I'm just an actor

Chapter 111 Short Board

Chapter 111 Short Board
Xu Rong took a careful look at the round-faced girl in front of him. Today was his first day joining the group. Even though he hadn't recognized the leaders of several groups, although the other party was wearing a red badge on his chest, the name of the badge The front faces inward.

He wasn't quite sure if the other party was a staff member of the crew.

But precisely because of this, he dared not agree to take a group photo. The crew, under unfamiliar circumstances, would not come to take a photo with him if they had any brains.

If it wasn't from the crew, that's even worse. No one is sure what copywriting will be matched with the photos.

Regardless of whether they are wearing clothes or not, it is risky for artists to take photos with others.

Xu Rong didn't have much expression on his face. Seeing Xu Xingfeng rushing over in a hurry and blocking between the two, he smiled and said, "Sorry, I still have to prepare for the next scene."

At this moment, a petite girl with a single ponytail ran over hurriedly with a clipboard in one hand and a stack of documents under her arm, and yelled fiercely at the round-faced girl: "Little girl!" Zhao, what are you doing?"

Turning her head, she hurriedly apologized to Xu Rong: "Mr. Xu, I'm sorry. She is a newcomer. She just joined the group and doesn't know the rules. She is rash because she likes you very much. Please don't mind."

Xu Rong generally understood what was going on, what Chang Ji said just now was obviously defending the girl, shook his head and smiled and said: "It's nothing, you guys go ahead."

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the nanny car rented by the crew.

The temperature is still about ten degrees below zero, so he can't wait outside. Although there are not many scenes, he has to maintain the best condition as much as possible in every scene, so as not to face stiff and immobilized when shooting later. Something went wrong.

After waiting for about half an hour, seeing that the preparations were almost done, Xu Rong was called down by Xu Xing's taxi.

Miao Chenshan, the assistant director, will be speaking for the play. He and Xu Xing have already lined up for the play yesterday, and now they just need to pay attention to their positions.

When Miao Chenshan finished speaking, Xu Rong looked at Yan Ni and asked, "Sister, do you want to arrange it first?"

What I want to shoot is a scene on the way back after the two people won the theatrical performance.

In the first article, only Xu Rong said the words, but Niu Huahua needs to give a response from the side. According to the plot design, Niu Huahua has to make a big jump when he says "the north wind blows".

Without even thinking about it, Yan Ni said: "No row, no row, let's go straight while my body is warm, it's too cold, if I wait a while longer, my mouth will be frozen."

Xu Rong nodded. Now he doesn't like rehearsals too much, because his performance is too limited, and improvisation is the greatest joy of acting. Of course, the premise is that the opponent can catch it.

"Every group is ready, and the audience is quiet."



"The dance performed by the Moon Bow Brigade, the North Wind Blows, won the third art performance in our county, the Excellent Program Award, for publicity."


"Get ready and start over."

When Xu Rong heard An Jian shout "stop", she stopped immediately, turned her head, looked at Yan Ni who was not far behind her, and said in surprise, "Sister Niu, is there something wrong with me?"

Yan Ni shook her head, and said to the busy staff around her with a reddish face, "I wear such thick clothes, it's hard to walk."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xu Rong.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled at the same time, because their costumes were similar, thick cotton clothes and trousers were covered with military coats, the snow under their feet was deep when they walked, and the big jump was basically Not too possible.

"Hey, your voice, why is there a picture?" Yan Ni asked in a low voice abruptly. The reason why she didn't dance just now was not because her clothes were thick, because when Miao Chenshan first talked about the play, she had already tried it. Although it was difficult, But for those who can jump, the props specially left a thin layer of snow for her.

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, understood Yan Ni's specific meaning, and explained: "Maybe it's because I learned from Teacher Tong Zirong some time ago."

"Hiss, I remembered." A gust of cold wind blew over, Yan Ni hurriedly wrapped up her open coat, stomped her feet and turned around, turning her back to the wind and said, "I watched a show a while ago, It was Teacher Tong, who also said that the tuition fee you gave him was [-] a day."

"Hehe." Xu Rong smiled dryly, admiring Tong Zirong thoroughly in his heart, can this kind of thing be talked about on the show?
No matter how curious Li Zhiyu was before, he didn't dare to let go.

It was a good thing that the seniors were enthusiastic and the juniors were eager to learn, but after he confided in it, it turned into a pure transaction.

To him, it's not a bad thing, but for Tong Zirong himself, it's really not a good thing, as long as someone guides him a little bit, Tong Zirong's image of money-eyed eyes will immediately become, and then he will take on plays and record shows, and he will be sure It's all about money.

Even though this is the case, the word-of-mouth that old artists rely on for their survival has collapsed, and no matter how good their business ability is, it cannot be saved.

