I'm just an actor

Chapter 130 Daily Life

Chapter 130 Daily life (for subscription)

The crew of "Latent" should scold mothers the most, and I don't know how many times they have scolded mothers hysterically in private. It is definitely not the director Jiang Wei or the producer Zhang Jing, but the coordinator.

At the beginning of the start-up, Xu Rong abruptly "retired", and the second time, after taking three days off, he left the customs abruptly.

During this process, some of the contacted actors arrived, and some could not arrive due to other reasons, and the shooting plan had to be adjusted again and again.

After a few days of filming, Song Jia left the group and suddenly joined the group again. It was another overnight communication and adjustment.

The two coordinating teachers of the crew scratched their heads almost as much as Feng Anhe.

Feng Anhe scratched his head all the time, as if he hadn't washed his hair for several days, and he scratched it for a long time, especially when he was thinking about problems, the frequency of scratching was quite high. For this, "I can see Hengdian at four o'clock in the morning every day" The makeup teacher could only give a bitter smile of despair.

After Song Jia came back, Xu Rong didn't ask her where she went or how the results were, because the actor's own feelings were biased.

The specific result will have to be photographed to know.

"Get ready~"


Another assistant director of the crew, "Double Ponytails", named Zhang Hongying, shouted very penetratingly before each actual shooting. Falls pretty low.

The deepest impression she gave Xu Rong was the pair of ponytails, holding the script all day long, dangling around the set, she was mainly responsible for speaking to the actors and communicating with the various groups.

The scene that Yu Zecheng was going to pick up Cuiping on the way back was going to be filmed.

Song Jia's state didn't seem to have changed, but when the real shooting started, Xu Rong took the lead.

Song Jia did let go, although Jiang Wei didn't break the jar as Jiang Wei said, but the energy was there.

Her hard work cannot be denied, but she has to admit that her talent is really amazing.

It is not an easy task to make major adjustments in life-mind-image-appearance in three days, especially since she has established a complete Cuiping mental image before.

The most direct feeling for Xu Rong is the superior, every word he said to her was superior, and he sincerely wanted to change her.


Jiang Wei walked over after monitoring, and said to the props on both sides: "When you carry the tree and walk, keep the same speed, don't run so slowly while running like flying, there are a few of you Those who shake the car, don’t use so much force, I watched from the surveillance that you are shaking the car to pieces.”

The car didn't actually run, but the canopy of the props on both sides of the window was moved to create an illusion that the car was moving.

After one shoot, Xu Rong got out of the car and gave Song Jia a thumbs up, without saying a word, he went straight to the side and waited for the next shoot.

I talked a lot in the past two days, although the material base of the crew has improved dramatically due to the addition of the new sponsor. Not only are there meat and eggs for lunch, but also various fruits and coffee and other drinks every day.

But Xu Rong still didn't want to talk.

Wu Gang, who plays Lu Qiaoshan, has a certain obsession with the lyrics.

According to his words, the feeling is constantly matching the words. If you don’t match the words, how do you feel?
Xu Rong couldn't refuse, because what Wu Gang said was the truth.

This is a habit that many veteran actors in the industry have, especially in the early stage of filming, and they always take the trouble to make counterpoints.

But Xu Rong didn't like it very much. If possible, he even wanted to save the scene, because under normal circumstances, when shooting with old actors, they would not follow the schedule.

And this is exactly what the director expected, the actor's response in an instant.

There are many benefits, such as allowing actors to focus more on their roles and form a real reaction, and of course there are also disadvantages, especially for newcomers with little experience.

As soon as Xu Rong sat down, Wu Gang came up to him with the chair in his hand, a cigarette in his mouth, and a script in his arms. When the chair was put down, Erlang raised his legs and said, "Xu Rong, let's Let's go first."

Xu Rong took two sips of water, but didn't dare to drink too much. Drinking too much water during the location scene is not a good thing. He put the water glass on the ground and said with a wry smile, "Let me take a breath first."

Not far away, Feng Anhe, who was sitting under the shade of a tree, was stirring the freshly brewed coffee in a disposable cup, chatting with a few girls around him. Behind Xu Rong, the still photo was wandering around with a camera.

About a few meters away from one side, Jiang Wei formed a small circle with five or six men and women in the group, talking and gesticulating, using his not-so-fluent and specific expressions to talk about interesting things in the past filming.

On the other side, Xiao Zhang, Xu Xing and girls of the same age from the two groups of kimono and Hua chatted about the price of mats.

The conditions of the rented hotel are too poor, and the air conditioner is almost the same.

In the studio farther away, art, props, photography, lighting, and a group of people are rushing to create new scenes with each other.

