I'm just an actor

Chapter 133 Active

Chapter 133 Active
Early in the morning, as soon as Xu Rong finished putting on her makeup, she felt the utmost care and fiery enthusiasm from the group.

"Hey, Mr. Xu, be careful, Threshold."

"Hey, Mr. Xu, sit down quickly, Mr. Xu, are you thirsty, do you want water or coffee?"

"Ms. Xu, are you tired? Let me give you a shoulder squeeze."

Xu Xing was holding the script and holding the water glass, staring blankly at Wu Gang and Zu Feng who pushed him away, he was extremely surprised, what kind of crazy did these two people go today?
Not only did he laugh with him as if he had met Director Dai in a movie, but he even addressed him as "Ms. Xu" with compliments and flattery.

Xu Rong looked at the two of them with a smile, sat down, waved his hands at them and said, "I said Old Wu, Boss Zu, don't waste your efforts."

"There are no doors."

Wu Gang acted as if he hadn't heard anything. He smiled and stretched out his hand to take the water glass in Xu Xing's hand, and said to Xiao Zhang who was beside him, "You guys rest, I'll talk to Teacher Xu, it's a great honor to cooperate with Teacher Xu .”

As he spoke, he unscrewed the lid of the water glass, and blew it lightly twice, holding the body of the bottle in one hand and the bottom of the glass in the other hand, and handed it to Xu Rong, saying: "Teacher Xu, drink slowly, be careful of burning. "

Zu Feng was stunned for a while, but looking at Wu Gang's flattering face, he felt extremely disgusting.

He finally understood it, this person surnamed Wu is really shameless!
After Xu Rong took two sips of water, he hurriedly took out a cigarette, took out one from it, leaned slightly, saw Xu Rong waved his hand, and quickly added: "Fruit flavor, no tar nicotine, you Try it, you try it."

As he said that, he handed the cigarette to Xu Rong's mouth, but he really wasn't as thick-skinned as Wu Gang, so he called "Teacher Xu".

Xu Rong glanced at Zu Feng in surprise, and stretched out his hand to take it. Zu Feng caught a glimpse of Wu Gang already taking out the matchbox from his pocket, quickly took out the lighter, lit it, pushed it to Xu Rong, and said, "Xu Rong Come on, let me order it for you."

Wu Gang gave Zu Feng a sideways glance, and twitched the corner of his mouth in disdain.

After the three of them sat down, Wu Gang let out a sudden and long sigh. Seeing that Xu Rong and Zu Feng didn't answer, he didn't feel embarrassed, and said as if talking to himself: "I had a dream last night. , reminded me of my childhood."

Seeing Xu Rong and Zu Feng looking over, he sighed again, and said with emotion: "When I was young, my family was poor, and I was always hungry and full. I went to school, and I couldn't bear to eat. Why, I was so focused on it back then. Save your meal money so you can buy a ticket."

Xu Rong and Zu Feng looked at each other, they both vaguely understood what was going on, but they didn't interrupt him, and continued to watch his performance.

"Later on, I started to take the exam for the Academy of Drama. Five times, I failed to pass the exam five times in a row." Wu Gang said, the corners of his eyes gradually became moist, "Every time I was full of hope, but Every time I checked the admission list, I searched it countless times from the beginning to the end, but I couldn’t find my name. Hope turned into despair again and again, and my family always persuaded me to give up these things. Unrealistic thoughts, because every time the results come out, I have to lose ten or twenty catties."

"But I can't give up. I have a thought in my heart. When I was in school, I was riding a bicycle. Every time I passed by the gate of Renyi, I would stop for a while and look at the posters outside. I always thought that I must I have to pass the exam, and Heaven pays off, when I was 23, I was finally admitted to the actor training class of Renyi, and two years later, I entered Renyi, half of my childhood dream was fulfilled."

Seeing that Xu Rong and Zu Feng were still not talking to each other, he asked himself and answered: "Why is it half? Actually, I have always admired Mr. Yu since I was a child. When I was a child, I deducted two months from the food expenses before I could go secretly. Once in Mr. Yu's play, but even if I can't eat once in two months, I am very happy in my heart."

"Later, I joined Renyi. At that time, I was just a newcomer, and Mr. Yu was the vice president. I finally had a chance to be on the same stage, but I was just a walk-on. I had a scene with Mr. Yu, and I was rejected. After I got down, I studied and practiced desperately, but how can I think that Teacher Yu got the disease within a few years, and I still have time to listen to the half-sentence of Teacher Yu? Also, it may be my fate. Bo, you don’t have this blessing.”