Because the audience's cognition is superficial, when the evidence is conclusive and everyone's mouth is worth it, there are not many people who can really trace back to the source or deduce it downward for in-depth thinking, and they simply think that the evidence is the fact, which must be the case.

For example, if the region is black, if you trace the source layer by layer, there will be deeper causes of population, history, policy, and living environment, but the purpose of film and television, games, and entertainment is to weaken this thinking ability, so that there is no time and thinking ability to think Identify the gap between rich and poor and ways to smooth it.

Before starting to shoot again, Yan Ni said, "Let's start."

Xu Rong glanced back and saw that she was on full alert, and said, "Sister, I'm not used to your serious look."


"I'm afraid you'll suddenly say to me 'Oh God', haha."

"Haha, Xu Rong, you are going to die!"

Seeing that Yan Ni's state had relaxed, Xu Rong turned around, stood up, and gestured to An Jian.

He reckoned that with his ability to mobilize emotions, he could become a director except that he was not very good at telling stories.

Anyway, it’s not that there are directors who can’t tell stories and become great directors. As for the audience’s incomprehension of the works produced, it can only show that the audience’s ideas have not kept up. If you don’t believe me, wait ten years and try.

"All groups are ready."


"Moon. The moon bend team, the dance performed, the one with the north wind blowing."

It wasn't just Yan Ni who relaxed, Xu Rong's mood was completely relieved after the trouble just now, and he couldn't help but want to let himself go.

In life, he did not enjoy the indulgence that youth should have, but in the play, he returned to his real age, completely leaving responsibility and rationality behind.

This is the greatest joy of acting.



After one shot, Xu Rong hurriedly put the props aside, wrapped the open coat, waved at Xu Xing who was about to run over, and said, "I'll go and watch the replay."

After all, it was the first one. He had to check the state of his camera first and see if he needed to make adjustments.

There were three chairs in front of the monitor, An Jian, the thin and long-faced director of photography Zhu Dingzhong, and Gao Man Tangli were sitting wrapped up in three layers like rice dumplings.

There is a place for the screenwriter in front of the monitor, which is a feature of "North Wind". If the producer Yang Zhensheng stayed on the set, he would add another chair.

"Thank you, I don't smoke, how are you, director?" Xu Rong came to him, saw An Jian handing him a cigarette, waved his hand, and turned to look at Gao Mantang, "Screenwriter, are you okay?"

Gao Mantang doesn't understand acting, but the first half of the script is almost Gao Mantang's own autobiography, which is his personal experience when he was young.

"Very powerful." An Jian gave him a thumbs up, "especially the lines, this one, I was thinking about it when I was filming just now, when I cut it, I didn't use the close-up as I thought before, and I used it for the first shot. Machine B, switch to machine A when it’s over.”

Gao Mantang stood up quite overjoyed, straightened Xu Rong's crooked locomotive that was running over in a hurry just now, and said: "I was worried that I would not be able to show it to my grandson later. , I don’t worry about the one you just said, you are really as handsome as I was when I was young."


Xu Rong sat on the chair Zhu Dingzhong gave up and watched the replay carefully. His expression was not as relaxed as before. It was very different from what An Jian saw. What he saw was all bad things.

In the past, because he knew his lack of theory, he used to spend his time every day eagerly preparing scripts, practicing, and consolidating the theory. From opening his eyes in the morning to lying in bed at night, he could hardly spare time, let alone spend a few hours. Watch a movie for an hour or more.

Thanks to the relatively large number of film and television materials he has watched recently, he has observed too many body expressions under different emotions.

In comparison, the expressive power of his body is still lacking compared to those actors who were used by the teacher as case studies.

After watching it, what touched him the most was that in the scene just now, Yan Ni was just right and jumped up and down, and the echo with his lines was the most exciting moment.

In contrast, he was holding a dangling package in one hand and a certificate of merit in the other hand. He didn't express his excitement state ideally. He always felt that something was missing, but for a while, his mind was confused. He couldn't think of a better and more suitable way of expressing himself.

It's just that there is really no need to retake, because the performance just now is indeed the action he designed last night. Although he has played a little bit, it is the most suitable for him at present.

He wasn't sure if Yan Ni could cooperate so perfectly again.

At this moment, he deeply felt the limitations of his talent.

Body and language are the two pillars of the performance, but one of them stands too high, and a rather uneven phenomenon appears during the expansion of the "elastic film".

In the two steps of expression, in terms of inner experience, he has enough, but in the process of external expression, he still lacks quite a lot.

He understands all theories, for example, physical expression, there are three important things, one is eyes, one is gestures, and the other is gait.

But the process of performance is not something that can be achieved through sincere experience. As an art or technology, performance has a strong expressive nature.

As Stanislavsky said, the most delicate process of human inner spiritual life cannot be expressed with an untrained body, just like Beethoven's Ninth Symphony cannot be played with some out-of-tune instruments.

