I'm just an actor

Chapter 121 Experience

Chapter 121 Experience
After lunch, each of them took a rest, Xu Rong came to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory and stood in front of the flower bed, waiting for classmate Xiao Zhang while thinking about things related to her.

Classmate Xiao Zhang did not write a biography of Mu Wanqiu, nor did he write creative notes.

Her exploration of the prescribed situation, the selection of behavioral adaptation, and even the correlation between body and mind are still at a relatively superficial level.

Xiao Zhang's sense of drama is not bad, and the adaptability of action is basically qualified. After a few rehearsals, Xu Rong can see the clues, but she is basically in an instinctive state in terms of emotional creation of characters.

As for the further use of body and language to embody the character, it is a little better.

Because of talent.

If the talent is exploding, such as Zhou Xun's, it's natural to do whatever you want, and there's no need to invest too much energy in the adaptive choice of actions. Once she constructs the mental image, the rest will be done by acting instinctively.

But there is only one weekly newsletter.

At this time, he also understood the reason why the school looks at the face when recruiting students. In an impetuous environment, few students will study the theory and skills seriously. In this case, those who are more outstanding in appearance have more opportunities. Some.

On the other hand, the general environment affects not only students, but also teachers.

Seventy percent of the teachers in the school have no practical experience, but they have trained batch after batch of actors.

Just like the mental image structure that the teacher said before, in order to find a suitable method, he consulted a lot of materials when studying, such as "Mr. The process of creating Qin Zhongyi by Lan Tianye, Li Rentang's "Life and Skills", Lu En's "Fanyi and Me", Zheng Rong's "A Little Experience in Playing Chang Siye" and Wang Shangxin's " I played Commander Lei" and so on. After looking through these materials, he also compared them with the relevant video materials.

In the end, I synthesized a set of methods that I used to be more convenient.

In contrast, the content taught in the classroom is extremely simple, and only talks about some relatively general theories.

This is only the relatively basic mental image structure in performance.

In this case, if you want to create a complete mental image, you can only hope that students can make up for the missing theory through a lot of practice.

Colleagues who were born in Chinese opera, when talking about their student days, the one thing they remember most and hate deeply is just one thing, rehearsing plays.

Four years of university, four years of acting.

As for the students of Nortel, what they gnash their teeth the most is procrastinating.

And the resulting results are also very obvious.

"Teacher Xu."

At a certain moment, classmate Xiao Zhang jumped up and down and interrupted his thinking.

To Xu Rong's surprise, three of her roommates also followed.

He looked at the three Yang Mi who followed Xiao Zhangtong, and asked, "You guys, what a coincidence?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang put his hands in his pockets, shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Xu, they want to play for us. I'll watch it. There are several scenes where people have to help move the seats."

Xu Rong glanced at her, but didn't expose her lie.

A few minutes ago, in the dormitory.

When classmate Xiao Zhang put on his clothes in a hurry and was ready to go after tidying up, he looked at the three roommates who were also neatly dressed and asked suspiciously: "There is no class in the afternoon, are you going to go shopping?"

Yuan Shanshan came up and put her arms around Xiao Zhang's shoulders, and asked, "Xiaofei, how do you think I treat you?"

"pretty good."

"Then, can your boyfriend share it?"

"No!" Classmate Xiao Zhang categorically refused, even though she knew that Shanshan was joking, but she was quite worried about her, because this guy always sighed in the dormitory when he started his freshman year, "Xu Rong is so handsome." Ah!" and so on.

Yuan Shanshan said with a bitter face, "Okay, I admit, your teacher Xu is very good. Didn't the teacher say at noon today, let's practice with him when we have a chance, Xiaofei, help me, bring me some help. Come on us?"

Yang Mi added: "And you need someone to help you with the lyrics when you rehearse."

Xiao Zhang only hesitated for a moment, then nodded, who made them praise Teacher Xu for being amazing.

Xu Rong vaguely guessed the idea of ​​Yuan Shanshan and the three of them, and did not reject it. If acting is so easy to learn, it cannot be called a skill.

In the practice room, after rehearsing a scene, Xu Rong didn't continue, but talked about the things that need to be paid attention to in the rehearsal, saying: "For an actor, the most important thing is to adapt to the action. Only when the action is precise, the role Only when it seems reasonable, remember, it is not correct, it is precise, this is the easiest way to transform the mental image into an image."

Jiao Junyan sat cross-legged and asked: "Mr. Xu, I have a question, why many people who have not undergone systematic theoretical studies can become good actors."

Xu Rong looked at Jiao Junyan who was puzzled, his lips twitched a few times, and then he smiled wryly, "This is more complicated."