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head halfway, sighed heavily, and twitched his nose, as if he was deeply in love and couldn't restrain himself.

For a long time, without hearing Xu Rong's statement, Wu Gang raised his face quietly, and saw that Xu Rong was holding the cigarette Zu Feng lit, but he was not smoking, but was just consuming, and looked at himself with a smile, even though he was slightly A little embarrassed, but he still asked with a tone and demeanor mixed with anxiety and anticipation: "Mr. Xu, can you fulfill a little wish of me, a poor man?"

"Old Wu, didn't you say that you were born as a child star and listened to Teacher Yu's teachings many times?" Zu Feng asked softly rather out of time.

Wu Gang became impatient, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Is it a mess? Is it a mess?"

"No, no, no." Zu Feng waved his hands hurriedly, and said with a smile, "Alas, compared to me, Teacher Wu is actually considered lucky. I was the one who was really miserable when I was young."

Xu Rong saw that even Zu Feng, who usually doesn't talk much, was tending to become a chatterbox, so he hurriedly stopped him and said: "Two, two, let's not do this, if you ask me to excuse me, I have nothing to say, if If you want a copy, when I go back, I will make two sets of copies for you two, no, five sets, but I really can’t give it away.”

Wu Gang stretched his small eyes and said, "I'll buy it, you can make a price."

Zu Feng opened his mouth, but didn't follow up.

Xu Rong rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Old Wu, let's not talk about money, it's vulgar."

Wu Gang was in a hurry, pulled Xu Rong's arm, and said sincerely: "Xu Rong, my brother is already a man with loess in his waist, why don't you help him fulfill his little wish?"

Seeing Xu Rong's hesitation, Zu Feng thought he was moved, and said, "Old Wu, you can't say that. Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu is willing to give it out because of his affection, and if he doesn't want to, it's his duty. I have a proposal, so Well, let me borrow it first to have a look, and then I will lend it to you after I have figured it out."

Xu Rong nodded, but Wu Gang immediately asked, "Then when will you figure it out?"

Seeing Zu Feng's faltering and hesitating, Wu Gang immediately understood his thoughts, and said: "Well, I'm old, I'll borrow it first, I'll lend it to you after I think it through, and you can return it to Xu Feng later." teacher."

Xu Rong now understands the plan of the two of them, this is not borrowing, it is clearly the idea of ​​going back and forth.

He didn't want to chat with the two of them anymore, there was still a scene with him in the morning, he relied on emotions to guide his words and actions, and he had to maintain the best state possible.

"Don't flatter me, Mr. Xu came to Mrs. Xu, and I was so terrified of shouting." He picked up the chair and walked to the corner by himself. Seeing the two of them getting up, he hurriedly said, "I Emotions brewing."

Zu Feng and Wu Gang couldn't keep pestering each other anymore, and they stared at each other for a while, before Wu Gang said in a low voice, "Why do you want to tear down my platform? We are the people. The internal conflicts, now the main thing is to get the book away from him first."

Zu Feng shook his head seriously, and said: "Look at what you said, what kind of cheating is not cheating, how ugly, knowledge matters, can it be cheating?!"

"Well, you are more shameless than me."

In the afternoon, the filming of Xu Rong's scene officially started. It was a scene involving Song Jia, him, Wu Gang and two extras.

The plot is that Cuiping was transferred away and met robbers on the road, but was rescued by the food requisition team and sent back to the station. Lu Qiaoshan, played by Wu Gang, led her to Yu Zecheng's office.

Under Wu Gang's strong request, the three corrected the words three times before starting the official filming.

"Get ready~"


"Tuk Tuk Tuk."


Wu Gang pushed open the door, poked his head and face first, showed a smile, and then walked in, saying, "Director Yu."

Xu Rong sorted out the materials, smiled at him as well, and said, "Director Lu."

Wu Gang walked to the second position with a smile, with his arms bent and his index finger up in the air, he swiped from the front to the back, his eyes narrowed and he said, "Look who's coming, ha ha."



Xu Rong looked at Song Jia who looked tired, and said: "You have to go to the big night, you can't do it in this state."

She will have an emotional scene later.

Song Jia didn't even look at him, she shook her hands, blocking the space where his eyes could pass, and said impatiently: "Go, go, I'm annoyed when I see you now."

"You can't say a word of comfort."

Wu Gang heard that Song Jia's tone was a little bit wrong, and at the same time, seeing the forced smile on Xu Rong's face, he hurriedly said "hard work", and helped the two of them out of the siege at the same time.

They were the ones who played for Song Jia today.

