115 Lucky
In the film crew, Xu Rong can be regarded as half an old fritter. Now, he has been in the film crew for four years. In terms of "oldness", he has learned enough experience. For example, he knows very clearly what type of film to shoot. What kind of atmosphere should be created in the play.

But I haven't fully learned "oil". There are two types of oil. One is to see through and never tell the truth, and never offends others. , or molesting little girls like the field record assistant in the molesting group.

After leaving work early for three days in a row, the production crew more or less regained their energy, and An Jian also took advantage of the recovery of the whole crew, five nights a week, in the midst of continuous complaints, he rushed the progress came back.

Then turned around overnight.

After the transition, Xu Rong was both looking forward to and feeling anxious.

What I look forward to is that Zhang Shaohua and Liu Changsheng, who play Niu Huahua's parents, and Bai Zhidi and Wang Liyun, who play his parents, will come one after another. What is disturbing is that he has a lot of ballet scenes to shoot.

Although I had prepared before coming here, I knew my own affairs well. Shuai Hongbing was good at ballet, but he was not good at it.

On the first day after the transition, when Xu Rong got out of the car and saw that there were so many people standing on the set, even the actors who were not in the show, all came, he couldn't help feeling a lot of doubts in his heart.

He glanced at Yan Ni who was sitting not far away, walked over, and asked, "Sister, you didn't announce this morning, did you? I think there are a lot of people here today. What's the matter?"

Yan Ni didn't deliberately hide it, she laughed and said, "I came to see you dance."

Xu Rong was in a bad mood at the time, and after a while, he laughed twice and said, "I'm dancing, what's so interesting about it?"

He also experienced a similar situation. During the filming of "New Shanghai Beach", there was a scene where Chen Shu wore a cheongsam and had to close-up his legs. Before that scene was filmed, the male staff of the crew took There was unprecedented enthusiasm, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly high, and the battle was much more grand than this. There were three floors inside and three floors outside, even the little girls and big sisters in the group, all of them stood on their heels and poked their heads to look inside. .

Although the atmosphere on the set is calm right now, everyone is working lightly and speaking very little, as if they are expecting something, and Xu Rong can see that the enthusiastic ones are mainly female staff and actresses.

Yan Ni smiled and said: "I haven't seen you skip it yet, and you don't record variety shows, so we can only come and watch."

Xu Rong glanced around again, and rolled his eyes involuntarily. At this time, he wished that the next filming would be a large-scale sex scene, and all irrelevant personnel would leave the scene, but unfortunately it was not, and he couldn't ask for that.

There was no way to hide, so in desperation, he had no choice but to wave at Li Zhengyanqi.

"Duo Duo, why don't you dance for me?" A group of people watched from time to time not far away, and Xu Rong whispered to her after Li Zheng Yanqi finished explaining the movements.

Li Zhengyanqi was about the same age as him, with a long thin face and big eyes. She played the role of Dodo in the play. Because she was a professional dancer, she also served as the choreographer in the group.

Li Zhengyanqi blinked her big eyes. This was the first time Xu Rong proposed to use a stand-in since she started filming. Therefore, she subconsciously asked, "Mr. Xu is not in good condition?"

Xu Rong laughed twice and said, "Well, I'm not very good at ballet."

"Actually, dances are similar. Teacher Xu, what are you good at? I can change it for you a little bit."

Xu Rong opened his mouth, Xin Dao gave you a chance to enrich your own experience, why didn't you go on the road?
"I'm not really good at dancing."

"Ah?" Li Zhengyanqi looked at Xu Rong in surprise, because as one of the main actors of the crew, Yan Ni's dance skills are still good, so she took it for granted that Xu Rong, who was born in Nortel, should be similar, or even better. better.

Seeing Xu Rong and Li Zhengyanqi stare at each other, the assistant director Miao Chenshan ran over and asked, "Mr. Xu, how are you getting ready? Let's go one way first?"

Xu Rong was silent for a while, and squeezed out a word between his teeth: "Okay."

When Xu Rong stood on the stage and danced for a while, the whole studio burst into applause.

"Teacher Xu is not only good at acting, but also good at dancing, amazing."

"Handsome, you can hold a special session at your level!"

Dancing is not as intuitive as acting, just like painting, without certain appreciation skills. Even if you get the works of Van Gogh in front of you, they are only a little bit better than children's graffiti.

On the contrary, a beginner who has only learned a scale claw jumps out, in the eyes of a layman, it is quite good, because it is closer to them, and it is easier to amaze them.

Li Zhengyanqi and Yan Ni were the only ones with strange expressions. Li Zhengyanqi bit her lips tightly and did not dare to make a sound. At this moment, she almost doubted her own cognition, because Xu Rong's jump was really beyond words. "Good at".

But Yan Ni was not so reserved, she covered her face, bent over, and her shoulders twitched slightly.

