I'm just an actor

Chapter 101 Talent

Chapter 101 Talent
Xu Rong sent Teacher Li Zhiyu home and didn't sit down much.

He was going to come back and bring some presents after he finished learning from Tong Zirong. Without Li Zhiyu's recommendation, he might not even be able to find the door of Tong Zirong's house.

As for Song Jia, the two owe each other a favor, and he owes more. Although the plot of "Latent" is compact, Song Jia also likes the role of Wang Cuiping, but it is a small production after all, so it may not be able to attract some Actors with excellent skills will play the role, but under the hood of the spy war, as long as he and Song Jia don't have any major problems, the ratings should still be guaranteed.

A typical spy war drama of a drama protector.

After calling Li Zhiyu's house and going downstairs, Xu Rong immediately dialed Li Youbin's phone number. When he broke Tong Zirong with money earlier, he was very happy, but he estimated that his money might not be enough. The previous savings had already been transferred. I gave it to Senior Brother Huang Xiaoming.

Raise Bin for a thousand days, use Bin for a while.

"Head, transfer 100 million to me."

"Success, I'll ask your sister-in-law to transfer it to you."

Li Youbin didn't ask him what he was borrowing money for, he seemed to be very busy, so he just answered and hung up the phone.

Within half an hour, Xu Rong received a text message from the bank, and the money had arrived.

Before he came, his psychological expectation was actually [-]. In the dubbing industry, this price was considered high, but Tong Zirong's hesitation forced him to raise the price.

After scanning the text message that the money had arrived, he casually put his phone in his pocket. There was still more than a month before the Chinese New Year, and he needed a studio with equipment.

Before coming here, apart from some daily necessities, he also brought a computer, copied some video materials, scripts, and purely theoretical things, which he himself could read from books, and those were not what he needed.

The good thing is that the company's branch in Shanghai can provide these needs.

In addition, Tong Zirong is getting older, and the conditions should be as comfortable as possible, such as car pick-up and delivery every day, and fruit and snacks are prepared. These don't cost a lot of money, but they are very important to his feelings.

Xu Rongde tried every means to make Tong Zirong feel happy, and his body would not be overworked, otherwise he might not be able to get the real thing out.

He doesn't have a clear plan for how long it will take to learn. Before coming here, he has watched some film and television materials dubbed by Tong Zirong, especially the works in recent years, and the expressiveness is simply explosive.

It is undeniable that the other party has a natural good voice, such as his elegant timbre, such as his vocal cords can vibrate about seven times a second, which is a perfect frequency for any industry that relies on sound for food .

Xu Rong doesn't force these innate things, and he can't force them. The goal he wants to learn is very clear, but Tong Zirong's voice can convey various emotions very clearly.

It's so awesome.

You don't need to think about it, but behind this kind of excess, the other party must have summed up a set of effective expression skills, and these are what he needs to learn.


After listening to Xu Rong's request conveyed by Jin Fangfang, Guo Si was stunned: "What did you say? He learned dubbing from others? Who is Tong Zirong?"

A studio and corresponding services are not a big deal, she just asks someone to say hello to the branch in Shanghai, but she really can't understand Xu Rong's behavior. She is very clear about Rong's evaluation.

Powerful actor.

She knew that Xu Rong would definitely not change careers. Xu Rong should know better than her what the voice actors are like.

Jin Fangfang flipped through the information in his hand, and said: "A retired old voice actor, who used to be called the 'Prince of Dubbing', but due to some reasons, he hasn't been the main voice actor in recent years."

Guo Si looked at Jin Fangfang rather puzzled, and said, "What do you think he is doing?"

Jin Fangfang smiled and shook her head, expressing that she was not clear.

Of course she knew what Xu Rong was going to do, but she had no intention of explaining it to Guo Si. Guo Si had unknowingly become another Chang Jihong. She was very satisfied with the current state, and wholeheartedly consolidated Due to her status, she is limited by her vision, and she probably feels that she is already at the top of the peak, and she has completely lost the motivation to climb up.

In fact, in Jin Fangfang's view, Xu Rong is also limited in vision, and the structure is not big enough, but he has something that she admires in him. For what he is good at, he has the firmness that others cannot shake. This is the cornerstone of success. If he doesn't understand, he can listen to other people's opinions.

