Yuan Fu: "Go and lead him in to see you."

Yuan Fu responded with a cry, still facing his hand, turned and walked out.

Jiang Wan was puzzled: "It's okay if you don't see him."

"Just take it as a face for my aunt."

Jiang Wan felt that it was unnecessary.

If something really happened to Wei Zhichao, if his aunt knew about it, he would be the first to ask him to die.

Humiliate the lintel of the Wei family and tarnish the wise ancestors of the Wei family.

My aunt can't tolerate such things the most.

The Wei family in Kuaiji has been passed down for hundreds of years, and how many generations of people have worked hard to create a good reputation and reputation. How can it be destroyed overnight by people like Wei Zhichao?

What kind of decency and sympathy should be given to him?

Pei Qingyuan patted the back of her hand lightly when she saw that her face was uneven.

But the words of persuasion hadn't come out yet, Jiang Wan had already taken a deep breath, and calmed down: "Second brother has the final say, anyway, there are still big cousin and second brother, so it's up to you to make up your mind.

I just said it casually just now, feeling angry, not trying to interfere. "

Zhao Xing said he knew: "The two of you don't want to see him anymore, you want to know about things outside, let's talk about it in private.

After wandering around in the mountains for two days, the two of you are very tired thinking about it, go to rest for a while, or take a nap, and have a good rest. "

Jiang Wan said yes, and pulled Pei Qingyuan to stand up.

She seemed to have something to say, but she held back when it came to her lips.

Pei Qingyuan looked sideways at her, heaved a sigh of relief, and walked out the door arm in arm with her.

The Moon Cave Gate at the end of Chaoshou Corridor is connected to a path paved with blue-gray stone bricks.

The path twists and turns, leading to the inner courtyard of the back house.

People in the front yard don't go this way, and it's even less likely for outside guests to go this way.

This is the rule in Gaomen.

Jiang Wan and Pei Qingyuan walked shoulder to shoulder in front, followed by the waiters far behind, not too close.

After walking about a shot away, Pei Qingyuan asked her: "When you were in the room just now, what else did you want to ask His Royal Highness the King of Shu?"

Jiang Wan shook his head and said no: "Originally, I wanted to tell him a few words, even if Wei Zhichao really has something, he is an imperial envoy, so he can check it out slowly, and he holds the imperial decree to do things cheaply, so he can be killed first and then acted upon.

It's just that the Wei family is behind Wei Zhichao. Although the Wei family will definitely not keep Wei Zhichao, I thought about it later. Wei Zhichao was saved by the Wei family. If he really participated in it, how much does the Wei family know?How much did you cover up for him?
None of this is known yet.

I want to persuade my second elder brother to restrain himself a little bit, and don't get too angry, and the trouble will get out of hand. "

When she said this, she took another breath and looked up at the blue sky.

Like washed.

Jiang Wan smiled suddenly: "But who is Second Brother, there's no need for me to remind him.

He sees things more thoroughly than I do, and I am able to make some progress now. Considering these things, he taught me personally.

I am a student, he is the teacher, and I have to tell the teacher in turn. "

Her smile became more intense, and her eyes opened wide: "So I took back the words that came to my lips, and didn't say any more. Second brother is the most measured person, so I don't need to say it.

The eldest cousin and second brother were still sitting in the front hall.

Even if I'm not an outsider, if I preach to my second brother like this outside, he won't be able to save face.

Cousin said, right? "

Seeing her smiling so sincerely, Pei Qingyuan finally felt completely relieved.

She also imitated Jiang Wan's smile, with crooked eyebrows and brightest eyes: "I was also afraid that you would worry, the more worried you are, the easier it is for you to lose your sense of proportion.

Although I know that His Highness the King of Shu will not care about you, and you can say whatever you like, but His Highness the King of Shu is not the only one going out this time.

There are so many court officials following, you point fingers and talk too much, once it gets out and reaches the ears of those courtiers, it will cause another disturbance.

When he returned to Shengjing, he still had to submit a paper to impeach him.

You are fine, His Royal Highness the King of Shu, even Uncle, will be impeached.

So I'm afraid of what you say.

If you really have something to say, wait until you say it behind closed doors in private, you can say whatever you want, and no one will care about it, and it won’t spread to the outside world. "

Jiang Wan hugged her arm and said he knew: "Cousin, don't worry, I know, I won't cause trouble for my second brother, and I won't cause trouble for the family either!"

(End of this chapter)

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