I'm just an actor

Chapter 107 From 1

Chapter 107 Together

At the launch conference of "Latent", there are many stars and big names gathered.

Originally, according to the plan, the crew did not plan to hold a launch conference, but there was a sudden change. Under the pressure of the outside world, the press conference was held ahead of schedule.

As a rule, some press conferences will be held a week or half a month before the launch, and some will be held two or three days before the launch, but most crews do not hold it, because the investment scale is small and the cast is simple, so they cannot be invited. Able to maintain a decent amount of media.

The crew of "Latent" originally belonged to the third category, but after the producer made a strong injection of 8000 million, it completely changed the situation.

Except for Xu Rong, the main creative actors of the crew have almost completely changed their blood. Liu Yunlong won the role of Li Ya by virtue of his rich experience. In the almost face-to-face battle between Gao Yalin and Li Youbin, who are well-known for the role of "Xia Donghai", Xu Rong stretched out his hand and pulled a sideways fight. In the end, Li Youbin had the last laugh. As for the role of Ma Kui, Jiang Wei chose to use it because "Assembly" is a mess of Zhang Hanyu.

In terms of actresses, the adjustments are also not small. The first female Wang Cuiping finally decided to play Gong Li, the second female Zuo Lan fell into the hands of Zhang Ziyi, and the third female was still Xiao Zhang's classmate as originally scheduled.

The press conference hadn't even started yet, and hundreds of media reporters looked as if they had been shot, blushing and jumping up and down.

"Gong Li, it's rumored that you lowered your salary to star in "Latent", and it's a TV series. What's the reason?"

Gong Li smiled and said: "Xu Rong is the actor I want to work with the most. He won't make movies, so I can only come to make TV dramas."

"Ring bell bell."

"Ring bell bell."

Xu Rong rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked out the window, it was dawn.

It's a beautiful dream.

But it's good, at least you can dream, dare to dream.

After filming Baiqueling's advertisement and returning to the capital, Xu Rong roughly reviewed the arrangements for this year.

Because as of now, there are only two films that he has taken over but have not yet started filming, one of which will not start until the Chinese New Year is over next year, and "Latent" that has been set, Jiang Wei has recently scratched his head trying to find a suitable actor.

In the final analysis, the problem lies in one word, money.

Jiang Wei's plan was to hire a few actors with excellent professional skills, but when he heard the offer, he immediately shook his head and refused.

No matter how good the script is, once there is no money to support it, it is inevitable to cut corners and rush the deadline, which will ultimately affect the quality of the finished product. After all, it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice.

After all, Jiang Wei's face is not as good as Uncle Li's, and he can make all the big names willingly lower their salaries and rush to play the role.

Regarding "Latent", Xu Rong has an ideal lineup in mind.

Shoot it as he thought, and it's hard not to think about it.

Of course, the budget needs to be at least 8000 million yuan to support it.

Regarding Jiang Wei's complaints from time to time, he could only listen to him, and sometimes comforted him. He understood what the other party meant and really tried his best.

"Latent" is scheduled to start in the second half of the year, and this is the only drama he has signed so far this year.

The rest of the books handed over, the other one is not bad, because it has not passed the review and needs to be overhauled, and it is definitely impossible to start filming this year. As for the others, there are obvious irrationalities in the plot logic. It's called a spy war, but it's actually about love between men and women.

In the original plan, he planned to take over three films this year, two selected scripts, good directors, serious filming, and rewarding himself with a profitable one. Although it is a reward, it is not a foolish idea. Instead, pick the one with the highest salary among relatively good scripts.

Pecholing's 1200 million endorsement fees belonged to him only 432 million, and he only took 132 million, and the other 300 million was used to repay the company's debts.

He still owes the company 1200 million and Li Youbin's 100 million.

According to the normal assumption, one or two more endorsements will be received next year, three dramas will be accepted this year, and three more dramas will be accepted next year.

At this time, he became more and more determined not to renew the contract after the contract expired. The money he has earned so far has long been worth the company's previous investment in himself, and the contract period is still two and a half years old, which is considered a drip. Enyongquan reported.

