Chapter 110
On the playground in the early morning, there were a few students doing morning exercises scattered here and there. The security guards at the school gate blocked the outside media, but failed to stop the outside atmosphere.

When Xu Rong first entered the school, he vaguely remembered that at this time or earlier, there were many seniors who ran and recited morning exercises. Therefore, there were also many seniors. But in the past two years, unknowingly, the situation But something has changed.

Xu Rong heard some remarks from his classmates, which were generally "little reds rely on praise, big reds rely on their lives!", and the evidence for it was "the princes and generals have kindness!" and "Look at Xu Rong, Yang Honey, it’s not that I haven’t learned much, isn’t it still popular?!”.

He generally understands the reason. Students who have worked so hard to come to the acting major come with the idea of ​​becoming a star, and a big movie star. Even Xiao Zhang has the same original intention.

Eileen Chang said that it is necessary to be famous as soon as possible, and now Jiang Fangzhou has answered another sentence: "Apple is easy to sell if it is premature. Since it is a celebrity, it is also a famous saying. Besides, everyone is taking shortcuts, and they are successful. Therefore, it is only natural that most people start to embrace it." Would it be a loss if I don't leave? !
In a certain corner of the playground, classmate Xiao Zhang clutched his stomach and lay on the turf, laughing as if he was about to faint: "Haha. Goose Goose. Teacher Xu, you are so stiff...hahaha."

Xu Rong also smiled and said: "You are obviously jealous, jealous of my amazing talent for dancing."

"Haha. Yeah I'm so jealous. Haha goose goose."

Before the exam, Xu Rongyi made up for some bad shape, but after three years, it has already been completely abandoned.

His usual morning exercises are mainly morning exercises to maintain the basic coordination of the body, but he is a bit powerless to get started with ballet.

Now that I have regained my shape, it is not a sudden interest, but a preparation for the filming of "The North Wind Blows".

Ballet, and the sense of youth.

In the play, he had a sibling relationship with Niu Huahua because of the publicity rehearsal, and there were many ballet scenes and shots.

Xiao Zhang has learned dance since he was a child, and he is not too unfamiliar with ballet. He is not a rabbit, so there is no reason why he would not eat grass by the side of his nest.

He can't wait until he's on the set, and then sharpen his guns. Since he has already taken over, he has to prepare well, and there is no need to think wildly about the result, just do his best and obey the destiny.

Sometimes expectations are too high, and it is not a good thing to wait for the contrast to come. For example, after the sad ending of "The Ming Dynasty", Liu Heping has not slowed down until now. I'm sorry.

As for the sense of youth, he really doesn't have a lot of it, because he experienced the hardships of life too early, and only when he was with Xiao Zhang on a very small number of occasions, he could not help but relax.

Because compared with most of his peers, he learned to compromise with life prematurely, learned to bow his head to admit the excellence of others, and learned to think about the consequences before doing everything, instead of relying solely on preferences, responsibilities and pressure. There is no like or dislike, but only can or can't.

Unlike most of his peers who live under the wings of his parents, he has long been used to facing danger alone, and he is always careful to guard against the most dangerous things, put his care in boldness, fight and go, and let the wronged Treat it as life, and find a little sweetness from the grievances, so that you can continue to move forward with your head held high.
Just like Zhang Ze and Shi Lijia during the filming of "Stepfather", they had the right to choose whether to rehearse or not to rehearse according to their preferences, but he did not.

As far as his acting career is concerned, at present, this is a good thing, because he is calm enough, and he does not feel like a 21-year-old semi-old youth, which allows him to get in touch with roles far beyond his own age.

But the disadvantages are not non-existent, just like right now, when he is required to play a carefree young guy, he can't actually act in his true colors.

Carefree, since he was 17 years old when he followed his uncle in the same village to carry the bedding and look back at the entrance of the village, it has gradually faded away.

But for an actor, any profession or even a person, the challenge itself is a kind of fun.

The fun of climbing.

The existence of classmate Xiao Zhang can also make it easy for him to find the feeling of youth that is fading away.