He paused for a while, ignored her questioning eyes, and said to Xiao Zhang: "After the basic clues from psychology to body are determined, we must seriously feel the accuracy of the action. How to determine the accuracy? Find it from yourself. A certain part, enlarge it, just like the scene you rehearsed just now, when you face my wife in name, you will get angry, then you will roll your eyes, you will be unhappy, and your tone will be stinging."

"Nonsense, I didn't!" Xiao Zhang immediately said with a guilty conscience.

It was Yang Mi who cooperated with the two of them in the play just now.

Yang Mi smiled and said, "Xiaofei, why are you blushing?"

Xiao Zhang's ears were flushed, and he poked his neck and said, "Nonsense, I didn't!"


Xu Rong smiled and was about to reach out to rub her head, but she might as well hide away: "Mr. Xu, no more."

In front of her roommate, she was a little embarrassed.

Jiao Junyan was not easy to interrupt, but Xiao Zhang didn't have so many scruples, and said, "Mr. Xu, I'm also very surprised what Junyan said, why?"


"That's why many people who haven't studied systematically can become good actors."

Xu Rong could ignore Jiao Junyan's words, but he couldn't help but answer Xiao Zhang's question, and sighed silently: "Talent."

"Of course, you all have a very good sense of drama, much better than mine. Good talent, talent is not good, talent is not good, like me, you can only learn skills honestly."

The practice room suddenly fell silent. When Xu Rong was not famous, no one said that he was not talented. Maybe someone said it, but they never heard of it.

After Xu Rong became famous, no matter the teachers in the school or his colleagues in the industry, most of the evaluations of him were "good talent, high professional level".

Seeing the expressions of the four people believing that you have ghosts, Xu Rong didn't argue, and said: "The purpose of the rehearsal is not only to adjust the correctness of actions, but also to deepen the understanding and feelings of the purpose of the characters' actions, so as to stimulate actions. The impulses and desires of the character, that is, the motivation of the character's behavior, which is an important part of the character's inner personality."

"Of course, sometimes when I recognize it but it is difficult to amplify it, I will occasionally use the replacement method of the method, but it is not recommended to use it frequently. This method is easier than amplifying a certain part of myself, but sometimes it is harmful to myself. The spirit is not friendly."

Xiao Zhang immediately retorted: "But the teacher said before that emotional preparation and action guidance can be coordinated at the same time?"

"Yes, of course it is possible, just like when Teacher Lu En portrayed the character of Fanyi, her actions before going downstairs, her motives preceded her actions, but this is a talent."

"The premise that she can do this is that she has created the internal and external situations, found Fanyi's irresistible motivation to meet Zhou Ping, and basically felt that the character dares to love, dare to hate, and has no scruples." internal and external characteristics.”

"Engels once said that a character's character is not only reflected in what he does, but also in how he does it. In other words, we must find an adaptation method that matches the character's personality characteristics, which is what I call precise action."

"But what is the most appropriate degree of adaptation?"

Xu Rong saw that Xiao Zhang understood, and said: "There is a classic case, in the British National Theater's "Hamlet" in 1986, the actor who played Hamlet pretended to be crazy, and saw the scene of Ophelia , he loves her very much, but he knows that someone is watching him secretly, and he can't tell Ophelia the love buried in his heart and his difficulties, so the way he chooses to adapt is to say on the one hand Insulting her words, on the other hand, all his physical movements are trying to get close to her, to hold her hand, hug, kiss, in such an adaptive way, those who monitor him think he is really crazy , while the audience can not only see, but also feel his love for her."

"In addition, there is the part where the military officer played by Mr. Lan Ma participated in the peace negotiation in "[-] Online", so the part where Mr. Zhi played Wei Le in "Mahjong" and finally lost the card, all corresponded to the character character traits."

Seeing the faces of the four people getting more and more confused, Xu Rong shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm talking about a scene, just imagine, if you met a beggar begging for you on the street, what would you do? "

Xu Rong saw that the four of them didn't seem to dare to answer him, so he said to Yang Mi and Yuan Shanshan, "Yang Mi, play the beggar, tell Shanshan later that you are good, and then give her money, Shanshan." Play as you please, you two play it."

Yang Mi widened her glasses and pointed to her nose: "Why am I acting as a beggar?"

"Because you have filmed a lot of scenes, the acting is more similar."

"Okay." Yang Mi intuitively felt that Xu Rong's starting point was wrong, but the other party's reason made her feel that it seemed reasonable.

Classmate Xiao Zhang turned his head and looked at Xu Rong. He frowned at first, but then smoothed it off quickly.

She believed that Teacher Xu probably didn't do it on purpose.

Well, definitely not.

"let's start."

Yang Mi sat on the ground, and when Yuan Shanshan passed by her, she whispered: "Miss, please do me a favor."