Xu Rong was also dumbfounded, because he was standing on the stage, surrounded by a crowd of extra performers, and he was stunned for a while when he heard the praise from everyone, before he smiled and said, "It's all taught by Duo Duo. "

And in his heart, he couldn't help but suspect that he really has a unique talent in dancing. With this doubt, he turned his gaze to Li Zhengyanqi who was not far away, and saw her face flushed and biting her lip , seems to want to laugh, but not too embarrassed to laugh.

Looking at Yan Ni, who was out of breath and laughing, he realized the reality, his talent for dancing might really be mediocre.

An Jian looked at Li Zhengyanqi and asked, "Mr. Li, how is Mr. Xu dancing?"

Li Zhengyanqi didn't want to say yes out of conscience, but she didn't dare to say no bluntly, because she was going to apply for Nortel and become a film and television actor in the future, so she hesitated for a long time before saying "almost".

And Yan Ni, who was laughing miserably, helped her tell the truth, saying: "He probably hasn't studied ballet much, and he doesn't look very good at it."

Xu Rong also came over and said, "Director, let Dodo dance for me."

An Jian also vaguely understood what was going on at this time, and said, "A substitute?"

"Yes." Xu Rong said with a smile, "I know what level I am. If it is broadcast, knowledgeable audiences will inevitably make jokes. Let Duo Duo dance."

An Jian looked at Li Zhengyanqi, and asked without giving up: "It's more than a minute, if you want to dance well, how long will you have to learn?"

"About half a month or two." Li Zhengyanqi glanced at Xu Rong, thought carefully, and then replied affirmatively.

An Jian laughed "haha" twice, and said, "Then Mr. Li, come here."

Although Li Zhengyanqi was used as a dance stand-in, Xu Rong had to shoot the action from beginning to end, so that the editing could have material to deal with when the front face was needed.

I lost my old man.

After filming a scene, this is Xu Rong's personal experience. Even if he practiced with Xiao Zhang for a week, it doesn't mean much, but the movements are a little more proficient.

On the second day after the transition, four veteran actors officially entered the group.

Bai Zhidi from the Kongzheng Drama Troupe, Wang Liyun from the Zongzheng Drama Troupe, Zhang Shaohua from the National Pingju Theater, and Liu Changsheng from a family of Peking Opera actors.

Compared with the first two, the latter two are more famous, especially Zhang Shaohua, who is almost a professional old lady on the screen, and Liu Changsheng is widely known because of the 03 version of the green wing bat king Wei Yixiao.

These are the opponents that Xu Rong is looking forward to working with. Niu Huahua, played by Yan Ni, is a screen protector.

In the past one month of filming, Xu Rong didn't enjoy his performance most of the time, because he couldn't play unscrupulously, especially when he was acting with other young actors, he always had to take care of the opponent actors and control his performance within a certain limit. On the same level.

During the filming of recent films, Xu Rongyan was most comfortable when he worked with Li Youbin in "Crossing the Guandong". The two never thought about taking care of each other. Under pressure, he can also maximize his potential.

During the filming of "Paper Drunken Gold", Yu Hewei's level was sufficient, but he was too timid. As for He Saifei, the two of them had too few rivalry scenes. Every time he saw He Saifei rubbing the actresses of the same group on the ground, he I'm always hungry, but unfortunately I can't play in person.

And Yu Heng's name for Wang Liyun also made Xu Rong understand the reason why Yu Heng's debut stage can be the Spring Festival Gala.

"Aunt Wang, you are here."

"How are you, are you still used to it?"

"It's all pretty good."

"Hello, Teacher Bai, Hello, Teacher Wang, I'm Xu Rong." Xu Rong greeted the two people who came to the set with a smile. compliment.

He has worked with many "old actors", especially during "Crossing the Guandong". Under the prestigious name, it is actually difficult to live up to.

From that time on, Xu Rong realized that there are actually many Mr. Nan Guo hidden in the old actors. It doesn't mean that they are older and have filmed a lot of dramas, so they must be old actors.

Just like what Gao Mantang said, no matter what era, human nature is always the same. There are a lot of bastards who can't be called actors in the industry, and there were not none in the past.

After saying hello, while waiting for the set, Yu Heng pointed to Wang Liyun quietly to Xu Rong who was looking for status not far away, and said, "Aunt Wang, that Xu Rong is very powerful."

Wang Liyun squinted at him with double eyelids and big eyes. She had seen Xu Rong's play, and said, "You don't need to tell me, I know he is good. An actor's role makes people feel angry. It must be a little bit Really capable."

Yu Heng argued: "That's not what I mean, Aunt Wang, every time I play against him, I feel extremely stressed."

"Well, what should I say?" Bai Zhidi looked at him in surprise, "I see that his aura is not strong."

"He especially likes to improvise, and it's the kind of slap in the face that you can't do if you don't pick it up."

In the afternoon, Wang Liyun and Bai Zhidi felt what Yu Heng meant by "especially liking".

What is going to be filmed is that after Shuai Hongbing suffers from aphasia, Jiang Ling played by Wang Liyun and Shuai Fei played by Bai Zhidi go to the countryside to see their son.

