Chapter 119



"I announce that "The North Wind Blows" is officially finished!"

The eastern sky was filled with orange red, and with An Jian's voice, the whole set suddenly fell into dead silence.

Xu Rong had expected this moment. He thought that he would cheer for the end of the filming, and that he would be sad because of the upcoming parting, but when it really came to this moment, he didn't. Looking at the set that seemed to freeze for a moment.

He only felt exhausted physically and mentally. In order to make up for the previous scene, the entire production crew worked from yesterday morning to six o'clock now, almost 24 hours.

Similar situations are almost commonplace in the past two months of filming.

After the whole set was quiet for a few seconds, the production team delivered the not-so-fresh flowers that had been prepared to him, and said, "It's a happy ending."

"It's a great success."

An Jian chuckled and said, "Let's take a photo together."

"it is good."

"Hey, come on, one, two, three, finish."

The photographer looked at Yan Ni who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, and said with a smile: "Teacher Yan, don't cry, it looks better when you smile."

Xu Rong leaned over and glanced at Yan Ni. Yan Ni had been away from home for two months, and with the day and night filming, both physically and emotionally, she had almost reached her limit.

Compared with the initial script, his roles in "North Wind" have been deleted by nearly [-] scenes. This is the result of many discussions between him and Gao Mantang and An Jian. Make the plot more reasonable.

The first half of the story is mainly about the life in the countryside, while the second half is about the relationship between husband and wife in the 80s. Because of their different experiences, Shuai Hongbing and Niu Huahua have misplaced concepts, and they met again for a very short honeymoon. Soon after the period, they began to quarrel all day long because of their career, parents, family, and children. However, because of their relatively conservative concept of marriage, Niu Huahua tolerated and persisted again and again, because she felt that divorce was a special matter. It's a shameful thing, the two of them muddle along.

The final outcome is that the two reconciled after a series of bumps and bumps.

After the revised plot, on the whole, Yan Ni has almost a hundred more scenes than him. In terms of hard work, she actually worked harder.
After the group photo of the crew, Xu Rong was like a puppet, dragged by the staff of each group and the actors of the same group to take a group photo.

Different from the beginning, he hugged the flowers, smiled, and basically didn't refuse much. The production crew consisted of dozens of people, and they stayed together for more than ten hours a day, and they had already become acquainted with each other a lot.

When the group photo finally came to an end, Xu Xing came to him with a sleepy face and said, "Brother, go back and rest?"


Due to special reasons, the originally scheduled wrap-up banquet was cancelled, and it was not easy to finish the filming smoothly.

After sleeping until three o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Rong took Xu Xing back to the capital after saying goodbye to everyone.

On the way back to school from the airport, Jin Fangfang looked at Xu Rong's haggard face, and said, "What's the matter, I feel that you have lost a lot of weight during this filming?"

Xu Rong smiled wryly, and said: "62 days, more than 30 nights, anyone who goes there will have to peel off their skin."

"In fact, I'm still fine. It's mainly because of the upside-down day and night. The assistant director of our group has lost more than 30 catties."

Jin Fangfang asked with a smile: "According to what you say, this assistant director is still an ideal?"

"That's right." Xu Rong yawned with a smile, "Since I started filming, Miao Chenshan is the most dedicated assistant director I've ever seen. dedicated heart."


"Take a good rest, there is still a month before "Latent" starts." Seeing Xu Rong yawning, Jin Fangfang stopped talking.

After waiting for a while, Xu Xing, who was sitting in the co-pilot, first glanced at Jin Fangfang at the side, then glanced back at Xu Rong, and said in a low voice: "Brother, Sister Fangfang, when filming "Latent" later, I might go It's gone."

When Jin Fangfang heard this, her expression was full of astonishment. She glanced at Xu Xing, who was lowering his head and picking his fingers, feeling quite puzzled.

During the filming, she didn't visit the set, so she didn't know if something unpleasant happened between Xu Xing and Xu Rong.

Xu Rong was also stunned for a moment, sat up a little straighter, and asked, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

Xu Xing turned his face, glanced at him quickly, and said: "That's right, Sister Yang Mi accepted a play earlier and recommended me to the director. I have a little part in the play, and I want to try it."

"Well, okay."

Xu Rong nodded, he had invited Yuan Shanshan and the others to have a few meals before, and he also called Xu Xing.

