I'm just an actor

Chapter 114 Objects

Chapter 114 Objects
Time is gone in a flash.

"The North Wind That Blows" is a period drama, and the early and mid-stage scenes focus on a group of special young people in a certain corner of a special era. Therefore, in the early and mid-stage of filming, most of the actors in the group are young people.

Coupled with the field management, group performances and assistants of each group, the whole group is full of fresh faces.

In the first week of the start-up, the fighting spirit on the set was quite high. Even after staying up three nights in a row, wrapped in thick coats, a few people squinted in the corners for a while, woke up, and immediately devoted themselves to the film with enthusiasm. During filming.

This is the advantage of being young and having little experience, but as the shooting progressed, the disadvantages gradually appeared and did not last.

Shooting is a marathon. Momentary enthusiasm alone is not enough to support the whole process. You must master certain skills and allocate physical energy reasonably.

Xu Rong got out of the car, and the art team was still discussing the set with the teacher of the props team, and glanced at the group performances scattered all over the side of the stage, feeling rather complicated.

When he ran the group show, he had the idea of ​​earning tuition fees, and didn't have much extravagant expectations, but now the group performers in the group and the young people in each group obviously have different ideas from him. They have less money, work tired and stay up late , The reason why I can still grit my teeth and carry it is only supported by dreams.

They either hope that time will turn around and become big stars, or they fantasize about being promoted to big directors one day, but the suffering they are facing right now is just the inevitable tribulations on the road to success. You have to be a group performer and do odd jobs all the time.

Dreams are precious, but most of the time they are cheap and worthless, because before long, the cold reality will extinguish the enthusiasm in most people's hearts, and they will leave the dream as an unspeakable secret without a sound.

It's not time to leave yet, because their ID cards are still being held by the crew.

But as the filming went on, some people gradually felt the layers of pyramids in the relatively closed crew, and gradually realized that their dreams were simply out of reach, and the energy was exhausted immediately, and no scene started. Holding the idea of ​​​​"quickly let the director call out".

Although An Jian has a square face and round eyes, and looks carefree, he is a Virgo in character. He is not very good at script writing, but he does not accept coping and improvisation in filming.

Just like driving away Ma Dongming before, he will compromise, but once he sits behind the monitor, he will not retreat easily.

Xu Rong came here at ten o'clock in the morning, but it is already 02:30. He got out of the car every once in a while to take a look, but only took one photo, and began to wait for a long time.

What I want to shoot is Liu Qing's crying scene, probably because I have stayed up too many nights recently, coupled with the cold weather, dry eyes, and the eye drops and essential oils are not working well, so I finally cried, An Jian Glancing at the monitor, he couldn't even maintain a forced smile: "I won't shoot anymore, you can rest and find your feelings."

This kind of thing is very common. Once the shooting enters the middle stage, the state declines, and the progress is often like a turtle crawling.

And there is only one solution, wait.

But this is a vicious circle. The more delays, the more late you will have to stay up late in order to meet the construction deadline, and the worse your status will be.

Xu Rong lay in the car for a long time, feeling quite full, and didn't want to go back at this time, he looked around, Gao Mantang didn't come today, and the filming of the part of going to the countryside was about to be finished, he stayed in the car all day In the hotel, I tried to quickly get out of the plot to be changed later.

Xu Rong stood for a while, walked over to An Jianjian who was smoking a cigarette, and asked, "Director, are you still having a big night?"

An Jian nodded subconsciously, his two big eyes were bloodshot, he rolled up his sleeves, pointed at his watch with a finger holding a cigarette, and said: "I can't bear it, half of the day is over. Didn't even shoot yet."

Xu Rong sighed silently. An Jian was under too much pressure and ignored the overall state of the crew. Maybe he realized it, but the job of a director is not just to watch.

Seeing that Xu Rong didn't leave, An Jian raised his head again and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Although he and Xu Rong and Gao Mantang were always blushing and thick-necked because of the plot, most of the time, he and Xu Rong were on the side.

Because once the dispute was over, Gao Mantang was forced to panic, and in the end he always said, "Fucking me is the screenwriter!", "You guys know how to do it!" The two of them were speechless.

The most important thing is that Xu Rong is willing to contribute, which is what An Jian admires most about him.

As soon as a person is born, in certain industries, there are always high and low talents, but the high ones may not necessarily be able to mix well in the industry in which he is extremely talented, and the low ones may not necessarily mix poorly.

Because most of the talents or abilities are high, most of the time they only use [-] to [-]% of their strength, because not everyone is a Virgo, almost men and women often account for the majority, and those with less talent Yes, and depending on circumstances and personalities, one or two points may be awarded, and eight or nine points may be used.