Because Wang Liyun wanted to cry when she saw her son who had aphasia, so they left directly after correcting the words a few times.

"Come on, uncle and aunt, this way."

As soon as the two entered the room, Xu Rong turned his head inadvertently and looked at the parents who walked in. His eyes suddenly widened on his dull face, his mouth opened slightly, and then slowly closed, without making a sound during the whole process.

"Handsome?" Bai Zhidi, who had a bumpy face, took the answer, the wrinkles on his face deepened, his tone was very light, as if he was afraid to startle him, but also mixed with doubts about his hesitant performance before .

Xu Rong looked at Wang Liyun and grinned.

"Son, son, do you still recognize your mother?" Wang Liyun walked to the second position and supported his arm, but the tears did not fall immediately.



"Prepare for a while and start over."

Xu Rong didn't say a word, kept a quiet environment, and helped Wang Liyun find her emotions. This is normal. Even if Li Xuejian was pulled over, she couldn't just cry.

But after a few words, he also saw the level of the two of them. These two are backed by the system, and there are not many opportunities. Their professional level is more than enough, otherwise even if they are not popular, as the system Actors, they are also indispensable when the school pulls films and provides evidence in textbooks.

Just like Liu Peiqi, who is also a drama actor, has a villain face, but the positive role is still smooth.

Xu Rong heard an interesting theory from Wang Qingxiang. It is roughly that before the age of 35, it is the period of wisdom development, and the 35 years from 42 to 7 years old is the blowout period of talent.

During these seven years, due to various past experiences and external pressures, I will begin to experience anxiety and desire to share with others.

And re-examine yourself, evaluate the results of actions in the external world, examine social relationships, careers, habits, and ways of interacting with others, and then correct or change.

And it is in this process that the burst of inner talent will be fully revealed.

It is a pity that the two of them in front of them are both over fifty years old, and their talents should have been exhausted.

This is the actor's helplessness and limited talent.

Actors of the same age, well-known, such as Li Xuejian, Chen Baoguo, Li Baotian, Chen Daoming, Tang Yuqiang, Zhang Guoli, Wang Gang, etc., relatively less famous, there are also Ma Shaohua, Liu Peiqi, Li Liqun, Jin Shijie, Zhang Zhijian, Zhou Lijing, etc. A lot of votes, there are also a bunch of young people who are a little late, such as Li Youbin, Wang Zhiwen, Feng Yuanzheng, Hou Yong, Ni Dahong and so on.

Being in the same era and competing with such people is a kind of luck, but from the perspective of competition, it is also a kind of misfortune to have limited talent.

After Wang Liyun brewed for a while, she passed it directly.

After one shot, Wang Liyun looked at Xu Rong and asked, "Xu Rong, how old are you?"

On the set, especially after the make-up teacher has done it, it is very difficult to tell the age of an actor.

"21." Xu Rong said with a smile, "What's the matter, Mr. Wang?"

Wang Liyun glared at Bai Zhidi, who was smiling, and asked in a low voice, "Is there a date?"

Bai Zhidi smiled and said, "You, you never forget to find your son-in-law wherever you go."

"I don't want to think about what to do. The child is almost thirty. How can I not worry about it as a mother?"

Xu Rong looked at Wang Liyun in surprise. Wang Liyun came here in the morning, and it has only been more than two hours now, which is too enthusiastic.

"Yes." Xu Rong smiled awkwardly, "Thank you, Mr. Wang."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Xu Rong suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and said: "What a pity, although I can't be your son-in-law, but the son is not as close as the son-in-law?"

"Haha, that's the reason."

While waiting for the set, Xu Rong and Yan Ni spoke to each other.

Bai Zhidi looked at the two of them, and then said with emotion: "It's not good to refuse to accept the old man, and to act with him, I really have to be very energetic."

"That person also told you from the beginning." Wang Liyun rolled his eyes at him, as if Xu Rong was really like her son-in-law, "It's agreed upon how to act, if you can't handle it, then you can't blame him. "

"Actually, the most important thing is not this." Bai Zhidi turned his gaze away from Xu Rong, "By the way, why did you think to ask him if he has a date?"

"Isn't it just a coincidence? Last year, my parents asked me to say hello to Gao Xixi and ask if I could let Yu Heng play Sun Quan, but Gao Xixi refused to agree, saying that he had already accepted Xu Rong. I was wondering at the time. What kind of character is this Xu Rong? Gao Xixi didn't even give him face, and then he asked people. Zhang Li, who worked with him before, said a word, which I still remember."


"There's no need to hate him for a character."

Bai Zhidi looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "How do you say that?"

Wang Liyun shook her head, and said: "I asked, but he just smiled, but he didn't say the reason, but seeing him today, he understood. What did we know when he was his age? A few years ago, Yong Ganghong At that time, the good guy looked at the tail and saw that everyone was three points short, every day in this scene and that scene, how could he have any thoughts on the show, but you look at others."

(End of this chapter)

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