I'm just an actor

Chapter 128 Knock on the Door

Chapter 128 Knock on the Door
On the sixth day of the filming, which was also the third day Xu Rong participated in the film, Zhang Jing did not come to the set again.

As for the other things, there is no change, except that the bottled water of the crew has been quietly replaced by a small bottle.

A bottle of water, unscrewed, under normal circumstances no one would drink it all at once, often take two sips, put it away, and when I come to get it again, I see a lot of bottles in a pile, and it is impossible to tell whose is whose. Just got another bottle.

An extremely subtle change, but for the old fritters who have been struggling on the set all the year round, the symptoms are obvious enough.

The crew is tightening the budget.

While Xu Rong was waiting, he even heard the head of the props group scolding a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old in a low voice: "Are you stupid? Stop piling up money yourself!"

During the time spent resting, Xu Rongcai combined the change in the size of the water bottle with the words of the head of the props team, figured out the reason, looked at Jiang Wei, and fell into thinking.

The reason why the budget was tightened was due to the postponement of the location shooting schedule. According to the plan, all the location scenes should be filmed within a week of starting up, and then the interior scenes should start shooting.

However, judging from the current situation, it may not be possible to finish the filming in ten days. There are many influencing factors. He and Song Jia were in poor condition successively, which were the main reasons why the plan could not be carried out normally.

Under normal circumstances, experienced directors often have the same schedule as "Golden Love", and put the location scenes in the middle or later stages of filming, but not in the early stages, because both the staff and the actors are in the stage of resignation in the early stage, and it is very difficult It is difficult to devote oneself wholeheartedly to shooting, and the slow progress is justified.

But location plays cost money.

Jiang Wei is not a rookie director, he must have his own plans for such an arrangement.

Xu Rong just thought about it for a while, and vaguely understood the reason. Jiang Wei should be worried that Zhang Jing would take action on the location scenes that had been deleted due to budget considerations in the later stage.

After thinking about the joints, he turned his head and glanced at the empty chair next to him, and sighed helplessly.

Song Jia left the group.

Nearly a week after the filming started, the production crew was basically in good shape, but Song Jia, a key actor, was holding back.

Factors outside the court unknowingly affected the court, and Jiang Wei got angry at Song Jia.

"Don't always think that you are a guerrilla leader. You are just a rural girl. If you always think that you are a guerrilla leader, your mental burden will be very heavy. You don't know how to act. Don't think about it. The role of a guerrilla leader It came out naturally."

This is the longest sentence that Jiang Wei has said in one breath since the machine was turned on, and it is also the most serious sentence.

He thinks that Song Jia has not completely let go.
Song Jia's performance was not good, and even Xu Rong was implicated, and Jiang Wei gave him a hard look, probably complaining about Song Jia who he recommended.

Xu Rong could only respond with a wry smile. Both he and Song Jia knew what Jiang Wei wanted, and he wanted to see Cuiping's vigor of smashing things.

Song Jia has no problems with the structure of the characters, but there are deviations in the handling of details, which is also caused by her subjective factors. Song Jia thinks that rural girls should be like Yu Xianer, Zhang Xinjian can accept it, but obviously not It was in line with Jiang Wei's idea.

As the female lead and a key role in the play, Jiang Wei did not compromise at all, and Song Jia did not have the capital to make him compromise regardless of her fame or status.

Xu Rong had a very clear idea of ​​Jiang Wei's requirements in his heart. He could think of many people like Jiang Wei just by closing his eyes.

After all, that's the environment he's lived in for the past 17 years.

But still the same sentence, he can teach Xiao Zhang how to act, but he can't teach Song Jia how to act, and he doesn't think he can play a female character better than Song Jia, his understanding of Cuiping, the level Similar to Jiang Wei, he knows what is right and what is wrong, but how to design behavior is really difficult for him.

After taking another two shots, Jiang Wei directly paused the shooting and asked Song Jia to find out the status by himself.

Song Jia was also a ruthless person, and asked Jiang Wei for three days off on the spot.

She is going to visit the countryside.

Jiang Wei didn't know whether it was his head or what, but he agreed on the spot.

But when the two talked with a cold face, Xiao Zhang was terrified. She grabbed Xu Rong's clothes corner anxiously, and said in a low voice, "Teacher Xu?"

Xu Rong shook his head at her and said, "Don't worry, you're talented, there's no problem."

Xiao Zhang knew that Teacher Xu was comforting herself. After Song Jia's comparison, she clearly recognized the gap between herself and Song Jia.

This is a great thing for her acting career, at least in Xu Rong's view.

