I'm just an actor

Chapter 118 Donations

Chapter 118 Donations
After going through the most difficult part of the filming schedule, that is, Zhang Shaohua, Liu Changsheng and several veteran actors finished their scenes and left the group, the filming of "The Blowing North Wind" officially entered the sprint stage.

"Old Gao, don't just eat it, tell me something?"

Miao Chenshan, whose complexion was darker than before, was holding a lunch box, leaning against the wall with his legs crossed, and shouted at Gao Yalin, the chubby production director not far away.

The sprint stage is not easier than before, the rhythm of the shooting is still tight, and there is no less than 1 minute of the big night, but it is different from the difficult middle part of the previous shooting, because the end of the remaining scenes can already be seen, just like in the long night The solo traveler finally saw the light of the fire, and no matter the young people in the group who were at the end of their strength or the old loach who was not slippery, they were all more energetic than before.

At most ten days, it will be finished!

But no matter how realistic the hope is, the current fatigue is real. After half a day of filming, the physical fatigue also exists objectively. I understand better that at this time, I still have to cheer for everyone in the group who are equally tired.

In each group, there are always one or two characters who are good at enlivening the atmosphere. As Xu Rong "reaches middle age", his wisecracks become less and less. This role can no longer be counted on him, and as the production director, Gao Yalin, who was born in the Northeast, has a humorous appearance, and can comment on books, naturally does his part.

"It's not a big meeting, and work is about to start." The chubby Gao Yalin said indistinctly, pulling rice into his mouth.

He doesn't really want to talk, and the lunch time is only half an hour, and he can't talk for a few minutes. It's always because his voice is not clear, and he has to start work again. Not only does he not enjoy listening, but he also doesn't enjoy talking .

"It's early, there are still about twenty minutes."

"That's right, Director Gao, let's talk about it one paragraph at a time."

Xu Rong looked at it with a smile. This is the normal state of the crew. When Zhang Shaohua was there, he also showed it once, and Gao Yalin also followed suit.

But he compared it back and forth, but he didn't find that Gao Yalin had learned anything.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, especially the director An Jian who also gave him approving glances, Gao Yalin smiled smugly on his face, cleared his throat slightly, and said, "Okay, let's talk about it, let's talk about it." A judge, I said it last time."

After listening to the story of Gao Yalin's spittle in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Xu Rong was about to talk to Sui Yuyang for a scene to be filmed later. He just took out his mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Xu Xing. Coincidentally, a call came in .

What's even more coincidental is that just as his cell phone rang twice, the cell phone in An Jian's pocket who got up at the same time as him also rang.

Xu Rong looked at An Jian, who was holding the phone and looking at him in the same surprise, with a strange expression, and neither of them spoke.


The content of the call is quite brief, but the amount of information is quite large.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Rong looked at An Jian, guessed from his expression that he should have received similar news, approached him, and asked in a low voice: "Brother Jian, what is the concept of an earthquake of magnitude 8?" ?”

With a sullen face, An Jian let out a long breath, and said in a low voice: "You know the Tangshan earthquake, magnitude 7.8, but the buildings at that time were incomparable with today's. Now they are all high-rise buildings, like cages. Once If something goes wrong, you won’t be able to get out at all, and it is estimated that many people will die.”

"But now the machinery and equipment are much more advanced than back then, and the efficiency of rescue should be higher."

"I hope so."

As more and more calls came in, the crew's plan to start work was delayed for a while, especially since several families in the crew were staff members from Sichuan Province, and they had no intention of working at all.

After about ten minutes, a young girl in her twenties from the art group rushed to An Jian like crazy, with tears in her eyes, holding her mobile phone firmly, and said, "Director, can I ask for a few days off?" ? My home is at the epicenter, and the phone has been disconnected. Huh, huh."

Yan Ni, who was on the side, saw the little girl's tears streaming down her face, so she hurriedly stepped forward to hug her, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her repeatedly.

An Jian's face suddenly became more serious. He first looked at the leader of the art group, saw the other party nod, and then said softly: "Xiao Wang, don't worry, the phone can't be connected now. I think the communication facilities are probably damaged. That's why you can't get in touch, go back to the hotel to pack your things, continue to make contact, and ask the airport and station if you can go back now."

