I'm just an actor

Chapter 112 Fear

Chapter 112 Fear
After filming two scenes on the first morning, Xu Rong didn't go back to the hotel to rest. When it got dark, he had another scene.

"I think Shuai Hongbing can follow what you said, joined that organization, then escaped again and again, was caught back, and was beaten a few times. Later, he learned to be smart and didn't dare to run away, but slowly practiced. It was a quick talk, and then the den was destroyed, and after going in and waking up for a while, I finally realized that only legal fraud can make money in a down-to-earth manner."

"When I get out of prison after the term expires, I will change my body, engage in training, become a lecturer, teach everywhere, give speeches everywhere, add various titles, and transform into a life mentor."

"But this plot, how to connect?"

"Isn't that simple? When the time comes, invite Li Youbin to come over and play a cameo. The plot is like Shuai Hongbing taking a photo with him in a wrong position. After that, start with that photo. When Shuai Hongbing has money, wouldn't it be easier to take pictures with celebrities from all walks of life? Shuai Hongbing The talents are laid out in the early stage, and art training will be done from the beginning!"

"And if you change it like this, you don't have to move the line of Niu Huahua."

While several people were eating around a small table, Xu Rong chatted with Gao Mantang and An Jian about the follow-up plot. I care, but the character of Shuai Hongbing cannot be ruined by the plot.

When he finished eating and wiped his mouth, he was about to get up and go to the car to rest. Thinking of the last scene, he looked back and forth between An Jian and Gao Mantang, and asked, "Mr. Gao, are you sincerely messing with me?" Right? Three plays, two in the morning, and one for me until the evening."

An Jian looked at the smile on Xu Rong's face, knew that he was joking, and said: "We don't have many night scenes on location, just let you find the status."

Ma Dongming, the assistant director on the side, took the conversation and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you want to go back to the hotel to rest first, and let Teacher Miao call you over in the evening?"

Ma Dongming is a 25-year-old young man with a long thin face and small eyes. Although he is an assistant director in name, he basically does most of the executive director's work. During the whole morning, Xu Rong hardly saw him take a break. Confirming the position of the machine in photography, watching the placement of the set, watching the group performances, and urging the scene, he was very careful and serious, and he was everywhere.

But Xu Rong could see clearly that Ma Dongming is a good assistant director, but not a qualified executive director. Executive directors do not require academic qualifications. I can endure hardships, because the executive director needs to take care of too many things, he has to take care of what the production director is in charge of, and he has to watch over what the production director doesn't care about. In addition, the most important thing is that he must be able to coordinate well Various groups, actors, and group performances, this is not an easy task.

Xu Rong felt that this was the reason why Ma Dongming was not good at being an executive director.

Ma Dongming was too gentle and not strong enough. When communicating with various groups, he always coaxed him. It was okay at the beginning, but after a while, whenever something happened, he couldn't hold it back at all.

This is a temper that can only be developed after becoming a director, because at that time, there was an executive director who said bad things and did difficult things for him.

But these, Xu Rong did not remind the reason, even if it is meaningless, people may not appreciate it.

And as he watched, director An Jian didn't plan to mention Ma Dongming. Ma Dongming was an assistant hired by the former director. If An Jian hadn't come for the future, and the buffer time was short, maybe Ma Dongming would have been killed by him tomorrow.

After the start-up, the assistant director is completely different from a grandfather and a grandson after the start-up. He is completely reduced to doing dirty work. Compared with the new assistant, he has a little more experience.

The next day, Xu Xing bought a small incubator. Although the crew's meals were served in the incubator, when it was time to serve the meal, they couldn't taste the heat.

The temperature was too low, so she not only put on long johns, but also put on all the two woolen trousers she brought.

At noon, she picked up the meal. Seeing that her brother hadn't rested yet, she carefully packed the meal into a small incubator and prepared to put it in the car. The air conditioner was turned on inside, and the temperature was much warmer than outside.

Just turned around and was about to go there, but happened to walk across from the assistant director Ma Dongming.

Ma Dongming glanced at the incubator in her hand, and said with a smile, "For Teacher Xu? You are very careful."

"Yeah." Xu Xing nodded with a smile, because the meal hadn't been served yet, she moved the incubator behind her embarrassedly, and then said with a smile, "Director Ma, what's the matter?"

