I'm just an actor

Chapter 103 Slack

Chapter 103 Slack

Xu Rong didn't stay at classmate Xiao Zhang's house for too long, and when his head was no longer dizzy, he immediately packed his things and set off for the magic capital.

Tong Zirong has visibly regained his popularity, he must grasp his current leisure.

As a half of his peers, Xu Rong can understand Tong Zirong's mood very well. If he can't make a movie for 20 years, he will not hesitate to go up and practice while he is still healthy, even if he has a chance, even if the money is not much.

Classmate Xiao Zhang was wrapped in a thick down jacket, and stood side by side with Xu Rong at the gate of the community waiting for a taxi. He crossed one hand with Xu Rong and put it in the pocket of his coat.

The two were chatting about the possibility of staying in school, Xiao Zhang raised his head and asked, "Mr. Xu, is it strange that couples don't quarrel?"

Xu Rong asked suspiciously: "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Xiao Zhang said: "Yesterday my cousin asked me if you would coax me when we quarreled, and then I told her that we had never quarreled, and then she said that the most dangerous thing is not to quarrel."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "What kind of reasoning is this, don't listen to her nonsense."

Her cousin is married, so her situation is naturally different from theirs. Besides, he reckoned that with Xiao Zhang's small brain, if there was a real quarrel, he would be able to beat her up several times.

How easy is it to evaluate B's lines!
Coincidentally, a tall woman with a brown fur coat, a high-necked sweater, leather shorts, and white silk boots walked past on the other side of the road. Under the hat, a brown curly hair can be seen.

Xu Rongduo looked at it twice, he was quite puzzled, is it really not cold?
Classmate Xiao Zhang also saw it, and her mouth bulged, because she found that the other party's fleshy meat was very smart, and it always grew where it should grow. With the back of Rong's hand, he asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, do you think I'm young?"

"I don't dislike it."

Xiao Zhang's eyes widened: "Then you mean I'm young?"

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, recalling what she had said before, slowly turned her head and said with a smile, "Xiao Zhang, you are too blunt to find out."

"You say I'm finding fault?" Xiao Zhang's eyes widened, and he almost blurted out, "You're impatient, you're actually impatient with me?!"

Xu Rong rubbed his forehead speechlessly, and said with a wry smile: "Where did you read this? You don't usually turn your mind so fast."

"What do you mean, what exactly do you mean?" Xiao Zhang got angry and said angrily, "Are you beating around the bush and calling me stupid?!"

Xu Rong knew Xiao Zhang was acting, and said with a smile: "I was wrong, I was wrong, don't listen to your cousin's nonsense, she is fooling you."

But classmate Xiao Zhang couldn't let go, and said: "You are right, how could you be wrong?"

"Why is it wrong? It's just wrong!"

"Then tell me." Xiao Zhang asked almost without thinking, poking his neck, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm not wrong, am I?" Xu Rong was a little dizzy when he was surrounded by classmate Xiao Zhang. He really never thought that there would be a day when he was stunned by classmate Xiao Zhang. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind. Be calm, because if you are not calm at all, you may not be able to quarrel with her.

When Xiao Zhang quarreled, his thinking and logic were several times more rigorous than usual.

"You just think I'm small!" Xiao Zhang made such a conclusion in an extremely "angry" voice, then "hummed", turned his head to the side, showing that he was very angry.

After waiting for a while, she caught a glimpse of Teacher Xu staring at her. She couldn't hold it anymore, but she still frowned and squinted: "Mr. Xu, don't you know how to coax me?"

Xu Rong smiled, straightened her head, and said, "Because you are so cute when you are angry, I want to watch it for a while."

Classmate Xiao Zhang opened her mouth, she still wanted to fight back, but she couldn't hold back anymore, and she suddenly smiled "goose goose goose".

"Oh, Mr. Xu, what are you doing, don't do it, you will be watched. Huh."

After parting with Xiao Zhang and flying back to Shanghai, Xu Rong originally planned to study with Tong Zirong at the end of January and then go home directly, but seeing that the system was about to reach 1 experience points, he had to stay for five more days, and he was not sure about Tong Zirong. Do you still have time after the Chinese New Year?

In just a little over a month, nearly 70 yuan was stolen from him.

After all, you have to pay back the training fees you owed back then. This time, you have to pay back all the training fees. It’s just that at that time, people who were poor and barefoot were not afraid of wearing shoes, so they didn’t have to pay too much for travel insurance, but now they are It's different, standing under the spotlight, his every move is watched by others, and he has to avoid taking risks as much as possible.

After careful calculation, it was like burning money, but seeing that the system's comprehensive evaluation has been upgraded from B+ to A-, he doesn't think the 70 yuan is worthless.

Aside from normal shooting, even with a crew like "The Ming Dynasty", he may not be able to get so much experience points if he stays for three months.

If the money is gone, you can make it again. If one day the village is buried in loess, I am afraid that this shop will never be found again.

