Chapter 131
After Song Jia apologized to the staff, she said to Xu Rong, "I'm sorry."

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "Take a break."

Song Jia nodded slightly, and walked out, because the two of them were surrounded by a group of staff, and the environment was not quiet, which was not suitable for brewing emotions.

Xu Rong didn't get up, and didn't speak any more. He sat quietly among the surrounding lights and radio teachers. Song Jia needed to find emotions, and he needed to maintain them.

The assistant director, Shuangmawei, walked past him, communicating with the prop teacher in a low voice, and there were coughing sounds from time to time.

On the other side of the room, Jiang Wei'an was sitting in the chair in front of the surveillance, in the dimness controlled by the props, there was a cloud of smoke floating on a little spark.

In the middle, Xu Rong got up once, went to the toilet, and walked back again. The makeup artist who was also a model stopped him and rearranged his tie.

He glanced at it, and saw Song Jia sitting quietly, with her head lowered slightly, aimlessly flipping through the script with many pink post-it notes in one hand, and holding a lit cigarette in the other.

But her attention is neither on the script on her lap nor on the cigarette in mid-air, her eyes are distracted, and she seems to have self-doubt.

Xu Rong entered the venue, sat and waited for a while, before Song Jia came over.

He looked at her expressionless face and said, "Just take a picture."

Song Jia asked uncertainly: "Let's go first?"

Xu Rong looked at her and said calmly: "I thought you could act well. After this filming is over, you might as well find a factory to work and stop being an actor."

Immediately after his words fell, Song Jia's face, ears, and neck flushed with three or five bright reds that couldn't be pulled out with a big ear scraper, as if it was about to drip down.

When Xu Rong said it, her tone was calm and serious, without a word of swearing or even the slightest bit of sarcasm, but she said it so calmly and seriously, and for Song Jia, it might be the biggest insult she has suffered since she started her career.

Just like a student who is criticized by the teacher for being useless, and like an employee of a company who is accused by the leader of doing work that he can do better personally.

Standing next to Xu Rong, the pair of ponytails was stunned when they heard Xu Rong's words, hurriedly grabbed Xu Rong's shoulders, and whispered: "Teacher Xu Xu?"

Xu Rong glared at her, and said: "Just shoot the real thing, if you can't shoot, just change people."

"Zhang Hongying, get ready."

When the two ponytails heard Jiang Wei's shout, they were taken aback, and hurriedly exited the camera.

"Get ready~"


"Hey, I want to build a chicken coop in the yard, so I don't have to go to the market to buy eggs, which are so expensive."


"What's wrong with me? You still want to shoot me? Come, come, take it."

"You say you are a big man, holding such a small thing all day long, why are you gesturing to me? What are you gesturing to?"

"I'm telling you, pack your bags and get out."

The phone rang, and Xu Rong picked it up: "Hello."

"Station Master, yes, yes, I'll be right there."

"You tell me to fuck off?"

Xu Rong didn't look at her, packed up her things, took her coat and bag, turned and walked towards the door.

This is the end of the game.

But Song Jia didn't act according to what she said before. When he walked behind the sofa and ran towards the door, she stood up with a "swish": "Yu Zecheng, why the hell stop me!"

Xu Rongli ignored her, opened the door without looking back, and closed it with a loud "bang".

This is his impromptu response to Song Jia.


"Ahh. Yu Zecheng. I love you grandma."

After waiting for a while, Jiang Wei's voice came: "Ka."

"Okay, very good, very good." Jiang Wei took off the earphones, trotted up to Song Jia and said, "Teacher Song, are you all right?"

According to what the two ponytails said earlier, Xu Rong asked Cuiping to pack up his things and leave, answered the phone, got up and left with his luggage, Cuiping threw the rag on the table, and the scene ended.

But Song Jia probably got it right. After Xu Rong went out, she dropped the dishcloth. She seemed to be still angry and kicked the edge of the table. As a result, she kicked too hard and hurt herself. Jali squatted on the ground.

A pissed off shrew.

Xu Rong stood at the door, looked at the situation inside, and breathed a sigh of relief. Song Jia's explosive force was far more powerful than before, and it was not a self-moving explosion, and the rhythm was always steady.

Just now when he heard Song Jia's words, "Let's go again first?", his heart skipped a beat. If Song Jia's previous state was [-]%, then when he said this sentence, he might not even be [-]% of it. .

