I'm just an actor

Chapter 109 Discussion

Chapter 109 Discussion
After easing the atmosphere, Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Mr. Gao, to be honest, the first half was just before the [-]th episode. I think it is better than "Blood Romance", and it can definitely be called a classic among the classics." Classic, but the second half, especially after Shuai Hongbing and Liu Qing got entangled together, it gave me a strange feeling. I think that since Shuai Hongbing gave up college for Niu Huahua and his children, he would never leave so easily and leave without saying goodbye. Abandoning the family is a bit to make Niu Huahua stand out, and deliberately create difficulties for her."

The general plot of the story is that Shuai Hongbing and his childhood sweetheart Liu Qing went to the countryside. Because of poor knowledge and cultural hunger, Shuai Hongbing secretly read "Red and Black" and showed it everywhere. As a result, he was caught as a model and was criticized by the team leader Niu Huahua. educate.

It is also because of this that the two gradually became acquainted, and because of "Red and Black", a bond was formed. Shuai Hongbing regarded Niu Huahua as a trustworthy sister when he was helpless.

Niu Huahua's feelings are different. She gradually fell in love with the cheerful, simple and versatile Shuai Hongbing, but because of Liu Qing's existence, she couldn't and couldn't say anything.

In order to return to the city, Hou Shuai Hongbing directed and acted out an accident and became a role model, but it also hurt his brain and got aphasia.

Seeing that he had become a fool, Liu Qing resolutely abandoned him in order to return to the city, and returned to the city at the cost of his body.

Niu Huahua considered that Shuai Hongbing's parents could not take care of him due to "sexual problems", so despite his family's objections, Niu Huahua married Shuai Hongbing so that he could take him home to take care of him.

Later, Shuai Hongbing recovered and resumed the college entrance examination. He and Niu Huahua already had two children. For the sake of his wife and children, he gave up the college entrance examination and returned to the city with his wife and children.

When they met again, Liu Qing saw that Shuai Hongbing had a wife and a child. In desperation, he found someone to marry, but because he was not a virgin, his husband gradually began to show a perverted side.

After returning to the city, Shuai Hongbing went through many twists and turns, and in order to make money, he finally got entangled with Liu Qing again and became pregnant with a child.

When the child was born and found to be mentally retarded, Liu Qing threw the child to Niu Huahua instead, thinking that Niu Huahua owed her.

Shuai Hongbing also followed Liu Qing to the south, and there was no sound from then on.

Niu Huahua lost her husband and had to take care of her children and sick parents-in-law. While waiting for her husband, she shouldered a heavy burden of life. Although life was so difficult, Niu Huahua wiped away her tears and faced life with a smile. She set up a street stall, ran a small business across the Northeast, sold melon seeds and cigarettes in a teahouse, and even talked about cross talk. In the end, she succeeded, met an equally successful husband, and launched a commercial revenge.

She got her wish again, but found that Shuai Hongbing did everything deliberately.

But Shuai Hongbing disappeared again, because he had already been terminally ill, blind in both eyes, sold all his property, sent the money to Niu Huahua, and came to a small wooden house by the sea to spend his last time alone.

Niu Huahua worked hard to find the terminally ill and blind Shuai Hongbing in the small wooden house by the sea. World.

One can't see, the other has a mouth and can't speak.

Niu Huahua sold all her belongings and delayed her husband's life. Shuai Hongbing quietly disappeared from this world and developed a strong desire for life.

Shuai Hongbing knew that the dumb nanny in front of him was his abandoned wife. He had no face to face all this, and then quietly left her. "The familiar melody was the secret code for him and Niu Huahua in the mountain village back then.

Then Shuai Hongbing and Niu Huahua reunited.

Even though he has never experienced that era, just by reading the scripts of the first five episodes, Xu Rong can feel a sense of realism coming to the surface, but since the handsome red soldier returned to the city, the plot has taken a sharp turn, with one pot of dog blood followed by another pot of dog poured blood on the head.

It is purely to highlight Niu Huahua's Niu, and portray Shuai Hongbing as a scumbag who can no longer be scumbag. Although there are various reasons, the character image has undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

It was too contradictory, and he couldn't portray such an image at all.

It's not that he can't accept that he played the male lead, and then set off other roles. Although "Harbin Under the Night" also sets off Lu Qiuying, Wang Yimin's image is always tenable, and he will stick to it. The second half of this character, or after returning to the city, simply changed his head.

Xu Rong knew that what Gao Mantang wanted to convey was the joys and sorrows of the little people under the wave of openness, but he loved the role of "Niu Huahua" too much, and sacrificed the handsome red soldier instead, which he could not accept.

On the contrary, Liu Qing's character is selfish throughout.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't nod his head, Gao Mantang felt helpless. He had worked so hard to write "Crossing the Guandong" for Ling Xiaosu before, but he was rejected. He didn't expect to write "North Wind" for Xu Rong this time, and he was not very willing. catch.

