I'm just an actor

Chapter 132 Rest

Chapter 132 Rest
Co-ordinator lost a few more hairs.

Jiang Wei once again temporarily adjusted the shooting plan, focusing on shooting Song Jia's scenes first.

After a day of filming, he also saw clearly that Song Jia was in good condition after being provoked by Xu Rong once.

Xu Rong understood Jiang Wei's thoughts, and taking advantage of Song Jia's good condition, it would be nice to be able to shoot one more scene. Anyway, the crew has money, and the actors in the crew have no other arrangements except for Shen Aojun.

However, there are not many scenes in Shen Ao County, and there are only 55 games in total.

Early the next morning, Xu Rong came to the set as usual. Song Jia played a lot of scenes with his opponents. In addition, there were two scenes with Xiao Zhang today. I can only shoot in the afternoon.

In the first scene, Wan Qiu went to take care of Cuiping who was sick. The two chatted and chatted, and they talked about their children. Cuiping's emotions exploded in an instant, crying and cursing Wanqiu at the same time.

"Get ready~"


Song Jia's emotions rose quickly, and when the hour came, tears immediately flowed down.

"You still miss him, you are stupid."

When she said "You stupid you.", she burst into tears, and even got a snot bubble because she was too emotional.

She was cursing Wan Qiu, but she was scolding herself in her heart, because Yu Zecheng was very popular with women, but he was always cold towards her, but she fell in love with him.


"Teacher Song has worked hard."

"Teacher Song played really well."

Immediately, several praises sounded.

But a few people didn't speak, but frowned instead. The first was Jiang Wei, the second was Xu Rong, and the third was Wu Gang, who was standing next to Xu Rong and Cao Bingkun with arms folded.

"She's getting up emotionally very quickly."

Xu Rong gave Cao Bingkun a helpless look, and said, "I said, can you not just practice whenever you have time?"

Cao Bingkun chuckled, Zu Feng was nestled in the hotel today, he didn't come over, so he could only talk to Xu Rong as much as possible to keep himself in shape.

Jiang Wei frowned and watched the playback twice, then turned his head, looked at the people standing behind him, and asked, "Xu Rong, Teacher Wu, what do you think?"

Xu Rong glanced at Song Jia who was looking over from the same room, and said without thinking, "Let's start over."

Wu Gang smiled, but said nothing. He was not familiar with Song Jia, so he was not very good at expressing opinions.

But silence itself is an attitude.

"It was okay at first, but the more I watched it, the more uncomfortable it became." Jiang Wei looked at the reactions of the two, pondered for a while, and said, although he didn't understand the process of the performance, he was able to distinguish between good and bad results. .

Xu Rong smiled and said: "It's okay to be uncomfortable. Decades ago, when Teacher Zhao Dan was rehearsing in the Sichuan Opera Troupe, a fellow colleague once cried on the stage as much as she did. At that time, Teacher Zhao Dan reached out to put his mouth on Wipe off his snot, but the colleague stopped him fiercely, and reprimanded, 'This is art!', ha ha."

He didn't know Song Jia's mental journey, but the result was similar to that actor who advertised "art".

The self-experience is extremely real, but it ignores the fundamental "fiction" of the performance, does not make the audience empathize, and even loses the beauty that the expression should have.

Judging from the slightly apprehensive look in Song Jia's eyes after playing just now, it is estimated that she should have realized this too.

Wu Gang turned to look at him, and asked, "Why does what you said sound familiar to me?"

Xu Rongdao: "So Teacher Zhi mentioned it in his talk about performing arts."

When Wu Gang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Of course Xu Rong knew the reason. He specially bought a box for that book and embalmed it and locked it in a cabinet. Looking at Wu Gang's expectant expression, he continued, "I happen to have a copy."

"You may not believe it, but it was signed by Teacher Yu himself."

Therefore, Zhijianghu is known as the god of drama, and it accounts for nearly one-fifth of the cases in the acting class, because there are too many classic characters to create.

And his "On Performing Arts" was compiled by him based on his past diaries, and recorded all his experiences and experiences about performances from the time he practiced to the writing of the book. After printing 1984 copies in 1700, it went out of print.