Self-knowledge is simple to say, but in essence it is rarer than diamonds, because among tens of millions of people, there may not be a few who can accurately position themselves, either with low self-esteem or pride, like Liu Ye, who was very popular in the company in the past, always I felt that I was very popular, but it wasn't until the producer of the film we talked about was rejected that I suddenly realized that I was not popular anymore.

The next day, Xu Rong woke up early. He had already seen the practice room yesterday. It was actually a recording studio. He first went to the company, and when the driver got to work, he got in the car and went to Tong Zirong's house with the driver.

When the two arrived at the gate of the community, it was only 10:[-], and there were still [-] minutes before the agreed time.

At [-]:[-], Tong Zirong went out, a little different from yesterday, his spirit seemed to improve a lot overnight, and he walked with wind.

Xu Rong can generally understand the reason. It is not difficult to say that it is not a kind of sadness that he has a lot of abilities, but because of some special reasons, he has nowhere to display them.

He trotted up to meet him, smiled, and asked quite politely: "Mr. Tong, morning, have you had breakfast yet? Shall I buy some for you?"

"Morning, eat at home."

Tong Zirong was quite surprised, Xu Rong's figure was too low, and he had been popular before, so it was easy to understand the mentality of a popular young man, and said: "Don't worry, since I promised you, I won't hide it." , you don’t have to bother, and ran to the door to pick him up.”

Xu Rong smiled and said, "What's the trouble? I'm just a student. Is there anything unusual about a student coming to pick up the teacher?"

Tong Zirong didn't know how to explain, so he forced a smile and walked in the direction of the parking lot that Xu Rong pointed at.

When it was time to get in the car, Xu Rong hurriedly took two steps forward, opened the door, and said, "Teacher Tong, be careful not to touch your head."

Tong Zirong got into the car, and after a while, he said abruptly: "To be honest, after living for so many years, this is the first time I enjoy this kind of treatment, and it's a big star who opens the door for me."

Xu Rong turned his head and glanced, seeing that Tong Zirong's face was inexplicable, guessing that he must have thought of some bad memories, pulled the topic aside, and asked: "After Mr. Tong retired, did you not take on any more jobs?"

"I want to pick it up, but someone won't let me."

Xu Rong knew who the "someone" he was talking about was, after all, someone who would go to Beijing for a meeting in February and March every year.

"Hehe, everyone knows Teacher Tong's ability. Many seniors in the circle are full of praise when they mention it."

"Although you are young, you still have some knowledge. I rely on this for food. If you don't have the ability, you will starve to death."

Seeing the driver grinning, Xu Rong also smiled silently. He finally knew the reason why Tong Zirong had such a strong professional ability, but still messed up so badly.

Even if he usually doesn't speak, it's better than talking.

Xu Rong brought Tong Zirong to the company and entered the practice room. Tong Zirong took off his coat and hung it on a hanger beside him, saying, "I won't let you pay for nothing. You have a book for your preparation. Tell me about it." I'll show you the role, if you think it's worth the price you asked, I'll teach you, if it's not worth it, I won't let you down, just go home right away."

Xu Rong waved his hand with a smile and said, "Ms. Tong, no need. Since I invited you here, I must be trustworthy."

Tong Zirong didn't speak, but just looked at him. He knew that he was not good at words, and if he said it, it would probably make Xu Rong unhappy, so he could only express his dissatisfaction in this way.

"Okay." Xu Rong turned on the computer and found a scene he had acted in earlier, Monk Wei's.

Then he handed over the notebook he had prepared, and said, "Teacher Tong, let me tell you about this character."

Tong Zirong shook his head, and said, "No need, I've watched this play several times, and I remember it all, you can write the words for me."

"it is good."

Tong Zirong held the A4 paper and looked at it silently for a while, adjusted his breathing for a while, tried a few sounds, opened his voice, and said, "Let's get started."

"Good boy, if you have something to do, you can do it with Li Yunlong."

"The officer is Li Yunlong?"

"Fake replacement, I am Li Yunlong." When Xu Rong said this sentence, Xu Rong had already closed his eyes, which was too disobedient. Tong Zirong's body, expression, and expressive eyes could only be described as so-so.

"Succeed, I'll fuck you. I heard about you in the prisoner-of-war camp. If you dared to fight Sakata head-to-head with a bayonet, and killed Sakata with one shot, I'll fuck you."

