Chapter 102
"Crossing the Guandong" will start to be screened in prime time tomorrow. Considering that the ratings are not yet clear, the talk show is scheduled to be a column of the international channel.

As the opening drama and gift film of 08, CCTV made great efforts in the early publicity. Not only did each channel broadcast information in turn, but even the news network even gave an advertisement at the end.

With such publicity, the return is also generous. Before it was broadcast, at the advertising bidding meeting for the golden resources of the opening drama, the advertising fee was sold for more than [-] million yuan.

Film and television is a profiteering industry, which has become a consensus inside and outside the industry. The difference is that movies are profiteering for producers, and TV dramas are profiteering for TV stations.

Because of the popularity of "Bright Sword" and "Yangcheng Dark Whistle", Xu Rong has been to many TV stations to record programs, but this is the first time for CCTV.

In a hurry, he rushed to the CCTV building and entered the backstage of the studio. He also saw a few acquaintances whom he had not seen for a long time.


"Hello, Teacher Sa."

"Song Jia, long time no see."

"How are you doing these days?"

"pretty good."

Li Youbin was looking at the script seriously, when he saw Xu Rong approaching, he opened his mouth and asked, "I forgot to ask you, what are you borrowing money for?"

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Pay the tuition."

"How can the tuition cost 100 million?" Li Youbin looked at him suspiciously, "Aren't you going to gamble?"

Xu Rong took the script from the director team, said "thank you", then turned his head and asked in surprise, "You still borrow the gambling?"

Li Youbin smiled, and asked back: "Why don't you borrow it? What's so bad about losing your family and property now? You are young, and if you fall down, you can get up again. You have learned a lesson, or you will start a family and start a business in the future." , a wife and children in a small nest, if they fall into it, it will be a really bad thing."

"You're so hardworking. I don't even play poker. How can I gamble?"

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, he knew how addictive gambling is, and every time the big turntable turned, his heart skipped a beat.

However, if there is a chance to turn the dial next time, he still will not hesitate. With the increase of shooting experience, he has already changed his expectation from "photographic memory" to "constant peak".

If his guess is right, this trait is the most precious in the big wheel.

Actors are human beings first, and as human beings, they will encounter all kinds of things, and their physiological functions will also fluctuate, especially as the filming process enters the middle and late stages, no actor can always maintain the best condition.

At present, his comprehensive evaluation is not too high, and the ups and downs are not that great, but if he upgrades to A+ or even higher in the future, then mount the "constant peak" trait.

How awesome.

Still have to give the dream a chance.

The program is only about 10 minutes long, Xu Rong's lines are relatively few, eight questions, and the content of the interview mainly focuses on Li Youbin and Sarina.

Li Youbin and Sarina carried the script on their backs quietly, Xu Rong went through it about twice, and sat next to Song Jia who was also waiting boredly, whispering to her in a low voice.

Xu Rong swept Song Jia's snow-white chest, and asked, "Is this how you came here? Aren't you cold?"

"It's cold." Song Jia rolled his eyes at him, and said, "But I can't pack it up like you, can I? By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how is the matter going?"

Xu Rong grinned and said, "It's done."

"How long are you going to study?"

"It depends on the situation. The current progress is not very satisfactory. It may take two or three months." Seeing that Song Jia seemed to be asking the bottom line, he quickly blocked her mouth, "After all, the difference is quite big."

"By the way, how did you get that play? That book is really good, but I feel that it might not be enough for just the two of us. I have seen many scenes that have too high requirements for supporting roles." Song Jia seemed Daddy nodded, and turned to ask another worry.

Xu Rong naturally understands this risk, but there is nothing he can do about it. A bad book will definitely not make a good movie, but a good book may not necessarily look good. There are too many factors that affect it, just like those versions. The plot of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is roughly the same, but some people just can't make a bad film.

So sometimes you can't just read the script when you take on a show. The director, investment scale, cast, and post-production team are all crucial links. After all, "Bright Sword" is only a minority.

Director Jiang Wei's ability is unquestionable. After all, he has had successful works, and he doesn't doubt his level with Song Jia. As for whether the key supporting roles will be hindered, it depends on Jiang Wei's ability to fool.

Li Youbin has pricked up his ears since Xu Rong whispered to Song Jia. He could tell early in the morning that Song Jia is not a quiet person. disperse.

"You two want to cooperate?" Li Youbin suddenly turned his head and looked at Xu Rong with a scrutinizing gaze.

Xu Rong nodded, and said: "Yes, the teacher at the school introduced a play, I think she is quite suitable for the first female lead, so I recommended her."

