I'm just an actor

Chapter 117 Morality

Chapter 117 Morality
After joining the crew, Xu Rong just wanted to film with peace of mind. He didn't want to think about anything else, and he really didn't have the energy to think about it.

Jin Fangfang, who used to be his assistant, understands these ideas quite well, so Jin Fangfang always contacts him through text messages or QQ for anything that is not too urgent.

Just like being shortlisted for the Golden Eagle Award before, Jin Fangfang just said "Congratulations, you have been shortlisted for the Audience Favorite Actor Award for the Golden Eagle Award".

But Guo Si was obviously not very clear about this, so she called in the middle of filming.

With the countdown to the Olympic Games, the Olympic Organizing Committee plans to invite singers from Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan and Taiwan to record the Olympic theme song.

The plan of the group is to see if it can be operated, to fight for two spots, and let him and Sun Li show their faces.

Xu Rong hung up the phone. It is impossible to say that he is not moved. Since last year, there has been a wave of Olympic fever across the country, and with the arrival of the new year, this wave of enthusiasm has intensified. atmosphere.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely rare exposure opportunity, a stage bigger than the Spring Festival Gala.

But he doesn't have the status of a singer. Although Guo Si once made a proposal for multi-habitation development after he became popular, he rejected it without much thought.

Human energy is limited, if you focus on one line of work, you may still have the opportunity to achieve the ultimate in this line of work. If you want to be proficient in all lines of work, you may not be able to reach the pinnacle of any industry in your life.

After all, there is only one da Vinci.

Therefore, when Zhao Baogang invited him to record the theme song for "Night", he didn't hesitate too much. He expected to spend a lot of energy to devote himself to an industry without corresponding talent, so he might as well watch a few more movies to broaden his horizons.

After pondering for a while, he first called Sun Li, and then chatted with Li Youbin for a while.

Finally, he sent a message to Guo Si.

Forget it.

What Li Youbin said is right, as an actor, do you dislike your career or what, you have to sharpen your head and get into people's singing?
He is just an actor, and most of what he has today is the added value brought by this identity.

Guo Si's reaction was quite intense, and within a few seconds, he called: "Are you crazy? That's the theme song of the Olympic Games, and people all over the world will listen to it!"

"Thank you, I know it's good for my development, but I'm just an actor, aren't I?"

"It's not very favorable, it's very, very favorable, and this opportunity is really, really rare. Do you know how many people can't compete for it? Why don't we wait and see? The group may not be able to operate."

"It's really worked, I can't even hide, so don't do it, didn't you say that before, all the participants are singing, so I won't get in."


"Don't talk about the long-term, it's actually not a good thing right now." Listening to Guo Si's persuasion, Xu Rong stopped her with a smile, "It will take at least a week to record it? When I come back, how long will it take?" The sky is looking for the status, and the delayed progress will have to be rushed at least a few nights, if that is the case, almost half of the play will have to be smashed."

After hanging up the phone, he felt the difference between Guo Si and Jin Fangfang so deeply for the first time.

In the past, he thought similarly to Guo Side. Because of the attention of the central media, he would be excited and passionate, thinking that it was a bright road, but with the change of identity and the improvement of vision, he more and more agrees with Jin Fangfang's Idea, don't always look down at the road, but occasionally look up into the distance.

If his musical talent explodes, he will naturally not refuse, and he will even follow Huang Xiaoming's example and develop in multiple habitats, but since he doesn't have that material, he won't use that ability to dampen his hard-earned reputation.

Xu Xing looked at Ma Su who was talking to Bai Zhidi, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you think she is played by Teacher Ma?"

During rehearsals, she also played Liu Qing many times, but her brother always encouraged her with "Come on" and "It's great that you can combine emotions with your body". At the beginning, when she heard these words, she was still very happy , but after listening to it a lot, she suddenly realized that her brother doesn't say harsh words so easily, even when he has to speak harsh words, he will use pleasant things beforehand, and then use "but" as a turning point.

Encouragement itself implies the need to work hard!
Xu Rong nodded without paying much attention, and said: "It's pretty good, it's amazing, I feel that when this drama is broadcast, she will definitely be scolded to death, ha ha."

