Chapter 134
Wu Gang's slightly aggressive reaction attracted the attention of several people around him.

Zu Feng was looking down at the script and didn't look up, but Wu Gang's thankful words fell into his heart word by word through his ears.

He neither raised his head to stare, nor said anything, he also wanted that book, but he also knew in his heart that Xu Rong couldn't give up.

Just like a physicist got a copy of Einstein's manuscript, is the knowledge and content recorded on it precious?
You can buy it at any Xinhua Bookstore on the street.

But for a real actor, the meaning of the autographed performance perception is different after all.

He can also understand Wu Gang's urgency. Wu Gang said something two days ago. He and He Bing were watching Yuzhi's rehearsal in the courtyard. I cried.

He couldn't find out whether it was true or false, but from Wu Gang's address to Shizhi, he could feel his admiration for him.

Wu Gang called Yu Zhi "Sir", a very respectful way of addressing him.

He acknowledged Yu Zhi's professional ability and achievements, but he didn't worship or even admire him as much as Wu Gang. In his perception, Yu Zhi was a good actor, that's all.

After Wu Gang thanked him with gratitude, he hummed a little tune happily, twisted his buttocks, and returned to the chair.

Xu Rong rubbed his face muscles that were slightly stiff due to the insincere mutual flattery with Wu Gang before. When his eyes turned to Zu Feng who was not far away with his head down, he paused and shouted: " Boss Zu?"

Zu Feng seemed to be unaware of everything that happened before, he raised his head, and looked at him with some doubts in his smile.

Xu Rong said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

The expression on Zu Feng's face froze, he shook his head quickly and said, "It's okay, Old Wu, he is a drama actor, and he was deeply influenced by his teacher, so that book means more to him."

Xu Rong nodded with a smile and didn't say anything else.

His own things, of course, have the right to freely dispose of them. The reason why he gave them to Wu Gang was because he felt that the example Wu Gang gave earlier was too valuable, so he also took out the most important experience since his career to reciprocate.

What's even more rare is that both he and Wu Gang can feel the value and significance of the other's casual "basic skills".

As for sending books, it was his grandfather who warned him, one point, two points and three points.

Looking at the smile on Xu Rong's face, Zu Feng felt mixed feelings in his heart. At that moment just now, he thought a lot. Why did Xu Rong give it to Wu Gang instead of himself?
A lot of messy thoughts came into his head, both good and bad.

But Xu Rong's frankness was beyond his expectation. Although the other party didn't explain the reason, the sentence "Boss Zu, I'm sorry." made him feel deeply ashamed, and of course he felt an uncontrollable loss.

"Mr. Xu, chocolate." Seeing that Wu Gang finally stopped pestering Mr. Xu, classmate Xiao Zhang sneaked up to him, put his hand in the bag and said habitually.

She was a little afraid of Wu Gang, because she was so old, but she didn't have the reserve and stability of her predecessors, and she always liked to make jokes.

Xu Rong smiled, turned his palm upside down, and held it in the air, but after waiting for a few seconds, he found that Xiao Zhang did not put the chocolate in his palm as usual.

She frowned tightly, pinching one side of the crossbody bag with one hand, and groping inside for a long while with the other, but the more she frowned, the tighter her brows became.

In the end, she picked up the bag without giving up, pulled her mouth with both hands, opened her eyes wide, opened her mouth, and poked her head to look inside, as if she couldn't believe a terrible fact.

She laughed dryly twice, looked at Xu Rong cautiously, lowered her head immediately, and whispered: "Eat, I'm done eating."

Xu Rong looked at her with a smile, and asked: "Didn't you take a lot when you came here this morning? You and Xu Xing finished eating in half a day?"

"No, no, no." Xiao Zhang immediately shook his head like a rattle, "I just ate one, and the two sisters from the make-up group, and sister Shen Aojun also ate, and then, I don't know how to answer nothing, nothing."

"I really only ate one." As if afraid that Xu Rong would not believe it, she emphasized with great certainty.

Seeing her trying to put herself out of the way, Xu Rong laughed and said, "I didn't say you eat too much, why are you so anxious to justify?"

Xiao Zhang laughed twice, then moved closer, pointed to a fat middle-aged man in a suit and tie in the distance, and said, "Mr. Xu, look at that person, he looks very similar to you." Hey."