"Oh." Li Youbin and Xu Rong looked at each other for a while, and finally laughed twice. From Xu Rong's reaction, he knew that he had misunderstood, so he turned his head and continued to recite the script.

Seeing Li Youbin's dry smile, Xu Rong realized the deep meaning of his scrutiny, and could only shake his head speechlessly. When he dealt with Song Jia, he purely admired her professional ability. Judging from the current situation, Song Jia and he thought about it at the beginning. almost.

As for whether it is for profit or fame, or the love pursuit of literary youths, he has no way of research, and he doesn't care much.

When Xu Rong was about to chat with Song Jia about the plot of the play, the hostess, who had already put on her makeup, came over and said generously, "Teachers, how are your preparations going?"

"I'm Meng Shengnan, and I'm today's host."

Meng Shengnan had a cross-faced face and a pointed chin. He looked to be in his twenties. He was wearing a bright red suit and high heels, and looked quite confident.

The director who came with Meng Shengnan said at this time: "Teachers, let's arrange it first?"

Like a precision machine.

This is Xu Rong's overall feeling recorded in a show. Even if it is not a live broadcast, everything is according to the script, and their answers have also been adjusted by the director team.

Serious and rigorous.

And terribly rigid.

Xu Rong has been to many TV stations, but he has never been so step-by-step like this time. He even wondered if the program team would ask them to record their answers and lip-sync.

Not even the slightest chance to give him free play.

It was past ten o'clock after the recording of the show. Except for Xu Rong, Li Youbin, Sarina, and Song Jia had to rush back to the set overnight.

In a hurry, like a war.

Early the next morning, Xu Rong took Xiao Zhang's little hand, and for the first time began to think about the future of the two of them.

Yesterday he originally wanted to invite everyone to have a supper together, but Li Youbin and the three of them were in a hurry to catch the plane, so they didn't even have much time to talk.

Perhaps in the future, this is also the normal situation that he and Xiao Zhang will face.

Halfway through their junior year, they will actually be graduating in another year.

When he was having dinner with Deng Chao and Sun Li earlier, he heard Deng Chao mention a few words about his life with Sun Li. I only took on one drama, and basically spent half of the time resting at home, but even so, there was less gathering and more separation.

Deng Chao sighed at the time: "Since you have done this job, you have to learn to get used to it."

It's only for a while, and Xu Rong can't picture a better future, because Xiao Zhang has been rushing to become a movie star since the beginning.

Xiao Zhang seemed to remember something, and asked, "Mr. Xu, the notebook you showed me yesterday looked really good. Would you like to take it?"

Xu Rong looked at her in surprise, and asked, "Extremely beautiful?"

"That's right, that's right." Xiao Zhang nodded vigorously, with light in his eyes, "It's even prettier than Country Love."

Xu Rong blinked his eyes, he finally understood why those mother-in-law dramas with short stories from the parents became so popular.

It is true that these dramas do not have the ups and downs and turbulent winds and winds under the grand historical background of "The Ming Dynasty", but "Country Love" and "Golden Wedding" are like "Country Love" and "Golden Wedding".

With the improvement of material life, the general public began to pay attention to themselves instead of lofty praises, praises, and history in their needs for spiritual life.

At this moment, he seems to have seen a major trend in the development of TV dramas, returning to reality and reflecting reality.

The plot is reasonable and the spiritual core is the foundation. Expressing realistic demands may become one of the current and future trends.

Just like the ancient costume battles that have gradually emerged, although these dramas are covered with the skin of historical dramas, they do not have a rigorous history at all. If the lines are changed to be more popular and modern, and the actors’ clothes are replaced with suits and ties, they can actually be filmed as workplaces. drama.

But these are just his feelings, and he will have to discuss it later with Wang Qingxiang and Shi Lanya, whose vision is quite unique.

"Mr. Xu, will you miss me?"

"Student Zhang, your question is very strange. You should ask me when I miss you."


Seeing the start of ticket check-in, Xiao Zhang suddenly leaned over and pecked Xu Rong's side face which was not covered by the mask, and then ran away carrying the suitcase with reddish ears: "Mr. Xu, I'm leaving. "

Xiao Zhang is going home for the New Year.

There is reluctance, but there is not much sadness. The separation is short, and the future is still very long.

As in the past, they are always separated, but every once in a while, they will always meet again.

Looking at the back of Xiao Zhang as he boarded the plane, Xu Rong gradually understood the reason why Xiao Zhang traveled so far to Shanghai.

