I'm just an actor

Chapter 124 Dao Heart

Chapter 124 Dao Heart
In Tong Zirong's usual speech, except for the content related to the expression of lines, Xu Rong has formed the habit of directly filtering.

It doesn't work without filtering, it's not only harsh, but also on the head.

Can such a person make friends?
It's definitely possible, because when you get along with Tong Zirong, you don't have to worry about being fooled by him or digging a hole for burial.

But there are certain words and things that cannot be said to him, because no one can predict whether Tong Zirong will show his bald mouth one day. From Tong Zirong's point of view, there is nothing wrong with telling others.

But for some things, the more people who know, the better.

Gao Xixi came very quickly, made a phone call at noon, and arrived in Shanghai in the evening.

As soon as they met, they held Xu Rong's hand tightly, and said with shame: "brother, brother, I'm sorry."

Xu Rong patted Gao Xixi's hand holding his arm as if he didn't notice it, and said, "What's the matter, Director Gao, do you have to go there yourself?"

"Come on, I've fixed the location, let's talk while eating."

Sitting down and pouring wine, Gao Xixi first looked back at the difficult past of the two of them working together to create together, and then looked forward to the future with a good book. He must not forget Xu Rong's bright future, and he slapped his chest bang bang After drinking all the wine in the wine cup, he let out a long sigh and said: "My brother, some of the main creators of the New Three Kingdoms may need to be adjusted. Don't worry, I will try my best to help you fight for it, but if it doesn't work out in the end , don’t bear any grudges, bro, now several employers, some have increased their capital, some have withdrawn their capital, as a director, I can’t speak at all.”

In the midst of mourning and sighing, Gao Xixi's eye circles were red, as if he had done so much to Xu Rong.

"Understood, I don't talk about Gao Dao, my sister had previously decided on a role in "Dream of Red Mansions". As a result, in the first few days, it will be gone. This kind of thing is not up to us to decide. .”

Xu Rong had already expected it, and shook his head with a smile. His career was on the rise, so Gao Xixi made a special trip here. If it was going downhill, a phone call would be the best of humanity.

Gao Xixi seemed extremely moved, poured a glass of wine for Xu Rong, and said: "Don't shout high-level guides, you can understand, brother shouting, you can understand my difficulties, don't say anything else, thank you very much , Come on, for the sake of understanding, we brothers will go together."

After sending Gao Xixi away, Xu Rong went back to the hotel, poured a glass of water, and sat quietly on the sofa, without saying a word for a long time.

After reading the original "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", he was not very satisfied with the script. The reason why he accepted "New Three Kingdoms" was for Gao Xixi's face. Regardless of the effect of "Paper Drunken Gold" after it is broadcast in the future, Gao Xixi decided him to be the male number one, it must have worked hard.

He also accepts this sentiment.

But since he took over, he also decided that the role of "Sun Quan" was his own. Now that he was pushed out, it would be too insincere to say that he didn't mind at all.

After all, he has to pay back after all. A few months ago, he replaced Xia Yu and played the role of the handsome red soldier in "North Wind".

He didn't vent his anger on the actor who knocked him out, but just lamented that his weight was not enough.

But this is also a common problem of large-scale productions. With high attention, it is naturally a piece of fat in the eyes of colleagues. They all hold the idea that as long as they show their face, they will definitely become famous.

But is this the case?
Xu Rong thinks not necessarily, "Three Kingdoms" is different from "Dream of Red Mansions", the fan base is still larger, and the irrationality of the plot and lines will definitely be criticized after it is broadcast.

But because of the twists and turns of the story, it will definitely gain the favor of a large number of audiences who do not understand "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Gao Xixi is an old director. After reading the script, he probably has a bit of a clue in his heart, but most of the time he may not be able to be his own master.

After all, the money is in place.

In today's entertainment industry, a very weird phenomenon has appeared. As Mr. Lu Xun said, only silence is the highest contempt. What I am pursuing, because for an artist or film and television work, no one pays attention is the greatest contempt.

There are a lot of people scolding, and some people can talk about it for comfort.

Just like a director said: The audience's criticism is actually a kind of recognition of our work, because they like it, they criticize it, and they don't like it at all.

