I'm just an actor

Chapter 105 Learning

Chapter 105 Learning
After eating, we chatted for a while, and called Li Youbin's house, but Xu Rong didn't return to Shanghai. Since the New Year's Eve, Guo Si had already called him three times, telling him to go back to the capital as soon as possible.

Guo Si is no longer in charge of his specific affairs, and she devotes most of her energy to administrative work, mainly because there is nothing to be responsible for, because the two artists under her responsibility are too troublesome.

Xu Rong filmed when she was filming, and went back to school when she was free. Sun Li was relatively more trouble-free, not to mention taking on a few scenes. During her free time, she stayed at home all day and rarely went out.

And both Xu Rong and Sun Li understand that Guo Si's network is not wide enough, and she cannot be expected to win the main role in a big production.

Therefore, if there is an important matter, Xu Rong and Sun Li will contact Liu Yanming directly, and Guo Si will just turn a blind eye to this, which should be the reason why she can sit safely in the position of general manager.

As soon as Xu Rong entered the office door, Guo Si, who was dressed in casual clothes, saw him, and immediately stood up on the brand-new boss chair behind the newly changed desk, and said with a smile on his chubby face: "Xu Rong, you are here, why are you here?" So, the recording of the program is going well, right?"

As she spoke, she walked to the door of the office and said to the assistant opposite, "Pour a glass of water for Mr. Xu."

In fact, she didn't need to remind, her assistant was already doing the pouring of water when Xu Rong entered her office.

It seems a bit unnecessary.

But it seems necessary.

Xu Rong sat on the sofa, also smiling slightly. He remembered an interesting thing that Jin Fangfang mentioned to him earlier.

There was a supervisor in the company who used to have a good relationship with Guo Si. One time when he was reporting to work, he saw that the door of the general manager's office was open, so he went in without knocking.

Guo Si didn't say anything at the time.

At the meeting the next morning, she fiercely criticized the directors of the office and the marketing department, emphasizing that at the critical moment when the group is fully promoting the listing, the brokerage company must maintain a high degree of vigilance and unwaveringly keep pace with the group Consistent, can't relax at all times, from the all-round development of the company's artists to the small ones in the company's internal etiquette, there is no sloppy at all.

She has been in charge of the work for nearly a year, and she has fully adapted to the role of general manager, and has done it with ease.

When Guo Si sat across from him, Xu Rong smiled and said: "It's okay, it's not that you don't know the situation of CCTV, you just follow the script, what to say, how to say, you have arranged it two or three times in advance, There can be no problem.”

"Hehe." Guo Si seemed to have thought of something interesting, the eyes on his chubby face were almost narrowed, "If I were the director of the program group, I wouldn't dare to let you say it casually."

She smiled and made a joke, and saw the assistant put the water glass in front of Xu Rong, and said: "Since you became popular, we haven't eaten together for a while, and I am also busy, with a lot of things every day, wait Have dinner together tonight?"

"Have you been drinking?" After a while, the smell of alcohol on Xu Rong's body dissipated, and Guo Si frowned involuntarily, but quickly calmed down and asked, "Wait a minute, I'll make you some honey water."

As she said, she walked to the cabinet on the side of the office, took out a bottle of honey from it, and scooped a spoonful into Xu Rong's water glass with a spoon: "You can't drink alcohol yourself, and you should drink as little as possible. Before you Didn't it also say that Wang Qingxiang's nerves were hurt by drinking and it was difficult to memorize his lines, since you are going to make acting a career for the rest of your life, you have to protect yourself even more."

"Don't just laugh, I'm telling you seriously."

"I know I know, thank you for your concern, I had some drinks at Li Youbin's house just now, not much, just a few cups." Xu Rong first explained a sentence, and then said, "By the way, you called me a few times earlier, yes Is there something wrong?"

Slightly different from Jin Fangfang's description, Guo Si has not changed much for him, at best he is more confident and caring about others. Maybe Jin Fangfang and him have a different perspective.