In another half a month, he will also go to Anshi to celebrate Xiao Zhang's birthday. Birthday and eating cakes are essentially just a formality, and more to express concern through this form.

From this, he also thought of more, for example, grandpa's birthday in the future can no longer be the same as before, there is no concept and habit of birthday at all, and some friends, even if they can't pass, they still have to send a text message.

After seeing off classmate Xiao Zhang, after waiting for about half an hour, Xu Rong boarded the plane to Shanghai.

Since the future is very long, we should prepare the horses and chariots honestly first, so as to ensure smooth sailing in the long future.

After getting off the plane, during the spare time in the process of rushing from the airport to the hotel, he flipped through the text messages of mutual blessings for the New Year.

The only one who didn't reply was Aunt Xu.

Called, but no one answered, the whole person seemed to disappear completely.

"Xu Rong pays homage to Master Tong Zirong."

Flipping through the news about himself, when he saw the headline, he smiled and flipped through it casually, but quickly flipped it back, frowning slowly.

This title is not appropriate.

In recent days, Xu Rong has not deliberately hidden his whereabouts. It is not surprising that he learned from an old actor and was reported by the media.

But after careful consideration, he immediately realized something was wrong.

Because he is a student at Nortel, he has to consider the school's response.

He hurriedly found his blog, and when he saw the latest one, he was quietly relieved.

Finally, Hairun's public relations department has nothing to eat.

This time the company reacted very quickly. First of all, it was natural to elevate Tong Zirong's status, and secondly, it focused on Tong Zirong's voice actor status.

But Xu Rong didn't expect to be able to withdraw the radish and bring out the mud.

On the second day after he arrived in Shanghai again, while he was practicing breathing with Tong Zirong, Jin Fangfang suddenly called.

"Someone asked someone to come over to say hello, so that you won't have too much interaction with Tong Zirong."


"I didn't say why, but I hope you can save face." Jin Fangfang paused and explained, "In order to avoid misunderstandings at your school, didn't I ask the media to clarify, but you learn dubbing from him, just like TV dramas. In it, first talk about how powerful Qiu Chuji is, and then he will be knocked out after meeting Wu Jue, and Tong Zirong's status will naturally rise."

"It's easy to understand. Traditional thinking, if you can't solve the problem, you can only solve the problem. The ability is not as good as others, but as long as you use other means to hold people to death, no one can compete for the first place."

When Xu Rong answered the phone, he didn't leave the practice room. Tong Zirong heard something vaguely, and his face also turned ugly. When Xu Rong hung up the phone, he was silent for a while, and asked, "I'm going to trouble you." right?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "No, Mr. Tong, take a break first, and I'll make another call."

"Hey, Chairman, it's me, Xiao Xu."

"That's right. Didn't I learn dubbing from Mr. Tong Zirong? He has an old enemy who asked someone to come here and not let me learn it. Look?"

"Oh, wait a minute, I don't know about this yet." Liu Yanming didn't hang up the phone, and after a while, he said again, "Xiao Xu, are you still there?"

"Here it is, Chairman."

"You can learn from you at ease, who do I think, the hand is so long, he doesn't have that face, if he dares to mess with a moth, you will beat him to death, and if something happens, I will make it up for you."

"Okay, thank you, Chairman."

Xu Rong hung up the phone, spread her hands with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Tong, it's just a small matter. You have to take good care of yourself. I guess your workload may increase a lot after I finish learning from you." .”

For the first time, Tong Zirong's face showed quite a lot of lines, and after a while, his lips moaned several times, before he said emphatically, "Thank you."

Seeing that Tong Zirong's mood was not stable, Xu Rong pulled up two chairs, sat opposite Tong Zirong, and asked, "Teacher Tong, why didn't you make a fuss when he targeted you before? Go to the media and let everyone see."

Tong Zirong sighed, patted his thigh and said, "What's the trouble? People follow the rules and traditions, but you should also understand that it's the rules that kill people. For example, divide the house, you I have to line up, but I have been queuing for decades, but I still haven't made it. When I ask, people say that there are indicators and assessments. Anyway, there are various reasons every time. , you have to train young people according to tradition, what can I say?"

"Since I retired, many people have contacted me and asked me to do the dubbing. It's similar to your situation just now. They will also say hello. If you have a good character, you can still fall on me in the end. If you have a bad character , there will be no sound, and such ones account for the majority.”

"It's not that I don't want to fight for justice." Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled face, Tong Zirong explained, "The media had complained about me before, but it turned out to be too big. For the sake of the overall situation, the leaders at the top came to talk to me, just a word , can't say anything."