As for Zhu Kaishan, he definitely didn't write brilliantly on purpose, but it became like that after he patted it, and he didn't quite understand what was going on.

But he still wants to fight for it, because Xu Rong is one of the few young actors he knows who has successfully portrayed middle-aged characters. In the second half of the play, Shuai Hongbing will also enter middle age.

Gao Mantang pondered for a while, and asked, "If you have any ideas, you can share them and discuss them together."

Seeing that he was not being polite, Xu Rong thought about it for a while, and said the most important point, and said: "From my own point of view, it is reasonable for the handsome red soldier to help Liu Qing who is not happy after returning to the city, but it is reasonable to say that throwing his wife Abandoned son, this is hard for me to accept, because he also faced a choice, he gave up going to college, but the later plot overturned the character design of this plot."

Gao Mantang immediately retorted: "He is grateful to Niu Huahua, but he is in love with Liu Qing. He has always liked her, so he will help her and have a child. The reason why he abandoned Niu Huahua is because Feel sorry for her."

"Then do you think you like this kind of character?" Xu Rong also asked bluntly, "He also has elderly parents and two children, and he just threw it to a woman like this, yes, this kind of Niu Huahua is indeed Niu Huahua. Yes, he is indeed strong and great, but such a man does not even have the slightest sense of responsibility, so what is the difference between him and Liu Qing? If he had such a character from the beginning, Niu Huahua would probably not like him either. But the change was too sudden, he felt ashamed for having a child with Liu Qing, and he didn't dare to face Niu Huahua, so he should realize that he abandoned the three children to Niu Huahua, and felt sorry for her."

"In such an era, people's personalities will change, and there is a certain explanation for the process. It is poverty that changes him."

"But in the same plot, Shuai Hongbing has a contradictory side."

"It was Liu Qing who forced him to die. He chose to stay with Liu Qing for two reasons."


The argument between the two turned into a quarrel. At a certain moment, they suddenly noticed the gazes from all around, and the two fell silent at the same time.

They looked at each other and laughed in unison "haha".

In fact, Xu Rong understands that Gao Mantang really wants him to pick him up, otherwise there is no need to ask him out specifically, and Gao Mantang also realizes that Xu Rong is very satisfied with the first 20 episodes, but since the plot of No.[-] episode At first, he was dissatisfied, otherwise he would have just shook his head and rejected it, and would not have fought with him here.

"Well, Mr. Gao, let me also say something plain. I can accept Shuai Hongbing's cheating. After all, it is his first love. It comes and goes. It is always inevitable that the guns go off, but leaving three children and two old people behind I can't accept this paragraph."

Gao Mantang's voice rose again: "Then how do you change it?"

Xu Rong stared for a long while without saying a word. If he could write scripts, he would have nothing to do with Gao Mantang Moji, so he could only mutter: "Anyway, even if I enter the pass-sale and can't go back, I can accept it if I don't hear from you." .”

"Hey, that's a good idea of ​​yours." Hearing Xu Rong's murmur, Gao Mantang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "As long as you sign, I will change it."

Afraid of being fooled, Xu Rong immediately said: "As long as you change it, I will sign it."

"Xiao Xu, even if you change it, it's not something that can be changed in a short while." Gao Mantang said with a smile, "Don't worry, in fact, I didn't have much confidence in the second half. Think about it, let's make corrections while filming, don't worry, this time the director will find an old friend to come over."

Seeing that Gao Mantang had already said that, Xu Rong asked, "What does the producer mean?"

Gao Mantang waved his hands confidently, and said, "Don't worry, I can still talk."

This was the most hasty drama Xu Rong had prepared. The day after chatting with Gao Mantang, the company formally signed a contract with the producer.

Ten days later, that is, in late March, Xu Rong had to rush to the Northeast, where he had an indissoluble bond, to prepare for filming.

The only consolation is that it is now spring, and even though the shooting location is cold in Xuexiang, it is a little bit easier, no matter how hard it is, it is not as hard as "Crossing the Guandong".

As for the trivial matters of house decoration after joining the group, he can only let classmate Xiao Zhang and Jin Fangfang watch it together. It will take about two months to leave, and when he can come back depends on the specific shooting situation.

The new director of "The North Wind Blows" An Jian took office, allowing Xu Rong to see a different side of this circle again.

Before "Crossing the Guandong", Gao Mantang was in the screenwriting industry. Although he was also a well-known screenwriter, he didn't have the current status, let alone the power and freedom to change directors, but now he just changes.

Director seems to have become a tragic profession, even famous directors are not immune. Since Xu Rong started his career, he has seen actors who were dissatisfied and changed directors, and producers who were dissatisfied and changed directors. The management was dissatisfied with the change of the director. Now, he finally saw the screenwriter change the director. Maybe one day, the director of photography also changed the director, and he was not surprised.