It can't be said that it's unreasonable, but Xu Rong himself doesn't quite agree. If he starred in such a work, he would blame himself in his heart if the salary is not very high.

While studying with Tong Zirong in Shanghai, Xu Rong took another three days to shoot a new set of Baiqueling's promotional videos. These are all agreed in the contract, and there are some other regulations. For example, in public places, he cannot use Brands that compete with Pecholing.

At the same time, in addition to fitness, he also began to develop another interest.


This is Tong Zirong's suggestion. Speaking of it, Tong Zirong is good at expressive skills represented by realistic ideas and classical drama. The expressive techniques of the expressionist and theatrical performance schools represented by the doctrine drama and the absurd drama.

Since he started studying, Xu Rong has always been quite curious about why Tong Zirong can still create a strong sense of youth through his voice at an early age.

This is not only explained by pronunciation skills and natural sound quality and timbre.

In the spare time of practice, he asked this question that has been puzzled.

Tong Zirong smiled confidently and took a sip before explaining:

"Observing daily life, you can only see the external behavior characteristics of people of different ages and experiences, but it is difficult for you to deduce the inner reality, but reading is different, especially many autobiographical books. For example, Mr. Lu Xun once used "Otherwise, why did Zhao's dog look at me twice?" ?' to describe a child, which cannot be observed by mere observation."

After Xu Rong heard it, he thought about it carefully for a while, and felt that what Tong Zirong said was quite reasonable. Therefore, he decided to spend an hour every day in addition to daily practice, reading books, and experiencing the emotions of people of different ages and personalities. Inner world.

Anyway, teacher Li Xuejian has already said that the expression school is the best way to learn from it at present, because he can't express "sour" through pure techniques, so he will use the techniques of the experience school combined with the method school to go all the way to the dark.

And when the tuition fees were settled again, Xu Rong suddenly found that he became a pauper with only 100 million credit cards left.

The money earned from filming "North Wind" and studying with Tong Zirong for a month, plus the miscellaneous expenses during this time, basically spent all of it.

Still accepting endorsements to make money.

As for the money he owed, he wasn't too worried. Now he had figured it out. He couldn't take the money owed as a burden, but as a manifestation of his ability and a driving force for progress.

If it's going to be due and still not available, then I'll just sell the unfurnished house, and I guess there will be a small profit.

Before leaving Shanghai, he visited Li Zhiyu again with some gifts, thanked him for the friendship he had introduced him, then packed his things and rushed back to the capital.

The final exam of the junior year is here, and this exam is also a watershed in the university career. At this time, the entire university study is basically declared over. The senior year courses are very few, mainly based on practice, and what needs to be learned He has already learned the theory, no matter how deep and detailed it is, it needs a lot of practical experience to ponder and summarize.

As soon as the exam was over, Xu Rong took Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing to fly south to Hengdian again to participate in the launching ceremony of "Latent".

It's actually too early to start filming Xiao Zhang's scene, but Xu Rong wanted her to feel the atmosphere of the set.

Another point is to observe Song Jia's performance closely.

Xu Rong heard an interesting point of view in school, that is, performance is ideal, if you think it is good, it is good, if you think it is bad, it is not good.

He just laughed it off when he heard this kind of pretending to be asleep, and never thought of waking up.

Take two or three steps on the stage by yourself, say a word, and you will know whether you are idealistic or not.

But the strange thing is that there is still a certain market for this view.

He is not sure if Xiao Zhang has been affected by such remarks, but the current Song Jia is a good reference for her, it will not hurt her self-confidence, and it will also give her the idea to catch up .

Always mixed in the flock, after a long time, I will unknowingly become a sheep.

Arriving at the hotel where the crew stayed, Xu Rong had a thought in his mind, whether the crew could settle his final salary smoothly?
In the past, except for the crew of "Bright Sword" who lived in a "homestay", although the hotel they stayed in during rehearsals was not particularly high-end, it was more than enough. He opened a suite in a star hotel.

The location of the hotel set by the production crew of "Latent" is quite remote. It took half a day to find the place at the entrance of an alley. It was like a joint of an underground organization. During the filming of "The Ming Dynasty", the crew also filmed in Hengdian most of the time. But if he hadn't come here this time, he really wouldn't have known that there was a hotel hidden in such a corner.