Ma Dongming looked at Xu Xing with small eyes for a while, as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he nodded his head slowly and said: "That's right, there is an actress in our group who thinks it's cold and won't come, I think You have a good image, why don't you go up?"

Xu Xing was stunned for a while, surprise slowly rippling on his face, looked at Ma Dongming, and said: "Really. Is it okay?"

"Ten scenes." Ma Dongming said affirmatively at first, but did not give a clear answer to Xu Xing's inquiry, but coughed twice, seeing that Xu Xing didn't express it immediately, he asked with a smile, "That...can you?" Would you like to leave your contact information?"

Xu Xing looked at each other's small eyes. She understood what Ma Dongming meant, and the joy in her heart and face receded like a tide. She forced a smile, shook her head, and said, "Sorry, I have Boyfriend's."

"Having a boyfriend won't delay our relationship, right?" Ma Dongming said as a matter of course, as if Xu Xing's reason was extremely ridiculous, "Really, from the first time I saw you, I thought you were very cute, very similar to my first love."

Xu Xing completely understood that the other party just thought she was an ordinary assistant, with the idea of ​​playing around, taking what they needed.

She shook her head firmly again.

She didn't think that she was just an ordinary little assistant with dreams. What's more, she had the consciousness of sacrifice, but she didn't think that Ma Dongming had the qualifications to play with her.

Ma Dongming looked at Xu Xing's straightforward refusal, smiled, and said: "Okay, you think about it carefully, after passing this village, there is no such shop."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Xu Rong knew about this and returned to the hotel at night, after finishing the announcement for the next day.

After listening, he was not angry, instead he looked at Xu Xing and said, "I will deal with it, but more importantly, do you still think your previous thinking was right?"

"What?" Xu Xing looked at Xu Rong with doubts and a little resentment. She thought he would be angry and even fly into a rage, and then went to find Ma Dongming, but there was nothing, as calm as if she had just heard her complain about the noon production crew. The box lunch is not good.

Xu Rong got up, picked up the thermos, unscrewed it, took a sip, and said: "There is no such thing as a gift in this world, there are only equivalent exchanges, even if you think gifts or unequal transactions are nothing more than It is you who need to pay a certain price difference in the past or in the future, let’s just say you, if you don’t improve your business capabilities, what will you use to exchange with others?”

"A body?"

Hearing what her brother said so blatantly, Xu Xing's delicate face was bright red under the light. She had heard many similar things. In her mind, her brother could help her in the early stages of her career, so she took it seriously. Serve as his assistant.

But in the future, it is impossible for her brother to give her more help, but she doesn't just want to be an ordinary little actor or star. At that time, she still has to give up in order to get it. As for what to give up, she already has Mentally prepared.

This is the truth that my brother did not say clearly, but taught her by himself.

Seeing her ugly face, Xu Rong said: "Don't think my words are ugly. We have no money and no power. We want to get ahead and become popular. Things that are ten times and a hundred times worse than this are still behind. Where is this?"

"I've also heard about what happened to you today. The woman is still a pretty good actress, which is normal." Xu Rong remembered some rumors, shook his head with a smile and said, "You want to be famous, you want to earn money. Big money, I think too, but there must be a reason, why not? Don’t always count on good luck, or your good looks. People appreciate you and are willing to spend money to praise you. Even if you are lucky enough to be praised by others, it is just a tool used by others to make profits, and they can abandon you at any time whenever they find something unpleasant about you."

"In any industry, only when there are few alternatives or even without you can you make a lot of money and be popular for a long time."

Seeing that Xu Xing was not convinced, Xu Rong took another sip of water and said, "Don't you admire Huang Xiaoming? Do you remember what he was like when he first debuted? I guess you may not remember, but you can I went to watch the video of his first commercial, and now, it can be said that there are completely two people."

"Look at him now, does he still have the original freshness, vigor and fearlessness? When you really stand in his position one day, you can appreciate the strong self-confidence he exudes all the time. Fear, what level I am, I can understand it when I think about it at night, but I was bragging, being coaxed and lifted, and I arrived at that position without knowing it, like an inflated balloon filled with air , just take a needle and poke lightly."


Xu Xing's body trembled violently with the sudden breaking sound. It was the first time she felt that her brother was so strange, and it was also the first time she heard his true inner thoughts.

Xu Rong put the cup gently on the table and said, "It's about to explode."

Xu Xing smacked his lips twice before retorting: "But I don't think his self-confidence is fake."

