I'm just an actor

Chapter 123 Apologize

Chapter 123 Apologize
Xu Rong was startled when he heard the voice on the phone.

Huang Xiaoming's way of greeting was a little different from usual, because Huang Xiaoming never called him "Lao Xu", he paused, listening to the unreasonable silence on the phone, he vaguely understood what was going on, and said with a smile: " It's convenient and convenient, tell me what you want."

"Have you read "The Deer and Ding Tale"?"

"Hey, why didn't you watch it? I watched it a bit."

"What do you think of my acting?"

"I only watched one episode at that time, and didn't read any further, because after watching it, the first thing I felt was jealousy." Xu Rong heavily emphasized the word "jealousy" and raised his tone slightly, "Damn, acting Why are you so awesome!"


Xu Rong heard mixed laughter from the phone. One of them was easy to distinguish, it was Huang Xiaoming's, and the other female voice was a little familiar, but he couldn't immediately remember who it was and where he heard it. Pass.

"Hi Xu Rong, I'm Yi Lijing."

Xu Rong suddenly realized that it was this person, and now he understood that he wanted to come to Huang Xiaoming to record the show, but he was stuck in a hurry.

He was actually a little puzzled, Huang Xiaoming was fine, why did he go to Nandu to record a program.

"Hey, hello, hello, Teacher Yi."

"Huang Xiaoming said that you have a very good relationship, so as a friend, do you have anything to say to Huang Xiaoming?"

"Hey, Teacher Yi, are you changing your style? Are you starting to be sensational?"

"Don't you think he's just your ordinary friend, so there's nothing to say?"

"Just like us?"


After the laughter, when there was no sound from there, Xu Rong knew that his plan to fool him had failed. Both Yi Lijing and Huang Xiaoming were waiting for the answer to the last question.

Xu Rong thought for three or four seconds, and then said: "I'm taking advantage of the misery. When I first entered this industry, it was not easy to say. At that time, I was not famous and I didn't have many friends."

"what do you want to say?"

"It's said that it's a bad sale. It's just a wave of brother Xiao Ming's enthusiasm, so that the audience friends can sympathize with me, and vote for a few more votes. Don't let me lose so ugly when I lose this year's Golden Eagle Awards."

"Is it really just that?"

"Mr. Yi, I'm still out of breath. Don't analyze blindly like you are doing reading comprehension of Mr. Lu Xun's articles. I still have something to do here, so I'll hang up first."

Seeing Xu Xing standing outside the classroom, Xu Rong hung up the phone. Huayi's publicist left Hairun [-] miles away. As the head of the family, Huang Xiaoming must have prepared before going, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

After eating with a few people in Xiao Zhang's dormitory last time, he hadn't seen Xu Xing for a while. During the filming of "North Wind", Xu Xing might have learned something from him. The reason why he is not sure is because he himself I'm not sure how much Xu Xing understood what he said at the time.

Xiao Zhang went to open the door and asked, "What's the matter?"

Xu Xing's condition was not very good, she lowered her head, her face was disgusted, her eyes were red, it seemed that she had just cried, she glanced at Xiao Zhang, and moved into the door, after a while, she said: "They said let me Only when you sleep with someone can you act, otherwise you will replace me."

"The one introduced by Yang Mi?" Xu Rong was not surprised at all. After Xu Xing told him earlier, he had inquired about it in private.

And in order to win the role, no matter whether it is related or unrelated parties, it is like eight immortals crossing the sea to show their talents.

It has been in preparation for nearly two years, and it was just turned on a while ago, but after less than a week of shooting, it was shut down again.

All eight main actors of the crew were killed.

The original batch of actors can't be said to have nothing to do with background, but compared to the new crop, the background is not so hard.

As for whether Li Shaohong can continue to be the director, and whether Yang Mi can still play the role, it is still unknown.

Xu Xing nodded lightly and said, "Yes."

"what are you thinking?"

"I do not want"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "If you don't want to do it, then don't do it. This scene is like a joke now. Even if it is filmed, it will not be much better than a pile of shit."