Before Xu Rong finished speaking, Zu Feng also walked over with a folding chair, sat down, lit a cigarette with a "snap", saw that Xu Rong hadn't smoked, took out one, and asked, "One? "

Xu Rong waved his hand, he was better on the set, what annoyed him the most was the meeting, once the meeting was held, almost everyone in the room, male or female, had a cigarette in their hands, always surrounded by clouds and mist.

Seeing Wu Gang put the script on his lap, Xu Rong also raised his legs, leaning on the armrest, and said, "Actually, I feel that a good show can only be performed with a flash of inspiration without preparation."

Wu Gang immediately said: "Forgive me, Mr. Wu, for not agreeing!"

Wu Gang's Lu Qiaoshan is relatively serious, but he himself is a bit of a joker. In the whole crew, he and Shen Aojun, who plays Zuo Lan, who is new to the crew, are the most cheerful, hehehehe, hehehe all day long.

"In our group, you, Station Master Wu, Captain Ma, Li Ya, and I, there are five of us, and the four of us don't have many scenes with each other, most of them are scenes with you, plus little Song Jia, we As long as the six of us can stand up together, I bet this show will be a masterpiece of a domestic drama." Wu Gang gestured in mid-air with his hand holding a cigarette, his chubby face was full of expressions, "So, it's still right. "

"You didn't come according to the schedule. In fact, I really don't think it makes much sense. I also know that when you act, you will definitely have something to do."

Wu Gang smiled "hehehe" again, and when he saw the camera shot at him in the stills, he hurriedly put Erlang's legs down, sat upright, put away his smile, and looked serious: "Wait a minute, teacher, I'll pose for you first." shoot."

When the camera flicked past, Wu Gang raised Erlang's legs again, and said, "Don't talk about me, I just came to our scene the day before yesterday, and you almost made me feel unconfident, good guy, for a scene, when rehearsing, follow me." There is no repetition in the real shot."

"Okay, I'm right, right?"

"Boss Zu has nothing to do today, right?" Xu Rong looked at Zu Feng, Boss Zu was his nickname, and he was the squad leader of Nortel's '96 class.

Zu Feng shook his head and said, "I'll just come and have a look, besides"

Xu Rong knew what he was going to say, so he quickly reached out to stop him, and said, "That's right, Boss Zu, let me rest for a while."

"Ms. Xu, have a piece of chocolate." Xiao Zhang came over at some point, took out a piece of chocolate from his bag, and stuffed it into his hand.

When Wu Gang saw it, he laughed and joked, "Xiaofei, where's ours?"

Xiao Zhang was stunned for a moment, then quickly took out two more yuan from his bag, handed them to Wu Gang and Zu Feng respectively, and said, "Teacher Zu, Teacher Wu, here it is."

"Hey, thank you thank you."

"Thank you."

Zu Feng held the chocolate, but didn't peel it off, but asked: "Xu Rong, how do you use the dialectics you mentioned earlier?"

"It's not how to use it. I heard it mentioned by a teacher. It's only after you use it that you know it's dialectics."

"How to say?"

Wu Gang took a bite of the chocolate, and said vaguely: "The main story is played in reverse, and the opposite scene is played in reverse."

Zu Feng looked at Wu Gang and asked, "Then how do you control this speed?"

Wu Gang said without even thinking about it: "Actually, Xu Rong said it. Everyone understands the truth, and you can understand it even if you read Marx, but in the end, what you eat is experience and experience. You haven't seen it before. You just think about it with your own mind." The reverse is being performed, but you don’t know how to act in reverse, where to start, since you don’t know, you don’t dare to act recklessly, but you want to act, and the more you act, the less confident you become. Once you lose confidence in acting, How to play how to collapse."

"It's like Mr. Feng and Xu Rong. One is acting in reverse, and the other is acting in reverse. The acting of the two of them is very impactful. But when I have more scenes in the future, I have to work hard. They can't." At the end, Wu Gang laughed "hehe" himself.


After laughing, Zu Feng fell into silence again. In the past few days, the more he talked with Xu Rong, the more he thought of insulting the name of Teacher Beidian.

And he found that Xu Rong's focus is very strange. He has a certain paranoid about basic skills such as lines, basic expression and experience, but he has a kind of thinking about the spiritual parts such as hierarchy, characteristics and personality growth. .

"Three teachers, how are you doing, are you okay?"

The three of them were chatting when Zhang Jing, who was wearing a black baseball cap, walked over. None of the three got up. Zhang Jing was considered a very conscientious producer in the industry. The main work she did was basically For the people in the group to be able to create with peace of mind.

"Well, it's all good."

Zhang Jing's gaze touched the three of them, and finally stopped on Xu Rong: "By the way, you go back and pack your things in the evening, and we will try to change places before we turn the scene."

"Hey, thank you, Miss Zhang."

