I'm just an actor

Chapter 113 2 Days

Chapter 113 Two days
That night, Xu Rong waited until the last announcement of the next day, holding the A4 paper silently, pursing his lips, and then said to Xu Xing: "Today is too late, the last one will not be scheduled first."

As he said that, he pretended to drink water, and glanced at the sleepy classmate Xiao Zhang diagonally opposite him from the corner of his eye.

Because the high fever persisted for the past two days, he has been resting all the time. In order to catch up with the schedule, his scenes in the next week are quite intensive. From the perspective of the progress, it is estimated that he will have to stay up two nights.

Big nights don't last until eleven or two o'clock or one or two o'clock in the evening. Under normal circumstances, those who can be called big nights start at four o'clock, and it's not uncommon to be patting until dawn.

He has been mentally prepared for these things. The most important thing is that there will be a special night show tomorrow night.

He and Ma Su starred in Liu Qing's kiss scene.

Xiao Zhang is still there.

It was also a coincidence that if there hadn't been a two-day delay due to the fever, according to the normal shooting schedule, the shooting of this scene should have been finished yesterday.

Looking at Xiao Zhang, who was lying in the corner of the sofa, Xu Rong gently pressed the notice to his side, as if he hadn't recovered from the cold, and said with a slightly dry voice: "Xiao Zhang, why don't you rest at the hotel tomorrow? It’s tiring to run around with a bag, so let’s take a rest first.”

Xiao Zhang's head subconsciously clicked halfway, but when he came to the reaction, he immediately opened his confused eyes, shook his head firmly, glanced at Xu Xing who bowed his head and said seriously, "Mr. Xu, I'm not tired. , don't rest."


Xiao Zhang couldn't hold back any longer and asked, "Mr. Xu, tell the truth, don't you want me to watch your kiss scene?"

"how do you know?"

"I've read all the announcements!"

In the silence, Xu Rong slowly turned his gaze to Xu Xing. After his announcement was typed out, Xu Xing went to get it.

As if Xu Xing didn't hear anything, he lowered his head without saying a word, his eyes fixed on the script he was holding in his hand, as if Jin Chengwu and Wu Yanzu were hiding between the lines and showing off their abs to her.

Xu Rong coughed twice, sat next to classmate Xiao Zhang, and said, "Xiao Zhang, we are actors, and those are all acting, so we can't take it seriously."

"I know, I don't mind."

"And you also have to understand that sometimes, you do have to make certain sacrifices."

"I know, I don't mind."

"Let me compare it to you. It's like eating sugarcane. When a couple kisses, they eat fat and juicy sugarcane. When filming, it's like chewing bagasse, which is full of chaff and no water."

"I know, I really don't mind."

Xu Rong gave her a sideways glance. When Xiao Zhang saw the script for the first time a while ago, his reaction was not like this.

He reckoned that if Xu Xing hadn't been there, she would still have to have the bearing of being a "sister-in-law", maybe she would be able to hang up her schoolbag long ago.

"Pfft." Xu Xing didn't hold back, and at the moment when his face was suffocated and flushed, he failed. Seeing her elder brother and sister Xiaofei staring at her with unfriendly eyes, she swallowed quietly and stood up. Pointing to the door, "Well, brother, sister Xiaofei, it's getting late, I'll go back first."

"Well, go to bed early."

"Go to bed early, too."

As soon as Xu Xing closed the door, classmate Xiao Zhang jumped up, pinched and scratched, but he just didn't speak, like a sick dog, he only grunted and chirped.

Xu Rong smiled, and only occasionally resisted symbolically. When Xiao Zhang was arguing with him, as long as he didn't scratch his armpit, he would not stop him, because once Xiao Zhang scratched his armpit before, he hid I didn't care when I was there, and Xiao Zhang, who had an elbow, wailed for a long time in pain.

However, Xiao Zhang is a typical student who forgets to eat and not to fight. Once there is a quarrel, he can't help but tickle him with his hands and feet.

After making a fuss for a while, classmate Xiao Zhang was probably tired, lying in his arms, panting lightly, because of the fussing, her mouth was blocked again.

Xu Rong patted her on the back and said, "I will discuss it with the director tomorrow."

"No need, Teacher Xu, I can understand." She was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly took half a step back before looking away and whispering, she found that Teacher Xu pushed her back.

She knew what it was.

"Teacher Xu, I'm going back to rest too."

Xu Rong stretched out his hand and carried her back. Seeing that classmate Xiao Zhang was looking at him, but he didn't dare to look at himself, he smiled and pointed to the room, and said, "It's quite cold, sleep here, it's warm in this room." .”