When he woke up to take a shower, Xu Rong glanced at the system once again habitually.

Acting training system
Name: Xu Rong

Expression: A
Lines: A
Limbs: B
Eyes: B
Rhythm: A
Comprehensive evaluation: A-
Experience Points: 0/100
Glory value: 0/100
Trait: Baji Master (unmounted) Baji Introduction (Analysis progress: 66%)

Four days of advertising shooting, he didn't gain any experience points, which is also helpless. He actually understands that at the current point, every improvement is a qualitative leap.

The only consolation is probably because of the popularity of "Crossing Guandong" and the endorsement of Baiqueling, the glory value has skyrocketed a little, and the progress of the analysis of the "Introduction to Baji" trait has reached 66%.

But right now, the overall evaluation of A- is enough. If Tong Zirong is free for a while, let's see if he can learn again.

He still has a lot of things to do, such as waiting for classmate Xiao Zhang to finish class in the afternoon, and taking her to look at the furniture. The house has been handed over and is starting to decorate. The two of them discussed it and finally decided to decorate according to the Western style. There are quite a lot of rooms, but when the two of them combined it, they realized that it was not enough.

Under the strong request of Xiao Zhang, one room was equipped with a sound insulation layer and reserved for singing, while Xu Rong wanted to turn one room into a practice room, and a huge mirror was installed on one wall, so that in the future, he would not be able to use it during morning exercises. Standing in the yard or on the terrace, no matter what, Xiao Zhang can't let Xiao Zhang ruin his dancing foundation.

In addition, a study room and a gymnasium are reserved. Except for some other necessary ones, the rest are reserved as bedrooms, because grandpa will not recover well in the future, and he will take over to live in him sooner or later. In addition, classmate Xiao Zhang’s father After my mother retires, I may have to move in here. If I invite another aunt and children in the future, I will need four or five guest rooms.

For this reason, they could only move the singing room and gym to the basement. The villa only has two floors, and there are only so many rooms, plus the kitchen, dining room, and bathroom. This calculation is too tight.

Although there is another building next to it, Xu Rong plans to sell that building after four or five years when it reaches almost the same price.

And in the morning, he had to meet with Gao Xixi and dub some scenes of "Drunken Gold" that were mixed with noise from the same track.

In addition, he also planned to chat with Gao Xixi about "New Three Kingdoms". The casting has already begun, but Gao Xixi only said to reassure him that it must be an important role, but he didn't reveal the exact role.

He didn't dare to believe the language art of these veterans. Before he got the script of "Crossing the Guandong", Wang Wenjie fooled him that "Zhu Chuanwen" was the soul and the proper male number one. In the end, although Played the first episode and survived to the last episode, but speaking of it, the role of the scene is not too much.

What he was looking forward to was not an "important role", but Cao Cao. He had asked Gao Xixi on the phone once before, but Gao Xixi always laughed and laughed, and did not give a clear answer at all.

"Hey, Xiao Xu, the way you read this line is a little different from before?" Gao Xixi asked in surprise after a recording was finished, taking off the earphones.

Xu Rong smiled and said: "People have to make progress, right? You can't always stand still, right?"

Gao Xixi frowned and said, "That's what you said, but your progress is too fast. How about we use dubbing all the time?"

Xu Rong thought for a moment, shook his head, and said, "The few sentences just now were a little more gentle. They were basically all skills. If they were all dubbed, without the atmosphere of the time, the emotions of some scenes may not be as good as they were when they were filming."

Having said that, Xu Rong sighed silently. According to his estimation, he still has a lot of room for improvement in terms of lines. If he continues to learn from Tong Zirong, he will have to spend about 100 million more. , but besides dubbing, Tong Zirong has also taken on a lot of variety shows. After recording a show, he can teach him for half a month.

This is a fairly easy account to settle.

But he is not in a hurry, according to Tong Zirong's personality, it is estimated that he will be able to spare time in half a year.

The habits developed over 60 years are by no means easy to change, and as he watched, Tong Zirong had no intention of changing them.

