Chapter 127
Because of Xu Rong's sudden "exit", even though it was a big night on the first day, his scenes were only filmed for four scenes.

Shooting does not start immediately when the actors are ready. The setting is the most time-consuming, especially the exterior. After one scene is finished, the next scene starts. It takes one to two ten minutes for a short one. If it is more complicated, it takes a long time Get ready for hours.

In the process of re-setting, there are still many uncontrollable factors, such as the state of actors, equipment, weather, and external environment.

From the second day onwards, Jiang Wei began to work hard on the schedule.

He could see that Xu Rong had rested for a few days and was in good condition. In addition, the producer Zhang Jing stayed up all night with the crew yesterday, so he knew exactly what she wanted to see.

Although he is engaged in creation, after experiencing all kinds of difficulties in the previous investment, he has deeply realized a simple truth. In the current film and television market, the quality of works is secondary, and making investors profitable is the first If it can make her happy and make money at the same time, it will be the best of both worlds.

Because only in this way can he use the investor's money to create with peace of mind.

"The audience is quiet."



Xu Rong participated in the first scene of the second day of filming, and the scene where Yu Zecheng and Ma Kui met Cuiping was to be filmed.

"Cuiping? Cuiping?"

After Xu Rong yelled twice, Song Jia, who was lying sideways on the shelf cart, sat up in a jerk, supported the shelf cart, raised her dirty face, and looked at Xu Rong with doubts and guard.

"You, are you sleepy?"



Song Jia and Fan Yulin laughed at the same time, because the scruffy Song Jia at this time was too different from the image of the literary and artistic young women in the past few days.

But their laughter stopped quickly, because Xu Rong didn't smile at all, and in such a tense situation he set up, he really couldn't laugh.

This is Xu Rong's first scene with Song Jia and Fan Yulin.

Looking at Xu Rong who was leaning forward slightly but froze, the two said one after another: "I'm sorry."

Xu Rong didn't say anything, but looked at the two of them, and asked softly, "Do you want to look for emotions?"

"no, I'm fine."

"This is the basic skill." Feng Anhe didn't have a good rest because of the big night, but he hadn't been filming for a few years, and he was already exhausted. Therefore, even if he didn't have a part in the scene in the morning, he still followed to the set and stood by Jiang Wei. Staring at the monitor behind him, although Xu Rong's voice is very soft, he can still see many things from his actions.

Zhang Guoqing held back for a long time, then suddenly became amused, thought of some possibility, and said: "I think his non-substance will definitely be able to perform very well."

In performance, laughter is a typical negative teaching material for testing belief and lack of realism.

The reason why Zhang Guoqing said that Xu Rong's non-substance can act particularly well is because belief and sense of reality are the foundation of non-substance, believing that false characters, lines and situations are real things that happened.

Feng Anhe looked at the three people who were waiting for the seat adjustment, and slowly frowned. Just now, an incomprehensible question popped up in his mind, and said: "I'm really puzzled, how did he do it? of?"

Seeing that Zhang Guoqing didn't quite understand what he said, Feng Anhe added: "He is only 21 years old. His talent is very good, it's obvious, but his skills are also quite rich, and he is also very solid."

"At his age, under normal circumstances, logical actions should lead to emotions, but he did it simultaneously. This is not what a 21-year-old young actor should have at all. You remember when we filmed yesterday he Is it the last line? It's the phrase 'I'll wait for you in the hall.', his tone of voice has not changed, and the color of his voice has not changed, but through the transition of turning his head and raising his hands, the rhythm is naturally slowed down. Come down, give me a feeling that the words are finished, but the words are not finished."

"This kind of delicate white space treatment is not something that can be practiced simply and without objects."

"Hey, I really didn't expect this if you didn't tell me." Zhang Guoqing's brows gradually frowned, and he pondered, "I'm also puzzled when you say that, his skills are more than instinct. Many, he was born as a child actor?"

"I have no impression." Feng Anhe thought for a while, shook his head again, and said uncertainly, "If it's a child star, it shouldn't be, the child's sense of reality is much stronger than that of an adult, but once the child star no longer builds a castle of sand, it will be destroyed. Sad and angry due to destruction, the sense of reality will completely disappear, but because I have acted too many scenes, I have formed an instinct, and there will be a huge gap in the comparison before and after, giving people a sudden feeling that I can’t act. .”

"It's really weird."

Song Jia felt more deeply than them. A year and a half ago, she had cooperated with Xu Rong, and there were many rival scenes, but when Xu Rong said softly again, "You are sleepy, you, get out of the car .” She clearly felt a huge difference.