But classmate Xiao Zhang didn't think so. The monkeys were all killed, and she was scared out of her wits, okay? !
"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

That day, it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, after rehearsing for a while, classmate Xiao Zhang went back and forth, quietly walked outside Xu Rong's door, and knocked on the door three times.

Xu Rong had just finished taking a shower and was about to go to bed. When he opened the door, he saw Xiao Zhang standing outside the door and asked, "Why are you back again?"

Xiao Zhang said, "Mr. Xu, I'm a little scared!"

Because of Song Jia's departure from the group, we will focus on filming her scenes next.

Xu Rong rubbed her lowered head with her left hand, and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

Xiao Zhang gradually realized that something was wrong, because she watched Teacher Xu's right hand keep pulling the doorknob, the purpose was obvious, and she didn't want her to enter the door.

She stretched out her hand and pulled the palm of her head away, and asked with a frown, "Mr. Xu, what do you mean?"

Xu Rong moved his feet, quietly took half a step back, and said with a smile: "In the middle of the night, it's not suitable for lonely men and widows to be in the same room."

Xiao Zhang's eyes widened a little, she didn't quite understand what he meant.

Xu Rong glanced at the corridor, then stood up straight, coughed twice, and said: "My professional ethics does not allow me to do this, and I am not that kind of person, Xiao Zhang, if you think you put me to sleep I would advise you to get rid of these unrealistic thoughts as soon as possible."

"Teacher Xu!" Xiao Zhang's almond-shaped eyes suddenly widened, and his small fists were slowly clenched, staring at him viciously.

"Go back and rest early. I'm still busy tomorrow. Song Jia is gone. The rest of the work is not light."

After Xu Rong finished speaking, he quickly closed the door. It was too easy for Xiao Zhang to bring him back to reality. If possible, it is better not to get along alone.



Xu Rong stood behind the door. After about three seconds of silence, he heard the door slamming twice. He froze for a moment and realized that it was Xiao Zhang kicking the door.

He paused, then opened the door again, there was no sign of Xiao Zhang at the door, he poked his head out, only to see Xiao Zhang walking towards the stairs angrily.

After a few minutes, he called Xu Xing and made sure that Xiao Zhang had returned to his room before he felt relieved.

The next day, Song Jia did not show up on the set as expected, but at noon, an unexpected person came to the crew.

Uncle Li.

When Xu Rong saw Uncle Li, his mind froze for a while, but then he realized that he was here to give Song Jia a platform.

Uncle Li didn't have a bad face, he was smiling, just like visiting the set normally, and he was stunned for a while when he found out that Song Jia was not on the set.

After understanding the whole story, Uncle Li hurriedly apologized to Jiang Wei, saying: "Xiao Song is not sensible, Director Jiang, please take care of me. I told her earlier that if you want to play the role of Cuiping well, you can't position yourself well." In terms of the identity of the captain, it has to be positioned on the background, looking back now, I still understood Director Jiang's intention, haha."

Jiang Wei was quite embarrassed, neither should nor shouldn't, but people's mouths are full of good words, and there is no wrong word about him, but no matter how he listens, he always feels that it doesn't feel right.

"In addition, I have to thank Xiao Xu, the book is really a good book, and both Director Jiang's directing ability and Xiao Xu's level are top-notch. This is Xiao Song's luck." Uncle Li saw Jiang Wei dryly laughing, Turning his head to Xu Rong again, he said, "If there is a chance, let's cooperate together. I will hold the camera for Director Jiang, and I will let Xiao Xu play the male lead."

"That's right, brother, don't blame me." Jiang Wei could only smile wryly. Zhang Li's background in photography is true, but if you ask him to handle the camera, who would dare to accept the job of a photography director?
Xu Rong smiled and didn't pick up the words. If you have the opportunity to cooperate, it's almost the same as having a meal when you have time. Basically, it's nothing to do.

Uncle Li's queen actor is Huang Zhizhong.

Uncle Li stayed on the set for half an hour. He insisted on dragging Jiang Wei and Xu Rong to have a meal together, but both of them declined, and they had to rush to work.

But Uncle Li had expected this, before he left, he forcibly stuffed Jiang Wei with two bottles of good wine.

As for whether it was wine, Xu Rong didn't know.

"Mr. Xu, do you think they will get married?" Xiao Zhang looked at Uncle Li's back and muttered in a low voice.

She is most interested in this.

Xu Rong shook his head and said: "It should be impossible. Young women in literature and art meet middle-aged and elderly people in literature and art. It's over when the enthusiasm passes. You can compare Song Jia to Xu Jinglei. She is a woman with a strong career ambition. Why are you getting married? Are you waiting for a divorce?"