For more than 20 years, due to various reasons, there are not many intact ones.

Wu Gang pulled Xu Rong, walked aside and asked, "Where did you get it?"

Xu Rong looked at Wu Gang licking his dry lips, and the light that was almost shining in his eyes, and said, "A professor's collection in our school was given to me in order to prevent me from coughing and going astray. of."

"But don't think about it, there are no doors."

Wu Gang was born as a drama actor, and coincidentally, the repertoire he currently reserves in Renyi is "Tea House", but unlike Yu Zhi, he is not playing Wang Lifa, but it is undeniable that that book has a fatal effect on him. Appeal.

Wu Gang laughed "hehe" twice, and said: "Look at what you said, it seems that I have some good intentions. I just ask, just ask."

After waiting for a while, Wu Gang went outside to smoke a cigarette while Song Jia was touching up her makeup, but soon turned back, moved closer, and whispered to Xu Rong: "Mr. Xu, let's discuss something. Your book, can you lend me two days to read it?"

"No problem." Xu Rong nodded and said, "It's too polite to borrow it, so how about it, I'll make a copy for you when I go back."

The smile on Wu Gang's face immediately froze, and he said after a while, "Well, let's forget it."

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him, and said: "I heard that there are some for sale online, and they are not expensive. It is estimated that you can buy them for 200 yuan, but there is no guarantee whether they are real or not."


"I remember when it was first published, the price was one yuan and five?"

"Almost, I heard that there are about a dozen copies signed by Mr. Yu, and we have one here. Do you think it's a coincidence?" Xu Rong looked at Wu Gang's gradually distorted expression, and the color on his face disappeared, "Although Yu The teacher is still alive, but it is still in good condition, it is hard to say whether there are five copies."

As early as 1992, Yu Zhi had bid farewell to the stage for which she had worked all her life due to dementia. Although she is alive now, she can no longer speak, and it is difficult to recognize people in the past. swan song.

Wu Gang also sighed softly. Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, they both remembered a performance at the Capital Theater on July 1992, 7 through the video data.

In the curtain call performance, Yu Zhi played Wang Lifa for the last time. Because of his illness, he could no longer speak his lines as fluently as in the past 400 performances, and even made a low-level mistake of forgetting words. The applause continued for a long time, and the audience shouted loudly: "Thank you friends for your tolerance, thank you."

What answered him was the childish voice of a teenage girl in the auditorium: "Shopkeeper Wang, farewell."

Since then, a generation of drama gods have completely withdrawn from the stage.

Xu Rong's eyes still didn't leave the monitor. He had to watch Xiao Zhang's every scene carefully, and then give her targeted guidance at night.

Song Jia is still brewing emotions. For an actor, it is not difficult to cry, but the difficult thing is to make the audience feel the same.

"You haven't graduated yet, have you?" Wu Gang asked in a low voice as he elbowed him.

"Well, not yet." Xu Rong nodded and said, "But it's coming soon, I'll graduate next year."

"Are you considering taking the repertory theater exam?"

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him and asked, "Why did you come to film?"

Wu Gang chuckled and said, "I broaden the form of performance and learn from others' strengths."

Xu Rong smiled and shook his head. Drama, or drama, is indeed the form of expression that is closest to theory, and it is also the form of performance that exercises body expression the most. Sketches are actually the basic exercises of dramas. Of course, they are not sketches in the sense of expression. It is a short and adaptive performance based on the actions and experiences of the characters.

But dramas are not very friendly to him because they don’t make money. Moreover, most drama troupes are public units, and most of the artists enter them as names, or they have to wait for a few years to get important roles.

Moreover, rehearsals are too time-consuming. Most film and television actors from repertory troupes, after they devote themselves to film and television, basically only have their names in major theaters. Even if they have performances, they only have one or two rounds a year.

"Look back, I'm so poor now that I can't afford such elegant things."

Xu Rong didn't talk about it with him anymore. When he realizes the freedom of wealth, he will definitely dabble in drama, but not now.

At the end of the day, he only filmed three scenes with Song Jia, so he can be called the hard-working Song Jia and the other actors who are flowing.

