I'm just an actor

Chapter 106 Advertising

Chapter 106 Advertising
The season when the grass grows and the warblers fly, since last year, the Olympic fever in China has continued to rise, and the streets and alleys are full of related things.

But these have nothing to do with Xu Rong. He has almost finished the courses that he should learn in school. Apart from accompanying Xiao Zhang, he spends more time observing life.

At the airport, train station, on the street, bars, discotheques, office buildings, and even farmers’ markets, he can stay for half a day without a fixed destination, and he can go wherever he wants, observing people of different genders, ages, and personalities every move.

Thanks to the frequent "walking" during the holidays in the past, the teachers at the school only turned a blind eye to his skipping classes.

As he had expected, Tong Zirong was indeed busy.

Perhaps it was purely because of his professional ability, or maybe it was because he wanted to gain his reputation as "Taishan Beidou" in the dubbing industry.

The upper limit of human nature is very high, and the lower limit is also very low, but the indisputable fact is that the opponent really can't spare the time to let him spend experience points.

In early March, Xu Rong took Jin Fangfang and Xu Xing to Shanghai to attend the signing press conference with Baiqueling.

Jin Fangfang is mainly responsible for communicating with the company, and Xu Xing went there because of the follow-up filming of commercials.

At the signing conference.

After a female reporter was pointed out, she directly asked a question that most colleagues in the beauty industry today find it difficult to understand:

"Mr. Zhu, may I ask why Pequeling, as a women's makeup brand, invited Xu Rong to be the brand spokesperson? After all, he is a male artist. Is this a signal that Pequeling is going to launch men's products?"

The endorsement fee announced by Hairun and Baiqueling is 2000 million, which is not high compared to Jay Chou's 4000 million, but since the news was announced, it has caused an uproar in the entertainment industry and the beauty industry.

Not just the sky-high price of 2000 million.

Because anyone who is a little knowledgeable knows that 2000 million miles contains a lot of water, and half and half may be the real quotation.

But the most puzzling thing is that Xu Rong, a male star, endorsed a female makeup brand.

This is really rare in China. When all the women's makeup brands are aiming at the four denier double ice, Pechoin has taken it by surprise.

Not only the entertainment industry is confused, but the female makeup industry is also quite puzzled. Although Xu Rong is well-known, he is a male star after all, and he might lose money.

Zhu Shengguo, the general manager of Baiqueling, is a middle-aged man in his forties, with a long thin face and black-rimmed eyes. He smiled and said, "Everyone should know that we, Baiqueling, have never invited celebrities before. Spokesperson, Mr. Xu Rong is our first brand spokesperson, so when choosing, we have carefully considered for a long time."

He pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, and said: "After we circled a few candidates for the spokesperson, we actually did a lot of preparatory work. It is not convenient to disclose the details, but I can tell you clearly that in the market research alone We spent more than 160 million on the project, and finally we decided to invite Xu Rong to be our brand spokesperson based on the feedback results."

Xu Rong looked at Zhu Shengguo in surprise, he just had a face-to-face meeting with Zhu Shengguo at the back, and he had no way of guessing whether what the other party said was the real situation or whether it was about running a train.

"Is it because Xu Rong is more popular with women?"

Zhu Shengguo shook his head and said: "This is just one aspect. Actually, in my opinion, every industry is similar. Mr. Xu Rong has a very good reputation in the industry. You should have heard of him. He is called a 'crazy man'. Since working in the industry, we have always maintained a focused and rigorous attitude, which is very similar to our Pequeling philosophy. We have a history of nearly 80 years, and we only focus on one thing, which is to make good products , worthy of our consumers, worthy of our conscience."

"Next question."

A female reporter stood up after being called out, looked at Xu Rong, and asked, "Xu Rong, is there any pressure to be the spokesperson of a women's makeup brand? If the sales are not good."

Xu Rong picked up the microphone at hand, since the last interview with Yi Lijing, he hasn't breathed freely in front of the media for a long time.

It's just that he can't be unscrupulous in front of the patron's father, so he smiled and said, "Are there any media friends from Guangdong Province?"

Under his gaze, several arms were raised in the media seats ahead.

"Then these media friends must know what the audience friends in Guangdong Province call me." Seeing the puzzled look of the crowd, he smiled and said, "Pretty boy."

"I think that should be one of the reasons."


After the atmosphere was active and the embarrassment was removed, Xu Rong's face turned serious, and said: "Maybe the media friends sitting here are not very clear, this is actually the first brand endorsement I have accepted, similar to Mr. Zhu. Before, My team has also spent a lot of energy doing market research and product trials. Pecholing is a very sincere and pure brand. It is not easy to insist on herbal formula and user-centered. If there is any pressure, There must be some, after all, neither I nor Baiqueling are actually good at marketing hype, and have always been quite low-key."

"Next question."

