I'm just an actor

Chapter 116 Process

Chapter 116 Process
On the fourth day after the transition, Xu Rong received good news that he, Xu Rong, was shortlisted for the No. 20 Golden Eagle Award "Audience's Favorite Actor Award" for his "Yangcheng Dark Whistle"!
Although there are still 14 people shortlisted together, the nomination itself is a kind of affirmation, and according to the old habit of the Golden Eagle Award winners ranging from two to four, this year he may still have a certain chance to touch the Golden Eagle trophy.

Even if he fails to win the award in the end, nomination is also a process of accumulating qualifications. If he nominates three or five times in a row, the judging panel will be more or less awarded in years when the competition is relatively less intense, even if it is because of the hard work he has done every year. Exchange him for a trophy.

In fact, at the beginning of the year, with the sweep of "Crossing Guandong", he also saw the situation of several awards. This year's hope of winning the award is almost zero, but as long as Li Youbin wins the award, he will definitely be able to touch the trophy.

Whether it is the sudden emergence of "Soldier Assault", or the nationwide hits "Golden Wedding" and "Struggle", the audience of "Yangcheng" is not so wide in comparison.

Coupled with the practice, the main theme occupies a spot, and he was hammered out without any accident.

As for the most popular actor award at the Golden Eagle TV Festival as the finale, he has no illusions. If there is no accident, this award will be selected from Zhang Guoli, Li Youbin, Tong Dawei and Wang Baoqiang. I have already won this competition once, and "Struggle" is seriously divorced from reality. In the end, the real candidates are only Li Youbin and Wang Baoqiang.

These complicated news did not have much impact on his life and work.

There is only so much energy, he has to put more energy on the set.

Zhang Shaohua played Niu Huahua's mother in the film, and he had very few scenes with his opponents, but after one scene was filmed, he saw a scene that he had rarely seen before.

Xu Rong was very confident in his performance without lines. Although he thought he couldn't compare to Li Xuejian's wonderful performance in "Hitching the Wrong Car", he reckoned that even among the older generation of actors, he should be rated as average. I knew that there must be a gap between myself and Zhang Shaohua, but I never thought that the gap would be another matter.

Zhang Shaohua's acting style is completely different from those from the academic school. It looks very similar to the expression school. It is full of skills, but there are hardly any traces of skills. There is only one scene, eyes, expressions, His body movements were like flowers, and he couldn't keep his eyes open. Yan Ni and Liu Changsheng, who had been talking all the time, were overwhelmed by their overall performance, and they couldn't lift their heads at all.

Xu Rong had only seen pure technical performances once before when Li Xuejian portrayed "Feng Jingyao", and he has never tried it half a time until now. Acting with your own understanding is too risky, and the game will crash if you don't pay attention.

After Xu Rong finished reading one article, he was a little dazed. He believed in his heart that it would be a rather painful process. The advantage is that it is really easy to use, because no one can expect a beginner who is not skilled in skills to synthesize all aspects of expressiveness and complete the process. to create a character.

The disadvantages are naturally quite obvious. When he can't establish a three-dimensional character in his heart, it is extremely embarrassing, just like when he was filming "Paper Drunk" in the early days, the engine ran out of oil, and standing in front of the camera naturally lacked what he should have. Act confidently.

Zhang Shaohua's acting style is very seductive.

The tempting Xu Rong even wanted to try it himself, but soon, he suppressed this rash thought.

There is no clear-cut dividing line between expression and experience, just like himself, in the process of inner experience, if it really fails, he will habitually replace the object with method-style techniques, while the skills of external expression are basically In common, as for whether you can use the method of expression to shape the character, the first thing to look at is the degree of mastery of acting skills.

The experience is to substitute oneself into the role and rationalize the behavior of the role, while the performance is based on strong control, and the sculpting of the role is completed under the premise of maintaining the self. In this process, it is too much to go too far.

When Chen Baoguo was filming "The Ming Dynasty", he was honest and honest with his inner experience. He felt that he was far worse than Chen Baoguo, and if he missed it, he would be smashed immediately.

Let's talk about it later when the comprehensive evaluation reaches S-.