Xu Rong's talent in acting is very high. An Jian saw this in the first scene. Under normal circumstances, he only needs [-]% to [-]% of his strength to beat [-]% to [-]% of his peers, but But he chose to use [-]% of it.

Just like recently, when there is no play, he always runs to the county hospital, because he has to play an aphasic patient in part of the play.

For the specific manifestations of aphasia, he argued with Gao Mantang and Xu Rong, whether the handsome man with aphasia should act as a fool.

In the end, Xu Rong took a recording of his conversation with the doctor in front of him and Gao Mantang, and the dispute came to an end.

Using such a large force can basically guarantee that he can beat [-]% of his peers in terms of professional level evaluation.

An Jian is actually quite curious. Xu Rong became popular at the beginning of last year, and his works have never stopped. From "Luo Peilun" to "Ding Li", and then to the hit "Zhu Chuanwen" some time ago, he has been highly recognized by the industry. He can give himself Take a break.

Xu Rong lowered his voice, and said: "Director, you should go back to rest early today, you see bloodshot eyes in your eyes, and now you haven't even captured half of the progress, it's still early, I'm sick, I'll be lying in bed for two or three days , the crew is still running, but our whole crew revolves around you. If you get tired, you have to stop immediately. I know you want to make a good film, but you have to think about our show even if you don’t think about yourself. what."

What Xu Rong wants to express is actually, are you blind?Didn't you see that a large group of people in the crew were almost exhausted?Can't let people rest?

But the same content, how to express, the effect is different, this is one of Xu Rong's biggest growth in recent years besides the improvement of acting skills.

"Thank you." An Jian squeezed out a smile that was more embarrassing than crying, and sighed, "But I haven't caught up with the progress."

"Producer Yang is elusive all day long. He throws everything at us. He might be cool somewhere." Xu Rong thought for a while, then smiled and said, "We have to find something for him to do, such as finding a funder and ordering some more. money."

An Jian was stunned, not to mention, Yang Zhensheng's son-in-law hired six executives to help him work, and he hadn't shown himself a few times. After Xu Rong reminded him, he suddenly came over, and he was exhausted. In terms of deadlines and limited budget, Yang Zhensheng is a bit too leisurely as a producer, right?
"Okay, seven o'clock, get off work at seven o'clock, even if there is no filming, you have to get off work at seven o'clock today."

When Xu Rong heard this, he was overjoyed, and said, "Then I'm going to the city as the director? After work at seven o'clock, I'm sure it won't be my turn."

An Jian frowned, looked at him for a long time, and asked uncertainly: "Xu Rong, are you waiting for me here?"

Xu Rong waved his hands with a smile, and said, "How can I? Going to the city is equivalent to working overtime. If it weren't for playing a fool, I would be able to stare at people with aphasia for a long time like a fool?"

"Haha." An Jian smiled, and gestured towards Tian Chenshan in the distance, "Go, go, don't be too late, go back and rest early."

"to make."

Xu Rong got into the car, conveniently stuffed two packs of cigarettes for the driver, Master Liu, and said, "Brother Liu, I have to trouble you again."

Master Liu sent him to the county hospital, which was arranged by the production director Gao Yalin, but two packs of cigarettes can make people work happily.

"Hey, Teacher Xu, I really don't need it, I really don't need it, why are you so polite?"

"Given to me by a friend, I don't smoke, and you happen to smoke, so I brought it for you."

"Handsome, wait for me." Just as Xu Rong sat down, the long-faced and small-eyed Yu Heng rushed over, holding the car door with one hand, "Handsome, take me with you?"

Xu Rong looked at Yu Heng suspiciously, and asked, "Do you know where I'm going?"

Yu Heng said: "I heard from Teacher Yan Ni that you went to the hospital to observe life, can I go with you?"

"Haha, let's go then."

After getting along for more than half a month, the two are fairly familiar. Yu Heng is three years older than Xu Rong, but even though Xu Rong has never put on airs, the difference in the treatment of the two by everyone in the crew clearly highlights the difference in status. It's different, but in the opponent's play, Xu Rong's fancy crushing also convinced Yu Heng.

Xu Rong went to observe every move of the aphasia patient, and Yu Heng's purpose was simple, he was to observe Xu Rong, because through this period of attention, he gradually understood a truth from envy and jealousy, that a person The reason why you can succeed is that there are always points in your body that are difficult for others to match, no matter good or bad, because only by being different can you stand out from the crowd.

But this cannot be said, he was afraid that Xu Rong would stop playing with him after he knew what he was thinking.

When the car started, Xu Rong first smiled and said to Master Liu: "Brother Liu, if you want to smoke, you can smoke, just open the window for a while."