His body has been trained, but it is relatively basic, such as walking exercises, center exercises, size exercises, etc., and the school itself does not pay much attention to the expression of the body outside the eyes, but at this moment, when one of the double pillars is suddenly raised, He is clearly aware of his own shortcomings in physical expression.

Still have to work hard.

"Sister, I want to ask you a professional question, can dancing exercise the ability to express the body?" Xu Rong looked at Yan Ni seriously, "Just now I went to watch the replay, and your middle dance is so amazing, you danced, but you didn't dance Get up, but immediately jumped out like a cow."

The reason for asking this is that Xu Rong suddenly thought of something. His line skills were improved after Tong Zirong, so can he spend money to hire a good teacher, and improve his body expression through physical training, such as dancing? .

But anything that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Studying with Tong Zirong for more than a month, he spent almost 70 yuan, but looking back, he got back 86 yuan from "North Wind". The investment in himself is always a good deal, and the 86 yuan is just a down payment After all, he is only 21 years old, and he is still a serious professional. It is not like he will wash his hands after finishing this vote and withdraw from the arena.

"Haha." Yan Ni looked at Xu Rong's serious look, first the corners of her mouth couldn't help tilting, then she suddenly covered her mouth and turned to one side to laugh wildly.

Xu Rong looked at her inexplicably, and asked, "What's the matter, sister, what are you laughing at?"

"Haha. Ah. No. Haha." Yan Ni blushed from smiling, and after a while, she patted her cheek and said, "Actually, I haven't danced for a long time, and then I didn't jump up, haha .”

Xu Rong touched the locomotive on his head in embarrassment, he thought she was just showing the tip of the iceberg, but he didn't realize that it was Wang Zha who hit her.

But in such a comparison, my classmate Xiao Zhang is still very good, and the big jump is like playing.

It's just that when Xiao Zhang taught him, he only taught him how to dance, but didn't explain the meaning behind each movement. I'm afraid she didn't quite understand it herself.

When she regained her strength, Yan Ni still curled her lips, looked at him curiously and said, "Why are you asking this?"

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "I watched the replay just now, and your catch just now was so perfect, that is, the jump, Niu Huahua's character and emotions came out all at once, but this piece happened to be mine. Short board, I want to try to strengthen it."

"You? Limbs? Weaknesses? Handsome, aren't you turning a corner and scolding your sister?" Yan Ni rolled her eyes helplessly after hearing this. Although she only took one shot, Xu Rong's expressiveness, as Opponents, feel more intuitive and thorough.

The short board of the fart.

In her feelings, Xu Rong's physical expression is not weak at all. As for his lines and rhythm, in the first filming, she couldn't follow the rhythm she expected. It was half a beat slower and didn't keep up.

She understands that this is talent, and people are born to eat this bowl of rice, because without talent, no matter how much training and skillful skills, it will inevitably be distorted and deformed in the process of conveying from the inside out. Hearing Xu Rong's words, she I just feel helpless in my heart, geniuses are not scary, what is scary is that geniuses work harder than you.

"Each group prepare, next one."

The little girl with one ponytail who explained to the round-faced girl before has rushed into the arena like a gust of wind, standing in front of the camera, ready to hit the board at any time.

"Wait a moment."

"Feel sorry."

Xu Rong said sorry to the lighting teacher and radio brother who were raising their arms, and the red-faced staff, walked up to Yan Ni, and unbuttoned her coat. He was watching the replay just now, Yan Ni should have buttoned it up because of the cold.

"Old Liu, keep an eye on it, thanks to Teacher Xu who found out this time, if you get confused again, beware of the director scolding you."

The middle-aged man called Old Liu smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xu."

Xu Rong waved his hand with a smile and said, "It's okay, let's start shooting."

In the crew, the most relaxed thing is the scene. Don’t look like a grandson who is ordered by various bosses all day long. If you don’t pay attention, this group of people can rest in a cat’s place. Conversely, the most tiring is not always unintentional. The actors who dig holes for the later stage are not the directors who want to grab the ground with their heads every now and then, but the unknown contributors such as editing, lighting, and photography. For example, editing, their work and rest schedules are reversed from most of the crew. , They tend to nail in front of a few computers calmly and desperately. Once they cut it, it will be dawn. As long as they keep surfing the Internet, there will be no waves on their faces.

As for props, radio, and lighting, none of them are easy tasks. Even if the props are always made of old, you have to rack your brains when arranging the scene. Carefully create an atmosphere that has nothing to do with them, such as girlishness, young-female feeling, etc.

Not to mention the lighting. For those who have been in the industry for more than two years, lifting a [-]-pound barbell for half an hour is like playing. They also shoot nights during the day, mornings, noon, and dusk at night. Anyway, as long as the director makes a request, They have to try their best.

In the production crew, except for big-name actresses, no one can regard themselves as women, because even women have to treat themselves as animals.

(End of this chapter)

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