"Because only when there is something missing, I will always remind others what I have, just like the big school motto engraved in the school, like the company culture that is so conspicuous when you enter the door of Hairunli, but if you think about it carefully, they really have something. These things?"

"Go back and think about it."

Xu Rong didn't say any more, and this time he just took advantage of Ma Dongming's excuse to persuade her. Xu Xing's thoughts were different from his from the beginning, because if he changed places, he would really have no face to recognize 20 Unrecognized relatives.

Is Xu Xing's idea wrong?

When encountering a difficult situation, most people first think about entrusting relationships or whether they have acquaintances, rather than looking at how the process is stipulated. In the process of entrusting relationships and inviting acquaintances, they naturally have to pay, and the nature is essentially the same. Yes, only the price is different.

If Xu Xing was wrong, then most people were wrong.

Everyone has their own way of life, Xu Rong doesn't think he is a gentleman, but earning money is to live better, there is no need to make his life more tiring just to make money.

"Yeah." Xu Xing got up, nodded dullly and said, "Brother, you should go to bed earlier."

On the third day when Xu Rong entered the group, there seemed to be some changes on the set, but nothing changed. Gao Yalin, the short and chubby production director, had been busy for a long time, and finally took a breath. What went wrong.

"That's not right, Ma Dongming usually does this reminder, why didn't anyone come today?" He muttered a few words, looked at Miao Chenshan and asked, "Old Miao, Xiao Ma has returned to the scene?"

Miao Chenshan smiled without saying a word.

Gao Yalin took a look at his face, took out the cigarette from his pocket, leaned close to him, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Miao Chenshan took the cigarette, put it in his mouth, covered Gao Yalin's lit lighter, took a sip, and said, "I bought him a plane ticket in the morning and sent him back to the capital."

Gao Yalin took a deep breath, turned his black eyes a few times, and asked, "What's going on, who did you offend?"

"Teacher Xu." Miao Chenshan said in a low voice, "with Teacher Xu's assistant. Anyway, Xiao Ma meant to confess his love."

"Confession? What a shit confession." Gao Yalin cursed with a smile, "He has two children, and he still confesses? But just because of an assistant, isn't it worth it?"

"The key is not this, that Xu Xing." Miao Chenshan pointed to Xu Xing, who was busy not far away, and smiled, "It's Teacher Xu's own sister, who would have thought of this?"

"Fuck, the little pony is too brave. Isn't this the old lady playing disco at two o'clock and one line in the crematorium cemetery, and she's tired and crooked."

"Hey, he should be unlucky, these two really don't look like brother and sister."

"Stop gossiping, people may be scolded if they hear it."

Xu Rong doesn't know what others are talking about, but even if he knows, he won't care. Groups are different from each other. Some groups sleep together when they fall asleep, while others are quite clean. The main thing is to watch How many hills.

The producer of "North Wind" Yang Zhensheng didn't show up at all, and the meaning was obvious. He handed over the power to Gao Mantang and An Jian. An Jian was found by Gao Mantang himself. The relationship between the two is very strong, that is to say , in this small group, the highest authority is Gao Mantang.

He doesn't care about doing those messy things, but only thinks about how to make them well.

"Brother, all right, come down."

Xu Rong leaned in the car, saw Xu Xing opened the door and said so, he got up hurriedly, tightened the military coat on his body, and got out of the car with his head down.

When he got out of the car, he felt his legs bend and his feet slipped on the snow, and he sat down on the snow with a "plop".

Fortunately, it was thickly worn. Although my back hit the door, it didn't hurt much.

Xu Xing quickly helped him up, and while patting the snow on his buttocks, he asked, "Brother, didn't you fall?"

Gao Yalin, who also noticed this scene not far away, also trotted over quickly, but when he ran close, Xu Rong had already stood up, so he could only pat the snowflakes on the corner of his coat, and asked with concern: "Xu Rong Teacher, are you okay?"

Xu Rong rubbed his temples, since he came here in the morning, he has been feeling a little dizzy, probably because he stayed up late last night, rested for a while, and didn't stay up late, maybe he's not used to it yet.

The scene to be filmed was Xu Rong running with a group of actors, but after only running once, he finally realized that his condition was not right, his face was hot, but when he moved, he was not natural.

He rubbed his temples, still a little dizzy.

Thinking of a possibility, he first said to Gao Yalin, "Director Gao, help me get a thermometer."