She has very few worries, and even if she has, they can always pass quickly, or it is easy to find happy things in unhappiness.

It's like she always pouted and complained, if it wasn't for Teacher Xu, you were always shaking and shaking in front of me, I could lie on the bed and fall asleep in less than 3 minutes every day.

In late March, Xu Rong asked for leave and went to Xuexiang again to participate in the filming of "The North Wind Blows".

For the role of Shuai Hongbing, Xu Rong has a certain idea, just like Liu Ye in "Blood Romance", Deng Chaozhi in "Sweet Honey", the same theme, the same period drama, and characters with similar personalities, even if they can't overshadow the first two. position, but you can't be overwhelmed by others.

But he never thought that he must go beyond or be more outstanding. "North Wind" is not a spy war, and there is no need to convey nervous emotions.

The crew has been in production for a week, because the whole drama actually mainly highlights the role of "Niu Huahua". Even though the plot has been modified to make the image of the handsome red soldier more three-dimensional, the number of scenes is actually more than 70 scenes less than Niu Huahua.

But he is not false, Feng Jingyao's roles in "New Shanghai Bund" are even less, and he and Huang Xiaoming were not allowed to have a mess at the beginning.

The plane transferred to the car and rushed all the way to Xuexiang.

This is the third time for Xu Rong to come to Xuexiang. The first two times were during the filming transition of "Crossing the Guandong".

Beauty is really beautiful, and cold is really cold.

Fortunately, Xu Rong had experience long ago, so he brought his thick down jacket and leather pants, and Xu Xing followed him, wrapping himself up like a little white bear about to hibernate.

"Director Miao, stop the car first? You've been waiting at the airport for a long time, it's cold and freezing, we treat you to something to eat." There are still five or six kilometers away from the hotel where the crew stayed, and when passing through Xuexiang County, Xu Xing said to Miao Chenshan, the deputy director of the crew sitting in front, and the driver.

Miao Chenshan smiled on his dark round face, turned his head and waved his hands and said: "No, no, it will be there in a while."

Xu Xing rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Director Miao, are you still afraid of making you pay? Don't worry, Mr. Xu treats you."

She guessed that when they arrived at the hotel, they must have already prepared and waited. It is estimated that they will have some time to catch their breath before they have to start the feast. My brother can't drink much. If he goes there on an empty stomach, it is easy to drink. Drunk not to mention, but also hurt the body.

Xu Rong glanced at Xu Xing in surprise, and just thinking about it, he vaguely understood what was going on, and said, "That's right, try the local dishes. After joining the group, it's not so easy to eat something warm."


The four people in the car laughed at the same time, because just now Miao Chenshan complained that the rice was delivered to his mouth, it was so cold.

After getting out of the car, Xu Rong glanced at Xu Xing and asked, "Is it cold? I still have thick clothes with me."

"I'm wearing such thick clothes, it's hard to walk."

The four of them found a shop on the side of the road. Because it was not lunch time, there were not many people. There was only a table not far away, and there was a middle-aged man with a broad back and a petite woman in her 30s.

Xu Rong first glanced at the pictures on the wall, and then at the food on the table not far away.

"What are you looking at?" The petite woman who was facing him saw Xu Rong always looking at them, frowned and said displeasedly, "You bitch, you don't look like a man, you blinded a big man and A good pair of skins might as well be rough."

Xu Rong frowned and looked at the woman in confusion, so he glanced at the dishes on the table a few more times, as for what?
At the same time, he quickly grabbed Xu Xing, who was about to go up to argue with others, and took off his mask. If someone recognized him and reported it, it would cause controversy.

No matter how many reasons there are for public figures to fight with others, it must be the fault of the public figures.

He is not afraid of rumors, but he is afraid of the ironclad evidence with both copywriting and pictures.

Hearing the woman's words, the middle-aged man turned his head and looked at the four of them. He was stunned for a while, and seemed to recognize Xu Rong. He hurriedly took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth, stood up, and said apologetically, "Hey, you It's that. That's sending the text? Sorry, sorry, she always scolds you when she's watching TV at home, don't be offended."