"I also know that the higher-ups are considering that the efficiency of the factory itself is not good, so after further tossing and tossing, it will be closed directly."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "That's all in the past. I guess you are going to rejuvenate your career for a second time. Look at what people say about you now, the Taishan Beidou in the dubbing world."

A smug look appeared on Tong Zirong's face, and he said, "Taishan Beidou can't be said, but I will be number two, who dares to be number one?!"

The smile on Xu Rong's face froze, and he thought to himself that if you keep talking like this when you keep turning around, you will be cold if you don't keep it together.

He pondered for a while and said, "Teacher Tong, there is a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not."

Tong Zirong shook his head with a smile, and said: "I know what you want to say. My wife, son, and daughter have always persuaded me before, but I just have this temper. I can't change it, and I don't want to change it."

This was the deepest conversation the two had had since they first met. Xu Rong remembered what he saw at Tong Zirong's house that day, and couldn't help persuading him earnestly: "Mr. Tong, silence is golden. You can say what you want when you say you are professional. Let’s just put it this way, let’s not comment on anything else, right?!”

Tong Zirong thought for a while, then nodded slowly, and said, "I'll try my best, what's the main thing, I can't help it when I see something that doesn't please my eyes."

Xu Rong can't persuade him now, because he also understands that his values ​​are wrong, and Tong Zirong's is correct, but in such a society of human feelings, what is correct may not be appropriate.

People are willing to listen to nice words, even if they are unreasonable.

Ugly, even if the logic is meticulous and the order is clear, it will be harsh to hear, and you will inevitably get angry.

People live with a face, and with Zirong's temperament, it is always inevitable to make people lose face.

For example, he himself, watching the malicious comments of netizens on the Internet: How many years have I watched the drama, what kind of play is it, and my dog ​​is tied to the camera, it is better than this. When criticizing such things, it is inevitable unhappy.

At first he was a little confused, but after seeing Li Xuejian and Chen Baoguo being sprayed like this, he became even more confused. Could it be that there are fundamental problems in the development of the domestic performance system?
Until I saw that many people on the Internet praised Teresa Teng as "absolutely the number one poet in modern times, and Xu Zhimo would be willing to bow down, after all, he could not write the beautiful lyrics like "Alone on the West Building", Xu Rong completely understood up.

These comments are always used to show their qualifications first to show their reliance. In fact, it is this sentence that exposes the inner emptiness of the commenters, because their cognition is what they understand, beyond cognition , so it is taken for granted that it is wrong.

The more books you read, the less you realize you know. Similarly, the fewer books you read, the more you realize how much you really know.

But even though he understood this truth, every time he saw such comments, he was still unavoidably upset.

Just like Tong Zirong's outspoken criticism, even if people know that he is of a high level, hearing it is annoying.

However, after such a period of media reports, I think Tong Zirong's life will be much better in the future, at least in terms of material, he will not be too scarce.

He turned the question to technique and asked: "Teacher Tong, when you demonstrated to me two days ago, I always had a question, that is, how did you implicitly express that restrained and emotional emotion?" ?”

Tong Zirong shook his head, and said, "Look at you, you want to eat one bite and become fat again."

Xu Rong scratched his head with a smile.

"I asked Teacher Qiu the same question before, that is, Teacher Qiu Yuefeng. Do you know what Teacher Qiu said?"

Xu Rong's eyes were eager to shine, and he asked burningly, "Old Qiu, what did you say?"

Tong Zirong seemed to be lost in memory, and said: "At that time, Teacher Qiu's original words were: First of all, you have to have something on your mind, and you can't stand in front of the microphone with an empty head. I didn't really understand it at the time, but I figured it out later. The inner emotions are expressed. , is more touching than simple catharsis, you have to think carefully about this sentence, when you think it through, you will be successful."

Of course Xu Rong understands this truth, and performances also pay attention to this, but the dividing line between emotional expression and catharsis is not so easy to grasp.

Seeing Xu Rong's distressed face, Tong Zirong stood up and said, "Don't think so far, let's continue to practice breath skills, and when this part is finished, you and I will have a few matches together, and you will understand."


After half a month of practicing basic skills, Xu Rong asked Tong Zirong for a vacation before officially starting to dub.

He has to go to classmate Xiao Zhang.

His plan was to go there in the morning and come back in the evening.

The home of classmate Xiao Zhang is the unit's family courtyard, at the gate of the community, when we met, Xu Rong thought that classmate Xiao Zhang would be the same as usual, and threw himself into his arms.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Xiao Zhang took two steps back in great vigilance, pointing at the yard with his voice pressed, and said, "Mr. Xu, many people are watching."