At the beginning of February, amidst the uproar and turmoil, Xu Rong returned to his hometown with two overstuffed suitcases.

One of the suitcases is his usual clothes and daily necessities, and the other is a few sets of new clothes bought for grandpa.

The last few times he went home, he left some money for the old man every time, but the old man was always reluctant to spend it, and he no longer planned to give money, so he just bought it himself.

When I entered the village, my grandfather was sitting at the entrance of the village talking to people about the mountains. Similar situations have been common to Xu Rong since he was a child, especially at lunch time, when there are around [-] or [-] people, each holding a bowl, squatting or sitting at the entrance of the street. After talking about it, it's almost time to prepare for the next meal.

After watching again and giving up a few packs of cigarettes, Xu Rong entered the house.

"Why are you so thin?" Grandpa's legs and feet are inconvenient, and his body is still as healthy as before. He probably has no worries, plus he doesn't have to pay public food and his living conditions have improved. His face is even more rosy than before. A little bit.

After entering the room, Xu Rong threw aside the luggage containing his own clothes, opened another suitcase, and said: "It was necessary for filming, and it took a lot of effort to reduce it. I was busy during this time, so I didn't gain weight." .”

He first took out a fleece leather jacket from the suitcase, and said, "Master, come and see if this fits or not."

Grandpa had a leather jacket in the early years, but he wore it for too long, and the leather was so rotten that he couldn't wear it anymore, but even so, he managed to maintain it for a few more years.

When thinking about buying clothes for grandpa, this was the first thing he thought of.

Grandpa scolded him first with a straight face, and said: "What are you doing with the money? It's not that there are no clothes at home."

But seeing Xu Rongguang smiled and didn't say anything else, he just smiled and stretched out his arms, asking Xu Rong to put it on for him, and said, "Did you spend a lot of money?"

"Hey, it's also a coincidence." Xu Rong said indifferently, "When I came back, I happened to see a roadside stall selling this. He asked me for a hundred and two, and I made a deal with him for a long time, 50 yuan money."

He was afraid that the old man would feel sorry for him, so he didn't dare to tell the truth. If he told the old man that he only bought a coat for thousands of dollars, the old man might not be able to close his eyes at night.

The old man touched the skin for something, he knew in his heart that Xu Rong was playing sloppy with him, but he just smiled.

"There are also leather cotton pants, which are also fifty. I made up the whole thing. These two pieces cost a total of one hundred. How about it, sir, do you think I bought it well?"


The old man didn't try on his pants, but just put on a leather jacket, sat on a small bench, and said, "How is it? I read the news that you run around all day long, like a rabbit with nowhere to live."

"It's all good." Xu Rong poured a glass of water, and sat down opposite Grandpa holding a teacup, "It's not very busy, and I can rest for half a year."

"That's good."

Xu Rong took a sip of water and said, "Master, I have something to discuss with you."

The old man touched the leather jacket with a smile, raised his head, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"That's it, Lord, I bought a house in the capital, the one with a yard, and I can come down after the Chinese New Year. When the decoration is completed, you and I can move to the capital?"

The reason why he insisted on buying Bieye back then was for this reason. The old man had bad legs and it was inconvenient for him to go up and down the stairs, so he bought a house with a yard.

Hearing this, the old man waved his hands immediately, and said, "When I was young, I ran outside. Those who worked in the mines all settled there. I am not used to living here, so I came back."

Xu Rong wondered, "Why?"

"Like a quail, living in a cage, can't even flop. It's really boring. I can't even go to the capital. I don't know anyone. If you're not at home, I don't even have anyone to talk to." The old man said. He said slowly, "Furthermore, after eating at home, sit at the door and talk to the neighbors in the neighborhood. In addition, don't we have a vegetable garden in Xitou, so I will go over to look at it when I am free, and plant some vegetables. Is the capital nourishing the quail in the cage?"

After Xu Rong heard the old man's words, most of the excitement in his heart disappeared in an instant. He had planned well, and when the house came down and the decoration was finished, he would take the old man over after a while.

Seeing that the expression on his face had dropped a lot, the old man smiled gently and said: "When your second master renovated the house, I was actually not very happy about it. I have lived in it for decades. I can't live in the new place." I’m used to it, but the house is really dilapidated, and many beams are rotten, if I don’t build a new one, maybe it will be buried for me one day, no, I didn’t stop it.”

The old man shook his shoulders, straightened the leather jacket, and said, "What are you thinking? I know. The news says you work hard and you're a lunatic. I know you're poor and afraid. You're so focused on looking good. You can earn money in a hundred ways, but our father and I are doing very well right now, let’s say that you are the first one in our village to buy this big color TV, so this is the winner.”

Xu Rong nodded and said, "Yes."

The old man looked at him still unhappy, laughed twice, and said: "Look at you, why haven't you run out for a few years? It doesn't matter what the two of us say. You deal with people. If people don't A quick and easy agreement is a clear disapproval, but at the end of the day, you can't follow other people's temperament in everything. When it's time to force others, don't be soft-hearted. If you want to climb up, you will inevitably step on others. Shoulder head, if you don’t feel cruel, come back to farm honestly.”