"You really didn't drink too much?" Guo Sixian looked at him carefully for a while before asking, "Recently, the company received a big endorsement, are you interested?"

Xu Rong instinctively wanted to refuse, but after a pause, he swallowed the words again. Looking at the fat general manager with a mysterious face opposite him, he asked, "Big endorsement? How big is it?"

"Guess it."

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since you said it's a big endorsement, it must be more than 500 million. I remember that in July and August last year, some merchants opened up to 400 million."

Guo Si shook his head and said, "It's a bit far off, 1000 million, and it's a brand you can never imagine."

"What?" Xu Rong could tell something was wrong from her expression, the chicken farm in my hometown couldn't give up and chased after the company, right?

Guo Si didn't hold back any more, and said with a smile, "Baiqueling, a relatively large domestic cosmetics brand."

Xu Rong has no impression of this brand. The ones he uses are not from this brand. In Aunt Xu’s words, they are too cheap, so he wondered, “I remember the highest price was 420 million last year, right? What’s wrong with their cosmetics?” Dare to drive so high, the domestic market for men’s daily necessities is not big.”

"You are wrong. This brand has not yet launched a men's series brand, but they said that related products are under development."

After Guo Si said quietly, he got up, walked behind the desk, took out a stack of newspapers from the drawer, and said, "Maybe there is something you don't know. After Niu Li came back last year, she participated in a talk show." , when asked which actor she would most like to work with, her answer was you."

"What's so strange about this?"

"That's where the problem lies." Guo Si put a stack of newspapers in front of him, "Then the actresses who have worked with you were asked this question one after another, and their answers were all consistent."

Xu Rong glanced at the newspaper in amazement, but didn't open it, and asked, "Are you sure they all said it was me?"

"That's right." Guo Si looked at him strangely, and said with certainty, "I'm actually quite curious, you seem to be very popular with the actresses you have worked with, especially that Li Xiaoran, who always mentions you Calling you 'Teacher Xu'."

"If you're single, there's nothing wrong with saying that, but like Niu Li, Zhang Xinyi, and Song Jia, they are either married or have boyfriends, which means that their family members are also very worried about you."

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and came up with an answer: "Maybe I'm more handsome."

Guo Sina covered his mouth with Xiaopang's hands and smiled, and after a while, he said, "This is a fact, of course I don't deny it, but apart from a few popular male stars, which one is not handsome?"

"Your reputation in the industry is great."

"But does this have anything to do with endorsement?"

Guo Si said with a strange look: "They want to sign you as the brand spokesperson, not the spokesperson of the male product series to be launched."

Xu Rong opened his mouth and asked, "Are you kidding me? I'm an actor, and I'm going to be the brand spokesperson for a women's cosmetics brand?"

"Today is not April Fool's Day."

"I'm not joking with you." Guo Si was also a little puzzled, but instead said, "How about it, do you want to pick it up?"

Seeing Xu Rong bowed his head to think, Guo Si hesitated for a while, and then said: "I suggest you go on, this price has nearly doubled with your current popularity, I guess it is mainly because you have not accepted the endorsement in the past, In addition, in fact, only your remuneration, excluding the usual operating costs, actually does not bring much profit to the company."

She saw that neither joy nor worry appeared on Xu Rong's face, and she didn't continue talking.

She knew that he should be able to understand what she meant.

Xu Rong made a quick decision and said, "Let's talk, you can tell the other party that I have a play that will be shown on CCTV's comprehensive channel this year."

He hadn't planned to accept the endorsement so soon. It's a simple truth that rare things are expensive.

Guo Si understood this plan.

But she still brought it up.

Another reason why he didn't refuse was mainly because he was considerate of the businessman. He rushed to the door, and he couldn't bear to refute the sincerity of the other party.

It has nothing to do with how much money you have.

But after a meal, he did find that Guo Si had really changed a lot from before.