After Tong Zirong finished speaking, Xu Rong rubbed and rubbed carefully for a while, then opened his eyes, gave a thumbs up and said, "Teacher Tong is amazing."

If you take Tong Zirong's performance as a whole, the other party is not a good actor, but if you just listen to the voice, Wei Monk's character can form a rough outline in his mind in just a few words.

This is the skill.

Even if the voice of the other party is too gorgeous, just like what Li Xuejian said, if you take a look, you may think that I don't look like me, but if you look at it for a while, you will think that I am. Tong Zirong really created a man in his mind with a few words A stunned figure.

Tong Zirong accepted it as a matter of course, put the notebook aside, and said, "Let's turn it around, you go through the words I just said with emotion, and I'll see your level."

"Okay." Xu Rong used to just answer the words step by step, without much acting elements, but now he has to show his real skills, because Tong Zirong will make a study plan according to his performance.

"The officer is Li Yunlong?"

"Fake replacement, I am Li Yunlong."

"Success, I did it to you, I heard about it in the prisoner-of-war camp"

"Stop." Tong Zirong interrupted him with his hand, frowning, "The teacher at your school taught you this?"

Xu Rong nodded in confusion.

"Can you speak human language?"

While Xu Rong was stunned, he was more embarrassing. His level of lines was not bad among the younger generation, even if the other party was much higher than himself, but speaking out was too hurtful.

Until now, he fully understood the reason why Tong Zirong fell into today's impoverished situation. If he was his colleague and leader, and he was so despised, he might not be able to resist the idea of ​​wearing small shoes for him.

Tong Zirong didn't seem to notice his embarrassment at all, and said: "Now, regarding the performance of the voice, I ask you to forget all the things you have learned before. Let's start with the most basic and put the book aside. Today I'll teach you breathing exercises, and you'll have to keep practicing them in the future to form a habit."

Xu Rong quickly cleared away the emotions that shouldn't be there, and said, "Okay, Mr. Tong, I'll go get a mat first."

Tong Zirong frowned again, as if extremely angry, his voice became sharper, and he said, "Do you find a comfortable position when filming? I've said it all, forget, forget about what you did before, relaxation is not loss of control, It's about controlling the slack, just stand up and practice for me, don't show off those tricky tricks taught in your school."

Xu Rongren was a little dazed, Tong Zirong's request was a bit too high, the purpose of breathing exercises was to relax, which was part of liberating nature, but Tong Zirong's intention required him to do it anytime, anywhere.

But he has already demonstrated his level just now, and he is indeed qualified to say so, so he can only try.

"Why don't I teach you how to practice?"

"Need not."

Tong Zirong watched Xu Rong's breathing gradually calm down, and said: "Slack is not slack, you have to monitor your body, including all the factors that shouldn't be there physically and psychologically, to consciously control, adjust and eliminate, when you are performing , you will definitely receive all kinds of interference, just like talking to me now, you must be very annoying, but you have to find a way to eliminate it."

"Let me tell you a little trick. Focus most of your attention on the tip of your nose. This is what voice actors need to do. Beginners in our profession sometimes cover our eyes. You are an actor, and you need to control your expressions. When you use it, it depends on the situation, but I still suggest that you practice more and form a habit, do you hear clearly?"


"If you hear it clearly, you can't explain it."

"You may think that these are too basic and useless, but I tell you, the more basic things are, the more important they are. If you can't absolutely control the relaxation, you can completely make room for another emotion, which appears in the audience's mind. Just a schizophrenic, not a full character."

Xu Rongqian laughed, Tong Zirong is a typical fishing law enforcement.

But since he has invited people, there is no reason to give up halfway. Although he is not envious of Tong Zirong's ability to shape characters with his voice, he still wants to pursue it.

On the evening of the first day, he sent Tong Zirong home, dragged his exhausted body back to the hotel, slumped on the bed, Xu Rong looked at the white ceiling, and he was not sure if the 2 yuan was worth it, because the whole day During the day, he was doing relaxation exercises under distraction.

In school, this is a course only for freshmen, but Tong Zirong prevents him from using a comfortable external environment and some guiding postures, while at the same time constantly exerting interference on the side.

The only consolation is that Tong Zirong taught him two simple and practical tips that he had never heard of before.