For an actor, compared with acting confidence, basic skills are secondary, because without acting confidence, it is impossible to constitute "assuming me", that is, assuming that I live in the specified situation of the role, how should I act.

That's why he provoked her with words.

He heard Li Xuejian, Li Youbin, Wang Qingxiang and others mentioned that every actor who has achieved something on the road of acting will experience a period of confusion and self-doubt.

This period may be as long as ten years or as short as one or two years.

With the increase of practical experience and self-assessment of theoretical knowledge, I have doubts about the actual application of the Stuart system I know:
Starting from the self can create an image?
Mastering the actions of characters can solve all problems?
Don't you need to experience life?
What counts as creating a character?

The Stuart system is so simple?
I even began to doubt whether to stick to the experience, doubt whether I am suitable for the actor industry, and doubt whether I should change careers.

This is because the business ability and professional knowledge have reached a certain level, but the understanding and mastery are not deep and comprehensive enough. It is caused by the deviation of the theory, skills and actual operation that I have mastered.

Xu Rong has always been committed to avoiding such a state, so he attaches great importance to basic skills, emotional experience and basic expression, role autobiography, and relatively basic content such as sketches.

The previous Song Jia obviously hasn't reached this stage yet, but the situation is a bit similar, she must quickly find confidence, otherwise the show will collapse.

Xu Rong walked over, squatted beside her, and said with a smile, "Does it still hurt?"

Song Jia didn't seem to want to talk to him. At this time, she also understood that Xu Rong was trying to mobilize her emotions, but Xu Rong's words were too hurtful.

Seeing Song Jia limping out of the room supported by the assistant, Xu Rong laughed dryly, and said to the ponytails: "Isn't there still a quarrel scene? We can shoot it together."

The two ponytails raised their heads slightly and looked at him. She didn't say anything for a long time before she realized that there are so many talents in the group, and everyone swears without swearing.

"You are really not. Not a human being." After resting, Cao Bingkun said with a smile, and at the same time raised his chin at Song Jia who was not far away, "You see, everyone is angry with you."

Xu Rong glanced at him sideways and said, "Say less."

Cao Bingkun is not stuttering, but he has been stuttering since he entered the group in order to keep stuttering in real shooting.

Although he has a grandfather who is a famous Peking opera artist, Cao Bingkun did not benefit from the decline of traditional drama. His experience was quite bumpy, and he was on par with Xu Rongyou. "Latent" was his first play, and he stuttered. The method is also deliberately practiced.

Cao Bingkun did not let Xu Rong do what he wanted, and asked in a low voice: "Aren't you going to apologize?"

"Wait for the filming. The filming is over."

Women are always angry for no reason. In the afternoon, Xu Rong finally realized Zhou Jie's frustration when he was filming "Harbin Under the Night".

The reason for this kind of thought was that since the filming of that scene, Song Jia didn't treat him well, and he didn't apologize.

The main reason is that since the filming of the film has not yet finished, it is considered a good deed for him not to sneer.

As for what Uncle Li said about taking care of him, let him do it, let's finish filming the show first, anyway, he never thought about cooperating with Uncle Li again.

When work was over in the evening, before Xu Rong got into the car, he turned his head and saw Song Jia and her assistant who were waiting to go back with the troops, and asked, "Come in my car, together?"

Song Jia gave him a hard look and said, "No need."

Xu Rong paused for a moment before saying, "What I said at noon was a bit too much, I'm sorry."

"I know." Song Jia glanced at him and the two heads protruding from the car behind him inexplicably, "I'm not angry with you."

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

After getting into the car, Xu Rong closed his eyes. Today, he and Song Jia's scenes were filmed all day, and he was mentally exhausted.

Song Jia was really stimulated. At the end of the day, she always wanted to overwhelm him, but she couldn't overwhelm him, but she was always unconvinced.

The mood is just right.

After a long while, Xu Rong didn't realize something was wrong until he was about to arrive at the hotel, because Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing, who were usually chattering along the way, sat behind without saying a word. When he turned his head, he saw two pairs of eyes staring at him. Own.

"What's the matter, are you two looking at me like this, scaring God?"

Xu Xing smacked his lips twice, and didn't dare to speak, but Xiao Zhang didn't have so many scruples, and said: "Teacher Xu, tell the truth, have you fallen in love with her?"