"Hey, okay, Teacher Xu, wait a moment."

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he walked towards An Jian who was shouting on the walkie-talkie, and when he got close to him, he said, "Director, watch the replay of the one just now."

"Is there any problem with that one?" An Jian turned his head and looked at Xu Rong in surprise.

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "I feel that my state may be a bit wrong, I'll see the effect."

Just as he was talking, Gao Yalin walked over holding the thermometer, shook it twice, and said, "It's a bit cold, Mr. Xu."

"It's all right."

An Jian watched Xu Rong put the thermometer into his armpit, and asked, "Teacher Xu is not feeling well?"

Xu Rong neither nodded nor shook his head, just said: "He was a little dizzy, maybe he stayed up late yesterday, and he rested for a while, it's normal that he wasn't used to it at first."

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking, and quietly lowered his head to watch the replay. The more he watched, the more he felt that he couldn't do it. The expression adjustment was too poor, as if he had been outside for several hours, and his micro expression was quite stiff.

Seeing Xu Rong shaking his head, Gao Mantang asked, "What's the matter, Xu Rong, is there a problem?"

"The problem is a bit big."

After Xu Rong took out the thermometer, he took a look in front of him, and said to Gao Yalin, "Director Gao, do you have any antipyretics? Please give me some."

Gao Yalin took the thermometer and didn't care at all. He glanced at it and was stunned. He said, "Mr. Xu, your temperature is almost 39 degrees, why don't we go to the hospital?"

An Jian and Gao Mantang looked at each other, and said: "Xu Rong, don't hold on, if you can't do it, go back to the hotel to rest or go to the hospital."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Try shooting again, if it doesn't work, I'll rest first."

After taking the medicine and shooting again, Xu Rong didn't insist on watching the replay. The effect this time was not as good as last time.

"You rest first, and wait until the afternoon to see the situation."

"it is good."

Xu Rong was lying in the car, but he was quite guilty. His family knew about his own affairs, and the fever was just a prelude, and it would be fatal when the aftermath came.

The last time I caught a cold was at the end of the year before last. During the filming of "Crossing the Guandong", I developed a fever within half a day after entering the water, but I took the medicine in time and the fever subsided quickly.

Maybe the body's immune function is too strong, if you don't catch a cold, it's enough. Once you catch a cold, you will have fever, runny nose, dry throat and sore throat, all at once.

When it was time for dinner, he felt his whole mind was groggy. The most helpless thing was that his throat was so dry and sore that he couldn't even pronounce words normally.

After lunch, Gao Yalin walked over with An Jian briskly, and asked, "Is Teacher Xu feeling better?"

Xu Rong twitched her nose, and said dryly, "I just clamped the thermometer on, let's take a look later, but in my state, even if I can shoot, the live radio can't be done."

An Jian looked at Xu Rong's slightly pale face, and his strong nasal voice, and said, "Mr. Xu, go to the hospital for an IV drip?"

"Wait a while, I understand my situation. If the fever subsides, I don't need to go. It will be fine in two or three days."

Five or six minutes later, Xu Rong took out the thermometer and glanced at it, handed it to Xu Xing casually, and said with a wry smile: "Director Gao, please send me a car to take me to the hospital. Hurry up when I get the drip."

"it is good."

At the same time, he turned his head to Gao Yalin and said, "Sorry director, the filming was delayed."

An Jian patted him on the shoulder and said, "There's nothing to say sorry for? I also know that the conditions of the production crew are difficult, and everyone cares about each other, but let's make it right first, and when you get back to work, don't scold me."

"Oh, no."

Gao Yalin turned his head and shouted to the driver not far away: "Lao Liu, get ready and take Mr. Xu to the hospital with me."

If it was normal, Xu Rong would choose to take medicine for a week, wait for his own immune system to generate new antibodies, and recover naturally, but now it is during the filming period, he can wait, and the crew can't wait.

Taking medicine is slow to take effect. He has tried this before, and it is different from the previous "Crossing Guandong". This time he is the male lead, so he can't make mistakes.

When the role setting itself is slightly inferior to Niu Huahua, it is meaningless to persist dryly if you want to shine.

As for dedication, it is to do the best that you can do as much as possible, not to do it reluctantly when you can't do it, to impress yourself, to disgust the audience, to persevere in the worst state with illness, that is The greatest disrespect and irresponsibility for the play and the audience.