Xu Xing lowered his head again, twisted his hands together, and asked in a low voice: "Brother, can I still be your assistant?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you do it, did I?"

"Thank you, bro."

Xu Rong nodded with a smile. Except for Xiao Zhang and grandpa, he never naively thought that there were people in this world who sincerely and free of charge surrounded him.

The reason why there are many people around him right now, talking about it, is nothing more than the word benefit.

When he can bring benefits to others, these people will hold him in their mouths and hold him in their hands. Even if he is wrong, they will only hear a piece of approval.

And when he can't bring benefits, the same group of people will abandon him first without hesitation.

The so-called popularity and so on are rootless grasshoppers. When you can do it yourself, you can do everything. If you can't do it yourself, you can do nothing.

This is not a question of reality or unrealism, but just the normal operation rules of society. Since they are not parents, there is no need for anyone to spoil anyone.

As for personality charm, when Taizu conquered the world, there were still so many opponents, how could he be an ordinary person.

In the remaining two days, Xu Rong went to the house that had been renovated as if he was inspecting the territory. He reckoned that he should be able to move in when the next semester starts, and bought some things to take home. thing.

It was different from the last time he went home alone during the Chinese New Year. Apart from Xiao Zhang going back with him, Xu Xing would also follow. Although the two of them were not working together, it would be no problem to pull a suitcase and bring some things back. .

Xu Xing struggled to pull a big black box, and asked, "Brother, what did you buy, it's so heavy?"

Xiao Zhang was also pulling a suitcase, but she looked more relaxed, and said: "There are many, your box is supplements, the box I am carrying is clothes, and the box that Teacher Xu is carrying is some small household electrical appliances. .”

Xu Rong smiled and said, "You should exercise."

"What she lacks is not exercise." Xiao Zhang raised her neck and said with a smile, "it's a boyfriend like Teacher Xu, hahaha."

Xu Rong smiled and didn't say anything, but Xu Xing next to him rolled his eyes.

Yesterday morning, she followed Xu Rong to the new house. During this time, she secretly asked the property owner about the price, and the price of a house has actually risen to 1200 million.

What made her even more upset was that the building next to her also belonged to her brother.

Usually, she doesn't feel that her brother is rich, because except for shoes and cosmetics, he is more expensive than ordinary people. The slightly larger daily expenses are the exchanges between relatives and friends.

And she clearly remembered that her brother still owed the company 1200 million.

It wasn't until yesterday that she realized that filming well seems to really make money.

The elderly love to listen to operas. Xu Rong bought a DVD and dozens of opera discs this time, but when the three of them arrived home with large and small boxes, they found that there was already a theater next to the house.

There is a red banner on it to wish grandpa's birthday.

Xu Rong entered the house full of doubts, and when he saw Xu Xing's father busy in the yard, he immediately understood everything.

He glanced at Xu Xing, and what he had to say was that when she was doing things seriously, she was indeed a careful girl.

That's enough. Employers use their strengths, not their weaknesses.

Xu Xing's father was a tall man with a long thin face. He was squatting in the yard, wearing an apron to wash vegetables. When he saw Xu Rong who opened the door and walked in, he got up with a smile and said, "Xu Rong is back?"

Uncle Xu's words seemed to turn on a certain switch, and a chubby middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen. This was Xu Xing's mother.

But after opening the main room, the two old people walked out, but the attention of the two old people was focused on Xiao Zhang at the same time.

The smile on Grandpa's face was much brighter than usual, and he said kindly: "This is Xiaofei, right? Hurry up and sit in the room."

Classmate Xiao Zhang smiled dryly, she hadn't gone through such battles yet.

Xu Rong put the suitcase aside, pulled her to grandpa, and said, "Grandpa, I called you earlier, Xiaofei."

"Xiaofei, this is grandpa."

"Hello grandpa."

The old man smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I said it earlier, you don't need to come back here on purpose, you are still in school, you can't delay your studies, it doesn't matter if you don't celebrate your birthday."

"It's okay, don't delay." Xu Rong pointed to the second grandfather again and said, "This is the second grandfather."

"Hello, Second Grandpa."

"Okay, let's go into the room and talk."