Xu Rong laughed, shook his head with a smile, and said, "It's okay, it's good if you can vent your anger by scolding me."

He was surprised at first, he was also familiar with the Northeast, but this was the first time he saw a woman as violent as the present one.

After the middle-aged man explained, he understood the reason.

"Boss, what's their dish? It looks pretty good."

"Chicken stew with mushrooms."

"What about that?"

"Pork in a pot."

"Let's all have one."

The four of them finished eating in a hurry, until they returned to the hotel, Xu Xing asked: "Brother, why did you stop me when that annoying woman said that about you?"

Xu Rong took out the clothes and daily necessities from the suitcase, and said, "It's not me that she hates, but Zhu Chuanwen, who can make people hate, and think that girls are chirping, which shows that I have successfully portrayed the role. For me, this is the greatest compliment, what can I say back?!"

"But shouldn't that praise you? You just played Zhu Chuanwen, but you're not Zhu Chuanwen."

Because Xu Xing didn't have this kind of experience, Xu Rong didn't explain it in too much detail, saying: "Actually, I want to play a villain who wants to beat me up when I see him, but seeing the current situation, there is really no chance." .”

Xu Xing actually couldn't understand his inexplicable thoughts, but listening to his emotion, he could only comfort him: "There will be."

"Is Teacher Xu here?"

After a while, all the leaders in the group had their brains figured out. Xu Rong was already mentally prepared for this, and he probably had to drink soon.

This is inevitable.

The director, An Jian, is tall, with a square face, big eyes, and dark skin. He looked fierce, but now he smiled kindly, and asked: "It's cold here in Xuexiang, especially because the location is much older. , Do you bring enough thick clothes? Not enough? There are military coats in the team, I'll ask someone to bring you two later?"

"Take it, take it, thank you director."

Xu Rong waved his hand with a smile, and let a few people into the room. Anyway, he felt that since he became popular, he has hardly encountered bad people. smiley.

Producer Yang Zhensheng is chubby and looks quite amiable.

Xu Rong has met An Jian and Yang Zhensheng before, so they are not strangers, but Gao Mantang looked at Xu Rong's spirit and said with a smile: "Now I understand why Zhang Xinjian said you have strong business ability. , the feeling to me is obviously different from half a month ago."

"Haha, thank you, Teacher Gao, for your compliment. It's the weather, it's too cold, but this time it's better. There's no underwater scene. You don't know the director and producer. The time I worked with Teacher Gao before, it was more than 30 degrees below zero. In the diving, people almost froze to me."

"Don't worry, you won't be allowed to enter the water this time. Even if there is water, it's a disaster for women. It depends on whether you can swim out."

"Ha ha. "

After joking for a while, Yang Zhensheng looked at the suitcase on the floor in his room, and said, "Teacher Xu, please rest for a while, clean up, and clean up the dust for you later."

"Please, Producer Yang."

"What's the trouble? It should be."

When it was time to eat, Xu Rong followed Miao Chenshan to the restaurant on the second floor. Most of the people were already there. Although there were not many actors joining the group, after Miao Chenshan's introduction, Xu Rong felt that the scene was right.

Zhang Shaohua, Bai Zhidi, Wang Liyun, and Liu Changsheng, the parents who played him and Niu Huahua respectively in the play, are all old actors, but their roles have not yet started to be cast, and it will take about another month to join the group.

Xu Rong said hello to all the members of the groups who had stood up, and then sat down, smiled and said to Yan Ni who was opposite: "Sister, long time no see."

At the same time, he said to Ma Su and Yu Heng who played Liu Qing and Da Pang in the play: "These two are Mr. Ma and Mr. Pang. Hello."

"Mr. Xu is good."

In fact, Yan Ni didn't remember that Xu Rong had worked with her at all. When the crew said they were going to welcome him, she wanted to take a break to rest, but she didn't come, but after her assistant reminded her, she remembered the year before and the beginning of the year. The two of them actually filmed a movie, but naturally they wouldn't reveal anything at this time, they also smiled and said: "Hello, it's been a long time, hey, I saw that you have grown a lot taller than that time?"

