I'm just an actor

Chapter 126 3 Days

Chapter 126 Three Days
Although there was a heavy rain just two days ago, the weather was not cool, and the sultry air seemed to be stuffing people's noses and mouths.

Assistant director Fu Wei's face, big tall, and thin Zhang Jing stood in front of him, like a half-grown child. On the first day of starting the machine, Fu Wei was in a good mood, so he smiled and nodded slightly , said to Zhang Jing: "Producer, Mr. Xu said that it takes three days to find the feeling."

"Three days?"

Zhang Jing asked subconsciously.

But Fu Wei couldn't give her an accurate answer. He had heard of this kind of thing, and he might feel it coming in the next second, or he might wait for the show to wrap up, but he still couldn't find it.

When Hu Mei was filming "Emperor Wu of Han", in order to wait for Chen Baoguo to find the feeling of "Emperor Wu of Han", he dragged the whole crew to wait for half a year, but in the end the whole crew couldn't even afford a boxed lunch.

Zhang Jing saw that Fu Wei, a tall and thick man, was hesitating for a long time, unable to answer his own question, so he shook his head and said, "I see, you should do your work first."

Although she didn't know how Xu Rong was looking for the feeling and what kind of feeling he was looking for, but from what Fu Wei said at this moment, she felt quite happy.

As expected of Xu Rong, so handsome!
This is what an artist is like!
Song Jia looked at Xu Rong's assistant and girlfriend with different expressions in bewilderment, her heart was extremely strange. When she saw Xu Rong earlier, she felt that his condition had been adjusted quite well.

What is Xu Rong doing?
Xu Xing and Xiao Zhang did not hide in the hotel like Xu Rong today, but came to the set.

The two of them originally planned to go to Xu Rong to rehearse the play last night, but they couldn't even enter the door except for a word across the door.

As an assistant and younger sister, Xu Xing could accept this, because she didn't feel too strange about such things due to various experiences during filming in the past.

But Xiao Zhang, who is a girlfriend, couldn't bear it.

Because she thought more about Teacher Xu's failure to open the door.

Is the drama important or the Xiaozhang important?
Ever since she returned to the room, she has been caught in a dead end. Because of empathy, in her opinion, no matter how important the play is, it is not as important as Teacher Xu.

She could understand Teacher Xu's behavior, but no!can!Original!Forgive me! ! !

Song Jia glanced at Xu Xing who kept whispering nice things for Xu Rong, and asked, "Xu Rong, haven't you been out these few days?"

Xu Xing nodded, and said with a wry smile: "Except for the one time when I deliver food, I can't even see him at other times."

"How is his mental state?"

"It feels pretty good."

"Okay." Song Jia rolled her eyes, what she wanted to ask was not this, but where Xu Rong's feeling had reached, but obviously, Xu Xing didn't understand what she meant.

Considering that the weather will get hotter and hotter, the crew plans to shoot exterior scenes first.

On the first day, in order to find status for the various crew members of the crew, the crew closed work earlier, and only got off work at one o'clock in the morning.

The next day, go directly to the big night.

On the third day, because of Xu Rong's "unexcused absence", the filming schedule was not so tight. Just after ten o'clock in the evening, the crew returned to the hotel after packing up.

Three days passed in a flash.

After returning to the hotel and thinking about it for a while, Jiang Wei couldn't bear it any longer.

Because the initial budget was not much, all the exterior scenes that could be deleted were deleted, because compared to interior scenes, exterior scenes cost too much money, and Xu Rong, who is now the male lead, is in retreat, so many scenes can only be dragged on.

Zhang Jing couldn't sit still any longer, and said, "Director Jiang, let's go, let's check the situation."

No matter how much she looks like an artist, once it comes down to money, she can only put her liking for Xu Rong aside.

The two of them went outside Xu Rong's door, knocked a few times, and after a while, the door opened.

The feeling Xu Rong gave to the two didn't change much, with neat clothes, neat hairstyle, and no trace of fatigue on his face, as if he had slept in his room for the past six days.

Jiang Wei with a square face and Zhang Jing with a round face looked at Xu Rong nervously, and asked cautiously, "Teacher Xu, how are you?"

Xu Rong looked at the anxious two, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's not done yet, can you give me another three days?"

Jiang Wei took a deep breath. Three days later, it really won't work. "Latent" is not a big crew like "Han Wu Dadi", and there is not so much money to burn, let alone 4000 million additional funds in the later stage.

Zhang Jing and Jiang Wei looked at each other for a few seconds, and they were silent at the same time. In the end, Jiang Wei stood up and said, "Mr. Xu, I really can't wait any longer. Some actors have schedules."