"It's not cold." Xiao Zhang hurriedly shook her head. The moment she spoke, she glanced at Xu Rong. Seeing the malicious smile on his face, she felt as if she had been stuck in a dead end in the middle of the night and hadn't lost her footing yet. But a girl who has lost her footing and is about to lose her footing is generally helpless.

And helpless.

Because the time is not suitable, the place is not what she expected.

"Ms. Xu, here comes Auntie." She twisted her hands for a long time before whispering.

The smile on Xu Rong's expression froze, but after counting the time, it seemed that it was true. At the same time, she straightened her body and said seriously: "Xiao Zhang, I want to criticize you, I let you sleep in this room, I'm afraid you'll sleep alone and freeze, what's wrong with your aunt? It's not about going to bed, why are you always thinking about unhealthy things at such a young age?"

"Mr. Xu, you. I. You." Xiao Zhang was so angry that she couldn't even speak clearly. He was the one who brought it up first, but now she beat her back. She stared, gritted her teeth, and her mouth bulged After a few drums, after holding back for a long time, I finally said with a stiff neck, "When I can't choose an aunt to come, let's have a bloody battle!"

As soon as her mouth became bald, Xiao Zhang felt a little regretful. Under Teacher Xu's serious and serious eyes, she really didn't know how to answer, and was forced to rush, so she subconsciously remembered what Shanshan said two days ago. Similar words come.

Xu Rong opened his mouth, and said quietly: "If it's a bloody battle, it's more bloody when you come to Auntie."

"Oh, Mr. Xu, you are shameless, people ignore you." Xiao Zhang's face was red, and he didn't even bother to take the sofa hat, turned and ran out of the room.

Before the door was opened, Xiao Zhang turned around again and "hummed" at Xu Rong, but seeing that he was about to chase him, he quickly opened the door and rushed out like a frightened rabbit.

Xu Rong laughed and chased to the door, saying: "Turn the air conditioner higher."

"Director, screenwriter, I have an idea." As soon as he arrived on the set the next day, Xu Rong found An Jian and Gao Mantang.

Although he has been in the group for less than ten days, similar situations have become the norm, because the second half of the script has to be greatly changed. When he was waiting for the play, he spent most of his time discussing the details of the plot with Gao Mantang.

Gao Mantang originally thought that Xu Rong had thought of some good idea, so he hurriedly asked, "What idea?"

Xu Rong approached, first thought for a few seconds, and then said seriously: "Didn't I have a kiss scene with Liu Qing at night, I think, the handsome red soldier at that time was still very simple, he shouldn't know how to kiss, and In those days, wouldn't it be better to spend time together?"

Gao Mantang listened, shook his head with a smile, and said: "Xu Rong, you have to think about it, regardless of the era of poverty or wealth, the human heart is eternal, and the most essential needs are the same. Such as Da Pang and Zhao Chunli."

Xu Rong laughed dryly, knowing that what Gao Mantang said made sense, he turned his gaze away from Xiao Zhang, who was not far away from Xu Xing, and said: "What is the main reason, isn't it that his girlfriend is here. "

An Jian and Gao Mantang looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

An Jian pondered for a while, and was about to nod, but Gao Mantang suddenly said with a smile: "Xu Rong, your professional ethics needs to be improved, and you have someone to supervise the work, so you have to work hard and try to show off your tricks and kiss yourselves." Come out bright."

An Jian knew that Gao Mantang was joking, so he answered casually: "That's right, Mr. Xu, do you want to add a passionate scene?"

Xu Rong glared at the two of them, waved his hands and said, "Alright, you guys look at the arrangement, I won't talk about it."


That being said, when it was past ten o'clock in the evening, Xu Rong gave An Jian a grateful look after hearing Miao Chenshan finish his play.

Kiss on the face, not on the mouth.

In this way, both the audience and classmate Xiao Zhang have an explanation.

Ma Su glanced at Xiao Zhang, who was on the sidelines, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Xu, do you want to do it twice?"

Xu Rong gave a dry laugh and said, "Farewell, farewell."

Like him, Ma Su was from Nortel, except that she was in a high-level job, but Xu Rong's impression of her changed a lot after the first day of filming. Solid, much stronger than Yu Heng and Zhou Pu in the same group.

This is the most tense scene that Xu Rong has filmed since the filming started, because he could clearly see Xiao Zhang clenched his fists tightly, bit his lip, and stared at him since the beginning of Miao Chenshan's talking scene. .