Xu Rong thought about it for a while, and didn't bother anymore. Grandpa was right. He really didn't spend much time at home all year round. The old man went away, and he was alone, with no one to talk to. I'm afraid it was true. That said, quail in a cage.

After he figured it out, he smiled and said, "Then what if I force you?"

The old man's face was full of wrinkles, and he said, "I can't beat you to death."

"Haha, let me tell you."

The old man remembered something again, and said: "Your second grandfather's uncle, he has been here five or six times this year, so you can go and have a look after the New Year, and wish you a New Year."

Seeing that Xu Rong was silent, the old man sighed, and said: "Be good, man, you have to relax, isn't it just that you haven't been in touch for 20 years, what a big deal, he came with his head down, since we have helped , just do things authentically, don't care what the plan is, when no one can guarantee it, let someone help you."

"I understand, I'm not saying that I can't swallow this breath, otherwise I wouldn't take Xu Xing."

The old man smiled and nodded, and said: "You said you can swallow your breath, I believe it, but you still have to learn, you have to learn to break your teeth, and swallow blood, people are alive, and they will inevitably encounter bloody teeth. When you are swallowing, let me remind you, if you really want to encounter such a thing, tighten your mouth, don't make a sound, just wait and see."

When Xu Rong heard what his grandfather said, he said with a smile: "Master, if you didn't get injured, wouldn't I have to be a third-generation official?"

The old man smiled and waved his hands, and said: "Haha, what an official, your father's background would not have made him an official. If it wasn't for the fact that I didn't think the situation was right back then, I paid someone to serve as a soldier, let alone being an official." If you start a public job, you will be condemned to death long ago."

"You were born late, that's why I didn't see it. Back when there were people with a knife on the street, your second grandfather was so scared that he lay on the roof for three days and three nights and didn't dare to come down."

Xu Rong heard from the old man that the four generations of his ancestors were not innocent, and that his great-grandfather was a landlord, which is fine, but the point is that what the second great-grandfather did was nothing but oppressive business.

When it comes to him, he was born in the new era and grew up under the red flag. In fact, it is a violation of his ancestors.

Xu Rong really didn't expect that he would become a celebrity in his hometown unknowingly. Since he got home, there are many things to do, especially when the new year is approaching. When encountering weddings and weddings, he is invited to be the master of ceremonies or the host. The school has opened a branch school , invited him to cut the ribbon, and the most ridiculous thing was the opening of the chicken farm, and invited him to give a speech.

He pushed it without even thinking about it, and just accepted the errand of cutting the ribbon for the school. The head teacher and the principal of the high school rushed to the house together, and he really couldn't shirk it.

A few years ago, he dropped out of school and went out to work. The class teacher helped him to keep his student status. Even if the other party couldn't come, he would have to come to the house with gifts after the New Year.

On the 28th of the new year, I participated in a high school reunion.

It was almost the same as when he was a student. At that time, he was only focused on studying and didn't talk much. He didn't talk much at class reunions, but just listened to his classmates chatting about their interesting things.

Adhering to the consistent philosophy of never pretending to be forceful.

Even though most of the topics in the audience were focused on him, sitting among them, he always felt that he was a bit out of place. Even though he was also a student, the topics they talked about were mostly games, school, majors and so on.

At the party, he also met a certain female classmate whom he had a crush on for three years in high school. During the three years, he hardly spoke to her.

Now it seems that it is still beautiful.

He also saw some different emotions in the eyes of the other party. Teacher Niu once said that the effect of force is mutual, and the same should be true for certain emotions.

After all, he was already handsome.

But since I have missed it, it means that there is no fate at all, just go straight forward. As for the memories of the other party, they are only used as condiments during those difficult days.

He already has a classmate Xiao Zhang who has been acting as a monster recently, and he likes it too, so there is no need to cause some unnecessary regrets just to seek temporary pleasure.

As the new year was approaching, he made another trip to Long Province to pay New Year's greetings at the second grandfather's house and stayed for two days.

He also understands that in the absence of blood ties, the reason why the two parties move around is because of the existence of grandfather himself, and the second is purely for profit needs. Maybe it will be better if they move around more in the future.

However, he went to Long Province, but he made classmate Zhang very angry, because he took photos of beef noodles, mutton with his hands, etc. one by one to classmate Zhang and sent them to him.

As for Xiao Zhang, he could only stare at the photo and swallow the big rice and the second rice with tears in his eyes.

Seven or eight days after the New Year's Eve, Xu Rong packed his luggage again and headed straight to Shanghai.

The changes in the people in his hometown who have lived for 17 years have touched him more deeply. He understands the root causes of these changes very well.

Just like grandpa said.

He is poor.

 Part of it has been changed, everyone will just take a look. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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