"Give me another three days, whether it works or not, I will never say anything else, sister Zhang, director?" Xu Rong interrupted Jiang Wei with a slightly pleading tone, looked at Zhang Jing and said, he knew very well that he could Zhang Jing is in charge.

Zhang Jing looked at him and was silent for a long time before forcing a smile and saying, "Okay, three days."

"Well, three days, thank you."

When Xu Rong closed the door, Jiang Wei looked at Zhang Jing with a wry smile, and said, "When did this start? Our shooting plan is only [-] days in total, Mr. Xu did it."

He didn't say the rest. The [-]-day filming plan was already quite tight. Now that Xu Rong came up and spent six days, it was basically impossible to finish the filming on time.

"I can't say it's a bad thing. In the past two days, I called and asked a few friends. Teacher Xu is not a special case. There are relatively few in China, but there are many abroad." Zhang Jing sighed silently, and it was her. She chose it by herself, even if she regrets it, she can't complain to Jiang Wei, but can only encourage each other.

When they first chose actors, the two had disagreements about the actor of the male lead. Her only choice was Xu Rong, while Jiang Wei wanted Xin Baiqing, who is also well-known in the spy war market, to play the role.

But the fame and appeal of the two people in the field of spy warfare are not at the same level.

Jiang Wei glanced at her, seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to have made up some kind of determination, saying: "After three days, no matter whether it's okay or not, I have to shoot."

Early the next morning, the setting started again. When the members of the group heard about the scene to be filmed, they couldn't help but look at each other. Well, it seems that our leading actor hasn't left the stage yet.

They were not in a hurry, anyway, the producer said that the remuneration must be settled, if not, then the belt should be buckled first.

"rest for a bit."

When it was time for lunch, Xu Xing looked at the time, stood up and said, "Sister Xiaofei, I'll go buy some food for my brother."


Xiao Zhang’s anger had dissipated two days ago, but when she heard Xu Xing say deliver the food, she squeezed her little fist hard, because when she went to deliver the food early this morning, Teacher Xu didn’t talk to her at all. Speak, and before she even wanted to speak, she closed the door directly.

Ben Xiaozhang is so mad!

Xu Xing packed his things and was about to go back to the hotel, when he turned his head, he saw Xu Rong happened to take a taxi not far away.

"elder brother?"

"Teacher Xu!"

Xu Xing's shout was only noticed by a few people around her, but many people noticed the "Mr. Xu" subconsciously called out by Xiao Zhang, because there was only one "Mr. Xu" in the crew at this time.

The set was suddenly quiet for a moment, director Jiang Wei, assistant director Fu Wei and the dark and thin production director Li De got up at the same time and greeted them.

"Teacher Xu, are you leaving the customs early?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "Let's leave the customs early!"

"I'll come over and have a look, call me if there's a show."

Jiang Wei squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and said, "Okay, I have been waiting for your words."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to face Wei and said, "Just let me know, it's a big night tonight."

Because of Xu Rong's arrival, Fu Wei's face was overwhelmed by Jiang Wei's words, but he also understood that due to the tight budget, the crew not only deleted a large number of outdoor scenes, but also arranged quite well for the shooting plan. Nervous, in the past few days, because of Xu Rong, a lot of progress has been delayed.

"Tonight is the big night."

Fu Wei's voice fell, and the entire set was silent, because Xu Rong couldn't participate in the filming a few days ago, so he could only shoot the other actors' scenes first, but the other actors also had announcements, and the time would be short and long. It's such a coincidence.

The progress of the filming was not ideal, but under such circumstances, it was not that hard. For most of the old people who had been in contact with this circle early in the morning, it was nothing more than a piece of cake.

But now that Xu Rong is officially participating in the filming, there is no need to even think about it. We still have to try our best to catch up with the progress, and it is natural to work hard.

It was the first time Xu Rong had a box lunch from the film crew.

Even though he was the male number one, he didn't get any special treatment. He grabbed the lunch box and pulled it around for a long time, but he didn't even see a piece of meat.

Xu Xing snickered, and explained in a low voice: "I bought the meal outside."


Seeing Xiao Zhang ignoring him since he yelled earlier, Xu Rong put down his chopsticks, walked over, and squatted down beside her.

The reason why he chose to continue looking for status after starting the machine is because he hoped to put pressure on himself through Jiang Wei and Zhang Jing, but in essence, Xiao Zhang put him under a lot of pressure.

Classmate Xiao Zhang lowered her head, held the chopsticks, and was eating the rice without saying a word. When she realized that Teacher Xu came to her, she first gave him a look, but said nothing.