After comforting Xiao Wang from the art group and sending her back to the hotel, under An Jian's signal, Miao Chenshan began to urge the groups to prepare for shooting.

"Now everyone's emotions are not very stable, why not wait?"

An Jian sighed, and said, "I can't wait, what if, I mean, what if more people die and all the entertainment industries are asked to close down?"

"The dead are already dead, but the living must live well."

An Jian wanted to shoot as usual, but the plan never came true.

The head of the crew was so thoughtful, because of the different affiliation, in the middle of the afternoon, one by one's mobile phones were almost blown up.

Xu Rong's side is similar, people from his hometown, school, company, and the Visual Association almost all rushed over.


It was recommended by Li Youbin that he joined the Visual Association.

The phone call from my hometown was from the county, and the tone was quite polite, but I just opened my mouth and asked him to donate 1000 million. The school is better, it's all voluntary.

The meaning of the company is that it depends on the situation, because this is a place where seniority is ranked, and others donate [-]. If he donates [-], it will make his peers look embarrassed. If it is compared by the media, it will be even worse. It is necessary to have a grudge.

Living in such a circle, even if you are kind, you can't just rely on your preferences.

That night, Xu Rong took the time to browse some news and watched those shocking pictures. He could no longer regard this incident as an isolated incident or a natural disaster in terms of nouns.

That is a fresh life and a broken family.

Turning off the computer, he was silent for a long while, until the depression in his heart eased, then he took the phone, dialed Jin Fangfang, and said, "Hey, are you busy?"

"It's okay, you say."

"Usually this kind of donation, like me, how much do you usually donate?"

"It can range from 5 to 20. Some people earn more, and some earn less. There is no way to force it, and the donated money may not really be used where it should be used."

"20? You can contact Baiqueling. Let's make a joint donation and advance my endorsement fee for next year. Ask if you can make up 1000 million."

"Hey, why do you pay for it by yourself? Your endorsement fee is 5000 yuan. This matter has to be brought together with the company, and then let Baiqueling make up the whole thing. See if you can get [-] million yuan. of."

"Alright, tell Guo Si what I mean."

Xu Rong hung up the phone, thought for a while, and hurriedly sent a message: "donate supplies, not cash, and the two parties will jointly send someone to take charge of this work."

He also understands that even though there is a certain amount of wear and tear in the process of donating materials, it is like watching Gao Yalin who is busy all day, it should not be a big problem to change the car after the filming is over. But compared to the cash that can be plucked layer by layer, the loss of materials can be less.

The action in the entertainment industry was very fast. After several leading figures in the industry were the first to express their opinions under pressure, Xu Rong finally donated 15 in his own name through the company, and jointly donated 3000 million with Baiqueling. Also asked Xiao Zhang to take out 500 from the food expenses first, and remit 20000 from his hometown.

The 15 yuan from the company and the 500 yuan from the school are arranged according to seniority and status. As for the 2 yuan remitted to my hometown, it should be given back to my parents and folks.

Xu Rong didn't think there was anything wrong with the small donations of the leading artists in the process. No one's money came from strong winds. Donating money is a right, not an obligation. As long as you donate, it is a heart.

But then, the direction of the wind gradually became not quite right.

Groups of artists began to rush to the disaster area, surrounded by long guns and short guns, shouting and huddling, following up and reporting, their dignity was comparable to that of senior national leaders, and there was even a slight surplus in the battle. At the same time, various media began to advocate so-and-so Donated how much, who rushed to the disaster area condolences.

Tears were shed on the scene, and the scene was extremely touching.

But when the artist donation list was exposed, there was a sudden uproar among the general public, and the criticism and dissatisfaction were quite common. In the past, it was always reported that the artist earned tens of millions or even hundreds of millions a year. Sai Yi was in a hurry, but why did he withhold money when donating money?

Xu Rong also noticed these remarks, because many movie fans left messages on his blog, and some of them were fierce.

Like all his peers, he did not make any response. The essence of the matter is not the amount of his personal donation, but the gradually widening gap between rich and poor and the backlog of dissatisfaction caused by deeper conflicts. It's just that the artist is in the spotlight Now, just in time for the meeting, it became the flashpoint of conflict.

And in this process, those who donated a lot suddenly stood out and stood out from the crowd.