It's not just the feeling Xu Rong gave her.

During the filming of "Crossing the Guandong", the tacit understanding between the two was to slowly grind the rhythm to a certain point through continuous rehearsal, but this time, she found that as long as she opened her mouth to answer the words, she directly entered into each other's rhythm, because Xu Rong's tone is very low and the rhythm is very slow. No matter what she says, it is high and fast in comparison, which naturally highlights the bluffing character of the character Cuiping.

It seems that a large part of her performance is not determined by herself.

But she also has her own way of coping. Although she is not as studious as Xu Rong, since she started filming, she will send a copy of every film to her teacher Li Zhiyu. The teacher never hesitates to praise the good ones, and the bad ones. , The teacher never shy away from pointing out problems.

Since she entered school until today, she has been given guidance and correction from time to time by a teacher who is rich in practice and theory.

Because of this, she broke out even more violently: "Who is sleepy? I've been waiting for you for two hours, why don't I sleep?"

Song Jia also punched Xu Rong and Fan Yulin with one punch.

The coping methods of the two were also different. Xu Rong opened his mouth, glanced at Fan Yulin who had turned around halfway, with a slight smile on his face, and then turned his head and said: "I wrote in the letter to you It's clear."



Feng Anhe frowned, looked at the scene just now, didn't speak for a long time, and asked: "I haven't filmed for a few years or what's the matter? Are young people so powerful now? Why is that little girl so explosive?" ?”

Zhang Guoqing laughed dryly, but said nothing.

Xu Rong, Song Jia, and Fan Yulin watched the replay. Song Jia glanced at Xu Rong and said to Jiang Wei in a low voice, "Director, can you do it again? I think the one just now could be better."

She felt that the force of the explosion just now was not enough. The reason why Jiang Wei yelled was largely due to Xu Rong's forceful push, which gave Jiang Wei an illusion that he was okay as a whole. As a rival actor, her feelings were more direct.

Jiang Wei turned his head to look at Song Jia, and said, "Okay, keep one."

Xu Rong also glanced at Song Jia, but he hadn't seen him for more than a year. Song Jia had made great progress, and she was indeed worthy of what Li Zhiyu said, "the most gifted student I have ever taught".

With the growth of age and rich experience, Song Jia has already ushered in the blowout period of her talent. In contrast, he pales in comparison. His talent is still growing. According to the theory of psychology, his talent exploded The period will not appear until 14 years later.

When the filming was over again, the actors who came to the set were surprisingly quiet.

The first man and the first woman in our family are too fierce.

Classmate Xiao Zhang sat on Xu Rong's chair. Although she was the third female, the crew did not arrange a chair and a nanny car for her.

Not to mention her, even Song Jia, who is the first female, did not enjoy the same treatment as Xu Rong.

Just after watching a scene, Xiao Zhang's face was full of seriousness.

It was the first time for her to watch Teacher Xu filming at such a close distance, and it was also the first time for her to see how other people acted with Teacher Xu. From another perspective, she was sure that she was not as explosive as Song Jia.

Seeing classmate Xiao Zhang biting her lip, Xu Rong looked at her in surprise and asked, "What's wrong?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang glanced at Song Jia, she didn't want to admit that she was inferior to Song Jia, but in the scene just now, she and Teacher Xu had previously lined up.

Xu Rong followed her line of sight, then looked back at Xiao Zhang's face of reluctance, and vaguely understood the reason. In terms of practice, Xiao Zhang only filmed "Horseback Bank". The actors in the group are hard to describe. The performance practice is also a stage play arranged by the school.

She was used to the flock, and at this moment she suddenly found a pack of wolves around her, and she couldn't help feeling a little cowardly and unwilling.

"Don't worry, your acting will definitely be better." Xu Rong rubbed her head and said, "You are the best actress I have ever seen, but you didn't realize it."

"Pfft, cough cough."

Xu Rong turned his head slowly, looking at Song Jia who didn't swallow a sip of water, and only sprayed half of it.

Song Jia took the tissue from the assistant and wiped the water droplets on her chin. Seeing that Xu Rong and his girlfriend were staring at him, she said with a dry smile, "The water is too hot, I accidentally burned it."

Xiao Zhang had filmed two scenes during Xu Rong's "retreat", and she was lucky enough to watch.

Song Jia stroked her chest lightly a few times to calm her breath, then turned her head to look at Xu Rong, then at Zhang Xiaofei, blinked her eyes, and said with the same serious face: "I think Xu Rong is right. , Xiaofei, you are also the actress with the best sense of drama I have ever seen."