A group of reporters found something wrong, Xu Rong was too polite today.

After being silent for a while, one of the young reporters who was not named stood up and asked, "But it was rumored that you had pursued Chen Shu during your relationship with your girlfriend, and you still had no clear relationship with Yang Mi." , aren’t you afraid that female consumers won’t buy it?”

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders at Zhu Shengguo, he was already very restrained, but there were always some people who wouldn't let him restrain himself.

Therefore, he immediately asked: "May I ask this reporter friend, what degree do you have?"

The young reporter tilted his head and helped the metal frame of the glasses, and said proudly: "I passed it on!"

All the colleagues sitting here gave their surprised looks. After all, it is too unbelievable for Zhong Chuan to be a reporter.

Xu Rong was also slightly stunned, paused, and then said: "Let me declare first, I didn't mean to insult you or your alma mater. In my heart, China Communications has always been a top college in media, but there is an old saying I think you should have heard that rumors only stop at wise men. You have said it. It is rumored that some people are talking nonsense. It is a rumor, but it did not stop with you. I am very sorry for this. "

The young reporter's face turned red and white, and Xu Rong almost pointed at his nose and scolded him for being stupid, so he asked without thinking: "The reason why you accepted the endorsement is because of Baiqueling's endorsement." Is the fee high?"

"How is it possible?" Xu Rong looked at the other party in astonishment, "To be honest, I usually don't spend much. You can see from my clothes that the top and bottom of the clothes I'm wearing are only 700 yuan. , maybe you don’t believe me, but I’m not really interested in money.”

The press conference suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

"But didn't you say before that Southern TV was recording the program because you were paid a lot of money?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "That was to record the show, and I recited it from the script according to the other party's request. Can it be taken seriously? The main thing is to let the young and old watch it happily."

Seeing that the young reporter was still talking, he continued: "The reason why we cooperated with Baiqueling is actually because we are moved and touched by their craftsman spirit. In addition, I am just a little famous actor, and the other party paid me The sky-high endorsement fee, how should I put it, I will die for my confidant."

"Are you just a little actor with little reputation?"

"of course."

"But you just won the 'Most Popular Actor of the Year' at the Southern Festival?"

"Do you know why Baiqueling has such a good reputation in the market?" Seeing all the reporters staring at him blankly, Xu Rong smiled, "It's because consumers like it, so I have a reputation. The reason why I won the award , in fact, the reasons are similar, one is the love of the audience, and the other is the humility of the peers, which made me pick up a loophole."


After the press conference, Jin Fangfang returned to the capital alone, Xu Rong and Xu Xing stayed behind, preparing to participate in the shooting of the advertisement.

Before the shooting started, that is, on the night when the press conference ended, Zhu Shengguo arranged a banquet to entertain Xu Rong and the specially invited director.

The most expensive advertising director in China, Jia Zhangke.

For Jia Zhangke's impression, Xu Rong has never read his works, but only heard friends talk about this person, who has a mine at home.

Not a metaphorical generalization of his wealth, but that he actually had coal mines.

This is a director who writes his own scripts, invests himself, and directs himself. He makes movies and doesn't care much about making money or not.

Because he is not short of money.

Therefore, even if the domestic box office of the filmed film is only 200 million, he can accept it.

Commercials usually last about 2 minutes, and the planned shooting time is three days.

The plot is not complicated. Xu Rong is going to play an ordinary worker. Early in the morning, because the toilet was not flushed, his wife scolded him. He was in a hurry to go to work. Because the husband ignores the lonely wife who is alone at home.

After a busy day, he was in a hurry to go home after get off work, so he refused the invitation of his colleagues to drink.

It was raining heavily on the road, and when I was in a hurry to hide from the rain, I happened to see Baiqueling in the glass window.

In the next scene, he pushed open the door like a drenched chicken, and lifted Baiqueling hidden in his arms to his wife.

In the end, it ended with the slogan "Paiqueling, you are always in my heart."

After drinking for three rounds, it happened that the director and Baiqueling people were there, Xu Rong put down his chopsticks, thinking of the idea he had when he saw the script earlier, and said: "Mr. Zhu, Mr. Miao, Director Jia, I have some questions about the script. An immature idea."

The "Mr. Miao" he was referring to was Miao Yaoyang, the marketing director of Bequeling, with a round face, small eyes, tall, and also wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

As soon as Xu Rong put down his chopsticks, several people immediately turned their gazes to him.

After Zhu Shengguo drank, his face turned slightly red, and he said with a smile, "Teacher Xu, tell me."

"Actually, it's not too much. It's just that when you get off work, can you change the sentence of rejecting your colleagues to 'No, no, my wife has steamed the buns at home. I'll eat them when I go back.' What do you think?"