The studio was about [-] kilometers away from the county hospital. Xu Rong didn't go to the studio the next day after receiving the drip on the first day. He first took the drip for half a day, and then lay down in the hotel for half the afternoon.

After the drip was finished at noon on the third day, feeling almost in good condition, Xu Rong went straight to the set in the crew's car.

But he didn't realize it. He had just filmed two scenes before classmate Xiao Zhang came to visit the class.

Xiao Zhang arrived quite suddenly. After a scene was filmed, Xu Rong was about to go back to the car to rest. When he turned his head, he saw Xiao Zhang, who was walking a step ahead, rushing towards him with a smile, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Teacher Xu."

Classmate Xiao Zhang wrapped himself quite tightly, only showing his cold and red face under the hat.

Concerned that there were still many people around, classmate Xiao Zhang excitedly ran towards Teacher Xu, only to realize that it was not good to throw herself into Teacher Xu's arms like this. The ground, but there was a thick layer of snow on the ground, and there was a creaking sound when she stepped on it. She couldn't stop, and under inertia, she was thrown to the ground by Xu Rongqian.


Yan Ni, who was walking beside Xu Rong, was taken aback by the situation in front of her, so she subconsciously screamed: "Wailian! Wailian!"

"Don't, don't, don't." Xu Rong sat on the ground, stopped Yan Ni, who was about to expel Xiao Zhang, and Wailian, who was about to come over from the group, "This is my girlfriend."

Yan Ni was stunned, looking at Xiao Zhang, who was hugged by Xu Rong but not on the ground, she covered her mouth and smiled "haha".

After a moment of silence on the set, there was also a burst of good-natured laughter.

Xu Rong helped Xiao Zhang to stand up, adjusted her fluffy hat that she had knocked crookedly on her chest, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Xiao Zhang didn't expect that a big ugliness would happen shortly after arriving, his already flushed face became even redder, and he said in a low voice: "I read the news that you went to the hospital, it just wasn't Qingming Festival, I'll come over to see look at you."

Xu Rong understood the meaning and concern she wanted to express, but the words came out of her mouth, and it sounded weird to others.

After Yan Ni finished laughing, she looked at Xiao Zhang, who was wearing a fluffy hat with only a small face, and said with a smile, "Handsome, why don't you introduce me?"

"Oh, I forgot about my sister." He smiled and pulled classmate Xiao Zhang and said, "My girlfriend, Zhang Xiaofei."

Then he pointed to Yan Ni who still had a smile on her face: "You should know this one, Sister Yan Yan."

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded at Yan Ni, and said, "Hello, Sister Yan, I have watched your play, "Wulin Biography" several times."

"Haha, thank you." Yan Ni looked at the two people who were already close together, and teased, "You haven't seen each other for a few days, so I won't bother you, let's live together later."

Although the air was icy cold, Xiao Zhang could only feel that his face was still hot, but because the brim of the hat covered most of her sight, the other party couldn't see her feelings clearly psychologically, so she nodded with a smile Nodding: "Thank you, Sister Yan."

After getting into the car, classmate Xiao Zhang threw himself into Xu Rong's arms, gave him two hard hammers, and said, "It's all your fault, Mr. Xu, a lot of people laughed at me just now."

Without allowing Xu Rong to speak, she remembered another important matter, raised her head and asked, "Mr. Xu, are you feeling better?"

"I didn't laugh at you, they laughed at me." Xu Rong said with a smile, "It's much better, it's actually just a cold, you don't have to run here."

"Ms. Xu, I brought you some good things." Xiao Zhang twisted his body, took off the bulging schoolbag on his back, unzipped it, and motioned to Xu Rong, "Dangdang Dangdang, look, they are all warm babies."

"When you're filming, stick your clothes on so you won't be cold."

Xu Rong rubbed her head and asked, "Did you run all the way here with these on your back?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded and said: "Yes, you don't know, Shanshan and I went to three supermarkets to collect so much, but when we passed the security check, a security check sister saw such an old warm baby in my bag. , I’m all stunned, haha.”

Xu Rong stretched out her hand to close the curtain, and smoothly took the schoolbag in her hand aside.

Xiao Zhang blinked his eyes: "Mr. Xu, what are you doing?"

"What do you say?"

"Oh, no, woohoo."

 Days never come true.
(End of this chapter)

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