Classmate Xiao Zhang hurriedly stood up, waving his hands with a blushing face and said: "No, no, sister, you are amazing. I didn't even think of how to pick up Teacher Xu when I was rehearsing the play."

After classmate Xiao Zhang finished speaking, he wanted to push Xu Rong on the chair again, and said, "Teacher Xu, take a rest."

Xu Rong didn't sit down, and waved at Xu Xing, saying: "Bring over the chair again."

"it is good."

Song Jia looked at the figure of Xu Xing trotting to find the on-site producer, and asked: "Xu Rong, didn't you say that you are not used to using assistants?"

Xu Rong shook his head calmly, and said: "At that time, I mainly did it to exercise without substance and rhythm."

Song Jia looked at him suspiciously for a long time, not sure whether what he said was true or not, so he could only give him a thumbs up and said, "You are still ruthless."

In the afternoon, a mature-looking young man with a long, thin face came to the studio. After greeting producer Zhang Jing, director Jiang Wei, and assistant director Fu Wei, he went straight to Xu Rong and said, "Mr. Hello, I'm Cao Bingkun, playing Xie Ruolin."

At the end, he added: "Mr. Liu recommended you."

The figure of teacher Liu Chang popped up in Xu Rong's mind. When he accepted "Latent", it was Mr. Liu who helped him.

He hurriedly got up, looked at Cao Bingkun's rather mature appearance, and said, "Hello, how are you, senior?"

He knew in his heart that this was the most common mountain worship in the early days of the crew.

Cao Bingkun smiled, but didn't dare to respond, and said, "No need, Mr. Xu, just call my name."

"Before coming, Teacher Liu specifically told me to get closer to you."

Xu Rong also smiled, and said: "Well, we should take care of each other when we go out of school. If the acting is not good, the senior will tell us directly."

"Don't dare." Cao Bingkun didn't dare to respond to Xu Rong's words. Although he graduated, Xu Rong's reputation in school was still heard in the class reunion. Teacher Liu only mentioned three words.

"Scared, really scared."

Cao Bingkun said a few words, but didn't dare to talk more. His relationship with Xu Rongpan was mainly to let the people in the group know that he also had a background.

After greeting Xu Rong, Cao Bingkun went to another acquaintance, the long-faced senior Zu Feng, who played Li Ya in the play.

The two hammered each other's chests, and Li Ya remembered Cao Bingkun talking and laughing with Xu Rong just now, and asked, "Have you worked together?"

"Haven't you heard of him?" Cao Bingkun asked strangely, "Didn't you stay in school, don't you know him?"

"I've heard of it, how could I not have heard of it." Zu Feng said with a smile, "I teach a junior college class, and I have been working as a teaching assistant before, so I haven't had much contact with it."

"What's the matter, I don't think Mr. Liu is willing to mention it."

Zu Feng raised his chin in Xu Rong's direction, and said, "He's quite an interesting person. The teachers in our school often say that Xu Rong is the first student they've been teaching for so many years and made him afraid."

Cao Bingkun became a little interested and asked, "How do you say it?"

"It's just that he has a lot of questions. If he catches someone, he won't let him go. He won't come for most of the day. Teacher Liu said that Xu Rong stopped him for a whole day when he was concerned about his continuous and stable attention. From really listening, really watching, really feeling how to turn the uninteresting into interesting, to how to form a creative nature, no detail is missed."

"Haha, I really can't see it if you don't tell me."

"Actually, these are not bad, but the questions I asked later became more and more in-depth, and more and more practical, and you know the situation." Zu Feng smiled and gave Cao Bingkun a look that you understood, "I can't teach you at all. what."

"Haha, what a ruthless person."

"Where is this?" Zu Feng shook his head and said, "Before I came here, I heard a story. Do you know how much he spent to learn his lines from others?"

Seeing Zu Feng lower his voice, Cao Bingkun subconsciously leaned closer and asked, "How much?"

Zu Feng stretched out two fingers and waved them in the air,
Cao Bingkun raised his eyebrows and said, "20?"

"Look at you bastard, you are so poor that you don't even dare to think about it." Zu Feng rolled his eyes at him and said, "I heard from Mr. Wang that according to the time Xu Rong asked for leave to learn lines, in order to follow a It should cost about 200 million for voice actors to learn their lines.”

Cao Bingkun subconsciously looked in the direction where Xu Rong was. Over there, Xu Rong was smiling and talking to a young girl calmly. After a long while, he said quietly, "You're so rich."

(End of this chapter)

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