Xu Rong stood up straight and said: "That's natural. If it doesn't grow, it's a joke. I'm only 21 years old this year."

Yan Ni blinked, exchanged a glance with Gao Mantang, and asked, "That means you were only 19 years old when you played Shen Yishi?"

The oval-faced and big-eyed Ma Su accepted the conversation with a smile, and complained, "Mr. Xu, you have too many actors with strong professional ability, so we have no food to eat. Look, you can act at the age of 21." Middle-aged, how do you let our middle-aged actors live?"

The words sounded like they were complaining, but when they entered human ears, they made people feel comfortable.

"Mr. Ma, you are talking nonsense with your eyes open."

"Why are you talking nonsense with your eyes open?"

"If you don't believe me, ask everyone here, you and Sister Yan, with this skin and temperament, who would think you are middle-aged? Is it Teacher Yu?"

Yu Heng seemed to have a dull personality, so he just smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Xu, you are too bad. The two of them are staring at each other. Teacher Yu dares not to nod."


The wine drank down his throat, because there were two actresses, Yan Ni and Ma Su, and they were mostly talking about the content of the drama. After Yang Zhensheng led a few cups of wine and the atmosphere improved, he began to go far away. pull.

Xu Rong often participates in such occasions, but he has never been the one with an active atmosphere, but today is different from the past, he talks a lot.

"I'm familiar with this place in the Northeast. You have to stay for a few months a year. If you come here, if you don't take a bath, it's almost like you didn't come. I'm not used to it at first. Good guy, then As soon as I entered, I met Bai Huahua honestly, just like the wine pool and meat forest of the ancient Wudao and foolish monarchs, there is a saying, if a man does not take a bath, it is difficult to find a daughter-in-law, and if a woman does not take a bath, her husband will run out."

"Hahaha, Mr. Xu seems to have a lot of experience in scrubbing."

"Actually, not many times. I remember the first time I went there, the master probably felt that I was dirty, so he gave me a lot of energy when he came up, but the energy was too strong, and he threw me into the pool all at once."


"But not to mention, the effect is really good. When I went back that day, I touched my arms and legs, and I didn't fall asleep half the night. Why? From small to large, it wasn't so slippery."


"And when I came back to filming here, a big sister who pinched my feet said to me the supreme beauty, we don't understand that, just thinking about it for the purpose of being diligent and studious."


Yan Ni looked at Xu Rong who had been eloquent in surprise. Even if someone said something, occasionally he would interject a sentence, which would still make people burst into laughter.

Xu Rong's previous interview in Nandu caused quite a stir in the circle, and she also heard about him from her peers. From what she heard, Xu Rong is usually quite quiet, but today it is strange up.

It wasn't until the next day, when the filming officially started, that she realized what was going on.

The shooting of "North Wind" mainly has two locations. Xuexiang focuses on shooting exterior scenes, while the interior scenes need to be filmed after the crew moves to Lushun.

Because Xu Rong had just joined the group and was still in the stage of finding his status, he only lined up three scenes on the first day. As the male lead, he and Yan Ni would naturally have the first scene.

After putting on her makeup, Xu Rong walked out of the temporary dressing room, and happened to meet An Jian who was busy walking around.

An Jian glanced at him, and joked: "Mr. Xu, your make-up is really written in a script. It is recognized by the educated youth as a handsome man, tall and healthy."

"Hey, I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed." Xu Rong smiled and waved his hands, "It has nothing to do with makeup, it's all about having a good foundation."


"Then director, you are busy first, and I will also go to the car to prepare. When the arrangement is complete, you call me."

An Jian nodded and said, "Go ahead, you can see if the heating is suitable, and adjust it if it is not suitable."

Xu Rong had just walked a few steps, then stopped again, a red shadow flickered in front of his eyes, a round-faced girl about fifteen or sixteen years old came out of nowhere, stopped him, and said with a hopeful face: "Mr. Xu, can I take a photo with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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