I'm just an actor

Chapter 122 Good Chapter

Chapter 122 Good Words
Xu Rong always felt that his teaching ability was not bad, but the students he encountered were not very good at understanding. At the beginning, Xiao Zhang was able to be admitted to Nortel, and he had to take at least [-]% of the credit.

As for Li Xiaoran who met later, it was purely because she didn't want to learn, and it really had nothing to do with him.

It wasn't until he was discussing the three major genres of performance with Li Xuejian that he realized that his previous method of teaching people seemed a little inappropriate.

After watching Zhang Shaohua's performance during the filming of "North Wind" before, he has been itching in his heart. The other party is obviously biased towards expressionism, and he is dazzled by the various dimensions of expression. Some fight.

It's just that the other party is not from an orthodox experiential school, so it's not easy for him to ask this question.

After hearing Xu Rong's doubts, Li Xuejian smiled and shook his head, then pouted towards the kitchen and said, "Go and get the soy sauce and vinegar, and three more bowls."

Although Xu Rong was puzzled, she still got up, asked Aunt Yu who was busy cooking in the kitchen for soy sauce and vinegar, and put them in front of Li Xuejian.

Li Xuejian lined up three bowls, poured some vinegar into one bowl, poured some soy sauce into one bowl, and poured some soy sauce into the other bowl, and pushed them to Xu Rong in unison, pointing and pouring them out first. A bowl of vinegar, said: "Drink it."

Xu Rong looked at Li Xuejian suspiciously, but without hesitation, he picked up the bowl and poured the vinegar into his mouth.

Seeing that his expression was slightly uncomfortable, Li Xuejian asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"A little sour."

"It's right to be sour." Li Xuejian laughed and said, "Drink saliva and rinse your mouth first."

After Xu Rong took a sip of his saliva, Li Xuejian pointed to the bowl containing soy sauce and said, "Try this again."

Xu Rong picked up the bowl again, the soy sauce tasted a little bitter, he swallowed it quickly, and at the same time tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Are you sour?" Li Xuejian asked him with a smile.

Xu Rong looked at the few drops of soy sauce left in the bowl, then looked up at Li Xuejian who was sitting opposite with a smile, and said, "It's not sour."

Li Xuejian shook his head and said, "No, you are sore."

Xu Rong was stunned for a moment, he vaguely understood Li Xuejian's intention.

"Rinse your mouth again."

"Try this again." Li Xuejian finally pointed to the third empty bowl in front of him.

Xu Rong knew that the real test was coming, so he took a deep breath, carefully picked up the bowl, and put it to his mouth, as if there was really vinegar in it, he took two sips lightly, at the same time, he swallowed Spit, pretending to be drinking vinegar.

Putting down the bowl, he narrowed his eyes slightly and pulled the corners of his mouth to one side.

Li Xuejian looked at Xu Rong's series of micro-expressions and the slight sound of gasping, and asked, "Are you sour?"

Xu Rong nodded and said, "Sour."

Li Xuejian didn't seem to agree, and said, "As an audience, I didn't see you feeling sour, do you understand?"

Xu Rong smiled wryly and nodded, "Understood."

As he spoke, he put away the bowl and took it into the kitchen again.

"Although the highest task of performance is not the audience's evaluation, it is one of the criteria for judging our degree of completion." After he sat back on the sofa again, Li Xuejian said, "The audience will not be curious about how you present, they only care about you. The result presented, the experiential school is equivalent to drinking vinegar, you have a real sour feeling and the presentation of sour, the method school is equivalent to the feeling of vinegar from drinking soy sauce, and the expressive school is you Didn't drink anything, but let me watch the sour."

Xu Rong pondered for a while and asked, "Then teacher, which one do you think is better?"

"There's no comparison. It's like we say that we belong to the Stuart system, but emotional memory is also commonplace. Why? Because if you don't drink vinegar, you don't drink vinegar, but you will grin your teeth when you drink soy sauce, making people look at you." If you think you are sour, what if you haven’t even drank soy sauce? Then think about how other people look when they drink vinegar.”

"Why do I say it is incomparable? My understanding is that although we belong to different genres, the purpose of our presentation is for use, not for admirers of a certain system, so at present, it is a mixture of method school and experience school as a whole. .”

"You should also feel the difficulties of the experiential school." Li Xuejian analyzed, "In order to express sourness, you have to drink vinegar, but sometimes it really doesn't have vinegar, just like asking you to play a gay, you can't find it from your body. Such a point."

"Soy sauce, after all, is different from vinegar, and there will be deviations in performance. This deviation is the degree to which you reverse the feeling of soy sauce to vinegar."

"As for those who didn't drink anything, it depends on how many people you've met who have drunk vinegar, and what you can learn. It's as simple as that."

Xu Rong pondered for a while, and said, "Teacher, I understand."