But when he glanced at the system, he was convinced that the [-] flowers were worth it.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: B
Limbs: B
Eyes: B
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: B+
Experience Points: 70/100
Glory value: 0/100
Trait: Baji Master (unmounted) Baji Introduction (Analysis progress: 61%)

After a day of basic practice, the experience value increased by 1 point. When he was filming "Passionate" before, he usually only gained a little in two or three days. That was the premise of cooperating with many powerful actors.

He thought about it for a while, vaguely understood the reason, and crossed the line.

In essence, film and television actors focus on the overall expression, and they are all from the three major colleges. The basic content is actually similar. To put it bluntly, it is taught by a teacher, but some are deep, and some are simple. .

Tong Zirong has been working in the dubbing business all his life, almost all of his energy for decades has been spent on sound performance, so he naturally has more time and energy to think deeply.

He was actually more curious about which one was more vigorous, Li Xuejian or Tong Zirong, in terms of the expressiveness of the voice alone. He just wanted to think that this wish would not come true, and it was impossible for the two of them to compete on the same stage.

"Ding dong, ding dong."

Xu Rong took a shower, put on a nightgown, chatted with Xiao Zhang for a while, and then half-slanted on the bed to watch film and television materials. After a while, the doorbell rang suddenly.

He raised his head in doubt, and first glanced at the crack of the door, but there was no small piece of paper stuffed in.

"Ding dong, ding dong."

"Who is this? It's not over yet." He put the computer aside, pulled on his slippers talking to himself, walked to the door, and looked through the peepers.

With just one glance, he quickly opened the door.

Standing outside the door was Xiao Zhang, who was carrying a schoolbag, pulling a suitcase, and holding a cake in his arms.

"Teacher Xu, happy birthday!"

Xu Rong was stunned for a long time before taking the cake in her hand. She was angry and distressed, and asked, "Why are you here? I just said why did you ask me for my room number."

Classmate Xiao Zhang entered the room, put down his schoolbag, and said, "You told me you couldn't go back, so I came here."

"Does it still hurt?"

"It's much better." Xiao Zhang shook his head and asked, "Mr. Xu, what have you been doing these two days?"

Student Xiao Zhang was still in pain, but when he was hugged by Teacher Xu and kissed, it was as if he had been given anesthesia. .

After a while, Xu Rong rubbed her head and said, "Take a break first, and I'll pour you a glass of water."

"I found a teacher to learn dubbing."

Xiao Zhang's face was flushed, nestled on the sofa, took the water glass, and said curiously: "Why do you want to learn dubbing? Our school has a dubbing class. Why don't you ask the teacher?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Many of the teachers who teach dubbing at the school have never dubbed films."

"Then what have you learned?"

The relaxation on Xu Rong's face froze. He really didn't dare to say that he spent 2 yuan to practice breathing exercises for a day.

It's really embarrassing to say it out, it's like practicing martial arts, a martial arts master spent a lot of money to hire a martial arts leader to come over, and after a day of horse stance.

"Ms. Xu, Xu Xing asked me to tell you that she will go home after the exam."

"Well, she hasn't been back since she came to school, so she should go back and have a look."

"Mr. Xu, when are you going to learn?"

Xu Rong was keenly aware that something was wrong with Xiao Zhang, and he was full of plans. He and Xiao Zhang had only been separated for two days, and they kept in touch. Most importantly, the question she asked had already been asked once on QQ.

What is she hiding.

Xu Rong turned his head, looked at her carefully, and asked, "Is there something wrong with you?"

"No way." Xiao Zhang blinked her almond eyes and grinned, but when Xu Rong got closer, she showed fewer and fewer teeth.

After staring at each other for nearly five or six seconds, Xiao Zhang threw himself into Xu Rong's arms with a "wow", and said with aggrieved lips: "Mr. Xu, I bought it for you." The gift hasn't arrived, I've placed an order a long time ago, but they haven't been able to deliver it."

Xu Rong was almost staggered by classmate Xiao Zhang's savage collision, and after realizing what was going on, he patted her on the back and said, "It's time, time is right, it's the best gift for you to be with me."

"Hey, really?"

"of course it's true."

"Hey, Mr. Xu, woo woo woo."

For the first time in Xu Rong's life, he celebrated his birthday grandly, even though there were only two of them.

It is also the second time to eat a birthday cake. The last time was during the filming of "Harbin Under the Night", director Zhao Baogang celebrated his birthday.