After discussing carefully with Shi Lanya and Wang Qingxiang, he can tell the difference between the good and the bad of the book, although with the aging of a generation, period dramas have begun to decline, because more young audiences cannot understand the story of the era of going to the countryside. Helpless and heartbroken, and the love-hate entanglement that arises from it seems unnecessary.

But judging from the popularity of "Sweet Honey" last year, "North Wind" still has a certain audience. Although that generation is getting older, it has not completely withdrawn from the stage.

As for the first female Yan Ni, he told her that he had worked with her before. In "The Great Ming Dynasty", Yan Ni played the role of Princess Yu, but the two of them had no scenes with each other, and the overlap between announcements was rare. They only met a few times when they were trying on makeup. , have never spoken, and actually don't know much about the other party's character.

But after reading the script, Xu Rong only felt that it was weird. His impression of Yan Ni was still on the classic line of "My God".

Sitcoms are similar to variety shows, which hurt the audience too much, especially the popular sitcoms.

In his opinion, without the role of Tong Xiangyu, Yan Ni might be able to take the "sexy" route, but now, she can't get rid of the label of Tong Xiangyu at all, just like Feng Yuanzheng, who has been firmly established since "Don't Talk to Strangers". Trapped in the role of the villain, for an actor, this is not only a kind of luck, but also a kind of misfortune.

In fact, when he was reading the script, an actor popped up in his mind, Wang Qianhua who became famous for "The Woman in charge".

But he is neither a producer, nor a screenwriter, nor a producer, and he was the last one to enter the group, so he has no way of making a decision. He can only hope that Yan Ni will work harder and subvert her image of "Tong Xiangyu" in the audience's mind. .


Xiao Zhang also flipped through the outline of the script. She read it with gusto at the beginning, but at the end, she hated it, because the more she read it, the more she felt that the handsome red soldier was too irresponsible, and that Liu Qing hated it even more. At the beginning, she left Shuai Hongbing and went back to the city alone, but after they both got married, she not only seduced Shuai Hongbing, but also forced him to abandon his wife and son, forcing his family to separate. What disgusted her most was Liu Qing actually threw her and Shuai Hongbing's child to Niu Huahua.

Xiao Zhang let out a long breath of air in his chest, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, this handsome red soldier is very annoying. Why did you take this role?"

"I have already talked with the screenwriter, and I will change the plot of No.20 episode."

Xiao Zhang just nodded, and turned to another question: "Mr. Xu, do you think this handsome red soldier likes Niu Huahua or Liu Qing?"

Xu Rong was silent for a while, then said, "Liu Qing."

"Huh? But Niu Huahua is his wife?"

"This is the tragedy of the times, and it is also the tragedy of Shuai Hongbing, Niu Huahua, and Liu Qing who lived in that era. Shuai Hongbing is more grateful to Niu Huahua, and Liu Qing is his childhood sweetheart." Great understanding, thought for a while, and explained, "It's like the two of us, one day I lost my memory, you left me, and another woman married me in order to take care of me. It's you."

"No, no." Xiao Zhang didn't care whether Teacher Xu missed her or not, but shook his head and said, "If you don't believe me, you can try to become a fool, and I will take care of you."

"See if you can." Xu Rong smiled and rubbed her head.

After "North Wind" took over, he has another busy year this year. From late March to late May, he will shoot "North Wind That Blows", and at the end of June, "Latent" will start. Just two months, because the investment scale is small, the schedule must be tight.

In mid-to-late October or November, he will go to the crew of "Three Kingdoms", but he doesn't have many roles, and it is estimated that it will be over in half a month. This is why he didn't lower his salary to compete with Gao Xixi for Lu Bu. The reason for this role.

It's better to play less, so as to save yourself from being scolded when you get the time.

Xiao Zhang flipped through several episodes, and seemed to have finally found what he was looking for, but it was also the one he was least expecting, so he said sullenly, "Teacher Xu."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Xiao Zhang turned his head away again and said in a muffled voice, "It's okay."

Xu Rongjian glanced at the plot that Xiao Zhang found, it was a kiss scene between Shuai Hongbing and Liu Qing, and said: "I will discuss it with the director at that time, and, we can kiss now."

Xiao Zhang looked around first, and found that the administrator sitting at the door covered his mouth, his eyes widened a little, pointed to the door, and said, "Mr. Xu, someone is there."

Xu Rong raised his chin towards the outside: "Then let's go out?"

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes, watched Xu Rong pack up his things, and half pushed and half put the script into his schoolbag, and said in a soft voice: "Mr. Xu, it seems like we are like this"

"Like what?"

"Looks like cheating on you."


(End of this chapter)

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