She didn't know that An Jian had changed the play.

Even if they kissed many times.

Xu Rong can understand her feelings. Being in a different place, he may not even be able to do superficial skills. This is not a matter of dedication or not, it is purely a personal feeling.

Xiao Zhang stayed in the crew for two days, and then left happily, which made Xu Rong really doubt her purpose of coming.

On the afternoon of the third day, Xu Rong asked the crew to send a show, and Xu Xing sent Xiao Zhang to the airport. He was still filming, so he couldn't go there to see her off.

After one scene was filmed, Xu Rong looked at Yan Ni whose mood had gradually calmed down, and asked, "Sister, you know?"

At this moment, Yan Ni's assistant trotted over, held up her mobile phone, and said, "Sister, Yuan Yuan is calling you."

Yan Ni quickly took the phone and said, "My daughter's call, please wait a moment."

Then three steps in two, walked to the sidelines, and said: "Yuan Yuan, mom is filming, have you finished your homework?"

Xu Rong heard Yan Ni mention that she had a daughter, because her daughter would definitely call her at around eight o'clock in the evening, and she would mention it inadvertently when chatting.

But just like Li Youbin never mentioned his original partner, he never heard her mention her husband either.

From her words and deeds, Xu Rong vaguely guessed that either Yan Ni was quite snobbish and her husband's identity and occupation were difficult for her to tell, or that the relationship between the two of them was on the verge of breaking up or had already broken down.

From what he didn't know much about her, he guessed that the latter was mostly the case.

About 10 minutes later, Yan Ni hung up the phone, walked back, and said, "Oh, it's been a month or two since I came out to film, and my child has to call every day, otherwise I always feel that I don't want her anymore, ha ha."

As she was talking, she remembered that Xu Rong was about to ask her just now, but was interrupted by the assistant, so she asked, "By the way, what did you just say to me?"

Xu Rong didn't say what to ask, but said: "Sister, how old is your child?"

"Ten years old." Yan Ni smiled, "She was born on New Year's Day, so I named her Yuan Yuan."

"What a coincidence, my birthday is also New Year's Day."

"Really?" Yan Ni looked at her in surprise, and sighed, "Actually, I always feel sorry for her. Since I played "Wulin Biography", I can spend less and less time with her. Every time I leave She always took my arm and told me eagerly to let me go home early."

As Yan Ni spoke, it seemed that the scene she had depicted appeared in her mind, and the circles of her eyes gradually turned red.

Xu Rong took the tissue from her assistant, he didn't know how to comfort this kind of thing.

After eating this bowl of rice, I also have to suffer this kind of suffering.

"Look at me, when it's time to cry, I don't get emotional for a long time, and when I shouldn't cry, the tears seem like I don't want money." Yan Ni wiped her tears, her eyes were red, but she smiled again, "Don't talk about me , how long have you been with your girlfriend? I see that she loves you very much."

Xu Rong thought for a while, and said: "It's quite early, we met when we were not in college, but we were not together at that time."

"It's really enviable." Yan Ni sighed, "Compared to you, I feel like I've failed in this life."

"It's nothing, sister, you are more popular than me, who doesn't know 'Oh God'?"

"Go, go." Yan Ni rolled her eyes and sighed, "I'm telling the truth, in a lifetime, it's really not easy to meet someone who looks like a fool when you're with you .”

"Huh?" Xu Rong looked at her suspiciously and asked, "Do you think it's a good thing to do together?"

"Could it be that you still think it's a bad thing?"

Yan Ni shook her head and said: "You are still young, you have little experience, maybe you don't understand, how many are really stupid? When a girl trusts you and relies on you, she looks stupid. When she is no longer stupid, she won't like you so much."

"When a woman realizes that she has no one to rely on, she has to deal with everything by herself, and bears all difficulties by herself, she can't be stupid, and she won't be stupid, even if she is lying alone in bed at night Tears, but wait until dawn, you have to be stronger."

She turned her head and asked with a rare and peaceful expression, "Do you think it's better to be stupid or not?"

Xu Rong nodded. He went through the process of the two getting to know each other in his mind, and he seemed to understand that Xiao Zhang seemed to be naive only when he was with him. After the exam.

Could it be that he liked himself at that time?
"Don't talk about others, you are similar."

Xu Rong frowned and looked at Yan Ni: "Huh? What do you mean?"

"Haha, look, you think you are quite normal, don't you? But in the two days since your girlfriend came here, you have completely changed from the prudence you had a few days ago." Xu Rong smiled lightly, expressing that it was impossible Yan Ni also laughed, "It's so naive to ask the director to change the kissing scene. Now that you think about it, is it really worthy of your nickname of 'Mad Man'?"