Teacher Xu himself said not to talk to him, okay, let’s not talk about that Xiao Zhang!
Xu Rong stretched out his hand and rubbed her head. Before he came, he thought he had a lot to explain, but when he came to him, he felt that he couldn't say so much, so he just whispered: "Thank you for understanding."

Classmate Xiao Zhang frowned, biting her chopsticks, and thought for a while. In such an instant, she constructed an extremely tortuous and huge amount of information through brain supplementation, and then slowly tilted her head and looked at it with a smile. Looking at him, said: "Hey, no need, Mr. Xu."

Everyone Xu Xing looked at was dumbfounded, brother just dug a hole for sister Xiaofei to jump by herself.

But she didn't expose it, because she couldn't understand her brother, let alone sister Xiaofei's thoughts, maybe the two of them had a good understanding.

In the middle of the afternoon, the first scene of Xu Rongjin's group officially started filming.

The role of the scene is the location scene of the third episode. Yu Zecheng accompanies Stationmaster Wu to the house of the traitor Mu Liancheng. Probably considering that this is his first scene, in this scene, his lines are not many, only a few sentences.

Although the scenes were temporarily adjusted, Xu Rong only heard the assistant director Fu Wei talk about the scene once, and he already knew which scene it was. For more than a month, every scene in "Latent" has passed in his mind countless times.

He took the script that Xu Xing handed over, read it for a few seconds, and then handed the script to her.

"elder brother?"

Xu Rong waved his hand and said, "Don't worry."

Xu Rong looked at Feng Anhe, who played Wu Jingzhong, and Zhang Guoqing, who played Mu Liancheng, who were ready, walked up to the two, and asked, "Mr. Feng, Mr. Zhang, let's walk through and shoot directly?"

As for the level of the two rival actors, after half an afternoon of observation, he already had a solid foundation in his mind. It has to be said that Jiang Wei still accumulated some contacts.

Feng Anhe's dark face was smiling most of the time, but at this moment, he didn't smile anymore. He was a drama actor and had been filming for decades. If the situation is not bad, once you feel it, no matter who comes, you can make an equal share.

Even though Xu Rong was young, he didn't dare to underestimate him, because he had watched the other party's play, not to mention his solid basic skills, and his performance skills were quite rich.

"Then let's go first."

Zhang Guoqing was also speechless and nodded.


Zhang Guoqing shook hands with Feng Anhe enthusiastically, and said: "Oh my, Master Wu, I finally waited for you. You are our Mu family's benefactor."

"Don't say that, I am also appointed by the government."

The three of them walked side by side, Xu Rong said to Mu Liancheng: "Boss Mu, Station Master Wu is a busy man, traitors big and small in Tianjin need him to handle it, you have to report your thoughts to him properly."

"I'll wait for you in the lobby."

"Okay, thank you, Director Yu."

The three walked around once, looked at each other, smiled, and said nothing, only Zhang Guoqing smiled a bit reluctantly. In the scene just now, Xu Rong used his body to play with Feng Anhe while telling him He changed the words a little bit, because it was his first time acting, although he was mentally prepared, but Xu Rong's expressive dimension was too rich, with the cooperation of lines, expressions, and body, he has been carefully coping with it.

But he didn't expect that when Xu Rong finally "went to the living room", he smiled and nodded at him. At that time, he was only focused on addressing Feng Anhe's words, but he was caught off guard by Xu Ronglin's return horse.

A fairly reasonable physical behavior, just like greeting each other and nodding goodbye when we part.

But Xu Rong has been sandwiched between the two of them. He didn't fall behind in the performance of the two, and at the same time he responded in different ways.

One hits two.

And he brought the two of them into his rhythm from the very beginning.

"I knew it!" After one scene was filmed, Feng Anhe looked at Xu Rong who was waiting for a while before filming the next scene.

"Don't talk about it, I've lost my grown-up today." Zhang Guoqing waved his hand and said.

I saved one just now, because it was the first real shot, Zhang Guoqing adjusted it temporarily, and opened his mouth, "Oh, Master Wu." He raised the tune a little bit, and seemed more excited, Feng Anhe had to raise the tune in the same way .

When it came to Xu Rong, he didn't take it hard, but laughed a couple of times. After he calmed down, he pressed it back according to his own tone.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Guoqing said, "Okay, thank you, Director Yu." When he said the first half of this sentence, he said it a little too late, and he didn't catch up with his last sentence.

Feng Anhe knew that he was annoyed by the previous mistakes in the actual shooting, and sighed, "These guys from the academy, once they don't have emotional memory, they will be as scary as madmen."

(End of this chapter)

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