Master Liu didn't turn his head, and said, "It's not in the way, it's not in the way, I'll be there in a while, I just smoked it before getting in the car."

Xu Rong smiled and didn't speak anymore. Two days ago, Master Liu was waiting for him at the gate of the hospital. When he came out, there was a pile of cigarette butts on the ground, and he probably had a lot of cigarette addiction.

He turned his head again, looked at Yu Heng, and asked, "When did Brother Yu make his debut?"

Yu Heng didn't pay much attention to Xu Rong's words, he was thinking about another thing, he also smokes, but sitting with Xu Rong, he didn't dare to smoke, Master Liu didn't smoke, but the words listened to people Feel respected.

He felt he had learned.

"I didn't make my debut early, and I only started filming TV series last year. The programs I performed before were mainly sketches and dramas."

Xu Rong knew this, Yu Heng was a member of the system.

Yu Heng changed the subject and said with a smile: "Actually, if you count these things, your debut should be in 05. That year, Mr. Guo and Mr. Cai Ming performed a sketch in the Spring Festival Gala."

"Hey." Xu Rong really didn't know this, Yu Heng's start was a bit outrageous, and that was a show that 90.00% of the artists in the country would squeeze their heads out of.

Although he has no interest in this and is even very resistant, he has no doubts about the size and influence of this platform.

"It's a pity for you. If you took advantage of the heat to take the show, it would probably be even more popular than I am now." He didn't watch the Spring Festival Gala in 05, but since he showed his face at the Spring Festival Gala, even if he was a newcomer, he would definitely be able to receive it. In many dramas, the most important thing is that even if they can appear in the Spring Festival Gala, even a few words are enough to prove that the other party has a certain background.

Yu Heng asked dubiously: "Really? I didn't know it before, but after entering the industry, I realized that there are too many actors in the film and television industry. It is really difficult to become popular, and which ones can be popular and which ones can't. , no one can tell."

"The most difficult thing is the professional level. It is not a matter of a day or two to grind this stuff out."

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him, and said: "You think too much, it's not easy to become popular, and it's not like you are so popular. If you really want to be popular, you must first sign with a reliable brokerage company, and then through publicity and promotion, Increase exposure, and then go to big investment, big production, that is the right way to become popular, relying on acting skills, do you know how many years?"

Yu Heng looked at Xu Rong in surprise, because in his perception, Xu Rong was not qualified to say such a thing. Compared with other popular niches, his personal brand management was rubbed against the ground, but in the industry The word of mouth is quite good.

Xu Rong saw him looking at him puzzled, and said with a smile: "This is what a very popular brother of mine told me. In fact, thinking about it now, what he said is quite reasonable."


"It's long ago, I can't remember clearly, do you think it makes sense?"

Yu Heng thought for a long time, then shook his head, and said, "Isn't that the same as a bean curd project, if there is an earthquake and typhoon or something, it will collapse after a bang?"

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said: "It depends on what you think, if you want to make quick money, this is the way, I think you will definitely be able to do it, if you want to make a steady stream of water, build the foundation yourself, build a tall building, and live more securely. "

When they arrived at the hospital, Yu Heng followed Xu Rong to find an "acquaintance" doctor. Under the blessing of star halo, the other party politely gave them both a white coat and a mask, and repeatedly asked them not to disturb the patients.

Yu Heng thought it was just that, but he never thought about it. At the end of the day, Xu Rong stuffed a red envelope in the past, and the doctor wiped it into his pocket very skillfully, and then the two of them acted as if nothing had happened.

Sitting in the corridor, Yu Heng asked in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, you are a star, so you don't need to give red envelopes?"

"It's not impossible not to give it, but wouldn't that be more convenient?" Xu Rongzhi cocked his ears and kept his eyes on the patient most of the time, carefully observing the other's words, deeds, and every move.


"Shh, don't talk."

Yu Heng nodded lightly, followed Xu Rong's line of sight, looking at the patients in the ward, but his attention did not follow him. During this journey, nothing happened that would shock him as he imagined, but carefully Thinking about it, everything seems to be quite interesting.

Just like the current observation of aphasia patients, Mr. Yue Hong, who has starred in "Selling Peanuts", Mr. Tong Chao, who has acted in "Tea House", and Mr. Ju Fen, a famous performing artist, have all emphatically mentioned the importance of life based on materials. Similarly, it also emphasizes that the premise of observation is to observe life consciously and unremittingly for a long time with a humble attitude, because if you are always arrogant and always want to show off yourself, then the actor will not only be unable to observe Others, on the contrary, will become the object of observation and discussion by others.

(End of this chapter)

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