After a long time, Xu Xing didn't hear a word, Xu Rong turned his head, looked at her lowered head, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Xing shook his head first, then seemed to think of something, took out the phone from his pocket, fiddled with it for a while, handed it to him, and said with a strange look: "Brother, I don't think so, from the released plot outline Look, some people don’t think so.”

Xu Rong frowned, and took the phone. Because of him, Yan Ni, and Gao Mantang, "North Wind" received a lot of attention, especially his fans, who had high hopes for Gao Mantang. The drama is quite looking forward to.

But what's weird is that some fans' comments on the plot outline released by the producer are extremely weird.

"Handsome, you owe Liu Qing a hug!"

"If I were Liu Qing, I would also hate Niu Huahua!"

"The most pitiful is Liu Qing, Niu Huahua is not worthy of sympathy at all!"

The more Xu Rong looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. After a while, he stood up suddenly, walked up to Gao Mantang holding the mobile phone, stuffed the mobile phone into his hand, and said, "Old Gao, look look at this."

There was a lot of noise, and the last few people even changed their names to each other.

Gao Mantang only glanced at it, closed the phone with a "snap", handed it to him again, and asked with a smile, "I've seen it a long time ago, it's nothing unusual."

"Huh?" Xu Rong looked at him in surprise. He felt that those comments were too abnormal. Judging from the released plot outline, Liu Qing should not be sympathized anyway, but the current trend on the Internet is quite wrong.

Gao Mantang lit a cigarette and said, "It's still the same sentence, there was Liu Qing in that era, why can't there be in this era?"

Xu Rong frowned a little, and said: "But what kind of values ​​should be judged on the basis of these words?"

"Do you think you are wrong?" Gao Mantang asked nonchalantly with smoke coming from his nostrils.

"A generation has a generation's universal values, just like our generation, most of them look down on Liu Qing, but not now, because of various reasons, there are too many People have turned themselves into Liu Qing, and I won’t tell you about those old moral models, just for example, if your girlfriend became a fool now, would you still marry her?”

Seeing that Xu Rong was about to open his mouth to speak, Gao Mantang waved his palm with a cigarette in the air: "Don't answer me in a hurry, and don't answer me, think carefully for yourself, just answer yourself, people will lie, But you won’t lie to yourself, at least when you lie to yourself, you have to find a reason for yourself to believe.”

"Old Gao, why do I feel that you are pointing at Sang and scolding Huai." Xu Rong rolled his eyes, and after a while, he said quietly, "You should know that my girlfriend may not be very smart herself!"

"What the hell?" The cigarette in Gao Mantang's mouth "slapped" and fell to the ground. Although he was a little older, his reaction speed was not slow. When he said it was late, he was fast, and his arms swiped and pulled in mid-air , copied the cigarette into his hand again, but immediately threw it out at a faster speed.

It's hot.

"Hiss." Gao Mantang glared at him while blowing his hands, "You're just bragging, you're still a student, if you didn't come out early, you might not be better than others, maturity doesn't depend on age , but how many beatings you have seen, the little girl has not experienced much at first glance, how much can you expect people to understand?"

"Haha, I know I know." Xu Rong looked at Gao Mantang's appearance and shook his head with a smile. In fact, after chatting with Yan Ni a while ago, he also took it away, and no longer wanted to change. Xiao Zhang classmate what.

Xiao Zhang is no different from most of the classmates, although she is always silly when she is with her, but if you think about it the other way around, if she is a calm and rational group all day long, she will only show her smile when she smiles. One tooth, isn't that what Chen Shu looks like in front of people?

Gao Mantang pointed at him at the chair brought by the field manager, and said: "You may think Liu Qing is selfish, but as the characters I created, I like every character, no matter what you think is good or bad. , she is a narrow egoist who chooses what is best for her, regardless of other things, and chooses what is good for her, isn't it right?"

Xu Rong sat down and said "thank you" to the young brother.