Until this time, Xu Rong understood Li Xuejian's original intention of taking the role of "Feng Jingyao". The ambition was really big, and judging from the later results, Li Xuejian did achieve his ambition, completing the transition from one performance system to another. system leap.

The surprises don't stop at Zhang Shaohua's acting style.

Another lesser-known actor in the crew also gave Xu Rong a big surprise, Ding Yongdai who played the role of Zhuang Hongan.

Ding Yongdai has fewer roles and is not well-known. Xu Rong has never heard of this middle-aged man with a Chinese face before, but after watching a scene between him and Yan Ni, he once again confirmed the previous filming of "Stepfather" The idea of ​​​​performing from time to time.

Fame is not equal to business ability.

Ding Yongdai’s scenes don’t have big emotional ups and downs. This is what really tests the basic skills of actors, because whenever there are scenes that require emotional outbursts such as crying and laughing, the actors themselves will pay more attention to it, and the preparation work will also be done. More sufficient, so most of the actors' emotional outbursts will be higher than usual.

As for those who were still below the passing line when their emotions erupted, they actually exceeded their own normal level, but the normal level of those people was too low.

Ding Yongdai's performance was very flat, and Xu Rong felt that it looked real.

The most difficult thing to perform is often the most common, because the audience is too familiar, and the audience can tell whether the actor looks like it or not when he opens his mouth.

After the transition, compared with the previous shooting, the only good thing is that the basic conditions have improved a lot.

The crew rented a restaurant in the city, and focused on filming part of the middle and later scenes. Compared with the location, at least there is a place to sit when eating, not as before, a group of people lined up on the ground It's dealt with by squatting for a meal.

"Mom, let me tell you something. You can buy things online. Clothes, cosmetics, including the pots and pans we use, are all very cheap." Yan Ni chatted with Zhang Shaohua. At the beginning of the sentence, we talked about the current price rise.

Zhang Shaohua took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: "I don't know how to use that, and I don't usually surf the Internet. If I say it, you may make fun of me. For example, the pants on my body cost 15 yuan." Yes, I have been wearing it for more than ten years, and it is not worn or torn. I can still wear it. I can’t buy many things at ordinary times. It’s just something. I need to prepare two different clothes, otherwise the recording effect during the audition may not be good. Great."

"And ah, there are places where money is used everywhere."

Yan Ni and Ma Su looked at her in amazement, because no matter the price of 15 yuan or the lifespan of wearing it for more than ten years, it was too unbelievable for them. Zhang Shaohua is an old actor and should have a lot of savings .

Xu Rong was not surprised, not only Zhang Shaohua, but also Bai Zhidi in the group, just like his grandfather's tunic suits, the corners were frayed, and he never thought of throwing them away.

"It looks different now than before, but it's actually not too different." Liu Changsheng explained with a smile, "In the past, when we were filming, the pay for an episode was not as much as it is now, but the good thing is that as long as we appear on camera, It counts as one episode, so every time I shoot a film, I always try my best to show my face in each episode. Later, more than five episodes were counted as one episode, and some fifteen episodes were counted as one episode. It’s not the beginning of fashion in recent years. Well, it’s packaged according to the number of scenes or shooting time, the salary seems to have increased, but in fact, for us old guys, it hasn’t increased too much.”

"But once it's packed, the time is tight. Sometimes if there are too many plays, you have to hire an assistant to help rehearse the plays, and the expenses will come up accordingly."

Xu Rong nodded his head. He has not yet accepted a play with packaged pay. In the TV drama industry, this calculation method mainly appears in the contracts of middle and lower-level actors. As the lead actor of the main creative, under normal circumstances, basically No one is involved in the show, almost all follow the group throughout the whole process.
After a busy day, at night, it was another big night. Compared with before, the weather today is not much warmer than when we first started shooting. When I stayed up late, it was not so cold. I wrapped my army coat and found a corner You can squint for a while as soon as you lie down in the corner.

"I have to stay up all night again. Every time I finish staying up, I feel ten years older." Ma Su complained weakly.

"Oh, it's really hard for the teachers in our group. I figured it out. Until now, the number of days I stayed up late accounted for more than half of the time, which made my menstrual period not accurate." Yan Ni sighed, and continued Let's talk.