"Since the seat is different, the things to consider are naturally different. The group wants to enter the film market to promote its listing, and the brokerage company is always not making money. There are many dissatisfied voices from the group, and even a few directors He even proposed to abolish it." Jin Fangfang drove the car and said slowly, "Sun Li also has three endorsements following up at the same time. Guo Si is a little afraid of you, so I only mentioned one to you. She is too timid to stand up. The pressure from the group.”

Xu Rong couldn't help sighing: "The girl who slays the dragon will eventually become a dragon."

"You can't say that, she's just doing things from her position. The group will never allow a brokerage company to be like a small workshop with only a small net profit every year. The reason why Chang Jihong stepped down from that position , isn't that the reason?"

"In the final analysis, if you want to go public, if you can't let the capital see tangible profits, you must at least let them see hope."

After Jin Fangfang finished her long speech, she suddenly remembered something she had always wanted to ask but had no chance to ask. She turned her head and said, "Is Zhang Xiaofei's acting talent really as good as you said?"

"You want to sign?"

"That's not true." Jin Fangfang shook her head, thought for a while before saying, "I watched the "Horseback Bank" she shot, and I feel, I'm just talking about my personal feelings, I feel that her acting is not good. "

Xu Rong grinned, and after a while, he said, "Your feeling is very accurate."

Jin Fangfang blinked her big eyes, and when she understood what was going on, she hummed, and her fair little round face showed a look as expected, and said: "I knew, you men don't have a good thing, I believe you If it is sold, I don’t know when it will be sold.”

"But a good actor needs confidence."

Jin Fangfang was startled, turned her head strangely, glanced at him, and said after a long while, "I finally know why so many actresses are willing to cooperate with you."


"It's like asking me how much I weigh."


Naturally, Jin Fangfang led the company's team to discuss the endorsement. The reason why Xu Rong agreed was because of one aspect, Guo Si, and the other aspect was that he really needed money.

The company owed 500 million, and Li Youbin owed 100 million. Although he was not in a hurry to pay it back, his usual expenses were quite high. The company only gave a two-year interest-free period. After two years, the unpaid part , the interest is calculated according to the bank rate.

It can be said to be a very conscientious loan.

His usual expenses are mainly concentrated on skin care products, but buying a set can be used for half a year, which is relatively small money, and the bulk of his expenses are mainly concentrated on walking between relatives and friends and exchanging gifts. Can't stop adding up.

For example, when he went to Li Xuejian's house, he never had an empty hand every time, and at least it cost one or two thousand. The gifts were not high or low, the main thing was to bring his heart.

Li Xuejian has helped him a lot to make it this far.

His relationship with Li Xuejian is also relatively complicated, unlike Tong Zirong, although there is a bit of a teacher-student relationship, it is mainly maintained by profit.

He admired Tong Zirong's personality, but he was not of the same kind, and he couldn't make friends, and he didn't want to fall into his situation, so he could only maintain pure admiration.

After dragging for nearly half a month, after the school started, the contract was finally finalized, the endorsement period was three years, and the annual fee was 200 million.

The signing of the press conference and the shooting of the advertisement are scheduled for March, and the other party will contact the advertising company to make a plan.

Since school started, Xiao Zhang couldn't help dozing off in class.

Because classmate Xiao Zhang decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination!

Probably because of too much pressure, she always suffers from insomnia at night, but the determination to take the postgraduate entrance examination can drag her tired body and sleepwalking head into the classroom every morning to catch up on sleep.

On a morning when there was no class, classmate Xiao Zhang finally fell asleep in the dark, and didn't go out until half noon. She carried her schoolbag in high spirits, and trotted to Xu Rong who was waiting downstairs, her eyes were firm and authentic. : "Teacher Xu, I've made up my mind. Starting tomorrow, I must study hard!"