When the recording was over, Xu Rong saw that it was almost time for dinner, so he didn't tell Gao Xixi, just sat in the corridor, waiting for Gao Xixi to finish.

About ten minutes later, Gao Xixi came out from the inside, he stood up and said, "Director Gao, can we have lunch together?"

"You didn't leave?" Gao Xixi looked at him in astonishment, "Hey, why didn't you say something, I thought you waved at me earlier, you left."

Xu Rong smiled and said, "I don't have anything important, the most important thing is that the show can be screened on time."

"Who are you going to sell to?"

Without even thinking about it, Gao Xixi said: "It must be the South, preferably the Devil's City. After all, it's the story of that place. CCTV is relying on its large size, and it suppresses the price too hard. If you rely on the relationship, it won't make much money at all." .”

"That's right." Xu Rong nodded, then changed the topic, "Director, how is the preparation for the new play going?"

Gao Xixi glanced at Xu Rong, vaguely understood his purpose at this time, and said with a smile: "You, I said you can't just wait for me to eat, that's just right, I'm going to call you to chat."

The two found a nearby restaurant, asked for a private room, and sat down. Xu Rong didn't look sloppy and asked, "Director, I heard that the role of Cao Cao hasn't been confirmed yet?"

"Let's order two each, so we won't drink. I have to keep busy in the afternoon." Gao Xixi pushed the menu to Xu Rong, sighed, "I'm worried, I'm afraid, it was originally an appointment, They all regretted it after one night, and some said they would consider it, but once they considered it, there was no sign of it. At present, the only one who agreed is Chen Jianbin, but he didn't tell the truth."

Xu Rong ordered two dishes casually, pretending not to care much and said: "Director, look, how am I?"

Gao Xixi glanced at him sideways, and said with a smile: "Just put your heart in your stomach, I'll save the role for you, Sun Quan, the proper male second, how about it, isn't it interesting?"

Xu Rong grinned and said, "This role is good, but it's not suitable for me to play Sun Quan?"

"Xiao Xu, Sun Quan is the second male, the core character of the whole play." Seeing that Xu Rong's face did not hide the meaning of "I don't believe it", Gao Xixi laughed and explained, "Actually, I did consider letting you play the role." Cao Cao, but your age difference is too great, the audience will scold you."

Xu Rong naturally understands this problem, but it's not that he hasn't seen the old Three Kingdoms, and Sun Quan has nothing to do with Ermao.

Seeing that Xu Rong was slightly disappointed, Gao Xixi said, "Okay, okay, we've already formed a team twice, so don't act with me, I'll let you know, in fact, I originally planned to let you play Lu Bu , do you still remember the time I made you gain weight in the finale?"

Xu Rong nodded, there was indeed such a thing, and said, "I remember."

Gao Xixi said: "You are so big and tall, I guess 1.8 meters [-] must not be able to handle it, right? Your shoulders are broad and your figure has improved. I think it is very suitable for the role of Lu Bu, but your salary is a bit expensive. Now " "Crossing the Guandong" was broadcast, and there were overwhelming criticisms on the Internet. Based on those criticisms, at least [-] yuan is the starting point? And there are many investors. As a director, I can't make my own decisions."

"For example, the role of Zhuge Liang, since I took over the show, all kinds of ghosts and snakes have jumped out, which made me lose my temper. If you say that you are a commercial shooter, you can shoot commercials with peace of mind. You have to join us in the film and television industry. ah?"

Xu Rong didn't know who Gao Xixi was talking about at first, but when he heard his insinuating ridicule, Lu Yi's face immediately appeared in his heart. He heard that fellow Huang Xiaoming mentioned it. Floating away, he switched to Zhongqian, whose advertising resources were exploding, and he turned into an advertising expert. For this reason, he even refused the invitation to the Spring Festival Gala.

Seeing Gao Xixi's old and unhappy appearance, he shook his head with a smile and said, "That's right, let's not talk about this, you can send me the outline later and I will have a look."

"You agree?"

"Then why don't I have to read the book?" Xu Rong said with a smile, "If the book is good, I'll lower the salary later."

Gao Xixi said with a strange face: "What if you are not satisfied?"