"You and I have come to where we are today, intentionally or unintentionally, we have actually harmed the interests of others." Gao Mantang lit another cigarette, held the lighter, first pointed at Xu Rong, and then poked his own. Chest, "For example, if we shoot our movie, if the management doesn't shoot my book, maybe other people can make a lot of money. If you don't take the role, Ling Xiaosu or Xia Yu will take the role of Shuai Hongbing, but don't you think you Did you do something wrong?"

"Self-interest is human nature. Everyone has it. You may think, that's wrong. So many people are keen on doing charity and how much money they donate every year. In fact, most of them are hanging on If you take the income and expenditure details of those foundations one by one and check them carefully, and look at the whole story, you will find that it is the real cannibalism."

Seeing Xu Rong's puzzled face, Gao Mantang said: "If you really want to do charity, why do you have to spend so much money to find media reports? You don't really think that those media are voluntary. Right? There are so many charities out there, why don’t the media report on those, but instead report on your kindness?”

"Of course, there are also some people who sincerely do charity and really want to help others, but in essence, that is also self-interested, but it is different from gaining fame and fortune in general, it is to gain inner pleasure, for example, when you see a person is pitiful , help him through the difficulties, you will feel very happy, this kind of in my opinion, is a relatively broad self-interest."

"Does it matter?" Xu Rong asked subconsciously as he heard him go further and further away.

"Of course it has something to do with it." Gao Mantang pointed to the mobile phone in his hand and said with a smile, "The reason why you instinctively feel that Liu Qing should not be sympathized or forgiven is because of the values ​​you have been instilled in since you were young. It means that I obey the collective for everyone and the individual, so you stand on a moral height, criticize this kind of behavior, and gain inner pleasure and self-identity, just like helping the old man cross the road. In essence, this is also a kind of self-interest, And some people are willing to sympathize, which is also self-interested, and they have also gained self-identity, no one will think that they are wrong, and don’t try to correct them.”

Xu Rong was extremely uncomfortable with Gao Mantang's remarks, so he retorted subconsciously: "According to what you said, it means that everyone is selfish? There is no difference at all?"

"Regardless of deeds, the difference between narrow self-interest and broad self-interest lies in the different feedback from the outside world. One is selfishness, and the other is a moral role model. But objectively speaking, when moral standards are thrown away, the difference is essentially the same. Big, boldly assume that if you completely reverse the moral standards, what you think may be wrong and selfish, and the remarks you showed me are morality and justice."

Gao Mantang hesitated for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said: "But to say that everyone is self-interested may be an overstatement. There should be some truly impartial and selfless people, but I think they are only a very small number of people. , There are always some people with ideals and beliefs that we can't understand, I haven't reached that level anyway, so, we can only be ordinary people."

Seeing Xu Rong frowned, Gao Mantang smiled and said: "So, don't try to make others accept your answer. Taking money out of other people's pockets is the same thing as putting thoughts into other people's heads." Son, you have violated the inner identity of the other party. More importantly, don't simply accept other people's seemingly reasonable answers. You must learn to think from different angles. Why did you come to such a conclusion? Come to this What about this conclusion? From the perspective of narrow egoists, broad egoists, and truly altruistic people, you will find that some speeches are not so difficult to understand, but the standards of inner recognition are different. But since the universal moral code has not changed much, those remarks will not become popular."

Xu Rong lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Old Gao, do you guys have such dirty hearts when you write books?"

He always felt that what Gao Mantang said seemed to have some truth, but when he thought about it carefully, something was not quite right. As for what was not quite right, he couldn't tell for a while.

Gao Mantang was startled, and asked, "What?"

Xu Rong spread his hands and said, "It's a matter of right and wrong, but after your analysis, why is it still of the same nature?"

"I've said it all. This is just my personal opinion. It's just that Daode, the referee, got sidetracked. When Daode completely moves his ass one day, hey, you will find that you are a living Don Quixote."

"Momoral move your ass? How dare you say it!" Xu Rong stood up, paused again, and turned to look at Gao Mantang, "Wait, you made the handsome red soldier into such a scumbag earlier. Execute!"

"Hey, isn't it just to increase the conflict in the plot and earn a living?"

Xu Rong patted his buttocks and said, "That's why I said that you who write books have dirty hearts."

(End of this chapter)

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