I'm just an actor

Chapter 120 Basics

Chapter 120 Basics
"Latent Creation Notes".

May [-]

After three months, I read the script twice.

Prepare for "Latent" and play Yu Zecheng.

He is a very different character from Luo Peilun, I remember a face that came to mind when I read the script for the first time, Zhao Junkai.

He is a typical young man influenced by traditional schemes. He looks honest, but he plays tricks, flatters and is proficient in everything.

Stand firm and never waver (crossed out with a red stroke).

He is cautious and introverted, his speech is reserved, and he is extremely measured and even tactful, which should be paid special attention to when he behaves.

Example: When the webmaster wanted to deal with Lu Qiaoshan, he stated his interests and at the same time hinted at Lu Qiaoshan's background, which not only helped the webmaster, but also helped Lu Qiaoshan.

May [-]

After going through the script again, he is mature and stable, but in terms of his firmness of belief, he is an idealist.

His firmness has never changed, but his disappointment with the party and the country is a dividing point, the dividing point between promotion and restraint, and it is also a sign of maturity, which must be compared before and after.

Example: I will fight my whole life.

Example: He also panics after hearing bad news.

May [-]

I went through the script again, and some previous constructions need to be slightly revised. He is a person who treats his feelings sincerely and even a little naively.

For Zuo Lan, he wants to teach in a remote rural elementary school after peace, and do inappropriate things on inappropriate occasions.

Example: Inviting to dance on an occasion where dancing should not be done (need to talk to Jiang Wei about this later).

May 21

His tone is gentle.

In terms of physical appearance, his sitting and walking posture should be correct, his movements should be neat and crisp, and his gaze should be kept straight most of the time, because he was born in Qingpu.

Stay vigilant most of the time, this should also be one of the contents of the Qingpu class.

The expression on his face is weak, but there is an involuntary slight movement (or several) in the heat of emotion.

It reminds me of Ni Dahong and Lao Wang who played Yan Song in "The Ming Dynasty".

Eyes, eyes are very important, to think, to express.

It is necessary to improve the contrast of identities.

May 22
In the classroom, the teacher was talking impassionedly about the construction of mental imagery, and Xu Rong was preparing for "Latent" with a pen.

He did some of this work at the beginning of the year, but because he had been busy with the preparation and filming of "North Wind" for more than two months, he put it on hold.

As for the theoretical content that the teacher is talking about now, he is familiar with it by heart. After all, he has always combined theory and practice, and his experience is more profound and specific.

The reason why he still came to the class was mainly because he thought that the next month would be very busy, and he would leave school after the preparation of "Latent" was completed.

But during this period, he still has another important thing to do, rehearsing for Xiao Zhang.

Although the school also has practical classes, he knows the teacher's standards very well and can film.

As for higher, it is pure mutual torture.

But this kind of standard didn't match his expectations. Li Xuejian had ranked him before, and he knew quite well what level he had to achieve in order to be a good character.

"Xu Rong, share your experience in constructing mental images."

There was a sudden silence in the classroom.

Xu Rong felt that classmate Xiao Zhang poked her quietly with her finger, raised her head, and looked at her in surprise.

"Xu Rong, you practice a lot, and share with you your experience in constructing mental images." On the podium, the old professor who advised him to study steadily last time looked at him with a smile.

Xu Rong was stunned for a while, thinking that this is the exam itself, afraid that he will leave behind his theoretical knowledge?
"it is good."

Standing up slowly, he thought for a while before saying: "As for the construction of mental imagery, I personally think that Mr. Jiao Juyin's summary is quite accurate. If an actor wants to live in the role, he must first ask the character to live in himself."

"The first is the first impression. I think the first impression of the script and the character is particularly important, even if it is wrong, it is also very important, because it is a perceptual cognition. For example, when I see a character, the first impression in my mind I will think of a certain face for a while, and a little trick is that I will choose someone I am more familiar with to attach myself to."

"Wait a minute." The old professor stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and added, "Let me expand on this point. First of all, the first impression is wrong. Students must read the script repeatedly and conduct rational analysis, otherwise you will think It is wrong not to know your perceptual cognition. The second point, what Xu Rong said is to choose familiar characters to attach to. This requires students to carefully observe life, observe everyone's every move, every word and deed in life, Otherwise, even if it is a familiar person, you are actually not familiar with it, so you cannot implement it in a specific form."

After finishing speaking, the old professor pushed the metal-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and said, "Xu Rong, you continue."