But at the entrance of the hotel, seeing the producer Zhang Jing who had been waiting outside early in the morning, Xu Rong vaguely understood why Jiang Wei had said it was him.

Zhang Jing is a round-faced woman around 30 years old, and also the sole investor of "Latent".

She is not tall, has a round face, double eyelids, she has a friendly smile, and her voice is quite gentle. This is the first impression Xu Rong left when she signed the contract.

When we met again, she was still as friendly and gentle as last time, even like a fan, waiting at the door of the hotel early in the morning, without the slightest airs of a producer.

When Xu Rong got out of the car, she greeted him, and directly grabbed the backpack in his hand to take it, and said, "Ms. Xu is here, have you brought enough daily necessities? This place is much hotter than the capital, I usually just wear a coat in the morning and evening.”

As for Xiao Zhang, who is the third female classmate, she didn't even look at her, as if she didn't know her at all.

In fact, she really didn't know her. Xiao Zhang's third female student was appointed by Jiang Wei. Maybe she knew there was such a person, but she probably didn't know exactly what she looked like.

"Originally, I planned to give you a separate room in another better hotel, which is also close to the studio."

"Thank you, Producer Zhang. It really doesn't have to be such a hassle. We live together with everyone. It's convenient if we need to communicate with you about anything."

"Oh, you are just too good-tempered. With such a character, you will suffer in this circle."

"Ha ha."

What Xu Rong really noticed was in the allocation of rooms. The room between him and Xiao Zhang was the furthest distance the hotel could arrange, and the room next to him belonged to Zhang Jing.

Xu Rong glanced sideways and smiled, but Jiang Wei, who remained silent, understood why he had agreed to whatever request he had made.

Eighty percent is requested by the sponsor.

If such a rich woman had thought about him when he first debuted, he must have considered it, but now, there is no need for that.

When they got to the room, Xu Rong said to Zhang Jing, "Producer Zhang, I'm in trouble."

Zhang Jing smiled and said, "Don't call me the producer, it's too polite, I'm not a few years older than you, just call me sister."

"Hey, Miss Zhang." Xu Rong smiled naturally, but murmured in his heart. From the lines in the corners of Zhang Jing's eyes when he smiled, he guessed that she was at least ten years older than him.

"Hehe, that's right." Zhang Jing smiled, her eyes turned into beautiful crescents, and glanced at Xu Xing and Xiao Zhang, "Are the two assistants enough? Shall I arrange another one for you?"

The expressions on the faces of Xu Rong and Jiang Wei froze at the same time.

Xu Rong looked at Zhang Jing, then at Xiao Zhang who had clenched his fists, stretched out his hand and pulled Xiao Zhang over, and said, "Producer Zhang, let me introduce you, Zhang Xiaofei, my girlfriend, Play Mu Wanqiu."

The smile lines at the corners of Zhang Jing's eyes froze immediately, and she looked up and down Xiao Zhang for a long time before the smile lines suddenly came alive again, and said, "It's good, by the way, Mr. Xu, you should rest first, and wait until the press conference is over." Now, let me catch you again."

When Zhang Jing left, Xiao Zhang closed the door first, then sat down on the sofa, looked at Xu Rong with a smile and said, "Mr. Xu, that woman must have died of anger just now."

Although her reaction was a little slow, but as a woman, she noticed something was wrong the moment she got off the car.

The producer named Zhang Jing is a goblin.

She wants to eat Teacher Xu!

And watching Teacher Xu talking and laughing with her all the time, she was almost furious at such a short time, but when Teacher Xu introduced her as a girlfriend just now, she was not angry at once, and she was very angry. Happy, hahahahahaha.

Xu Rong glared at her and said, "Don't talk."

"The mouth grows on me, so why don't people speak?"

Xiao Zhang instinctively said something, but seemed to think of something, so he gave him a gouged look unwillingly and resentfully, and said, "If you don't say it, you don't say it, hmph."

Xu Xing laughed "haha" twice, but stopped quickly. This was an agreement between his elder brother and sister Xiaofei before coming here. Apart from the drama, the two of them tried not to communicate too much.

In my elder brother's words: Xiao Zhang broke my Taoism.

(End of this chapter)

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