I'm just an actor

Chapter 108 But

Chapter 108 But
It took Xu Rong a week to carefully read the original "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" from beginning to end, and then turned to look at the outline and plot of the first ten episodes of "New Romance of the Three Kingdoms" sent to him by Gao Xixi.

Just after reading it, a series of question marks involuntarily appeared in his mind.

Gao Xixi is also a big fool, the core character of the fart, the role of Sun Quan, if it is put together for filming, it will take less than ten days to finish filming.

This is not what he cares about, because after Gao Xixi revealed the situation to him, he was already mentally prepared. If it was really a core role, Gao Xixi would not have given it to him so easily.

What puzzled him the most was the flaws in the plot. Even though "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is not official history, many of the plots are written like puppet dramas.

In addition, it is called "New Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and the lines are even more straightforward than idol dramas. I am afraid that even elementary school students can understand it.

It doesn't fit the original.

But elementary school students can understand.

Some plots are a bit bizarre or even outrageous, such as the plot of Soochow that he pays attention to, which is basically completely original and even nonsense.

But it is undeniable that it is tortuous enough for the general public, especially the younger generation, who do not understand the Three Kingdoms.

What's even more peculiar is that the standpoint of "New Three Kingdoms" is different from that of the original work. The original work is obviously from the perspective of Shu State, while "New Three Kingdoms" is inclined to Wei State.

Probably also to highlight a "new" character in the name.

Xu Rong probably went through the outline of the script, combined with Gao Xixi's previous complaints and some rumors, and he probably understood the reason in his heart.

Is there really a problem with the level of screenwriting?
After all, it was the screenwriter of "Kangxi Dynasty", and the New Three Kingdoms was not written by one person, but by four or five screenwriters.

It is impossible for them not to consider the original work, and it is impossible not to consider the official history.

But 13 billion people, how many people have read the original "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and how many people understand "Three Kingdoms"?
The root of the problem lies in catering to the market. The line design of "Da Ming Dynasty" is exquisite enough, but the spring is white and the snow is high, and the latecomers cannot and dare not learn from it.

Why can family ethics such as "Country Love" and "Golden Wedding" become popular dramas?

Because compared with a small number of viewers who pursue refinement, more people like to watch this kind of twists and turns, which is caused by the rapid increase in the base of low- and middle-income people with the advancement of urbanization and the improvement of general material life.

Most importantly, can Gao Xixi call the shots?

Xu Rong thought of some rumors and couldn't help being silent.

At the beginning of last year, "New Three Kingdoms" kicked off with great momentum and officially started filming, with a total investment of 6000 million. It was directed by Chen Jialin, who was not familiar with him twice.

Xu Rong knew this because Li Youbin had considered fighting for the role of Cao Cao, but it was no use at all.

At the same time, Jiang Wen and Chen Baoguo participated in the competition for this role.

In the end, Chen Jialin made the decision, and Jiang Wen played Cao Cao. Although Chen Baoguo didn't get what he wanted, he also got the role of Sima Yi.

In addition, Emperor is one of the investors, and related artists have also joined, such as Jackie Chan as Sun Jian, his son Ren Ren as Cao Zhi, Nicholas Tse as Lu Bu, and now his wife Zhang Baizhi who is deeply involved in "a certain Zhaomen" plays Diaochan, and others include Kou Shixun and Gui Ya Lei, Jin Chengwu and so on.

But within two months, Chen Jialin was forced to resign because he was too old to handle the huge workload of "New Three Kingdoms", and the cast he had set was also completely overturned.

It's like a joke, but the reason of "advanced age" at least left a fig leaf for the big business owners.

After Chen Jialin resigned, he was taken over by Yan Jiangang, the young and middle-aged director. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes and gain more voice, Yan Jiangang brought 3000 million yuan into the team, and the total investment of "New Three Kingdoms" increased to 9000 million yuan.

It's just that he couldn't escape the fate of Chen Jialin's sad withdrawal. Within two months, Yan Jiangang resigned and withdrew his capital at the same time. Compared with Chen Jialin's silence, the younger Yan Jiangang was more radical. After resigning, he issued a statement explaining the reason In short, the management is too knowledgeable.

"Due to a variety of complicated reasons that are not suitable to be stated at present, "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" cannot meet the most basic creation conditions."