The three listened, and lowered their heads to think one after another. After a while, Zhu Shengguo's eyes lit up suddenly, and said, "Okay, I think this sentence is very good, and it especially reflects that kind of mood is very good anyway."

But he couldn't describe what was so good about it, and because he wasn't a professional, he didn't dare to make up his mind, so he turned to look at Jia Zhangke and asked, "What does Director Jia think?"

Jia Zhangke had long hair, a long thin face, and a cigarette between his fingers. After pondering for a while, he asked, "Mr. Xu, are you still married?"

Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and just said: "I have a friend who probably said something similar. At that time, I was very moved. Does Director Jia think it's inappropriate?"

Jia Zhangke smiled and waved his hands, and said, "No, no, I'm not saying that your suggestion is bad, and to be honest, I really don't want to use this word, I want to keep it, and put it in the next time I make a movie." Add this word."

Zhu Shengguo understood what Jia Zhangke meant, laughed, and said, "I've always heard that art comes from life and is higher than life. Now I really see it."

The next morning, when Xu Rong arrived at the studio, Xu Rong met the heroine.

When drinking yesterday, he had already heard from Zhu Shengguo that the heroine was a newcomer brought in by a friend of the chairman of Pequeling.

Still from Chinese opera.

After meeting, although Xu Rong didn't know each other, she understood why Baiqueling agreed to let a newcomer play the heroine of the commercial.

The image is really amazing.

When saying hello, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sometimes, people are incomparable. They are good-looking, and they are from Chinese opera, so it goes without saying that they have professional skills.

The future is expected.

The first day of filming did not go well. The crew immediately recruited a group of young people chasing their dreams to act as professionals, and filmed three scenes in the workplace.

After only one photo was taken, Jia Zhangke and Xu Rong looked at each other and smiled wryly at each other.


Xu Rong has been to Hairun so many times, and she knows quite well what a professional person looks like and what state he is in.

Marketing director Tian Yaoyang saw that the two of them had finished filming together without saying a word, but stopped filming, and asked in surprise, "Director Jia, what's wrong, is there any problem?"

Jia Zhangke asked, "Do you think these people don't look alike?"

Tian Yaoyang nodded, and asked: "Just now I looked more like Mr. Xu, but not everyone else. Can you solve it through technical means?"

Jia Zhangke smiled wryly and said, "You think too highly of me. Technology really can't solve this."

Xu Rong thought for a while and asked, "Mr. Tian, ​​can we just go to your company to shoot? You don't need to pull them over and keep them in a normal state."

"No problem, you didn't know before you came, many colleagues wanted to come and have a look." Tian Yaoyang half-jokingly said, at the same time, he took out his mobile phone, "Let me say hello first."

When Tian Yaoyang contacted the company, Jia Zhangke also took out his mobile phone and asked, "Mr. Xu, please leave a phone number. Is there a chance to cooperate in the future?"

Although he had just shot a piece and it hadn't been completed yet, he could tell that Xu Rong's performance was not like that of the performance majors from the same school, and his men were very real.

"Okay, I can't wish for it." Xu Rong hurriedly waved to Xu Xing, asked for the mobile phone, and exchanged contact information with Jia Zhangke.

But he had another idea in his heart. He admired Jia Zhangke's rigor, but he would never cooperate with him in production other than commercials.

Because for him, Jia Zhangke has a fatal flaw. The movies he makes may be profitable, but they don't make a lot of money.

Jia Zhangke can only rely on his family's coal mine to subsidize his family most of the time, and it is a pleasure to make movies.

Xu Rong is the exact opposite of him. He hasn't realized the freedom of wealth, so he can't let himself go and do things according to his preferences.

The three workplace scenes took a day and a half to shoot. Xu Rong didn't know whether it was because of Jia Zhangke's usual delicacy as a film director, or because of the short duration of the commercial and the need to strive for detail.

But in terms of feeling, it is really comfortable, even if the number of NG is a few times more than before.

On the third day, the crew officially moved to the studio and started filming the scene between him and the heroine.

"The audience is quiet."


Xu Rong stood at the door, wearing a tie in a hurry. The girl was wearing pajamas, poking her head out of the bathroom: "Can't you flush the toilet after using the toilet?"


Xu Rong also frowned, because when the girl spoke just now, the image of an angry woman did not appear in his mind.

Jia Zhangke and Xu Rong looked at each other, with strong suspicion in their eyes at the same time. The words just now are very similar to Nortel Mayuan's professional background.

In short, more amateur than amateur.

Xu Rong was silent, and glanced at the girl. She couldn't see the basic skills that should be possessed in the four-year rehearsal of Chinese opera. In his impression all the time, the basic skills of Chinese opera and Shanghai opera are quite solid, even if they can't compare with Song Jia, but it has to be similar to Sui Junbo.

Considering that the other party was still a newcomer, he actually didn't have too high expectations, but there was no slight turning point in the other party's tone, it was like water flowing downhill, flowing too naturally.