Classmate Xiao Zhang came over. He originally thought about spending it tomorrow, but classmate Xiao Zhang insisted on staying up until twelve o'clock and then blowing out the candles as soon as possible.

After that, I gave him a dance.

I opened a room for classmate Xiao Zhang. While he was moved, he actually didn't quite understand, what kind of birthday would a young man have.

The next day, he first brought classmate Xiao Zhang to the company, and then he and the driver brought Tong Zirong over again.

Originally, he thought that the company should have a holiday on New Year's Day, but when he arrived at the company with Tong Zirong, he found that as usual, all employees were working normally.

It's just that when meeting people, everyone will say "Happy New Year" to each other.

The exploitative nature of capital is fully exposed.

Xiao Zhang was sitting on a chair by the wall of the practice room, watching Teacher Xu doing sales practice according to the words of the short old man, but it was a bit different from the school. The expression of the aspect is ignored.

At noon, a group of people suddenly gathered outside the practice room, the first two were even more unexpected by Xu Rong.

Guo Si and Jin Fangfang.

"Who are you?" Xu Rong looked at the two suspiciously.

When a dining car with huge tower cakes was pushed out from behind the crowd, Xu Rong understood, but he always felt it was weird that these dozens of people were making a big fuss, as if they were celebrating their [-]th birthday.

"Teacher Xu, happy birthday."

After Xu Rong was stunned, he kept saying thank you, but at this time, it was slightly different from the feeling that Xiao Zhang said to him last night, "Mr. Xu, happy birthday".

Because he didn't see much sincere happiness from the faces of dozens of staff around him.

Just like celebrating Zhao Baogang's birthday with everyone in the crew, did he really care when Zhao Baogang was born?
He doesn't care too much.

But he still had to blend into the atmosphere at that time, happily singing birthday song to Zhao Baogang along with the crowd.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you"

Just like the current situation.

"Happy birthday."

Standing aside, Tong Zirong forced a smile, and also said a blessing to Xu Rong.

Surrounded by everyone, Xu Rong cut the cake and asked, "Do you have time? I invite everyone to dinner."

Guo Si answered the conversation with a smile, and said: "Mr. Xu's treat is what I wish for. Let's slaughter Mr. Xu hard together."

Xu Rong actually understands that some people have a small nest of wives and children, so they probably don't want to go, and said: "If you have something to do, you can't go, so don't force it, since today is New Year's Day, everyone can go back early to reunite with their families. "

Jin Fangfang twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard the words, as if she was quite speechless at his words.

Xu Rong noticed it, but didn't ask why in front of many people.

After a while, everyone dispersed. He took the napkin handed over by Jin Fangfang and asked, "Why, what I just said is wrong?"

Jin Fangfang shrugged her shoulders and said, "Even if you say people are free, do you think they dare to leave when you and Guo Si are around?"

"Everyone is working hard to climb up. To put it bluntly, isn't it just to force others to do things they don't like to do? As long as you are with Guo Si, no matter what they actually think, as long as they are motivated, They push themselves too, and make you feel like you're not pushing them."

Xu Rong nodded silently.

"The air ticket has been booked. At seven o'clock in the evening, I took advantage of you and took a first-class seat."


Xu Rong has to rush back in the afternoon to record a program with Li Youbin, Sarina, and Song Jia, and rush over after sending Xiao Zhang to the plane tomorrow morning.

After eating and resting for a while, Xu Rong continued to practice. This time, Guo Si and Jin Fangfang were added to the crowd.

Tong Zirong didn't care about the sudden addition of three people, and said: "You can almost master the relaxation part, but it is very important to practice every day until the body's instincts are formed. No matter how busy you are, you must set aside at least half an hour every day. practice."

Xu Rong nodded, he has always insisted on these things, but the method is a little different from what Tong Zirong taught.

Tong Zirong thought for a while, and said: "Next, start calling exercises, you should continue to maintain the previous state and control the relaxation."

Xu Rong didn't dare to make his own claim this time, and asked, "Should I call some people over? That way you can take a rest even when you are old."

Tong Zirong shook his head at first, glanced at the three classmates Xiao Zhang nestled in the corner, pointed to classmate Xiao Zhang, and said, "Let that little girl come together, those two girls won't make it."

Guo Si and Jin Fangfang looked at each other, and there was a question mark on their faces: Hey, old man, you didn't say a word to any of us, how did you know that we were not successful?
"it is good."