"Which one?"

"That's the one, the one in the suit and tie."

Following the direction she pointed, Xu Rong found the person she said was similar to him. After a glance, he turned his head slowly, pointed to his forehead, and asked, "Xiao Zhang, are you here? what is the problem?"

What classmate Xiao Zhang pointed to was a middle-aged man, about 1.7 meters tall, with single eyelids, fat head and big ears. He should be a special agent from the pair of ponytails. too clear.

Classmate Xiao Zhang puffed his mouth and said, "No, no, I'm not talking about appearance, but feeling."

Xu Rong frowned, and the more she said, the more outrageous she became, and said, "Feeling? What feeling?"

"Feeling, just feeling!"


"Oh, Mr. Xu, why are you so stupid?" Classmate Xiao Zhang glared at him, seeing that he seemed to have completely forgotten about her stealing chocolate, and walked away angrily, "I won't tell you, I can’t even understand what other people say, it’s really hard!”

Xu Rong watched classmate Xiao Zhang run away without a trace, smiled and shook his head, looked away, and subconsciously glanced at the middle-aged man she mentioned just now who was very similar to him.

The middle-aged man seemed to have noticed something, turned his head abruptly, and looked at him.

Xu Rong didn't expect the other party to be so sharp, he just glanced twice, and the other party noticed something, he smiled and nodded, after the other party was stunned, he also nodded with a smile.

Xu Rong turned his head and turned his eyes to other places. After thinking for a while, he seemed to understand what Xiao Zhang meant by "very similar".

Coincidentally, the pair of ponytails passed by him at this time, he reached out his hand to stop her, and asked, "Director Zhang, that man is the fat one in a suit and tie, what's his name?"

The pair of ponytails glanced at him suspiciously, and said, "Oh, you said him, Zhang Guofeng, I found a special contract to play the role of Chang Shengxiang, the archivist in the play. What, Mr. Xu needs to find him?"

Xu Rong shook his head and said, "No, I just asked."

After the pair of ponytails left, Xu Rong looked around, but Zhang Guofeng was nowhere to be seen. After a while, he was found among a group of extras in the corner.

He seemed to be deliberately avoiding him, or rather, avoiding attention.

He observed for a while, and at a certain moment, he stood up abruptly and walked towards the dressing room.

The little assistant in the dressing room was holding her phone with her head down and laughing, touching the melon seeds on the table with one hand and "snapping" it. Seeing Xu Rong come in, she hurriedly stood up and asked, "Mr. Xu, do you want to touch up your makeup?" ?”

"No, you're busy with your work. I'll use the mirror." Xu Rong waved his hands with a smile. When he was talking with a smile, he didn't look at the little assistant who greeted him, but carefully observed himself in the mirror.

Staring at the mirror carefully, he frowned and thought for a while, then slowly closed his eyes, his mind recalled Zhang Guofeng's previous actions.

A few seconds later, Xu Rong suddenly opened his eyes.

Because after careful comparison, he found that the degree of overlap between the actions of the two was too high, especially when the other party smiled back when he smiled, it was a little more charming than his smile just now.

He buried these doubts in his heart, turned around silently, walked back, and sat on the chair. When his gaze fell on the group of extra performers again, he found that Zhang Guofeng had disappeared. He thought for a while, and remembered Standing up, he waved at Xu Xing again, saying: "Script."

Xu Xingren was dumbfounded, because this was the first time since his brother asked her for the script, even though she had it with her, she didn't expect him to really want it, so she didn't keep it.

She hurriedly lowered her head to open the work box. Although sister Xiaofei also had the script, she didn't want hers, because her brother's script was terribly clean, unlike sister Xiaofei's, which not only used various colored pens to mark the script It's green, and there are a lot of sticky notes sandwiched between them.

For each play, my brother will use a separate notebook to write the biographies of the characters. From the background of the characters to before they appear on the stage, to every experience, dialogue with each character, as well as his understanding of the characters and the growth process, they will be recorded separately. In that notebook.

This is completely different from what the teacher at school taught. She asked her once before, and her brother only said: "Stupid people have to use stupid methods", and didn't explain too much.

But she felt that her brother should be a clean freak.

Xu Rong took the notebook, opened a page casually, pinched his waist with one hand, and held the script with the other, lowered his head, and walked aimlessly around the set.