"It is difficult to reach an agreement with individual investors at the operational level."

"Literary scripts created by screenwriters should not undergo subversive, non-professional, and non-television transformations."

The source of the contradiction is obvious.

Chen Jialin was the first to eat the hedgehog, and his mouth was pierced, which is justifiable. Yan Jiangang saw that something was wrong, and put on a pair of steel mouth and iron teeth before moving his chopsticks, but he still couldn't escape the fate of leaving the scene sadly .

"New Three Kingdoms" is because the investors are too "professional" and too market-oriented, which seriously interferes with the normal creation of the work.

Could it be that Gao Xixi didn't see the problems that can be seen?

Xu Rong felt that he was very clear.

Just like Gao Xixi once wanted Jia Yiping to play Zhuge Liang, but although he is the director, he can't decide the actor for the main role.

Not everyone is Jia Zhangke.

A while ago, during the filming of "Once Upon a Time in China", the director Zhang Li had an unpleasant dispute with the male Zhang Guoli because of whether he wanted to pursue the ultimate shooting effect. One day, hundreds of thousands were spent like flowing water, which Zhang Guoli, as a producer, could not accept.

What the employer pursues is to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. Open source means that the works must be bizarre enough to attract audiences and satisfy the novelty-seeking psychology. Naturally, reducing expenditure is to save money by trying to find ways.

Sun Quan is also very good.

Xu Rong thought so, turned off the computer, and sent a text message to Gao Xixi.

Next, while waiting for the book to finish, he prepared "Latent". This time, he didn't plan to go to Li Xuejian to rehearse the play like before. The overall evaluation of A-, there is no problem in supporting a play.

And what Tong Zirong said was not unreasonable, he had to form his own style of expression instead of imitating others intentionally or unintentionally.

That will limit yourself.

Although Song Jia had all kinds of worries, he temporarily put them aside. He became famous for his spy wars, and he couldn't smash his own brand in the spy wars. This is the foundation of his survival. In the future, even if the transformation is not successful, if he returns, he will still be the head and the front line in the spy war drama genre.

In addition to preparing "Latent" and observing all kinds of people, in his spare time, he also dragged Xiao Zhang to stare at the decoration and furniture.

"Mr. Xu, why did you buy such a big bed?" In the furniture city, Xiao Zhang looked at the extra large double bed that Xu Rong had chosen, and asked strangely.

Xu Rong glanced at classmate Xiao Zhang, leaned down slightly, and whispered in her ear: "This way you can sleep well."

Classmate Xiao Zhang became more and more confused: "But you don't need to sleep in such a big one? I think this one can sleep six of us."

"You're talking about rest." Xu Rong glanced at Xiao Zhang and said with a smile, "Sleep is a matter for two people."

"Oh." Xiao Zhang's ears were slightly red, and she understood what Teacher Xu meant.

Bah, Teacher Xu is really shameless!

The two of them wandered around the furniture store for a while, and when they returned to school, classmate Xiao Zhang seemed to remember something, unzipped the zipper of the messenger bag, reached in, but didn't take it out, but raised his chin and head, and asked Said: "Mr. Xu, do you want to have an ice cream?"

Seeing that Xu Rong frowned slightly, as if he was about to start lecturing again, classmate Xiao Zhang looked at him very seriously and exaggeratedly, and rushed to say: "It's so hot today, don't you really want to eat ice cream?"

Xu Rong glared at her, and said helplessly, "If you put your obsession with ice cream and milk tea into your studies, I can guarantee that you will be admitted to the graduate school of Chinese opera."

Now that spring has just started, the weather is a little warmer today, and the two of them have walked a lot. It is a bit hot, but it is by no means "so hot" as classmate Xiao Zhang said. She is simply greedy.

Xiao Zhang hurriedly shook his head, pulled his hand out of the bag, and patted his stomach: "I really don't want to eat at all, it is what he wants to eat, and he just told me that it has been eating for more than a month No ice cream."

Xu Rong rubbed her head with a smile, and said: "Okay, let's make it clear first, eat once a month, no more."

"Hey, Mr. Xu, you are so kind." Xiao Zhang quickly took out his recharge card from the bag, paused and said, "Wait for me, I'll go back to the dormitory to get the schoolbag first, and then Let's go to the library again."