Xu Rong smiled and said, "I neither like her nor her."

"You are obviously doing it for her own good. She is like that. Why did you call her just now?" Xiao Zhang's voice stopped abruptly, her brows slowly frowned, and she realized the meaning of Teacher Xu's words, "Mr. Xu, don't Face!"

The driver of the car was sitting upright, as if he hadn't heard anything, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


After such a burst of laughing and joking, it was hard for Xiao Zhang to delve deeper into this topic.

But when she returned to the hotel, she was still extremely depressed. She remembered one thing. Apart from Song Jia, there were other actresses who had said that they were looking forward to working with Teacher Xu.

The voices and smiles of those people passed through her mind one by one, and finally settled on Shanshan.

She suddenly discovered that she had fallen into such a dangerous situation unknowingly, and there were enemies everywhere.

For a while, she only felt that her life was extremely miserable, because she felt like a hard-working peasant woman, who had to be on guard every day, because if she was not careful, her cabbage might be kicked by a pig La.

The reason why she is worried is because Jun Yan once said that even veterans who have been on the battlefield all the year round sometimes give up halfway.

But she couldn't tell Teacher Xu about this feeling. If she did, Teacher Xu would definitely kill her.

She can guess it without thinking.

After finishing the rehearsal at night, returning to the room, classmate Xiao Zhang lay on the bed weakly like a piece of paper, sighed a long time, and said: "Xu Xing, my life is really hard, really."

Xu Xing looked at her in astonishment, and asked, "What's the matter, Sister Xiaofei?"

Xiao Zhang sat up straight away, and said seriously: "Have you noticed that Song Jia has no good intentions towards Mr. Xu anyway."

Xu Xing rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "I thought what happened, how normal, it turned out that when I was filming "Paper Drunk"."

Xu Xing caught a glimpse of her gradually serious face, and the words he was about to confide were suddenly stuck in his throat, and then swallowed hard into his stomach.

"What happened during the filming of "Drunken Paper"?"

One of them was standing and the other was sitting, looking at each other strangely.

After a long while, Xu Xingcai suddenly laughed twice dryly, and said, "Sister Xiaofei, you think too much, brother and she have known each other for a long time, just...just a little bit more familiar."

Xiao Zhang frowned and nodded, but after carefully thinking about what Xu Xing said earlier, she hurriedly shook her head again, her eyes tightly holding onto Xu Xing to prevent her from slipping away, and said: "No, what you just wanted to say It’s not this, is there something I don’t know about that happened during the filming of “Luxurious”?”

Xu Xing stood at a loss for a while, seeing that she was planning to get to the bottom of it, he said: "Actually, it's nothing wrong, it's just that there is an actress in the same group who has a good impression of my brother."

Seeing that sister Xiaofei wanted to defend herself, she hurriedly reached out her hand to signal her not to speak, and asked instead: "But isn't this a normal thing? My brother is already good-looking and rich, the key is to be motivated, don't talk about it Others, if he is not my brother, I will chase him too."

"And you don't care what other people do. If one day you feel that he doesn't like you, just break up with him."

Classmate Xiao Zhang stared at Xu Xing carefully for a long time before he said abruptly: "Xu Xing, you and Mr. Xu are not related by blood, right?"

Xu Xing nodded subconsciously, and asked doubtfully, "Yes, what's the matter?"

Student Xiao Zhang suddenly felt as if he had fallen into a desperate situation with no relatives and no relatives in ambush.

She frowned and thought for a long time before she said abruptly and seriously: "I've decided, I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

There are not many cases that Xiao Zhang can refer to for her monotonous life experience and not-so-rich little mind, but a scene in "Latent" reminded her.

Cuiping is not as good as Yu Zecheng in anything, but there is one thing Yu Zecheng can't compare to her no matter what.

She is a party member, Yu Zecheng's introducer, and the leader of the two-person party group.

In practice, she also understands that she may never be able to catch up with Teacher Xu, but why do she have to chase after him? It's so tiring.

She decided to choose a path that suits her and surpass Teacher Xu.

Xu Xing was at a loss when he saw Miss Xiaofei who rushed into the bathroom aggressively after finishing her speech without thinking.

She still couldn't figure it out, how could her brother, who was so clear about his life that he wanted to take out his abacus and beat him up about everything, fell in love with such a girl who was always thinking about it?
(End of this chapter)

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