Because in this state, no one will bother him.

He occasionally flipped through the script, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, and all of it was allocated to the corner of his eyes, like a scanner, scanning the surroundings without a trace.

In an unobtrusive corner of the set, Xu Rong finally found Zhang Guofeng's figure. He was lying on his back with a gray sun hat covering his face, as if he was just tired and resting.

His eyes stayed on him for a few seconds, but he didn't stop at his feet. He walked slowly past, and then walked back to his chair. He casually placed the script on the small table next to him, confirming his guess.

That Zhang Guofeng has a problem!
He bowed his head and thought for a while, as if he had made up his mind, he stood up abruptly and walked towards Jiang Wei who was chatting with producer Hua Ming behind the surveillance.

Hua Ming attached great importance to "Latent". As a producer, he didn't need to run to the set for three or two days, but he seemed not at ease. He not only focused on the script, but also on the shooting effect. If he was not satisfied with himself, he would follow up with Jiang Weizheng blushed and his neck was thick.

Moreover, both of them like and are very good at making personal attacks without foul language, such as "Don't you think you are hypocritical when you shoot like this?" "The ignorant is fearless!"

Probably because of the ugliness of the literati, the two of them would always get together again at night, after finishing their work, with a bottle of wine, a bag of peanuts and broad beans, each lighting a cigarette, chatting for half the night .

Two very interesting people.

"Teacher Hua, the director."

"Teacher Xu, sit down."

When Xu Rong sat down, Jiang Wei looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Why didn't you rest, what's the matter?"

"Idle is also idle." Xu Rong thought for a while, and said casually, "Come here and have a look."

At seven o'clock in the evening, Song Jia went back to the hotel to rest, and officially started filming the scenes of Zu Feng and Zhang Guofeng.

Xu Rong raised his spirits and carefully watched the other party's every move in the monitor.

After reading it once, Xu Rong became more and more sure of his guess.

Zhang Guofeng's performance was very interesting, so interesting that it made him feel weird.

"Director, this actor is really good at acting." Xu Rong took Jiang Wei's elbow and turned around, "It feels better than mine."

"Did you see it too?" Jiang Wei glanced at him with a smile, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Zhang's eyes are still very good. Look at his eyes, they are very energetic, and they are more outstanding than ordinary actors. He is very passionate and has the quality of a professional actor, but to say that he is better than you, isn't it a bit of an exaggeration?"

"No exaggeration, no exaggeration." Xu Rong shook his head with a serious face. He pondered for a while, and said in a low voice, "Director, please do me a favor. Tomorrow, can you arrange a few scenes between me and him?"

Jiang Wei turned his head, stared at him blankly, and said, "What kind of crazy are you? You two don't have a single rivalry at all."

"It's such a director. I feel that there are many things in his performance that are worth learning. Well, it's very, very down-to-earth. I want to feel it up close." Seeing Jiang Wei's expression of seeing a ghost, Xu Rong hesitated for a moment, and said solemnly, "Director, I have a hunch, if you can arrange a day for me to play with him, I can guarantee that I can perfectly interpret the role of Yu Zecheng beyond your imagination."

Jiang Wei looked at Hua Ming in embarrassment, the benefactor is sitting here.

Xu Rong's words are tantamount to throwing money away from the rich.

Hua Ming looked at him with a smile, and asked: "What kind of perfect method, why do you feel this way?"

Xu Rong pursed her lips and said, "Intuition."

Jiang Wei and Hua Ming fell into silence, feeling that this thing was too unreliable, and because of Xu Rong's intuition, almost 30 of the budget had to be thrown out.

After waiting for a while, Hua Ming asked, "Are you sure?"

Xu Rong raised his head and glanced at Zhang Guofeng in the distance, then turned his head and said to the two with certainty, "I'm sure, if it doesn't work out, the wasted money will be deducted from my salary."

"That's not necessary."

Hua Ming's thin body muttered a few times in the chair, and finally met Jiang Wei's inquiring gaze, and said with a smile: "The children in our station have all raised it. My mother's family can still get 30 yuan." , Director Jiang, you have worked hard."

There are not as many scenes as Yu Zecheng and Shengxiang in the play, so if he wants to shoot for a day, Jiang Wei has to work overtime at night to catch up with a few scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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