Xu Rong smiled and said: "The second is to turn abstract concepts into behaviors. Personally, I am used to using Gogland's method to experience. This is more useful. Let me give you a specific example. For example, everyone should watch it. In "Yang Mahjong", the image concept constructed by Weiler as a character should be a strong and neurotic person. Robust and neurotic are two abstract concepts. The character is shaped in this way in the process of interpretation. When you sit, you look very imposing, but when you move, you have to show old, a strong old man, such an image to explain neuroticism."

Seeing that the teacher was about to interrupt again, Xu Rong hurriedly said: "But this is only the preliminary construction of the mental image."

He thought for a while before continuing: "It is necessary to fill in the external characteristics of the character. Let's take Weiler as an example. For example, he has a knee injury, a splayed left foot, a cane, and his neck is slightly tilted to the right. The head is slightly forward, and the left hand is used when writing. When I say this, everyone should think of a British director, haha."

In the whole classroom, no one responded to his words. Only the teacher frowned and thought for a while, then nodded uncertainly: "Is there any more?"

"After the analysis of the character is completed, I usually design the character's thoughts and feelings, the development level and changes of the action, where to be inherited, where to be combined, where to be strong, and where to be weak. Memorize the plot, and then proceed to this step, and also correct the imagery from the beginning, and then continue to revise and enrich the conception of the characters through the process of preliminary rehearsal and fine rehearsal.”

"Of course, if it cannot be completed, it means that there is something wrong with the script."

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he glanced at a group of students in the class who could not be more confused, and the speechless teacher on the stage, and grinned.

He's not stupid, if he used the characters in "Thunderstorm" or "Tea House" as examples, everyone has seen them, and they all think they are experts when they talk about it, it may inevitably cause controversy.

"Yang Mahjong" is different. This play is a classic, but I guess not many have seen it. He can talk nonsense. Anyway, except for the teacher, few classmates can tell whether what he said is right or wrong. of.

The tricks of mental image construction are of certain reference significance, but they are not very helpful in essence. To complete the mental image construction, you have to turn over the script to pick and think word by word, think about the script two or three times and combine some tips , It is pure nonsense to establish a perfect "mental image".

And this is the first step. The establishment of the mental image is only the foundation, and the process of expression is the real test.

He didn't have that much time to talk about it.

The teacher looked at Xu Rong, both satisfied and helpless. What Xu Rong said was very simple, but it would take half a month to talk about it. For example, the development level design of actions and thoughts is a comparison in the performance. For the esoteric content, I have to say: "Student Xu Rong has a lot of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. You can practice more with him when rehearsing plays. In person, you can feel more deeply."

Xu Rongqian laughed. He hasn't participated in the school's performance yet. In the future, he may participate in the graduation performance, but it still depends on whether he can spare the time.

After Yu Zecheng's "mental image" was established, Xu Rong began to transform it into an "image". At the same time, he also had to lay the foundation for Xiao Zhang. Mu Wanqiu was a relatively important role.

Speaking of which, the two have been together for so long, both as classmates and as boyfriend and girlfriend, but he really doesn't have a specific understanding of Xiao Zhang's business ability, because the two have never worked together.

After class, in a classroom, Xiao Zhang flipped through the script and asked, "Mr. Xu, how do you arrange it?"

"Did you specify the situation when you read the script?"

"Not yet." Xiao Zhang shrank his neck and said in a low voice, "It's not that I didn't do it, it's that the script was written too simply, that's not what we taught in class."

"Let me tell you about the prescribed situation first." Xu Rong glanced at the bare script in Xiao Zhang's hand, sighed, "Look at the second scene of the first episode, Yu Zecheng's hand is adjusting the monitoring equipment Press the volume button, Lin Huaifu’s voice appeared in the earphones, and Yu Zecheng listened to it while memorizing, eavesdropped on the connection of the device, went up from the back of the device along the wall, then entered the gap on the top floor, and extended through the gap.”

"In order to associate specific situations that are closely related to the actions of the characters, a few questions must first come to mind. What is Yu Zecheng's identity? Why does he monitor? How did the monitor equipment come about? What is his relationship with Lin Huaifu? Monitor What does it have to do with him? What is he recording? Why is it recorded?"

"And what time is the situation? Day or night? If it's daytime, what's the weather like?"

"When these prescribed situations are specific enough, you can expand your imagination and make the prescribed situations rich and three-dimensional."

Classmate Xiao Zhang said: "Who are you? What happened to you? How are your living conditions here? Isn't that the case?"

Xu Rong was numb for a moment, but still forced a smile and said, "Don't memorize the theory, use it flexibly. In order to be able to appear correctly, you must clearly understand the life of the script. In the afternoon, you can do Mu Wanqiu's role yourself. prescribed circumstances."