Li Xuejian waved his hand and said: "No, you still don't understand. The chief engineer has a saying that a black cat is a white cat. A good cat is one that catches mice. Our purpose is to make the audience empathize, not to use What method, at the current stage, I suggest that you still focus on experience, if experience cannot solve it, then use other techniques to make up for it, and don’t care about the method of sending experience or something.”


"Stop chatting, come and serve the bowl." Aunt Yu's voice came from the kitchen.

"Okay, Aunt Yu."

In the middle of the meal, Li Xuejian suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, I heard that you went to learn dubbing from Tong Zirong a while ago, how is it going?"

Xu Rong's face couldn't help but blush. There are two main reasons. One is that Li Xuejian is his teacher, and the other is that what he learned from Tong Zirong is too basic.

Li Xuejian looked at him with a slightly embarrassed expression, and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, I just said that we are doing tricks well, as for what to learn and what to use, it doesn't matter, I don't think I know everything As far as the alienation skills of drama are concerned, we actors also need to learn to a certain extent, so tell me what you have learned."

Xu Rong looked at Li Xuejian carefully, and seeing that he really didn't mind, she said in a low voice: "I just started learning the accent."

Li Xuejian's expression froze, and he asked, "How long have you studied with him?"

"A month."

Li Xuejian opened his mouth and said after a long while, "It cost hundreds of thousands to learn an accent?"

Xu Rong felt quite embarrassed, and said: "In the beginning, it was all relatively basic exercises. Just controlling the relaxation made me practice all day long."

Aunt Yu also looked at him in surprise, and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Xu, you were not deceived, were you?"

"No, I feel like I can learn well."

Li Xuejian pressed the chopsticks lightly on the table, and said, "Find a paragraph and tell me."

Aunt Yu looked at the seriousness of the two of them, and said, "There's no time to talk about it after dinner, does it have to be now?"

Both Xu Rong and Li Xuejian looked at her, smiled, and said nothing, both of them couldn't wait until the meal was over.

Xu Rong stood up, thought for a while, and said, "Then let me say a passage from "Hamlet"."


"If, in this sleep, the wounds of our hearts, and the innumerable other inevitable blows of flesh and blood, could disappear, that would be the end we wish for."

Before learning from Tong Zirong, Xu Rong would put the emphasis on "pain", "strike", "disappear" and "wish for it", but this time, he only put it on the word "disappear". Committed to embodying the emotions of destruction.

This is selected based on the vitality of the stress emphasized by Tong Zirong, and the method is Tong Zirong's own summary of the three cross-determined stress words.

This is the big killer he learned.

In his opinion, these three skills can be regarded as a method, and the value is far beyond one hundred thousand or even a million, because once the character analysis is completed, the situation is defined, and a line, he knows the accent once he passes it through his mind. Where does it fall to better present the character's personality and emotions.

Li Xuejian finished listening, savored it carefully for a while, and said: "Tell me about the part of Chen Bailu facing the search in "Sunrise"."

"Okay." Xu Rong first thought for a while, then smiled, "Teacher, 'What did you eat to grow up?' What are those two sentences after?"

Li Xuejian's tone was extremely calm, but he just read the words bluntly: "If you are unreasonable, the unreasonable ancestors of this dock are here."

"Oh, that's right." Xu Rong turned around, half turned his head, and said to Li Xuejian, "Stop! Come in? What did you grow up on?"

After Xu Rong sat down, Li Xuejian tasted it for a while before sighing: "Tong Zirong really has two brushes. I'm not just talking about skills, but also your basic skills."

"Compared with the teacher, he is still far behind." Xu Rong smiled and patted her ass.

Li Xuejian picked up the chopsticks, shook them in the air with a smile, and said: "There is a specialization in the art industry, and this must be admitted. Your breath and voice stability are much stronger before. This can't be achieved by tongue twisters alone. He Did I teach you some special methods?"

"Hmm." Xu Rong didn't explain, this was requested by Tong Zirong, without his permission, the skills he summed up could not be taught to others.

Li Xuejian didn't have any desire to explore, so he asked, "Are you only 21 this year?"

Xu Rong picked up a chopstick and asked, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Li Xuejian pondered for a while, and said: "When you are 35 years old, you can try to understand Peking Opera."

Xu Rong's expression was slightly stagnant, Teacher Li Xuejian looked down on him.

Li Xuejian means that when he reaches the age of 35, he can try to completely jump out of the experience and use the expressionist alienation method to create characters. Alienation is also one of the techniques of Peking Opera.

There are still 14 years left.

Still have to work hard!
After chatting with Li Xuejian, Xu Rong deeply realized that maybe he really wasn't a good teacher. When he taught Xiao Zhang, he wanted her to understand the fundamental methods too much. For the basic content, he always subconsciously thought that the other party was not a good teacher. He should understand, but only pay attention to digging deeper, while Li Xuejian simply pretends that he doesn't know anything, and the examples he gave are quite easy to understand.