"Wait, give me the card, I'll buy it." He stopped her and took the card, "Strawberry?"

"Well, good." Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded, "There are still three yuan in the card, don't buy expensive ones, I'm not happy if I spend them all."

"Huh?" Xu Rong raised his eyebrows, he knew that Xiao Zhang wanted to be a demon again.

As the two got along longer and their relationship became closer, Xiao Zhang gradually began to reveal a side that was not common in the past. He always liked to act, and he became more and more active in acting.

But in his view, it is a demon.

Xiao Zhang opened his eyes wide and asked, "Why, too much?"

Xu Rong spread his hands and said, "Yes, there are too many, I can't bear to spend them."

Classmate Xiao Zhang snorted, pouted and said, "Small, to be my man, you have to learn to adapt."

"Haha. Goose Goose."

After finishing speaking, she didn't care about Xu Rong, and ran towards the dormitory bouncing around.

The plan of the two of them was to go to the library for self-study for a while, and then come out to eat after dinner time. But after buying ice cream, after a solemn ice cream handover ceremony, Xu Rong's phone rang.

Xu Rong took out his phone and took a look, it was Gao Mantang calling.

He has worked with him before. Gao Mantang is the screenwriter of "Crossing the Guandong". He has previously worked on "Family with Nine Phoenixes" and "Great Craftsman". He is one of the famous screenwriters in the industry.

"Hey, Xu Rong, are you busy?"

"Hey, Teacher Gao, no, I'm at school, what's the matter?"

"Let me tell you, that book is really a good book, you should think about it carefully."

When Xu Rong heard Gao Mantang's words, he didn't react a bit, and he said after a while: "Mr. Gao, did you mess it up? I don't remember pushing your notebook. If I really push it, I will definitely say hello to you first." of."

"What?" Gao Mantang asked after being quiet for a while, "You really haven't received my script, a period drama called "The North Wind Blows", did you forget?"

Xu Rong confirmed: "No, my books are usually spy wars. I will pay attention to other types of books. It is true that there is no such thing as you said."

"Are you free at noon, let's have a meal together?"

"it is good."

Xu Rong hung up the phone in a daze, not knowing what Gao Mantang was up to, but he had to tell classmate Xiao Zhang that she had to go to self-study by herself.

Xiao Zhang licked the ice cream happily and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Xu?"

"Isn't it cold?"

"It's not cool, it's not cool." Xiao Zhang shook his head hurriedly and said, "Is there something urgent?"

Xu Rong nodded, and said, "Gao Mantang said he wanted to talk to me about something, so let's have a meal together."

"Then you go, tell me when you come back this afternoon." Xiao Zhang said without thinking.

"Okay, then you go to self-study first."

Xu Rong turned her head and walked outside the school. After a few steps, she glanced back and saw classmate Xiao Zhang squatting on her back and stepping on her feet. Seeing that she was walking in the wrong direction, she called to her: " Xiao Zhang, are you going in the wrong direction? Over there is the dormitory."

Xiao Zhang suddenly stopped, turned his head slowly, and said with a dry smile: "Oh, I left my phone in the dormitory, go back and get it, Mr. Xu, hurry over there."

After she finished speaking, Sa Yazi ran to the dormitory, she didn't want to go to self-study alone.

Xu Rong shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly. It seemed that he would have to spend more time in the library or study room in the future.

Xu Rong arrived at the place agreed with Gao Mantang and met. Because it was still early, he didn't go to eat right away. He found a teahouse nearby and ordered a pot of tea.

Gao Mantang's Chinese character face and small eyes are full of high spirits. With the hit of "Crossing the Guandong", he completely took over Haiyan and established his status as a top screenwriter in China.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a while and chatted about the recent situation before Gao Mantang asked, "Xu Rong, how are you doing? Is there any schedule recently?"

When Xu Rong heard this, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Yes."

But then, he blinked again, because he hadn't heard that Gao Mantang had any big productions to prepare recently.

Gao Mantang smiled and said: "Xu Rong, I have a book here, it's very good, I want to ask you to play the role of the male lead, do you accept it?"

Xu Rong stared at him in a daze, and thought to himself, my great screenwriter, you don't even let me read the script, you just want me to follow, this is a bit too naive.