After one round of practice, Tong Zirong sat on the chair and said: "You have to remember that no matter what kind of practice, it is not for you to learn a fixed pattern, but to deepen your understanding of yourself. Voice and body are just tools for expression. You have to Learning to explore new ways of performing that suit you is the main purpose of training.”

"I see that there are many other people's shadows in your expression skills. It sounds good, and you can immediately establish a role, but if you want to reach a higher level, it will become a shortcoming instead. Others are others. You It’s you, you can imitate, but don’t learn everything in one go, it’s better if you can’t learn, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid of people’s jokes, follow your own ideas, even if you think it’s ridiculous, try, sell, laugh until you cry, laugh Speaking of these exercises, they are also tools, tools for digging yourself, very basic, but you need to practice more to get the state that best expresses the character you want to create.”

"it is good."

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Rong first sent Tong Zirong home, and then rushed back to the capital with three classmates, Xiao Zhang.

This is the normal state of an artist, pinching time every day, catching up with one announcement after another, and most of the time is busy, most of the time is on the road.

In the car, Guo Si asked, "Xu Rong, how much did you give him?"

"100 a day, I estimate that according to the current progress, it will be about [-] million to finish the study."

"One million?" Guo Si leaned over suddenly, pulled the back of the chair and asked, "Are you crazy? He won't earn that much money in his life, right?"

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said, "What price do you think if you ask Li Xuejian to teach you one-on-one?"

"Can it be the same? I've never heard of Tong Zirong with such a big wrist as Mr. Li."

"Almost." Xu Rong said without thinking, "Although Mr. Rentong is not so famous, the set of things he figured out by himself is also worth the price. Money, you can still earn money if you spend it. One day he will be famous, but he may not be able to get [-]."

After hearing Xu Rong's words, Jin Fangfang asked, "You mean, he is very good at lines?"

Xu Rong recalled the passage that Tong Zirong demonstrated to himself earlier, and said, "I can't say it's very good, as far as I've met so far, it's probably only Mr. Li Xuejian who can compete with him, but Mr. Li is on the line alone. There is no teacher Tong who can understand it, in comparison, he is more like a talented player."

Guo Sisi recalled Tong Zirong's evaluation of himself and Jin Fangfang this afternoon, and asked, "By the way, is actor talent important? What is talent?"

Xu Rong glanced back at Guo Si, and vaguely understood the purpose of her asking herself this question. After thinking for a while, she said: "Actors are all about talent. For example, if you imitate a character with a certain personality, you only need to take two steps. Record it by yourself, watch it after you finish it, if you look embarrassed or not, your talent will be clear at a glance. You may think it is because you are not confident enough or not prepared enough, but I can tell you that even if you record ten more times, the result will be better than that. If you are not superior, you can just walk once if you are talented."

"As for what is talent, to put it simply, one is coordination, and the other is looking at the eyes. If the body coordination is poor, let alone let him act, he may be turned by him as soon as he stands in front of the camera, and he can't even be dragged. Come back, this incongruity ultimately affects the overall performance rhythm."

"Besides, the eyes, such as three white eyes and four white eyes, are on camera, and the eyes are dull, and the audience looks like they are blind. The most basic talent. In addition, if you want to be a good actor, your sense of drama is also very important. Just like Xiao Zhang, her sense of drama is very good, much better than mine. I guess it will be after the movie or something. They are all commonplace, in comparison, the ability to mobilize expressions, voice texture, etc. are relatively secondary to actors, but the premise is that other aspects can make up for it."

Xiao Zhang was listening carefully, but she suddenly heard Teacher Xu praise herself. She wanted to laugh, but because Guo Si and Jin Fangfang were sitting on the side, she had to forcefully suppress her excitement, but she couldn’t completely suppress it. The corners of his mouth involuntarily raised slightly.

Guo Si and Jin Fangfang looked at each other again, with confusion on their faces again. They chatted a lot with classmate Xiao Zhang today, and the other party gave them the feeling of a very innocent little girl.

They don't know much about these things, but after listening to Xu Rong's evaluation, could it be that the little girl in front of them really has such a good talent?
Amidst this doubt, they simultaneously had some uncertain thoughts.

Do you want to sign Zhang Xiaofei as soon as possible?

(End of this chapter)

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