"You have already reserved a role for me, can I still join in?"

Xu Rong neither said yes nor said he shouldn't, but he still has to read the script first. Gao Xixi is a famous director, but he is not a screenwriter after all. It can't be rescued, and it's not a good thing to have more scenes.

After eating with Gao Xixi, he immediately ran back to school, and then plunged into the library.

He has to read the original Three Kingdoms.

It was around four o'clock in the afternoon, and I felt itching in my ears. I turned my head and saw that Xiao Zhang had come behind me at some point.

This seat was one of the seats the two of them used to sit in when they were studying together, and he was not surprised that Xiao Zhang could find him.

Xu Rong closed the book smoothly. In one afternoon, he read eleven chapters, and the progress was not bad.

Xiao Zhang smiled and whispered: "Mr. Xu, shall we go?"

There are still many people in the library, most of them are in pairs, and it is not known whether they are really here to study.

"Mr. Xu, shall we move in after the decoration is completed?" After leaving the library gate, Xiao Zhang asked with a strange expression.

Xu Rong didn't even think about it and said: "It's definitely not, don't hang it for a while, or there will be problems. I heard that someone decorated a new house before and moved in after only hanging it for a week. It turned out that it didn't take half a year. Come on Leukemia, what was originally a good thing turned out to be a bad thing."

Classmate Xiao Zhang lowered his head, looked at Lu seriously, and whispered: "That's not what it means."

"Which one is that?" Xu Rong stopped abruptly, turned his head, looked at Xiao Zhang's slightly red earlobe, and smiled, "Then when do you want to live in together?"

He deliberately put the accent on the word "together".

"I, you." Xiao Zhang could only feel his face burning hot, "Mr. Xu, you are too bad, hum."


Xiao Zhang didn't think about this before, but after the news that Mr. Xu received a 1200 million endorsement came out, she couldn't help but care about what Yuan Shanshan said.

"Xiaofei, are you with Xu Rong?"

"Which one?"

"Just do what couples should do."

Thanks to Jiao Junyan stepping on the gas pedal to death from time to time, Xiao Zhang understood what Yuan Shanshan meant after being dazed for a moment.

"No la."

"Yeah, you've been together for so long, yet you haven't. Could it be that Xu Rong has no desire for you?"

"No, Mr. Xu is very kind to me."

"I heard that men like big ones." Yuan Shanshan said, and focused her eyes on the ordinary classmate Zhang.

Xiao Zhang didn't pay much attention at the time, but later she was alone, and she couldn't help but have messy thoughts in her mind.

She didn't suspect that Teacher Xu didn't like her, because when Teacher Xu was looking at her, she could see her eyes were all in his eyes.

But after thinking about it, she felt that she couldn't let others laugh at her all the time. In addition, Teacher Xu was too busy. She had to go to class during the day to prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination, but Teacher Xu skipped classes all day to "observe life". At night, Teacher Xu had to go back to the dormitory to read the materials. Although she couldn't help but want to stay longer, she didn't want to force Teacher Xu.

She just wanted to spend more time with him.

So, gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, Xiao Zhang decided to take the initiative.

For this reason, she secretly researched a lot of things on the Internet, that is, how to make her boyfriend take the initiative. The answers on the Internet are all kinds of strange, such as pretending to be timid, being afraid of the dark at night, seizing the opportunity, and going out as soon as the lights are turned off. Drilling in my arms, it would be even better if it rains, and you can still tease "shivering" when it thunders.

God is pitiful, when she was ten years old, she went to training classes to learn dancing after school. Every day when she went back, it was eight or nine o'clock. There are many people who walk at night, are they afraid of the dark?

As for the thunder, as long as there is nothing in her mind, it's just a matter of closing her eyes, as long as she doesn't smash her bed, she won't wake up.

Of course, she thought that when that time came, Teacher Xu would definitely not expose her, but there was always no chance, she couldn't take the initiative to open a room, how embarrassing would that be, and what would Teacher Xu think of her then?
So when she thought about it, she didn't dare to take the initiative to attack again, but she was not afraid, because when they lived together, they could be together every day.

(End of this chapter)

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