Therefore, he didn't answer, but said: "Mr. Gao, are you in a hurry?"

"I'm angry when I mention this." Gao Mantang put down the teacup he picked up again, and said with a sigh, "When signing the contract, the producer promised well that you would be invited to act. How can you think about it, it's almost time to sign an actor, and you just informed me that you have no schedule, so you resigned, and I was really panicked."

"No, I called you just now to try to persuade you, and then I realized that there is a turtle grandson who is not doing human affairs in the middle."

Xu Rong looked at Gao Mantang in surprise, and said: "Mr. Gao, you can't let me read the script first. The period drama you mentioned doesn't even have an outline now. It would be too bad if I agreed immediately." I'm responsible, aren't I?"

Gao Mantang patted his forehead and said with a smile: "Seeing that I am so anxious, I forget the business."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of notebooks from his file bag, handed them to Xu Rong, and said, "This play, let me tell you, is guaranteed to be even more popular than "Crossing the Guandong"."

Xu Rong smiled and didn't answer his words. The ratings of "Crossing the Guandong" have become a new record for CCTV, and it is not so easy to break.

For about half an hour, while chatting with Gao Mantang, he went through the outline, flipped through the plots of five episodes, paused, and turned to the end again. After reading it carefully for a while, he closed the book and asked: " Teacher Gao, who has been decided to play the male lead?"

Gao Mantang shook his neck and said: "Xia Yu, isn't this nonsense, find a young man in his thirties to act for me."

Xu Rong scratched his head, then asked another question: "Where is the first female?"

"Yan Ni, that's Shopkeeper Tong from "Wulin Biography"."

"Well, I know her, and the book is indeed a good book." Xu Rong thought for a while before saying, when someone signed a contract to cut off such a thing, it's not very authentic. The director didn't look for him in the first place, and now Gao Mantang ran over, if he got involved, his reputation would not be good, and although the first half of the storyline of this book is quite exciting, but because of the background of the age, it is almost impossible to be as popular as "Crossing the Guandong".

As soon as Gao Mantang heard his voice, he knew something was wrong, and said: "Don't have any worries, the producer has already promised me before you come, as long as you agree, you will even bring the director along with you."

Xu Rong was stunned, and asked after a while: "Mr. Gao, why? I don't think I have much appeal in period dramas, do I?"

Gao Mantang smiled: "I'm not afraid of your jokes. In fact, a part of this story is adapted from my real experience when I was young. I feel that you are very similar to me at that time, so I decided on you from the beginning, not only Looks as handsome as me."

Seeing Xu Rong smiled, Gao Mantang seemed embarrassed, he also waved his hand with a smile, and said: "Actually, the most fundamental thing is the similarities in our personalities, the same persistence, the same entanglement."

Xu Rong shook his head hurriedly, and said, "Mr. Gao, you are wrong, I am not entangled at all."

Gao Mantang laughed, and said: "If you don't worry about it, can you do the thing that blocked Liu Heping for seven days?"

"How do you know?"

"Liu Heping told me personally." Gao Mantang explained his doubts with a smile, and at the same time said with emotion, "When I was young, I did similar things. You are a little luckier than me. You are doing things. I asked for it, but I didn’t ask for it.”

"Well, good things are not famous, and bad things are spread thousands of miles."

Gao Mantang pointed at the notebook in front of Xu Rong, and said, "Just say whether you accept it or not. If you don't, I'll go to Ling Xiaosu."

Xu Rong looked at him in surprise, and said doubtfully: "You seem to like Ling Xiaosu very much? I heard that you wanted to invite him to play the role of Chuanwu before, but he just didn't have a schedule at that time."

"Well, there is such a thing. I think you two are the most similar to me when I was young among the young domestic actors, but your advantage is that you are younger." Gao Mantang said seriously, "And I heard that Zhang Xinjian and the others An old man said that your professional ability is very strong, although I don't know much about acting, but judging from the works that have been shot, you can create characters better than him."

"Professional level, the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom." Xu Rong didn't respond to the boast that he was better than Ling Xiaosu, but said, "I think there are more, maybe when you were young, you are more like me now." handsome."


Haha, once the fun was over, the atmosphere relaxed a lot, and Xu Rong spit out the "but" in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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