"No way." Xu Rong's words choked in his throat, because he found that there were people standing at the gates of several unit buildings in the community, as if they were going to a market.

From the windows of the unit building, heads with long or short hair poked out at some point.

Classmate Xiao Zhang took the gift box from him, raised his chin, and said in a soft voice: "Mr. Xu, let's kiss again when there is no one else."

Xu Rong smiled and nodded, it was still early anyway.

But when he entered the door with classmate Xiao Zhang carrying the gift, and looked at the seven aunts and eight aunts who were laughing all over the room, as well as the few children running around in the room, he was completely dumbfounded. I am like a monkey in a zoo.

Are you so idle in winter in Northeast China?

Uncle Zhang pulled him over with great enthusiasm, patted him on the shoulder, and introduced to the relatives and neighbors who were standing or sitting: "Xu Rong, prospective son-in-law, big star, how about it, I finally met a real person today! "

"This is your aunt, and this is your second uncle."

It was the first time for Xu Rong to go through such a big battle. The other protagonist, Xiao Zhang's face was red, and she was also frightened when all the relatives at home rushed home in the morning.

In the middle of the afternoon, Xu Rongcai had some time to spend alone with Xiao Zhang.

In Xiao Zhang's room, Xu Rong took out the gift he had prepared early in the morning and said, "Come, I bought you a gift."


"Wow, Teacher Xu, you are amazing." When Xiao Zhang looked at the gold pendant in the box, her eyes couldn't help but narrowed, but then she said seriously, "Mr. Xu, don't buy such expensive ones in the future." La."

"Old Xu, woo woo woo."

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

"Xiao Xu, come out and have a look, oh, it's snowing so hard." Aunt Wang seemed to have been listening to the movement in the room, and she only kissed for less than three seconds, and her voice immediately sounded outside the door .

Xu Rong hurriedly separated from Xiao Zhang like a thief, he was really afraid that Aunt Wang would open the door and come in the next moment.

And quickly adjusted his status, opened the door, and asked with a normal face: "Aunt Wang, what's wrong?"

As if she didn't know anything, Aunt Wang said with the same face as usual: "It looks like the snow is going to fall heavily, don't leave today, just stay here."

At the end, Aunt Wang added: "The room is enough."

Xu Rong laughed dryly and nodded, she always felt that Aunt Wang's last sentence meant something.

At night, while drinking wine, Uncle Zhang said: "Xiao Xu, I heard that all of you actors are busy?"

Xu Rong nodded, and said: "Almost, all year round, basically stay on the set for half a year, or run outside."

Uncle Zhang glanced at classmate Xiao Zhang, and said, "I discussed it with your aunt, it's like this, let Ruirui find a way to stay in school after graduation, so that you don't have to be separated for a long time."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Xiao Zhang wants to be a movie star, there's no need to be reluctant because of this."

"I can pass the postgraduate entrance examination." Xiao Zhang vowed, "And I can make movies if I stay in school, just like Teacher Huang."

Aunt Wang glared at her, and said: "You can pull it down, with your brain, your dad and I will be thankful for being admitted to university."

"Huh?" Classmate Xiao Zhang looked at his parents suspiciously, "Don't you always say that I was smart since I was a child?"

"Cough cough."

The three of them looked at each other strangely, Uncle Zhang coughed dryly twice, raised his cup, and said, "Xiao Xu, come on, let's go together."

As he walked, Xu Rong drank too much again. The key point is that he didn't feel how much he drank. It may be that the degree was too high, and he almost didn't feel anything, and he was more than half numb.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt a little itchy on the tip of his nose, and opened his eyes again, only to see classmate Xiao Zhang lying on the head of the bed, staring at him with two big tiger-like eyes close at hand, and the tip of his hair scratched him. cheeks.

"Oh my god." Xiao Zhang stood up abruptly, with slightly rosy ears, "Mr. Xu, are you awake?"

Xu Rong glanced out the window, the sky was bright, and asked: "I slept all night? Also, why did you lie on my face just now?"

Xiao Zhang didn't seem to hear his question at all, so he patted two pairs of unpacked socks in front of him, and rushed to say: "Mr. Xu, your pair of socks has a hole, I just went to give you a hole." Bought new ones."

After all, he rushed out the door.

 I recommend this friend's book, "Emperor Superstar Begins as a Celestial Cousin". It feels much better than Hong's writing. After the [-]D, you can hit the Platinum contract quota.


(End of this chapter)

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