Xiao Zhang must have done his homework before he came back. This was Xu Rong's thoughts after arriving home for a while.

Too hardworking, so hardworking makes him look a little incredible, the key is that the mouth is still sweet, and it's always grandpa's grandpa's short.

It's not good to make the old man happy.

After taking two sips of wine at noon, he even mentioned the matter of getting married.

Xu Rong can understand the old man's thoughts a little bit. People of the same age in the village are all married and have children. Although he is still in school, his age is here after all.

But he could only fool around with a smile on this matter, no matter what, at least he had to wait until after graduation.

After celebrating grandpa's birthday, Xu Rong didn't stay at home too much. After sending classmate Zhang and Xu Xing to the plane to the capital, he turned and went to Shanghai.

Tong Zirong had been idle for a while, and he had already called to ask after "North Wind" was finished.

He had anticipated what happened to Tong Zirong. Although it was immoral to think so, after all, the habits of more than 60 years cannot be changed just by changing them.

And during this period of time, Tong Zirong should have earned a lot by virtue of his reputation as the "Taishan Beidou" in the dubbing industry. If there were no major expenses, it would be enough for future expenses.

The second day after arriving in the magic capital.

"You have to remember that the tone of voice is not only high or low, but also fast and slow, strong and weak, but these changes are not only for yourself, but also for other characters, and you must pay attention to the tone and 'chatter' in the process of changing Even if it is a change, there must be a process of relaxation, so let's choose a few paragraphs to practice."



Tong Zirong closed his mouth subconsciously, and looked at Xu Rong's mobile phone on the table.

Xu Rong walked over to pick it up to have a look, Gao Xixi called.

"Hey, Director Gao."

"Xiao Xu, where are you?"

"I'm in Shanghai."

"Alright, I have something to talk to you about."

"No, Director Gao, I'm in Shanghai, not in the capital, just call if you have anything to do."

"No, no, brother, I have to apologize to you in person."

Gao Xixi didn't say anything specifically, but his tone was full of apology.

After Xu Rong hung up the phone, he frowned and thought for a while. He and Gao Xixi had known each other for a long time, and they had cooperated twice. When he was a young actor, Gao Xixi had already achieved great success.

But now, there are not many people who need Gao Xixi to apologize to him face to face.

He vaguely guessed the reason.

Seeing him pinching the phone, Tong Zirong frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Rong exhaled slowly, shook his head, and then said with a smile: "It's a small matter."

Tong Zirong looked at Xu Rong's calm demeanor and didn't continue. He pointed to the chair next to him, and when Xu Rong sat down, he sat opposite him and sighed: "People say fifty knows destiny, sixty My ears are smooth, but I can't sleep in the middle of the night recently. I close my eyes and think about it. Sometimes life is not as good as you understand. I read the comments on the Internet, saying that I admit death, rely on my talents, and don't save face for others, but I also thought about it. It wasn't like that in the first place, what kind of face do you want?"

Xu Rong knew what he was talking about. Earlier when Tong Zirong was recording a program, a young guest at the same time said he liked his work, so he asked him which one he liked.

The other party was just flattering his name, how could he answer.

As usual, this kind of thing passed with a few vague words, but Tong Zirong tried to persuade him as an elder, and the host tried to turn it around, but he said, "You are not making love, you are harming others." Do you understand?" He snapped back.

Both the words and the reasoning are correct, but the scene was once extremely embarrassing.

Xu Rong found out a way to get along with Tong Zirong, frankly, he couldn't take the other party's harsh words to heart, otherwise he would have to deal with it for a while and couldn't calm down.

Seeing Xu Rong not answering the tone, Tong Zirong turned his head, looked at him and said, "Why, are you not convinced?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Teacher Tong, it's not that I'm not convinced, I just have a different opinion."

Seeing that Tong Zirong was about to argue, he stretched out his hand to stop him, and said, "Teacher Tong, I'm not trying to convince you, and you don't even try to convince me, okay?"

Tong Zirong stared, his lips trembled a few times, but he didn't make a sound. After a long while, he patted his thigh and snorted, "Presumptuous."

(End of this chapter)

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