Jia Zhangke took off the earphones, smiled and said to the girl, "You have to have an expression on your face, and an emotion in your voice, that kind of expression of disgust."

The girl blinked her big watery eyes, and said rather aggrieved: "I have."

"Let me demonstrate to you." Jia Zhangke didn't know whether he was softened by the girl's cute appearance, or he was concerned about her background, and scratched his head. He really couldn't figure out that a Nortel person could speak lines well. It makes people have a sense of pictures in their minds, but it is outrageous for a Chinese actor to describe wide-open eyes as an expression.

"Okay, trouble director."

Jia Zhangke rolled up his sleeves and went to the battle himself, frowning slightly, staring at his eyes, and suddenly raised his voice a lot: "Can you flush the toilet after you go to the bathroom?"

The corners of Xu Rong's mouth twitched, and he turned his face away. Not to mention, Jia Zhangke acted like that, but he was a little bit happy with his messy hair that hadn't been washed for several days.

After Jia Zhangke finished the demonstration, he turned to look at the girl and asked, "Have you learned it yet?"

"Learn it!"

"Okay, the audience is quiet."


"Can you flush the toilet after using the toilet?"

Jia Zhangke covered his face helplessly, wishing to greet Zhu Shengguo's eighth-generation ancestors. This is not the "icing on the cake" mentioned earlier, it is obviously an ancestor for himself.

After a while, he took off the palm on his face and said, "Take a rest first, and find your emotions."

He said, looked at Tian Yaoyang, walked over, and asked in a low voice: "President Tian, ​​can someone else play the heroine?"

"Hehe, Director Jia, this..." Tian Yaoyang shook his head with a wry smile, "I'm afraid I can't make the decision, why don't I call and ask for instructions?"

He said, seeing Jia Zhangke's eyes twitching, he gave him a smile again, and said to him and Xu Rong who came over: "Director Jia, Teacher Xu, both of you have worked hard."

Jia Zhangke scratched his head, looked at Xu Rong, and said, "Mr. Xu, why don't you work hard and guide others?"

Xu Rong waved his hand, he is not involved in this kind of thing, a newcomer who is not well-known, came to shoot the heroine of the commercial, there must be someone standing behind him, the girl herself didn't say a word, he rushed to catch up, and she also Not necessarily grateful, how can I turn around and scold him.

He couldn't bear the reputation of being a good teacher.

The examples of Tong Zirong and Zhou Jie are all there.

If you do this kind of thing too much, it is easy to form a habit, and it is also a habit that is easy to bury yourself.

Jia Zhangke had no choice but to find the little girl again, talking and making gestures for a long time.

Then after waiting for a while, he turned his head to Xu Rong and said, "Mr. Xu, why don't you go through it first?"

"Okay." Naturally, Xu Rong would not refuse this proposal, anyway, it was just to tie the tie twice more.

After walking around once, Jia Zhangke went up again to demonstrate in person.

But no matter how Xu Rong looked at it, Jia Zhangke seemed to be a little bit interested in it, maybe if it was an ugly person, it would be a different face.

He didn't make bad assumptions about people out of thin air, after all, only men know men best.

At noon, the girl walked up to Xu Rong who had rested for a long time, took a bottle of drink, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, drink some water, can I ask you a question?"

Xu Rong hurriedly got up, hesitated for a while, but still picked it up, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, I can't talk about asking for advice, we should learn from each other."

"Mr. Xu, you are too polite." The girl smiled, and then asked, "That's it, how do you think you can accurately find that kind of angry and helpless emotion?"

"This, huh, actually I don't quite understand either."

"Teacher Xu, please help me."

Seeing the girl's sad and angry expression, Xu Rong suddenly realized that beauty is a very sharp weapon. She smiled wryly and said, "Then let me share a little bit of my experience, mainly based on emotional memory. , It’s good to take out the emotions you have experienced when you use them.”

"Uh, to be specific, the kind I want to express?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "Do you have a boyfriend?"


Xu Rong sighed silently. The lack of life experience is a flaw for an actor, because there is nothing to find the corresponding emotions. He pondered for a while before asking again: "Then can you accept large scale? bed scene?"

"Ah." The girl was stunned for a moment, then said after a pause, "No, I can't."

Xu Rong looked at her face turned to one side, blinked, and asked in a low voice, "Have you ever photographed that?"


"Then it's easy to handle. Imagine the state before you filmed the sex scene. You were unwilling to accept, wronged, angry, but forced to accept the state. You kept thinking about it, thinking about it."

Seeing her nodding, Xu Rong smiled and said: "These are some of my experience, you can try to see if it is useful, but let me tell you first, I didn't teach you, so don't talk nonsense when you go out in the future."

The girl quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no, thank you Teacher Xu."

(End of this chapter)

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