"Besides, who knows what purpose the two of them have."

"Then what do you think of us?" Xiao Zhang was ready to be a monster again, because she knew the result and believed in it, but Teacher Xu didn't tell her too much, and she would get annoyed.

"I told you yesterday that I'm not that kind of person." Xu Rong stood up, walked towards Fan Yulin, and said to Xiao Zhang.

"Teacher Xu!"

After Uncle Li left, Song Jia still didn't come back.

This is within Xu Rong's expectation, Song Jia is a ruthless person, like a certain queen said, you can say that I sing badly, but you can't say that I can't play mahjong, Song Jia is similar, she can accept others treating her Pointing fingers about her private life, but it is difficult for her to tolerate doubts about her profession.

Song Jiaren was gone, but Zhang Jing came back.

Before Zhang Jing arrived on the set, Jiang Wei's attitude was unprecedentedly serious. He gathered Xu Rong, Feng Anhe, and Fan Yulin together, and said, "Producer Zhang will come to the set later and bring an important guest. , Teachers, please come up with the highest standard to shoot."

Xu Rong looked at Jiang Wei in surprise, and asked, "What's going on, director?"

"This determines whether our group can have one more big benefactor!"

Got it, got it.

Xu Rong, Feng Anhe, and Fan Yulin looked at each other. Xu Rong and Feng Anhe were more relaxed, while Fan Yulin was a little nervous.

Although the reactions are different, the attitude is the same. It must be won, and only when you have money can you have the time and material foundation to play well.

Before Zhang Jing and the important guests arrived, two chairs had been set up behind the monitor, and the entire crew was ready for battle.

Fan Yulin looked at the loose Xu Rong and Feng Anhe, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Feng, Mr. Xu, should we arrange it first?"

"Can't line up."


"Can't row" is what Xu Rong said, and "relax" is what Feng Anhe said.

No matter what system of acting teaching, the first lesson is always to control relaxation, because only in a relaxed state, actors can focus on the role, not themselves, which is why some directors do not tell the actors how to act when shooting, And the reason why the actors are only allowed to act over and over again.

The beneficiary brought by producer Zhang Jing is a middle-aged man in his forties, quite short and thin, but with extremely thick and heavy eyebrows.

The short middle-aged man came to the scene, without saying a word, just sat quietly behind the monitor, watching a scene of Xu Rong, Feng Anhe and Fan Yulin.

After the filming was over, Jiang Wei yelled "Pass", and accompanied the short middle-aged man with Zhang Jing to Xu Rong.

Zhang Jing introduced: "Mr. Xu, this is Director Hua Minghua from the Editor-in-Chief Office of Southern Television Station."

"Oh, hello, Director Hua, hello, I'll tell you what's going on, I just looked at you and kissed you very dearly, it turns out it's someone from your natal family."

Although Xu Rong belongs to a northern actor, Southern TV is his place of fame, and the audience of Southern TV is also his base. He has a special feeling for this TV, so after becoming popular, he is the only one on TV. The first column is also from Southern Television Station.

Hua Ming smiled and said, "Then Teacher Xu may go back to her mother's house more often when she is free in the future."

The two chatted for a few words, Hua Ming changed his tone and asked, "Mr. Xu, what do you think of this play?"

Knowing Hua Ming, Xu Rong asked casually, but it was related to investment, so he said: "Let's put it this way, next year's ceremony, I will win the best actor award."

"Oh, what do you say?"

"Director Hua should have watched the scene just now, what do you think?"

"pretty good."

Zhang Jing chose to cooperate with Southern Television for many reasons, the first being Xu Rong's popularity in the southern region as the male number one.

Secondly, Southern TV Station is different from other TV stations in China. Its reputation is considered top in the industry. Most TV stations pay a deposit first when pre-ordering a TV series, and then pay the balance after the show is finished. But if the ratings are not satisfactory, even if the contract in black and white , Whether you can get the balance in full is still unknown.

As for the producer, they can only smash their teeth and swallow it in their stomachs, because most TV stations do this.

If a lawsuit is filed, it is similar to the nature of the employee's uncompensated annual leave allowance. According to the law, as long as you sue, you will definitely win, but you will also be dismissed by the original unit, and you will definitely be cut off from the industry.

However, Southern TV Station is different. As long as you get the tape, you will pay the final payment directly. This is a very free, open, and rare TV station with a strong contract spirit.

Furthermore, Zhang Jing has also cooperated with Southern TV Station before.

(End of this chapter)

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