Yuan Shanshan directly took out a banknote from her pocket and handed it to Yang Mi: "Go and buy something to eat."


"Teacher Xu, how are you doing?"

Xu Rong didn't answer Yuan Shanshan, but turned to Xiao Zhang and Jiao Junyan, and asked, "What do you think of the way they adapted just now?"

Seeing classmate Xiao Zhang and Jiao Junyan looking at me and you, but not saying a word, Xu Rong smiled helplessly: "It's okay, don't worry about destroying the unity of the dormitory."

Xiao Zhang frowned and thought for a while, then said, "I feel pretty good."

Xu Rong scratched his head and said, "Then I'll come once, Yang Mi, you play with me."

"it is good."

"Sir, please do me a favor."

Xu Rong frowned first, then took out the wallet from his pocket, opened it, reached in, touched it twice, finally, took out the smallest coin, and gently put it in Yang Mi's hand .

Yuan Shanshan looked at Xu Rong and her previous performance that had not changed much, and asked, "Is this normal?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Yes, this is very common."

"Taking out the smallest coin in the wallet is the adaptive way for an ordinary person to act."

"Is this impromptu?" Yang Mi said, slipping Yuan Shanshan's ticket and the coins that Xu Rong gave her into her pocket.

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "This is a normal reaction. If you want to watch the improvisation, you can go to the third act of Molière's comedy "The Hypocrite". The scene where Daulf molested Mrs. Orgon was exposed on the spot , that is the impromptu famous scene.”

"Improvisation, I personally think, is a kind of compensation for actors, for taking roles seriously and studying hard."

Yang Mi was dumbfounded when she heard Xu Rong's example. After a long while, she said dully, "Mr. Xu, when did you read this?"

"Aren't these all very basic things?" Xu Rong asked back.



Classmate Xiao Zhang smiled inappropriately. Although she hadn't seen it either, it seemed as if she had.

Jiao Junyan straightened her body a little bit, and asked, "Is it the same with emotions? For example, crying scenes, how do you adapt?"

"In terms of emotional creation, I remember that Mr. Kang Zhilin summed up a sentence, 'Others cry tears, actors cry drama', crying scenes don't make you really cry, the emotional experience created by our actors should never be a natural state The emotions under the background, love always serve the drama, our emotions should be the emotional experience of the character under the stimulation of a specific environment, the purpose is to highlight the character, and also consider the acceptance of the audience, when you act, you cry beautifully Yes, the experience is very real, but if it doesn’t make the audience feel sympathetic and sad, it’s a failure.”

"All in all, emotions should be fictitious or false. From the various emotional memories stored in the past, find an emotional basis suitable for the character. For this piece, you can take a look at Mr. Hu Zongwen's creation of "Thunderstorm". Experience."

Jiao Junyan then asked: "Since the emotions are fake, how can the audience feel real?"

"This is more complicated." Xu Rong thought for a while, "There is a kind of erroneous perception that no matter what type of role an actor portrays, he must try his best to like this role. I think this is a ridiculous way of acting. "

"In the process of expressing, there are two kinds of experience, one is emotion and the other is emotion. Emotion is a stable and long-term attitude, and emotion is a response to external stimuli in a prescribed situation."

"To treat a character, you have to start from yourself. For example, when you play a bad guy, you have to maintain real emotions and real emotions for this character. Emotionally, if you like it, you like it, and if you hate it, you hate it. Emotions are the real feedback of stimulation in a specific situation. For example, if Xiao Zhang is naughty and I hit her, the emotions and emotions in the process are different. Emotionally, I like her, but emotionally, some of her behaviors make me angry. These are two opposite experiences. But what is presented? I will hit the thicker parts of her body or deliberately control the strength, from these aspects, you can feel my true emotions and true emotions."

"That depends on how you fight."

Xu Rong frowned and looked at Jiao Junyan who was muttering, always feeling that something was wrong with her.

"But on the other hand, if I hate a character, wouldn't it mean that I can't play it well?" Yang Mi glared at Jiao Junyan, and hastily changed the subject.

"The reverse is also the same. If you hate a character emotionally, and you want others, that is, the audience to hate this character, then during the performance, you will instinctively devote yourself to creating a real emotional experience, so that the audience can deeply feel this character. If you like a bad person, your emotional experience may go astray. For example, if you don’t think the character’s behavior is despicable, then your expression will not show a hateful side and fall into the eyes of the audience. It's not that bad."

"This kind of experience of emotion and emotion is a little bit difficult. When we create characters, in order to ensure real emotions and real emotions, especially real emotions, we have to put ourselves in the situation and empathize with the scene. The setting is to assume the situation of the character. Touching is to consciously and actively feel the prescribed situation, and through the guidance of actions, accept the stimulus and produce real emotional experience.”

(End of this chapter)

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