At this moment, he understood why Xiao Zhang and her three roommates were dumbfounded when they kept talking on their own.

What allowed this inference to be verified was a book borrowed by Xiao Zhang from the library.

After Xu Rong beat Li Xuejian's house for dinner, when he met Xiao Zhang in the library, he looked at the book "Actor's Self-cultivation" that Xiao Zhang was holding, and a series of doubts flashed in his heart.

Is this book a classic?

It is very classic, just like the "Internal Classic" in Chinese medicine, but if you don't have a deep understanding of the theory of qi, yin and yang, five elements, and Tibetan image meridians, it is similar to the heavenly book. You know every word, but when combined, you don't understand it. What the hell is going on.

He pointed to the book in Xiao Zhang's arms and asked, "Xiao Zhang, why did you borrow this?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang hugged the book and said, "I've read it. What's in this book is easier to understand than what you're talking about."

Xu Rong looked at Xiao Zhang in amazement, and asked, "You really think so?"

Xiao Zhang was very serious and frank and nodded his head twice.

Xu Rong scratched his head, Xiao Zhang's words were a bit shocking.

"Don't read this." He pulled the book in her arms over and said, "I've just flipped through this stuff, it's too profound, I'll read it later, let's go directly to the rehearsal."

After queuing for half an afternoon, Xu Rong corrected the problems in Xiao Zhang's lines for countless times, saying: "Xiao Zhang, your logic is fine, but your psychology is fine."

He looked at Xiao Zhang's frown slowly, stopped immediately, and said, "Look at me, I'll act it out for you."

"The oil paper umbrella said that romance is dead. In this sentence, the word dead should not stop logically, but from Mu Wanqiu's psychology, it can be stopped and it is necessary to stop."

"Ahhh, Teacher Xu, can you stop talking?" Xiao Zhang sat on the ground angrily and stared at him fiercely. It's the first time I found out that acting is so difficult, so you can follow your instincts if you have a good sense of the play?

Xu Rong rubbed her head with a smile, and said: "You have done a good job, I can guarantee that if you act according to what I taught you, you can hold the hammer for all actresses under the age of 30. If there is a suitable role for you at that time, the directors in the industry will definitely think of you at the first time."

Xiao Zhang immediately stopped being annoyed. He raised his neck and asked hopefully, "Really?"

"of course it's true."

"Then Mr. Xu, let's continue in the row." She said, put her hands on the ground, and was about to sit up, but just as she left the ground, she sat back on the ground again, and exclaimed "Ouch".

Because Xu Rong pressed her head and exerted force on her hands.

She looked up at Xu Rong in puzzlement, and said, "Mr. Xu, what are you doing?"

"Take a break first." Xu Rong said with a smile, "I'm going home in a few days, do you want to go with me?"

"What are you doing at home?"

"My grandpa's birthday."

Xiao Zhang shrank his neck, raised his eyelids, and asked in a low voice: "Is it okay?"

"No problem at all."

Before going home, Xu Rong has another thing to do. The new work "The Deer and Ding Tale" by the number one student in the Mainland has become a big hit, and he wants to invite a few friends to dinner to celebrate.

A meal that Xu Rong felt was very boring and boring. Although they were all familiar faces, he had no intersection with them in the past, and the content of the chat could not be discussed.

He knows a lot about financial management, so he interjected in the middle, saying that it is better to buy a house if he wants to manage financial management, but he received a circle of disapproving eyes.

On the way back, he thought for a while and understood the reason. He was not a member of the same circle in the first place, so there was no need to force it.

Moreover, Xu Rong may not be able to count those people as Huang Xiaoming's real friends. It is understandable if they don't know how to sing and sing, but everyone is an actor. How about Huang Xiaoming's recent works? A bit of a spectrum.

There are also many such people around him, who only say good things and never lie, but there are also a few who occasionally say bad things, such as Li Xuejian, Li Youbin, and Wang Qingxiang. He would also say it in person, the embarrassment at the time was inevitable, but afterwards, he would also think about it.

He may not mind the comments of netizens, but he will not ignore the opinions of these few colleagues who are both teachers and friends and who are of sufficient level.

As for Huang Xiaoming, he will not punish him, but he will not praise him for his good acting out of conscience, but just say that even if he plays the same type, he will still not delay making money.

Talking nonsense with your eyes open is not doing yourself a favor, it is trying to ruin a person.

But Huang Xiaoming seemed to be on the fence with him. Two days before he went home, when he was rehearsing, Huang Xiaoming called.

"Hey, Old Xu, is it convenient to talk?"

 In the future, try to write as little professional theory as possible.
(End of this chapter)

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