Chapter 361 Ridiculous
When Wei Zhichao entered, Zhao Xing and the others didn't speak.

The atmosphere was actually awkward.

Because no one gave him half a smile.

When they were not talking, a few people were sitting there rigidly, looking completely businesslike.

Wei Zhichao swallowed subconsciously.

It wasn't until he went to the house again, stood still in the hall, met Zhao Xing and Zhao Ran, and came out after bowing hands with Jiang Yuanzhan, that the stiffness on Zhao Xing's face relaxed.

Zhao Xing waved his hand and told him to sit down: "Master Wei, please sit down and talk, it's hard work for you to rush here at this time."

Wei Zhichao did sit down, but he only sat down a little, and he really didn't dare to fill up the official hat chair.

He heard Zhao Xing exchanged greetings with him, and hurriedly replied respectfully: "The prince has been here for a few days, but he has not been summoned, and the officials have been waiting.

Seeing the imperial envoy's guard of honor set up today, I thought that according to the rules, the subordinate officials should also lead the Kuaiji subordinate officials to the imperial envoy's mansion to meet. "

Zhao Xing said loudly: "The king first came to Kuaiji, and he was not acclimatized for a while. He was ill for a few days. The imperial doctor diagnosed the pulse and prescribed a prescription. After recuperating for these days, he got better yesterday. He woke up this morning and felt very good, so he ordered to go down. Unfold the guard of honor.

This is also to let Master Wei know that the king is now well and healthy, and you adults should also start preparing to come to pay homage and answer.

Seeing the imperial envoy, we should clean up, Mr. Wei said, right? "

His last note was raised upwards, but never hit the ground hard.

But Wei Zhichao seemed to understand.

He rubbed his hands together, looking restless.

Out of the corner of Zhao Ran's eyes, he could see his little movements, and he sneered coldly.

"Yes, my lord said so."

But a thin layer of cold sweat was clearly breaking out from his temples.

Later, it was Jiang Yuanzhan who spoke first and eased a few words: "Master Wei."

He called out, and Wei Zhichao just turned to look at him.

Coincidentally, when their eyes met, Jiang Yuanzhan was smiling.

But the smile was shallow, not reaching the eyes.

It was only at the moment when he met Wei Zhichao's gaze that Jiang Yuanzhan deliberately made that smile a little harder.

Naturally, Wei Zhichao couldn't see the clue: "General Jiang?"

"Before I left, my aunt told me in private that when I arrived in Kuaiji, I would say hello to Mrs. Wei and ask if everything in the Wei clan is all right.

A few days ago, I escorted the consolation money and disaster relief food and charcoal to Kuaiji. The people in the government office said that Mr. Wei went to various counties for disaster relief, but he was not in the city, so he has not been able to see him.

I have been in Kuaiji for several days, but today I actually met Master Wei.

Although it was in front of His Highness the Prince of Shu, the prince is not such an unreasonable person, so I asked.

In case Master Wei has to go to the counties and towns for disaster relief in two days, he will do everything by himself, and then he won't be able to see anyone again. "

Wei Zhichao's expression froze.

He didn't think that Jiang Yuanzhan was really greeting him, but also greeting him for Wei Shi.

He is a child from a side branch, so it would not be too much to say that he has nothing to do with the Gu Wei family.

I want to say hello, the brothers of his own mother and compatriots in the Wei clan are now in the Wei family mansion, and it's not his turn.

What's more, Jiang Yuanzhan can be regarded as an imperial envoy, so he shouldn't be ignorant of rules and etiquette.

Zhao Xing is an imperial envoy, and he is an imperial envoy. It is one thing to have affection in private, but another thing to have a decent status in official circles.

There is no distinction between public and private, and it is not proper to confuse them with each other.

Jiang Yuanzhan would never act like this.

For a person like him, in his teens, taking the head of an enemy general among the three armies is like picking something out of a bag, bravely rushing into the king's tent in Nanyuan to capture Yuwen Shichang alive.

The art of war and strategy, I am afraid that no one in the world can match it.

In another 20 years, won't all the soldiers and horses of Daye be under his control?
This kind of person, Wei Zhichao does not believe that he is a reckless man.

Those who are courageous and resourceful are the descendants of the Jiang family.

So Jiang Yuanzhan would say these things in front of Zhao Xing, it must have been discussed earlier, and it was also approved by Zhao Xing.

Wei Zhichao lowered his eyes, lowered his eyelids slightly, and covered up all the emotions in his eyes: "Everything is fine at home, please trouble my sister to remember."

He refused to say a word about anything else.

It seems the most measured.

Not only did he answer Jiang Yuanzhan's words, but he didn't have a relationship with Sheng Jing, and he didn't rely on that relationship at this moment to point fingers and speak rudely in front of Jiang Yuanzhan.

Zhao Xing slightly raised his eyebrows: "There was a catastrophe in Kuaiji, and the students who were studying rioted so much that they smashed and robbed the court, but Mr. Wei said that the parents are all well?"

"This this……"

Wei Zhichao thought over and over again, all his thoughts were focused on how to deal with Jiang Yuanzhan's words, and he didn't put much precautions for a moment, so he just blurted out.

Everything is fine is just a simple word.

A polite word is usually answered like this.

Something went wrong today.

It could only be that Zhao Xing was deliberately finding out his fault.

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Wei Zhichao's depressed eyes, but when he raised his head again and looked at Zhao Xingzhi again, it was back to normal: "Just now the general asked about it, but I didn't notice it for a while, and made such a wild statement, please forgive me, my lord." crime."

Zhao Xing laughed.

The voice was not high, it was more like a faint cold snort squeezed out of the nose, and a bit of ridicule and sarcasm could be vaguely heard.

Wei Zhichao's heart sank even more.

He knew that Zhao Xing didn't take him seriously at all, sitting here at the moment, he was really on pins and needles, and even forgot why he came here today.

President Zhao sighed: "Master Wei was born in the Wei family in Kuaiji, and belongs to the same clan as the concubine's aunt. In a sense, Mr. Wei can be regarded as the elder of this king."

It's not that Wei Zhichao thinks that he has lived too long, so he dares to act as Zhao Xing's elder.

So after hearing this, he waved his hands again and again, and almost knelt down with a plop and said he didn't dare.

Before all his actions were taken, Zhao Xing stopped him first: "So General Jiang asked a few words on behalf of his aunt, because she is far away in Shengjing, so it is easy to get news from the clan.

Now that there is a disaster in Kuaiji, she is worried about such a big disaster, and it is reasonable to ask a few more questions.

All these words are safe and sound, which is not wrong.

It's just that Mr. Wei is the governor of Kuaiji County, and he can be regarded as a great official of the imperial court. It's fine to talk in front of the king. If you go out of this door and talk about it outside, so that the people can hear it, Mr. Wei may not be able to handle it. "

It's like a reminder, more like a reminder.

Wei Zhichao even had a layer of sweat dripping down his back, and he even felt that the official uniform was sticking to his body, wrapping him up all over, making him uncomfortable and extremely uncomfortable.

He is ridiculous.

Before coming here, I would like to take advantage of Gu Wei's affection to say a few words.

After entering the door, he was fooled by these children's babbling, and if he wanted to speak again, he had already missed the opportunity.

To be beaten and teased like this.

Why not the most ridiculous person!

(End of this chapter)

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