Xu Rong was stunned for a while, and after thinking carefully for a while, when hysteria came over, he was able to laugh twice.

Yan Ni said: "That's why I said, I envy you very much. I met each other at the best age. You like her very much, and she happens to like you very much. You may think that this is no big deal, but sister can understand clearly Let me tell you, it may be difficult for you to meet a second person like this in this life, and the rest, even if you succeed, you will have to make up for it. Let me tell you this, you haven't experienced it yet, you won't I understand, but I hope you never understand, because when you understand, it will be too late."

"It's your turn." Yan Ni pointed to the field.

"Thank you ma'am."

"It's all right."

"Keep up, there are only four scenes left, and we'll call it a day after filming."

Xu Rong listened to Miao Chenshan's yelling, four plays, and two group plays, even if one was not NG, at least it would take four hours, and it is eight o'clock, which means that if everything goes well, You can call it a day at twelve o'clock, but that's not how it works.

The filming was a scene where Shuaizi and Yu Heng played Da Pang, who were fighting fiercely, and Zhou Pu's Wang Huaixi was on the sidelines to persuade him.

As soon as Xu Rong entered the arena, Yu Heng said mysteriously, "Handsome, I'll give you a surprise later."

Yu Heng always called him "Teacher Xu" before, but the other party was older than him and it was difficult to correct him, so he simply asked him to call him by the name in the play.

The reason why Yu Heng said this is because he had filmed two scenes with Xu Rong before, and Xu Rong's improvisation made him always focus on one thing and lose another.

But this time it won't happen!
"Then I'll wait and see." Xu Rong also said with a smile.

"Mr. Yu, when you enter the room later, you have to stare at Teacher Xu with fierce eyes, and then walk from No. [-] to No. [-]."

"Mr. Xu, in order to go back to the city, Da Pang reported you for hiding "Red and Black". When he gets to his place, you have to raise your head and look at him. This time should last about ten seconds."

"Let's go first?"

Both Yu Heng and Zhou Pu looked at Xu Rong at the same time, because Xu Rong didn't like rehearsals.

Xu Rong nodded and said, "Okay, let's take a look first."

He really doesn't like rehearsing plays, but when it comes to splitting up, if Ma Su plays with him, he will definitely not rehearse, because she can handle it, but he dare not not rehearse Yu Heng and Zhou Pu.


Yu Heng entered the door, fixed his eyes on Xu Rong who was earnestly roasting corn, and when he passed behind Zhou Pu, he kicked the stool leg under his buttocks, Zhou Pu hurriedly stood up, and gave way to Yu Heng Location.

this is not bad.

From the corner of Xu Rong's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Yu Heng and Zhou Pu's cooperation, and he praised it in his heart, and at the same time felt a lot of anticipation in his heart.

For this scene, Yu Heng and Zhou Pu had clearly prepared, and they cooperated quite tacitly.

When Heng stood at the third position, Xu Rong paused holding the pole wearing corn, raised his head slightly, one side of his mouth was slightly raised, his head was tilted, one opened wide, the other squinted slightly, and raised his head slightly. he.

The two looked at each other, and Xu Rong knew that he was looking forward to it too early. There was no light in Yu Heng's small eyes. Although he took off the hat on his head and fell to the ground, there was a hole in his expression. There are too many, throwing the hat only makes up for it a little bit, and the emotions of the eyes and expressions are too much missing.

If Li Youbin were to play Yu Heng's scene, he shouldn't have to throw his hat, and he shouldn't have designed so many small moves to make up for it. He could express his anger to the fullest with just his eyes and expressions.

After the three of them walked around once, Yu Heng and Zhou Pu looked at each other, feeling quite helpless. This was the third scene between them and Xu Rong. In the first two scenes, they were always acting, so they couldn't help themselves. Followed Xu Rong's rhythm, although Xu Rong was much more famous than them, but he was taken away by a person who was seven or eight years younger than himself. He didn't say anything, but he was quite depressed in his heart.

The scene just now was calculated by the two of them before, in order not to fall into Xu Rong's rhythm through the cooperation of the two of them, but since Xu Rong raised his head and grinned at the corner of his mouth, the two of them had to follow him.

Xu Rong's slight expression was equivalent to a punch, and Yu Heng had to pick it up. He only had so many props at hand, so he could only act like that. He didn't just move his eyes and expression to pick it up, because the previous Tried it, it just doesn't work.

(End of this chapter)

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