I'm just an actor

Chapter 129 Limitations

Chapter 129 Limitations

"Mr. Xu, you can't act like that, you have to act like this!"

Xiao Zhang and the staff around Xu Rong, seeing Zhang Xiaofei teaching Xu Rong to act seriously, forced a smile.

It has been a week since the start-up, Xu Rong's business ability is obvious to all, and Zhang Xiaofei's business level is also obvious.

Xu Rong also smiled helplessly, watching carefully the demonstration that Xiao Zhang made for herself.

After the southern TV station's investment was in place, and the crew quietly replaced it with a large bottle of mineral water, Xu Rong had a vague premonition that the drama was basically completed.

The script is compact and logical, and Jiang Wei's directing ability is also strong. The most important thing is that although the actors are not expensive, they have enough axes.

Whether an actor with top professional ability can perform well or not depends only on his own state, while whether an actor with average level can perform well depends on whether the opponent actor can bring him into his own rhythm without any trace, and then recite Follow him to fly.

In addition, there is another type of artist who cannot be called an actor. They know nothing about acting and can only "act" step by step according to the director's requirements or their own ideas.

From a layman's point of view, an actor who has a rival play should be regarded as an opponent. In fact, this is not the case in actual performances. Strictly speaking, they should be called "co-actors". co-star.

Just like the first scene filmed in "New Shanghai Beach", Li Xuejian specially wore sunglasses in order to take Xu Rongfei with him, and pressed down a series of delicate micro-expressions with the corners of his mouth to force him to naturally form a momentary sluggish reaction. Before that, Li Xuejian should not be sure whether Xu Rong can do it, but no matter whether he can, he will make the impossible possible. Playing with such actors, as long as the basic skills are good, they will not be far behind.

In the eyes of the audience, it is probably "the so-and-so in our family, and the so-and-so and so-and-so will not lose the wind!", and then the conclusion is that so-and-so in our family is not not good at acting, but just lack of effort.

In fact, among the co-stars of top actors, except for amateur actors, no one can perform too badly.

Conversely, it can also be verified that when an actor and another actor play together, whether they can "force" the opponent out of the way they should be presented through a series of expressions is the test standard of an actor's comprehensive expression ability.

This is why some actors eat their opponents.

Feng Anhe's performance in the first few scenes was ups and downs, but since the afternoon of the second day when Xu Rong participated in the show, the dimension of expression has gradually enriched, and his state has been improving. a feeling of.

Don't worry about the other party, just act casually, the other party can keep up with his rhythm, and it's easy to do.

And Zhang Guoqing, Song Jia, and Wu Gang, who was dragged over after Song Jia's front foot left, were also fine.

They are all actors who can carry their co-stars.

As for Song Jia's poor condition, that's also due to the standards. According to Jiang Wei's vision, there are not many actresses of the right age in China who can meet his requirements.

The reason why classmate Xiao Zhang taught Xu Rong how to act was because the two of them had a little problem during rehearsal after listening to Jiang Wei's play.

The scene where Yu Zecheng was inquiring about Mu Liancheng's belongings, pretended to be in love with Mu Wanqiu, and the two chatted about his wife Cuiping.

Xiao Zhang couldn't be as indifferent as Jiang Wei described.

Even if Xu Rong said that the cloud is calm and the wind is light, it failed to push her to the effect Jiang Wei hoped to see.

Xiao Zhang demonstrated it to Xu Rong, looked at him with a frown, and asked, "Do you understand?"

Xu Rong pursed her lips, forced a smile and said, "I see."

But he understood better that Xiao Zhang's demonstration was quite unreasonable, and it was impossible for Yu Zecheng to express his dissatisfaction with his "wife" Cuiping to Mu Wanqiu.

The lights, recordings, and scene notes beside him couldn't hold back anymore. This was the most helpless moment they had seen Xu Rong since the filming started.

Other actors, even Zu Feng, who was Nortel's teacher, would not comment on Xu Rong's performance.

Looking at the conversation between the two, even Jiang Wei, who is usually quite serious, smiled lightly at this time and said to Xu Hongbing, the chubby photography director: "Mr. Laugh and listen."


Xu Rong stood and thought for a while. He felt that Jiang Wei's design of the scene was not reasonable. As a lover, Mu Wanqiu knew that his wife had come to Tianjin. When talking about her, classmate Xiao Zhang always pouted instinctively. , but this is not what Jiang Wei wants.

But Jiang Wei's request violated the reasonable logic of the role relationship and the result.

The undisguised dislike of Cuiping that classmate Xiao Zhang taught him is even more unacceptable.

No matter how it is arranged, it is not suitable.

As a director, Jiang Wei asked for results, but because he was not a professional actor, he ignored one point, the subjective limitations of actors.

It is impossible for an actor to have no subjective will in performance. It is his own emotion for the role. The subjectivity of this performance determines the actor's selection, choice, arrangement, emphasis, and rendering of the material he has mastered, that is, the processing and design of the role. For example, when Xiao Zhang talked about his wife, he would instinctively show jealousy.