"Then it is to grasp the action. After the situation is stipulated, you have to determine the role's physical task, be serious, and must complete it seriously, so that you can really take action."

Xiao Zhang asked, "But what about the character's psychological tasks?"

Xu Rong looked at her, pointed to her cheek, and said, "Come on, slap me in the face."

Xiao Zhang looked at him suspiciously: "Teacher Xu?"

"This is a performance need, come on, walk up to me, and slap me in the face."

After Xiao Zhang hesitated for a long time, she moved to him and raised her hand, but in the end, she put it down again.

"Hit hard."

Xiao Zhang put the script on the table next to him, rolled up his sleeves, and asked earnestly, "What did you say, Mr. Xu, did I really fight?"

"Well, I said, hit hard."

Xiao Zhang stared at him for a while, then suddenly raised his hand, and slammed it towards his face.

But when the slap was only a few centimeters away from his face, Xiao Zhang stopped again, gently touched his face, pinched it, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu, your face is so soft."


The door of the classroom was slammed open, Xu Rong and Xiao Zhang in the classroom turned their heads together, staring at the two heads lying on the door and Yuan Shanshan who slowly put her feet down.

"You guys are enough!" Yuan Shanshan looked at the two speechlessly.

And Yang Mi and Jiao Junyan next to her looked at her equally speechlessly, "Sister, we are here to eavesdrop, what do you mean by kicking open the door?"
Xu Rong glanced at the three of them, and after a while, he asked, "You guys, happened to pass by?"

"Didn't you just say please"

Yang Mi covered Yuan Shanshan's mouth, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say we had dinner together earlier, we came here to see if you have finished queuing, and we have just arrived."

"Wait a few minutes, I'll finish the rest with Xiao Zhang."

"Let's just wait here. We'll invite you to dinner later. We can't keep asking you to invite." Yang Mi said, pointing to the tables and chairs in the classroom.

Xu Rong nodded, and waited for the three of them to sit on the side, before continuing to say to Xiao Zhang: "Just now, from raising your hand to slapping me with your palm hesitantly, it was all physical movements, but during this process, some How much belongs to the body, and how much belongs to the mind? Of course, those can be understood as the body, but from another perspective, the series of actions you just made can be regarded as mental actions, but these psychological actions are reflected by physical actions .”

"This is the purpose of the first round, which is actually to determine the body, and then capture the character's psychological life and emotional experience, and explore the character's 'human spiritual life'."

"Of course, these bodies are not static. When you and your co-actors are filming, they must interact and restrict each other. The core of it is the relationship between characters. For example, you are Mu Wanqiu, so if I suddenly get injured, you should show Bodily movements of worry, panic, and within those shapes are emotions.”

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded, and said, "I understand this, just listen to the other party's lines and pay attention to the other party's expression."

"It's a little more complicated than you think. Your understanding is correct, but listening is not enough. You have to be able to hear, and it's not enough to just watch. You have to be able to see, and you can see the deepest and deepest expressions on the opponent's actors' expressions. Subtle changes, hearing the most subtle tone in the other party’s tone, and these are not enough, but also the ability to detect the subtlest thought activities and emotional changes of the other party, which is the premise of improvisation and response to improvisation.”

"That. Teacher Xu, I have a question." Jiao Junyan raised her hand, and seeing Xu Rong look over, she said, "When I was filming, I had emotional experience during the rehearsal, but I didn't have it when I was filming, and then I didn't feel it at all. You can't improvise."

Xu Rong shrugged his shoulders and said: "You don't need to deliberately pursue it. The real emotional experience is based on the communication and adaptation of 'here and now', and it is constantly selected until you find the exact one that can arouse real emotions. Only in the way of adaptation can improvisation be possible.”

"However, through the preliminary and detailed rehearsal, the expressive space of the body is limited, so how can you improvise?"

"Improvisation still exists, but the scope is narrower. For example, if I want to clean my glasses, I take out the lens cloth at once. Take out the mirror cloth, this is improvisation, but the narrower the scope of improvisation, the more it will test imagination and internal technology."

"What about synthesis?"

"talk tommorow."

Yang Mi stared blankly at Xu Rong, as if meeting him for the first time, she always thought that Xu Rong relied on talent to make a living, until today, she didn't realize how big the gap between the two was.

Some teachers have talked about these theories, and some haven't talked about them at all, but when Xu Rong said these, he could give examples casually, just like Zhang Xiaofei raised his hand to hit him just now, and he simply gave her the relationship between body and psychology. The most intuitive description.

These things that they are still groping and practicing seem quite basic to him, otherwise it would be impossible to analyze them so thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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