His original consideration was to wait for the new movie to be released, and it would be necessary to hype the scandal. If the two of them are not together at that time, Xiao Zhang must not be able to hold back his wild thoughts, so he will make preparations in advance, consolidate the rear, and wait for the scandal to break out. At that time, classmate Xiao Zhang fell into the vast ocean of the people, but it was unexpected that Xu Xing and Yang Mi got acquainted quietly.

Jin Fangfang seemed to remember something, turned her head and asked, "You are talking about "A Dream of Red Mansions" directed by Li Shaohong, right?"

Her tone was quite strange, it seemed to be questioning, but it was more affirmative.


Jin Fangfang's voice was quite strange, and said: "I suggest you don't go."


Jin Fangfang laughed and said, "You will most likely be replaced, not to mention you, anyone in that group may be replaced."

She said, smiling silently. In the past, she had the impression of Xu Xing as shrewd and knowing how to choose.

But today, she felt that Xu Xing had done a shrewd and overly stupid thing.

She and Xu Rong are brothers and sisters, so they can talk about anything in private, but in front of an outsider like herself, even though Xu Rong is unwilling in her heart, she has to agree in front of herself.

As for leaving Xu Rong behind to film, it seems normal to her. Everyone is their own center, planning for their own future, and has no obligation to revolve around others.

Xu Rong glanced at Xu Xing and asked, "Is there such a magical crew?"

He had heard about the remake of "Dream of Red Mansions" before, and played the remaining tricks in Zhang Jizhong. It was a good remake of a classic, and suddenly it became a talent show.

Jin Fangfang said: "With your fame and friendship with Gao Xixi, you can only win the role of Sun Quan in "Three Kingdoms". Do you think "Dream of Red Mansions" will be easy? I heard that the situation is more complicated than "Three Kingdoms". The big director, if he said he would kick it, he kicked it, originally planned to start it at the beginning of the year, but the actors changed seven or eight times, just that group, a supporting role randomly pulled out, has a bit of background."

"Isn't it about to start the film, and the leading actors have changed again. I guess they will have to change after the film starts."

"Actually, these are not the funniest. The funniest thing is that director Li Shaohong admitted that he has never seen "Dream of Red Mansions" and has no plans to watch it, haha."

She didn't say a word. The reason why Xu Xing was promised to a certain extent was probably because she was Xu Rong's sister and assistant.


Xu Rong didn't hesitate much, and said to Xu Xing with a smile: "Go, it's good to try, go and gain knowledge."

Jin Fangfang tilted her head, looked at Xu Rong carefully in the rearview mirror for a while, saw that he was smiling, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

Xu Xing's choice is very correct, at least from the moment, Xu Rong is her brother, a celebrity, but he has been with him for almost a year, and only had a cameo in "Paper Drunk".

Xu Rong didn't bring her any real help.

As for "Dream of Red Mansions", it is a big production, an unknown assistant and an appearance in a big production, any smart person, when faced with such a choice, the answer is very clear.

But Xu Rong's reaction was a bit beyond her expectation, he didn't seem to realize Xu Xing's dissatisfaction, nor did he realize Xu Xing's intention to say this at this time.

But she understood very well, Xu Rong knew it very well in his heart, but did he really don't care in his heart, or did he care and pretend he didn't care?
It's hard for her to guess.

When we arrived at school, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. Xu Rong didn't call Xiao Zhang anymore, because last time he came back early, he kept Xiao Zhang up all night with excitement. Before returning this time, he didn't tell her in advance .

After washing up, he lay on the bed and glanced at the system panel. During the filming of "Northern Wind", he gained 18 experience points.

Quite a lot, and at his current situation, every bit of increase in experience points is precious.

Zhang Shaohua's expression skills, he borrowed a little bit, but more, he didn't dare to ask for half a sentence.

He was going to talk to Teacher Li Xuejian when he was free.

What he is most looking forward to now is not the increase in experience value, but the "constant peak" characteristic on the big turntable. If this characteristic is as he imagined, after mounting, all colleagues in the mainland film and television industry will be able to participate in the entire filming of a movie. During the process, being able to press his hammer all the way will become a small probability event.

During the filming of "North Wind", the biggest gain was not the 18 experience points, but the chat with Gao Mantang.

Decades of white rice really gave him a different taste.

"One day Daode moves his ass, hey, you will find that you are a living Don Quixote."