As the filming entered the middle, Xu Rong was exhausted and began to envy Sun Lilai. Right now, she only takes on one scene a year, that is to say, she can rest almost half of the time throughout the year, and the rest time is quite sufficient.

When he was idle, he also thought about the reason, why did filming suddenly become so tiring?
In the final analysis, it is still the impact of capital influx.

Before entering the filming group last year, although it was difficult due to the harsh objective conditions, it was not like "North Wind" now, desperately rushing to meet the deadline.

Since he joined the group, every two or three days, he has to go to bed late at night, and sometimes he has to stay up continuously, and then rest for three or four hours to continue working. As the first male, he basically can't run away.

It is foreseeable that this situation will become more and more common in the future. Directors like Zhang Li are rare after all. A TV series has a half-year shooting period planned, and any employer will feel terrified when they see the budget.


Xu Rong set a standard for himself in his heart. He will be the main creator of no more than three dramas each year. Whether his body can bear it is one aspect. The most important thing is that once his energy cannot keep up, his state will inevitably decline. .

Moreover, he himself doesn't like to use stand-ins very much. Although his physical expressiveness is weak, it is in comparison with other aspects of himself.

But to be honest, as actors, they are not more tired. The most tiring is the staff of each group. Most of their time is spent waiting, but such as photography group, lighting group, props, etc. The team, every time they stay up late, they are busy from dawn to dawn, and they just find a place to lie down. It's them and some more hard-working group performers.

"Teacher Xu, how are your preparations going?"

Before the filming started, Xu Rong saw that the chairs in front of him were obviously not enough, so he turned to a seventeen or eighteen-year-old waitress not far away and said, "Mr. Waiter, please bring me two more stools."

"Ah?" The waiter didn't move, but looked at him strangely.

Seeing the waiter's reaction, Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and when he turned his head, he found that many people in the surrounding group were looking at him in surprise, so he subconsciously asked softly: "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong? "

After a brief silence, a burst of cheerful laughter broke out on the set.

Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled face, the director of photography smiled and said, "Mr. Xu, you are in a daze. You don't need to call the waiter teacher teacher." "

Only then did Xu Rong realize that what he said was wrong. In the group, no matter if he knew someone or not, calling "teacher" must be correct. After a month of filming, it has almost become a habit.

On the other hand, he didn't put too much thought on the outside of the scene. Apart from shooting time on the set, he spent more time in silence than talking, and most of the time in his mind was mostly about what to do next. The scenes that were filmed.

The crew gradually started to talk more, especially the leaders of the crew, during the filming breaks, they would take the initiative to stir up interesting conversations. At this time, everyone was very tired, but the more tired they were, the more they had to pry their mouths open , Let them talk, because in the case of extreme exhaustion, no matter how lifeless, people's emotions will collapse.

After working all night, Xu Rong dragged his sleepy body back to the hotel, took off his makeup, didn't even take a shower, and fell asleep on the bed for five hours.

Because there was no announcement today, he did not follow the crew to the set, but called Xu Xing over to prepare for tomorrow's scene.

Xu Xing entered the door, looked at Xu Rong with a tired face, and persuaded: "Brother, should you take a rest today? There is no announcement tomorrow morning, we can arrange it again tomorrow morning."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Don't think that way, do you know why big directors are easy to produce high-quality goods?"

Xu Xing took it for granted: "The level of a great director is high."

"Where is the height?"

Xu Xing blinked and said, "I'm not sure about that."

"It's because great directors can overwhelm actors." Xu Rong said with a smile, "Why do some popular actors perform very well in a play, while others simply can't watch it? Because when they meet great directors, they don't dare to play frequently. Asking for leave from the director, the schedule is quite intensive, and there are scenes to be filmed every day, under such circumstances, we can always guarantee a similar state."

"So during the shooting period, especially when there is no announcement, it is even more necessary to spend some time every day preparing for the next scene. Familiarity is one aspect, and the other aspect is to consider the status."

Xu Xing smiled and said: "I understand."

After the last conversation, Xu Xing has changed a lot. At least he has started to work hard on his studies. Xu Rong doesn't hide what she doesn't know. The process of teaching Xu Xing is also the process of him re-understanding and examining himself. .

(End of this chapter)

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