Xu Rong was not in this group. Firstly, the supplies were still in preparation. In addition, Hairun and Baiqueling didn't spend money to find media reports, and the part of his donation that was exposed was only through personal donations from the company.

"Xu Rong, the first batch of supplies has been prepared. We have to find the media to publicize. They have already paid back their capital and made a lot of money. Taking advantage of this opportunity to show their faces, they have received a lot of endorsements."

"I suggest that you quickly take a few days off and rush to the scene with our supplies, and then I will contact four or five media to follow up the whole process."

Facing Guo Si's urging, Xu Rong rejected her proposal after a while of silence.

He did not agree with some of the words Gao Mantang told him a while ago, but he had thought about some of them seriously, and extended more because of it.

"One day Daode moves his ass, hey, you will find that you are a living Don Quixote."

This sentence was just an introduction. He didn't know whether Gao Mantang did it intentionally or unintentionally, but the influence on him was longer than the lingering sound of Ni Dahong's kneeling during the filming of "The Ming Dynasty", and echoed like Hong Zhongda Lu is generally grand.

When he was just satisfied with food and clothing, Ni Dahong knelt down and told him how to be a good actor. Now he has a little reputation and his career is booming, but Gao Mantang's words made him start thinking about how to be an actor. good actors.

Xiao Wang from the art group still couldn't go back, but the news came from her family that her father died unfortunately.

Xiao Wang's name is Wang Yaqin. She has a high forehead, double eyelids, and big eyes. She just came out of school. A relative died, but she couldn't go back, so she could only worry in the hotel.

When discussing the finale of "North Wind" with An Jian and Gao Mantang at night, Xu Rong hesitated for a long time, and asked abruptly: "Old Gao, Brother Jian, tell me, should we donate some money to Xiao Wang? The family suffered a disaster, and it would cost a lot of money to rebuild, and I heard that she has two teenage brothers and sisters who are in school."

An Jian and Gao Mantang looked at each other, sighed, and said: "There are only dozens of people in the group, and it is not easy for everyone to earn money. I have thought about what you said before, but I am afraid that I will donate later. One star and a half is worth it, and I can’t get it out.”

"It doesn't matter how much it is, it's all in your heart."

Gao Mantang pondered for a while, and said: "Donate, call Lao Miao later to discuss and discuss, and there is no need to force the amount, everyone is voluntary."

After Gao Mantang finished speaking, he looked up at Xu Rong and asked, "How much do you donate?"

Xu Rong thought for a while and said, "One hundred thousand."

"Are you crazy?" An Jian looked at him dumbfounded, "I read the news that you donated 15 before, and now you want to donate [-]?"

Xu Rong nodded first, and then said: "Let's do the math, even if the house is divided among the four of them in the future, the food and clothing expenses of the family must be carried by Xiao Wang alone, plus her younger brothers and sisters." She still has to go to school. If she doesn't have a deposit of more than 23 yuan, the little money she earns is probably only enough to barely cover daily expenses. Moreover, I heard that she is already 30 years old. A girl with a family, how can she marry? I’m afraid I’ll be in my [-]s when I support my younger siblings.”

Originally, Xu Rong planned to do the donation to Wang Yaqin by himself, but after getting along with An Jian and Gao Mantang for the past two months, he was quite familiar with him, so he wanted to ask their opinions. If you agree directly, then donate. If you don't agree directly, then he will do it himself.

An Jian kept nodding his head, and when Xu Rong finished speaking, he patted his thigh lightly a few times, and said, "Well, Lao Gao, let's make up 15, which should be enough for her younger siblings to finish college. Let's not let the people in the group donate, just the three of us will share equally, each of us will contribute [-] yuan, no matter what, let's work together, since we have the ability to help, let's help a group, it's right to accumulate virtue, how about it?"

"I'm fine. By the way, let's do the other thing quietly, and tell Xiao Wang not to tell anyone, especially the media."

Gao Mantang pondered for a while, looked at the puzzled expressions of the two, and added: "It's too sensitive now, it's not right to donate or not, and how much to donate, and if you donate this, later on, people think they can get it from you." Money, I also came to you, are you donating or not? Sun Li lost her money and her reputation because of this kind of thing before."

"You can't always think of people as bad, but you can't ignore the evil of human nature."

(End of this chapter)

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