Gao Mantang's words have been lingering in his mind from time to time for a month.

At this time, he fully understood the original intention of Li Xuejian's way of life, not to cherish feathers as he thought in the past. The reason why he thought this way was because he stood at different heights.

He doesn't want to be Don Quixote, so as an actor and a public figure, he has an obligation to do what he can, just like Li Xuejian.

But he still can't live as Li Xuejian, because he is Xu Rong.

Thinking of this, sleepiness hit like a tide.

Early the next morning, when Xiao Zhang walked into the classroom and saw Xu Rong on the seat, she first blinked her eyes, then raised her hand and rubbed it to confirm that she was not dreaming, she first laughed violently, but Immediately afterwards, he frowned immediately, stared at him viciously, and let out a short breath.

Yang Mi who entered the door at the same time was also startled, and greeted with a smile: "Xu Rong, are you back?"

"You seem to have lost weight?"

Xiao Zhang also noticed this, but after hearing Yang Mi's words, she couldn't care less about getting angry, so she ran over and sat down next to Xu Rong, but didn't make a sound.

Seeing her frowning, Xu Rong looked unhappy, reached out and rubbed her little head, and said in a low voice, "I'm not afraid to tell you in advance that you won't be able to sleep again."

"Okay." Xiao Zhang nodded with a smile on his face, "Miss Xu, have you had breakfast yet?"

"I'm full, really, I'm really full." Yuan Shanshan covered her eyes speechlessly, bluffing.

Xu Rong glared at Yuan Shanshan, then said to Yang Mi with a smile, "Maybe filming is hard."

Yang Mi also responded with a smile.

After class was over, the two held hands and walked halfway to the school gate. Xu Rong suddenly remembered something and asked, "Xiao Zhang, how is your review going?"

Xiao Zhang's originally relaxed and happy expression immediately turned into a thin layer of ice. Fortunately, she had already prepared for this question, and said seriously without hesitation: "Review!"

Seeing her firm tone, Xu Rong thought for a while and asked, "Then tell me about the steps to rationally analyze the character on the basis of emotion."

"Huh?" Xiao Zhang looked at him suspiciously, "Mr. Xu, you don't believe me?!"

"I haven't asked you to discuss it yet, don't you tell me that you haven't reviewed it yet?"

"Mr. Xu, don't underestimate people!" Xiao Zhang's eyes widened, and he thought for a while and said, "First of all, we should figure out the clues of the character's action development, then grasp the character's continuous actions and the highest task, and then... and then .”

Xu Rong heard her voice getting lower and lower, and her head slowly turned like a bean sprout, and said: "Internal and external character traits, character relationships, and their status and role in the overall plot."

"Yes, yes, yes." Xiao Zhang nodded his head a few times and smiled, "I was about to say this."

Xu Rong glared at her and said, "Then tell me what points you need to pay attention to when writing a biography for a character?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang was anxious, his eyes widened, and he said in a harsh voice: "A woman, you must remember, you can't be bullied twice!"

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, and laughed. What Xiao Zhang said was a sentence in "Thunderstorm". The original sentence was "a woman, remember, she cannot be bullied by two generations." It was quoted during the analysis of external characteristics, but Xiao Zhang's memory was not quite right. She only remembered this line as an example, but forgot the key points in the analysis process.

Xiao Zhang's mind was spinning rapidly, he quickly found a topic, and said: "Mr. Xu, let me tell you, several people in our class have secretly done micro-adjustment."

Xu Rong tilted his head and looked at her: "What do you want to do?"

Xiao Zhang shrank his neck and muttered: "I want to too"

"Stop." Xu Rong stretched out his hand to stop her words. This was a very dangerous idea, and according to what he heard, there were only zero or countless plastic surgery.

"If you want to be a good actor, don't put a knife in your face."

Seeing Xiao Zhang's puzzled face, he said: "Look at a lot of actors. When they first debuted, their acting skills were okay, but after a few years, they suddenly became better-looking, but their acting skills have declined. That's not the same. It's not because their business skills are rusty or regressed, but because they have too many fixes and can no longer mobilize facial expressions to express."

"Besides, you're pretty good-looking, so there's no need to fix it."

"Hahaha." Xiao Zhang was happy when he heard the last sentence. He put his feet on his feet and patted Xu Rong's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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