When filming the scene between Cuiping and Wanqiu yesterday, he saw some clues. Song Jia's emotions were too in place, and it was a bit abnormal to be in place.

And Xu Rong's little girlfriend is not a vegetarian either, she looks innocent and innocent, but when she plays with Song Jia, she is a different person.

Xu Rong didn't dare to say any more, and walked out one after the other with Wu Gang,

During the filming process, he discovered something different. It’s not that he has never worked with actors from dramas. Like Zhou Jie, who worked with him in the filming of "Night", he was from a drama actor, but it can be clearly seen that It can be seen that his performance is mixed with a lot of drama performance habits that are not suitable for film and television.

Wu Gang is not exempt, but he controls these traces within a rather subtle range, and it is precisely this appropriate range that makes the combination of body and language quite mellow.

This is what he currently lacks. His line skills have been improving all the way, but his physical expression has become a weakness in comparison.

During the break, he looked at Wu Gang and asked, "Old Wu, the way you acted just now gave me the feeling, why is the layering so obvious?"

He couldn't say how to describe it accurately, but the feeling was real.

Wu Gang laughed twice, "Hey hey", this is the effect he wanted, he didn't care for the surprise of not knowing how to do it, but it's really cool to hear the praise from colleagues, especially those with high level.

Xu Rong's acting is good, he has already discovered it, but he can see that Xu Rong's acting method is a pure film and television performance.

Drama is a stage art, which is quite different from film and television performances.

When Xu Rong and Feng Anhe played against each other before, he had been holding back the whole time. One of the two played the opposite, and the other played the opposite. They were dazzled by the use of various skills, but he was very anxious.

He, Mr. Wu, is not a vegetarian, nor is he here to mess around.

How many years did he hold back in order to pretend to be this coward?

When Feng Yuanzheng, Pu Cunxi, and Liang Guanhua all came out to film, he was the only one in the theater. What was the picture?
If you don't call it, it's a blockbuster!
If you want to pretend, you have to pretend to be big!
He waved his hand and said indifferently: "Hey, it's not a big deal, it's all basic skills, not worth mentioning."

Oz you
Xu Rong's eyes widened a little. He is famous for his basic skills, so why can't he see what basic skills are?
Seeing Xu Rong looking at him suspiciously, Wu Gang smiled contentedly and said, "Let me use an analogy, how did you know it was raining?"

Xu Rong frowned and said, "Don't be so vague."

Wu Gang pointed at him with a smile, and said, "I'm just giving you an example because I'm afraid you won't understand it!"

"Of course it rained on me."

"I can't say it's wrong." Wu Gang shook his head and said, "But old Mr. Zheng Rong said a word, when it rains, you must first see the cloudy sky, then see the lightning, and then hear the thunder , you have seen and listened first, even if there are no raindrops, you will definitely understand, oh, it’s going to rain.”

Xu Rong frowned and thought for a while, trying to understand Wu Gang's words. Wu Gang's analogy almost summed up the essence of drama as a form of stage expression.

The rain is actually the presentation of the results of the performance, while the cloudy sky, lightning, and thunder correspond to emotions, bodies, and lines one by one. What Wu Gang wants to emphasize is not only the close cooperation of the three, but also the order of the three , because for the audience, it is always seen first, not heard first.

He pondered for a while, and sincerely thanked: "I have been taught, Teacher Wu."

Wu Gang accepted this as a matter of course, and asked, "Actually, I also have a doubt in my heart, why are your emotions so strong, even in a very flat scene, that feeling that can hit people's faces? "

Xu Rong tilted his head, looked at him wonderingly, and asked: "Is there any? I feel that my acting is very average. Heh, you all say that my acting is good, but in fact, I don't know how to do it well."

Wu Gang stared and said, "Xu Rong, are you not being mean enough?"

"Haha." Xu Rong laughed twice before saying, "Actually, it's easy to say, the inner state is always active."

Wu Gang listened, slowly nodded twice, sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it, after a while, when the cigarette was more than half burned, he suddenly raised his head, and shouted abruptly towards Xu Rong in the distance: "Xu Rong."

Xu Rong was thinking about the example Wu Gang gave him earlier, when he heard the voice, he frowned and looked at him, asking, "What's wrong?"

Wu Gang gave a thumbs up, and with the corner of his mouth twitching, he said, "You're awesome, you're really awesome."

"You too." Xu Rong smiled and said, "I'll send you that book back."

Wu Gang sat up straight and asked, "Really?"

"Really." Xu Rong nodded and said, "I have memorized the contents, it is more useful for you to hold than mine."

"Fuck, thank you so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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