When he returned to the hotel in the evening and finished rehearsing the play, he began to "tutor homework" for Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing. Now he figured it out, there was no need to explain the theory to them, it was too boring and might not be remembered, but let her Both do targeted exercises.

Comprehensive quality training ranging from the relatively basic practice of meeting new friends, dislocation practice, observation and memory practice, to the practice of starting from a sentence, the practice of mutual physical state, etc.

Anyway, during the day, if Xiao Zhang's performance was not suitable for him, he would choose whichever one to strengthen her training.

After half an hour, the two of them were very tired, but being young also has the advantages of being young, and you can relax after a short rest.

"Mr. Xu, what do you think I am doing?" Classmate Xiao Zhang was on the sofa, peeling an orange, and stuffing it into his mouth, when he suddenly found that Teacher Xu was staring at him, he wondered, "I Isn't your face clean?"

Xu Rong looked at her with a smile and asked, "Are the oranges sweet?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang nodded first, and then suddenly smiled. She understood what he meant, and put a piece of orange in her hand to his mouth, saying: "Open your mouth."

Xu Rong opened her mouth according to her words, but saw Xiao Zhang moved her hand back a little when his lips were about to touch the orange, and then he stretched his neck, and she moved back a little.


"I'm not teasing you, I'm not teasing you, Mr. Xu is here, open your mouth."


"Xu Xing, what are you doing?"

"Wow, Mr. Xu, you lied and ate my oranges."

After the two left, Xu Rong put down the script, took out his notebook, and thought for a while before starting to write.

After ten days of filming, he gained some understanding. He had to write down these things. In the past ten days, what impressed him the most was who played the role so well, but Liu Changwei, who played the role of shopkeeper Qiu, a man who had not received professional training. old actor.

The filming time is not short, but he can't be called an old drama player. The traces of acting are a bit heavy. The few outstanding scenes are the moves designed by Zu Feng and Jiang Wei.

He also had the idea of ​​not taking the Nortel exam at the beginning, but now that he thinks about it, he can't help being afraid for a while.

Does theory work?
It is very useful, at least it will not make people act with instinct and intuition, and once you leave a role with similar conditions to yourself, without a lot of practical experience, it will be difficult to shine, and you will take many more detours than professional actors.

There are only a few actors like "Her Eyes Can Talk", after all.

"Ding ding ding."

Xu Rong looked at "Classmate Xiao Zhang" on the phone's caller ID, and asked suspiciously, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Before he could finish his words, Xiao Zhang's hurried voice mixed with fear came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Xu, come quickly!"

Xu Rong put down his pen, pushed away the chair, didn't even bother to change his slippers, turned around and rushed to Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing's room.

In about ten seconds, he ran to the door of Xiao Zhang's room, clenched his fist, and slammed it hard twice.


No one opened the door, so he took two steps back, and just as he was about to kick the door open, the door opened with a "click", revealing Xiao Zhang, who was wearing pajamas and had wet hair.

Her face was flushed, her voice trembled slightly, but she said anxiously and quickly: "Ms. Xu, come in quickly."

Xu Rong hurried into the door, but saw Xu Xing also standing behind Xiao Zhang with his arms folded, looking at the bathroom with fear on his face.

Classmate Xiao Zhang pointed to the foggy bathroom and said, "Xu, Teacher Xu, take a quick look."

Xu Rong looked at it, and there was nothing in the water mist. He frowned slowly and asked, "What's the matter, is there a mouse?"

Xiao Zhang hurriedly shook his head, pointed at the mist filled with anxiety and said, "Can't you see it?"

"what did you see?"

The fear on Xiao Zhang's face gradually faded, and he said solemnly: "I am immortal."


Looking at classmate Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing who were bouncing around, hugging and laughing, Xu Rong let out a sigh of relief, wishing to slap them both, what was on his mind every day?
Seeing the two laughing endlessly, one sitting on the ground and the other crawling on the bed, Xu Rong said: "If you were as good as you were when you were filming, I could wake you up with a smile in your dreams."

"Hahaha" The two of them seemed to be paused. After a second pause, they turned their heads together and looked at him sadly.

"Teacher Xu~"


Xu Rong turned around, waved at the two of them, and said, "Let's go, rest early."

(End of this chapter)

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