The starting point is the actor's own conditions, and the decisive factors for processing and design are the actor's own world outlook, literary outlook, artistic taste, and so on.

A current view holds that the limitation of subjectivity cannot be broken through. Therefore, when choosing and conceiving a character, one should try to approach the character who is closer to oneself, because if it is too far away, no matter how delicate the design and processing are, it is difficult to fall into it. In reality, it was just like what Jiang Wei asked Mu Wanqiu to calmly treat the fact that Yu Zecheng had a wife.

Xiao Zhang, as his girlfriend, couldn't accept such a reality calmly.

This is the distance between the actor's own conditions and the role, and this distance also leads to subjective limitations.

A long time ago, Xu Rong also believed that it should not break through the limitations, but later found that this was just a rationalized explanation for the non-visual tendency of the performance.

In short, it is horizontal spicy chicken.

The solution is both difficult and simple, and it is still necessary to return to the most basic behavioral guidance.

But the current situation is that since Xiao Zhang's subjectivity makes her unable to respond to Jiang Wei's request, it can be considered that Jiang Wei's idea violates logic.

Because Xiao Zhang himself is not far from Mu Wanqiu, there is no need to break through the subjective limitations.

After classmate Xiao Zhang finished speaking, Xu Rong said, "Wait a while, I'll discuss it with the director."

Seeing Xu Rong approaching, Jiang Wei took off the headphones he had just put on and asked, "What's the matter, Teacher Xu?"

Seeing that Xu Hongbing gave up his seat to him, Xu Rong didn't sit, but said "thank you" at the same time, and then said: "That's right, director, I couldn't take her with me during the row just now."

Jiang Wei looked at him suspiciously and asked, "What do you mean?"

"After experiencing the emotions of Mu Wanqiu's character, her instinctive expression is jealousy and dissatisfaction. Of course, there is also the envy you mentioned, but it is not the main expression, because Mu Wanqiu is already with Yu Zecheng."

The acting major also offers the course "Basics of Drama Directing". It does not require actors to be proficient in directing, but to have the vision of a director as much as possible. There are two solutions when actors and directors disagree on roles, one is to strive for the director's approval and understanding, and the other is to withdraw from the group.

Of course, there is a third set of solutions in the practice process, which is to change directors.

But undoubtedly, what was emphasized was one thing, to handle the relationship with the director well.

Xu Rong will not confront the director head-on like Jiang Wen, so even if he wants to change Jiang Wei's mind, he will use a relatively soft language strategy.

Jiang Wei beckoned to Zu Feng. Zu Feng was introverted and shy, but he was a teacher of Nortel after all. Jiang Wei specially invited him here. There were many considerations. Zu Feng was professional enough to act as a performance director , and the identity of the former Nortel teacher encountered a dispute over the performance, Xu Rong had to give him face no matter what.

Zu Feng walked over, nodded to Xu Rong with a smile, and then said to Jiang Wei, "Director?"

Xu Rong didn't know Zu Feng before. When he was active in the school, that is, when he was trying to block the teacher everywhere, Zu Feng was just an unknown teaching assistant.

After joining the group, the two of them didn't communicate much. Zu Feng's personality is too introverted, that is, he talks more with Cao Bingkun and Jiang Wei, who are familiar with him. Usually, when the two meet, they just smile and smile. size.

Jiang Wei said: "That's right. Xu Rong said that he couldn't mobilize Zhang Xiaofei's emotions, and he couldn't naturally show a state of pure envy. What do you think?"

Zu Feng didn't pay attention to the rehearsal of the two of them just now, but after hearing Jiang Wei's words, he turned to look at Xu Rong in doubt: "How is her foundation?"

Xu Rong understood what he meant, and said, "Very good."

Zu Feng wanted to ask if she could act.

And Zu Feng also understood Xu Rong's implication. What Xu Rong said was that if he understood correctly, wherever he took her, it should be there, not according to Jiang Wei's idea.

Zu Feng thought for a while, and asked tentatively: "What if, I mean, if you break through the limitations of your own conditions?"

"Her conditions are very close to Mu Wanqiu's, she doesn't need to break through, and there is too little time now." Xu Rong raised his eyebrows, thinking that you really dare to talk, but he still said politely, "Besides, she is now Knowing enough about herself."

Although Xu Rong said it very clearly, and Zu Feng also understood what he meant, Zhang Xiaofei's own subjectivity towards Mu Wanqiu's role determines the way she handles her performance, but this subjectivity also has corresponding limitations, just like Zhang Xiaofei's instinct now. She thinks that she is mostly jealous, but Jiang Wei doesn't want her to express such emotions. His suggestion is to break through the limitations.

Of course, he didn't think Zhang Xiaofei could do it, and the end result was hard work, anyway, Mu Wanqiu didn't have many roles.