Xu Rong's brows and eyes were full of smiles, because Xiao Zhang seemed to have lost his soul every day in the past week, so he asked, "Are you sure?"

"Don't laugh, Mr. Xu, let me tell you, I must pass the exam, and you supervise me." She thought for a while, and a good idea came to her mind, "Why don't you take the exam too, Mr. Xu? Together?"

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and finally shook his head. He has almost learned the theoretical knowledge that needs to be learned, and he has no plans to study the deeper and pioneering theories for the time being.

The purpose of his learning is to use, not simply learn.

As for staying in school as a teacher, I never even thought about it. He has taught performances before, and he knows that it is a very painful process, especially when the students themselves are talented but don't work hard, they are full of helplessness.

But in Nortel, this is an extremely common thing.

Classmate Xiao Zhang handed Xu Rong his hand, crossed it, and suggested: "Mr. Xu, let's go to the movies? I heard they said that Changjiang No. [-] is very beautiful."

Xu Rong looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "Didn't you say you want to start studying hard?"

"I must study tomorrow." Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded seriously, "And you don't always say that you need to combine theory with practice? I don't make many scenes, so I can only watch more movies. Let's come back tomorrow and study again, okay?"

Xu Rong frowned, looking at Xiao Zhang who dragged her away, always felt that something was wrong, but after all, it was still early, and it would not be too late to start preparations in June and July.

When get out of class was over the next day, classmate Xiao Zhang held Xu Rong's hand like yesterday: "Mr. Xu, shall we go shopping?"

"Didn't you say yesterday that you should study hard today?"

Xiao Zhang's eyes were as firm as yesterday: "Well, I thought about it last night. I plan to eat and have fun first, and then I can seriously prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination."

"Do you still need me to supervise you?"

"No need." Xiao Zhang shook his head first, and then nodded his ponytail vigorously, "Mr. Xu, you know, I am super self-disciplined."

Then she dragged Xu Rong around the street for a long time.

On the third day, Xiao Zhang was as energetic as yesterday, but his expression was full of disappointment: "Mr. Xu, I dreamed about giant pandas yesterday."

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang with a pitiful face in surprise, and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Zhang raised his head immediately: "Shall we go to the zoo today?"

"Aren't you going to take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Yeah." Xiao Zhang nodded earnestly, "Go to the zoo to see giant pandas today, and start self-study tomorrow."

Then Xu Rong accompanied Xiao Zhang to visit the zoo for a long time.

On the fourth day, classmate Xiao Zhang said with emotion: "Mr. Xu, time flies so fast, there is only one semester left in the junior year."

Xu Rong squinted at her: "What do you want to say?"

"But, I haven't tasted so many delicious foods in Beijing yet." Classmate Xiao Zhang pursed her lips, because she found that Xu Rong knew what she was going to say.

"What about the postgraduate entrance examination?"

Xiao Zhang seems to have been prepared, and immediately retorted: "Don't you always say that the body is the capital of the revolution? If you don't eat enough, how can you take the postgraduate entrance examination? Don't worry, I will go to self-study tomorrow!"

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang, who was like a calf when he finished speaking, turning his head and pulling him towards the school gate, he could only shake his head with a wry smile.

Day [-].

"Mr. Xu, I've made a decision. I plan to finish filming together before preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination."

Seeing the puzzled look on Xu Rong's face, Xiao Zhang analyzed clearly: "That's it, I'm afraid I'm ready now, and I'll forget what I learned after the filming. Have to learn it all over again? Didn’t you tell me two days ago that you should try your best, what, what, what?!”

Looking at Xu Rong's expression of "I believe you are a ghost", classmate Xiao Zhang hastily proved: "Really, Teacher Xu, I really didn't lie to you. A senior sister told me about the postgraduate entrance examination. It can’t be stretched too long, otherwise it’s easy to learn to pee, pee, and it’s useless.”

Xu Rong understood.

Take a hammer test!

(End of this chapter)

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