"Hey, thank you so much for the producer."

"Also, Southern TV Station wants to come over to do an exclusive interview. Will Mr. Xu participate?"

Xu Rong pondered for a while, then said: "Teacher Wu and Teacher Zu Feng go, I won't participate."

Zhang Jing didn't ask him the specific reason, and said, "That's fine."

This is the daily life of the crew.

After changing the hotel, the transition started to shoot indoor scenes.

Unknowingly, the crew formed a few small circles, Xu Rong, Zu Feng, Cao Bingkun and a group from the Nortel Department, Song Jia and Shen Aojun and a few performers, Feng Anhe and Fan Yulin almost never participated, very quiet Of the two of them, Wu Gang participated everywhere, running around.

This was something Xu Rong never expected, and it didn't depend on his will. He didn't communicate much with people in the crew, but unconsciously, the people who communicated slowly solidified.

Fortunately, director Jiang Wei is relatively pure, like most literati screenwriters, ugly and low-key, without so many messy things.

The leaders of the two circles, Xu Rong and Song Jia, had known each other earlier, and had more "contradictions", and sometimes had to swear at each other.

Because according to Jiang Wei, the interaction between Yu Zecheng and Cuiping is an important adjustment of the play, making the whole play more interesting.

On the second day after the transition, something happened to the crew.

Being poor has its problems, and being rich has its disadvantages.

Because of the sudden extravagance, the production team temporarily invited another group of group performers on the basis of the original group performances, instead of the original stage staff wearing military uniforms, props and ties, and leaving the work in hand to be group performances.

This is nothing, but I don’t know what happened to Li Su, another assistant director who was in charge of group performances, was supported by his suddenly rich life. He paid more for the group performances later than the original group 20 yuan.

Under normal circumstances, no one would talk about money on the set, but when it was a big night at night, the subsequent extras quit and had to pay more.

So the remuneration was exposed all at once, and when the original group of extras heard about it, they clamored for equal pay for equal work on the spot.

Li Su didn't know how to communicate. There was no meeting, and the two extra performers changed their clothes, and they all ran away without a trace.

When Jiang Wei understood the situation, he laughed angrily on the spot. He is a literati, and literati generally do not use swear words when they swear, but they are often more offensive than swear words, and the consequences are more serious.

"Go to the finance department and settle the money, pack your things and get out."

Turned on again, but after a day.

There was no rest in the middle of the day, Shuangmawei went to contact the extras, and the crew had a meeting at the hotel for a day.

Because when Jiang Wei was writing the script, he probably hadn't figured out a few plots, so he just used ancient poems to make up the numbers. It seemed like that, but in fact he also said that it must be adjusted, how to adjust it, and a meeting seminar.

The smoky Xu Rong was in a bad mood.

When it was turned on again, it was probably due to a day's delay, Song Jia's mood was not up for a long time.

The scene to be filmed is a quarrel between two people. Cuiping wants to raise chickens in the yard, but Yu Zecheng refuses to let him. Following the words, the two people's emotions have been rising all the way, but the role settings of Yu Zecheng and Cuiping determine the two. People's mood rises in different ways, Xu Rong's mood jumps and explodes, while Song Jia's mood rises gradually.

Xu Rong had to suppress his emotions, and then finally exploded instantly, but his explosion also had to be suppressed.

The two went through the words and started shooting directly.

"Get ready~"


"Hey, I want to build a chicken coop in the yard, so I don't have to go to the market to buy eggs, which are so expensive."


"What's wrong, I'm too busy."

"It's okay to be idle, it's a violation of discipline."

"Don't use dung beetles as medicine pills, what kind of discipline do you commit by building a chicken coop?"

"What are you shouting? Keep your voice down, do you want to be sarcastic? If I say no, I won't."

"Who are you talking about messing with? Why don't you say it again, my mother will take you"


Song Jia had a lot of energy, but when Xu Rong looked up at her, she was like a ball being pricked by a needle, and she seemed to be discouraged, and she was always close.

"Come again."

Started again, and the result was not as good as last time.

"Take a 5-minute break and find your emotions."

Xu Rong looked at Song Jia suspiciously. Her performance today was a bit abnormal. In his impression, Song Jia's explosive power was quite strong. in place.

Xiao Zhang, who had been staring at him, suddenly became inexplicably nervous. Teacher Xu had mentioned before, asking her to observe Song Jia more.

She had been watching carefully just now. Song Jia's mood was originally up, but as soon as Teacher Xu looked up at her, her aura dropped a lot on the spot.

Sometimes she would have a similar situation. She was obviously very angry with Teacher Xu, but Teacher Xu looked at her with a smile or rubbed her head. Although she was still very angry, she couldn't get angry no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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