But Xu Rong told him plainly that Zhang Xiaofei didn't need to break through this limitation, her performance was reasonable and she had come to the point.

But Xu Rong's last sentence, he didn't quite understand, and asked subconsciously: "Does it have something to do with knowing enough about yourself?"

Xu Rong looked at him in surprise, and asked: "Mr. Zu Feng, doesn't he think that the foundation of a good actor is to fully understand himself? Otherwise, even if he breaks through, how far will he stop?"

When Zu Feng heard Xu Rong's rhetorical question, he suddenly froze. Most actors would never take on a role that was not even remotely similar to him, because it was too easy to fail. On this basis, few actors researched the idea of ​​breaking through the limitations. question.

But Xu Rong is different. He has always wanted to play roles like An Jiahe and Nie Mingyu. Except for having no chance to chat with Feng Yuanzheng and Chen Daoming, all the teachers who can ask for advice have talked about this topic, that is, how to play a character well. A character that has nothing to do with itself.

And knowing yourself enough is the answer given to him by Li Xuejian and Tong Zirong.

When Zu Feng came back to his senses, his eyes were shining when he looked at Xu Rong, and said, "Let me think about it carefully, let me think about it."

Jiang Wei was completely dumbfounded when he heard the conversation between the two, and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Without even thinking about it, Zu Feng said: "Director, follow Xu Rong's idea."

Xu Rong rolled his eyes silently, and thought, brother, you are capable, but can you speak in a less straightforward way?
However, Jiang Wei had a good relationship with Zu Feng, which was obvious to all.

Jiang Wei glanced at Zu Feng who was a little bewildered, then at Xu Rong, and said, "Okay."

This was in exchange for Xu Rong's own profession.

After Xu Rong left, Jiang Weicai looked at Zu Feng suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter with you, why didn't you stop him?"

Zu Feng's mind is now full of Xu Rong's rhetorical question just now, and he replied casually: "He is right."

"You used to be a teacher of Nortel, so why don't you use your teacher's status to suppress him?"

"That's not right." Zu Feng hurriedly didn't seem to hear Jiang Wei's words at all, waited for a few seconds, then suddenly turned his head and asked, "Even if I know myself well enough, can I achieve my expectations by simply using actions to force transformation? What if I don’t reach the level I expected?”

Jiang Wei and Zu Feng looked at each other, stretched out his hand in front of his eyes, and asked softly, "Are you alright?"

Zu Feng slowly came back to his senses, smiled wryly, and said, "Just now I was thinking about a question, and I was fascinated, director, let me tell you, as long as I understand this question, I can play any role!"

Seeing Jiang Wei's confused eyes, he said, "That's what Xu Rong said just now."

"No?" Jiang Wei looked at him wonderingly and asked, "Isn't he more talented? You mean, his skills are also very good?"

Zu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Director, look at his lines and basic expressions, they are all basic skills and have nothing to do with talent."

Jiang Wei became a little interested and asked, "Is what he told you just now important?"

Zu Feng said with certainty: "Let's put it this way, breaking through one's own limitations is a difficult technical task in acting, just like you require a senior high school student with average grades to be admitted to Qingbei in the college entrance examination, Xu Rong said just now that it is enough Knowing myself and my level, the more I think about it, the more open I am."

"Can you?"

"I should be able to."

"Isn't he just a student?"

"Have you ever seen anyone work harder in college than in high school? Well, he is, and have you seen a few students who let loose control come when they say it?"

"I don't understand these things." Jiang Wei shook his head and said, "You can't just talk too much with acquaintances, you have to communicate more with people."

"Aren't you too?"

After Xu Rong finished communicating with Jiang Wei, he walked over to classmate Xiao Zhang and said, "Still performing according to the original arrangement, just follow me."

Xiao Zhang blinked her eyes. She insisted on correcting Teacher Xu just now because she was afraid that Jiang Wei would get angry with Teacher Xu like he did to Song Jia.

Now that she heard Teacher Xu's words, she was relieved, so she whispered: "Mr. Xu, there will be a kissing scene later."

Xu Rong first smiled, but then his heart suddenly lifted.

He has three kiss scenes in the play, among which are Mu Wanqiu with the third girl, Zuo Lan with the second girl and Cuiping with the first girl.

In the first scene, Xiao Zhang definitely didn't mind. Anyway, when they were in school, the two of them kissed every day, but in the second and third scenes, she definitely didn't mind.

It's just that Xiao Zhang, his girlfriend, was not in a hurry, but the producer Zhang Jing was in a hurry. After veiledly hinting that Jiang Wei's modification was fruitless, she left the set angrily.

 Yesterday morning, when I opened my eyes to watch the news, Qin Huairu gave a lecture in the cloud during the quarantine period, glanced at the more important content, and brought it to readers and friends to analyze what she was talking about, and she was keeping up with current events.

(End of this chapter)

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