I'm just an actor

Chapter 135 Lurking

Chapter 135 Lurking
In the hotel room, Jiang Wei held a cigarette in one hand, pushed the black framed eyes on the bridge of his nose with the other, stared blankly at Xu Rong who was sitting beside him, and said with a weird expression: "Are you kidding me?"

Xu Rong spread his hands and said, "I've said it all, director, you can write whatever you want, even if it's a pile of shit, it doesn't matter, as long as there are enough lines."


Jiang Wei lit a cigarette, took a sip, looked at him fixedly, and asked in puzzlement, "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I definitely won't make fun of the show." Xu Rong said seriously, "Also, no matter what happens on the set tomorrow, even if I get beaten up, don't bother the director, and don't ask."

In an old community not far from the two of them, Zhang Guofeng, who had been busy for half the night, opened the door of his house.

An old house with two bedrooms and one living room for rent.

He turned on the light in the living room, walked lightly to the door of the bedroom, and pushed open a crack. On the bed in the room, his girlfriend was already fast asleep. The reason he opened the crack was because he was worried that the light in the living room would wake her up. .

Her sleep is very light, and she will wake up with a start if she moves a little bit.

This is a house he rented recently. Before that, he never thought that he could live in two bedrooms and one living room.

Since last year, his fortune has finally turned, and he has completely got rid of his dark swarm acting career. Although there are not many lines and opportunities to appear in the scenes he receives, he can still show his face after all.

And I have my own agent!
This is the life he once yearned for.

He pressed the doorknob and closed the bedroom door with a very slight click, then walked to the kitchen and heated up the noodles his girlfriend had left for him earlier.

Dinner was served in the group, but he was already too hungry.

After eating and cleaning the pots and bowls, he began to wash up in a leisurely manner, even though the assistant director told him good news before leaving work today.

In view of his outstanding performance, the director decided to add a play to him.

In this regard, he did not feel too happy.

He even resisted subconsciously, especially in order to play the role of Sheng Xiang, he had to shave off the beard that he had grown for several months.

To him, the beard is like a mask. Only when he wears the mask, can he feel a bit safe when he walks on the street and stands in front of the camera.

After taking a shower and drying his hair, he looked at his chubby self in the mirror and couldn't help comforting himself: "The change is really great."

His real name is not Zhang Guofeng, nor is he from Lu Province. Zhang Guofeng's name and related identity information are just from a missing person notice on the way he fled. Zhang Guofeng" is very similar to himself.

His name is Ji Shiguang, from QQHE.

It's been ten years, and no one has called him that. In this life, he doesn't even want anyone to call him by that name again, to remember this person.

Ever since he and his two brothers maimed a policeman and snatched the other's gun in 98, he even wanted to forget the word "auspicious time".

But the more he wants to forget the things, the more he will remember them, and the things he doesn't want to forget, such as his parents' voices and smiles, he can't remember clearly.

But he didn't dare to contact his family, he didn't even dare to take the train or plane, because he knew that if he did that, his whereabouts might be exposed.

The grass on the grave of the two brothers who acted together back then has withered for ten stubbles.

They were judged justly and punished by the law!

He was afraid, afraid that one day the police would suddenly come to his door.

Therefore, he never takes pictures. When others want to take pictures with him, he always shirks and refuses for various reasons.

But because of his livelihood, he stepped into the actor industry by mistake and lived under the camera.

Good luck tricks people.

Because he really doesn't know how to do other things, and if he wants to eat, he can only go to a group show, but he didn't realize it, he ran and ran, and even got a little fame and got a special appointment.

Sometimes he would feel uneasy because of this, but considering that he didn't have many roles, and his appearance had changed a lot compared to ten years ago, he felt that no one would recognize him.

Lying on the bed, Ji Shiguang tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. When Zhang Hongying found him, he had a premonition that the play "Latent" would become popular.

But for one thing, he had already done a lot of scenes, and he was not recognized by anyone. Besides, he really liked this scene because it was a true portrayal of his life in the past ten years.


Yu Zecheng is lurking in the enemy, so why not his good time?

Before, he lived as an auspicious time, but after that, he couldn't and didn't dare to do that. He tried his best to gain weight, practice Mandarin, grow a beard, and tried hard to get rid of the habits, appearance, and accent formed in 18 years, forcing himself Live as a man named Zhang Guofeng.

He has been lurking for ten years, and what is different from Yu Zecheng is that he is lurking in the vast crowd.

Late at night.

He was about to turn over, but one of his girlfriend's legs stretched out and pressed on his leg.

Now, he didn't dare to move anymore, but only sighed silently facing the night, and said in his heart: It's okay, it's okay, even if the ratings of the drama are good, the audience will only pay attention to Xu Rong, his wrist My son is older than me, and she can act better than me. It's okay, it's okay.

He didn't dare to make a sound, because he was afraid that others would overhear.

The next day, almost half of the cast members stayed in the hotel.

Because the coordinator's mind was twitching again, he actually arranged for a whole day's scene of Xu Rong, Zu Feng and a special actor.

I have never seen such a neurotic coordinator!

Early in the morning, everything was as usual, whether it was the staff of each group, the stage manager or the actors, they were all quietly busy with their own tasks.

But after a short meeting, the two eyes could not be opened for life and death, and Xiao Zhang was stunned.

Not only her, the whole group was quiet.

Xu Rong lost his temper.

"Three times, I read the wrong word back, Mr. Zhang, there are more than 60 people in our group, if you delay for one minute, you will delay everyone for more than 1 minutes."

"If you don't even make preparations, how big of a master do you really think of yourself?"

Xu Rong yelled at Zhang Guofeng with a livid face, and when he reached the back, his voice was so loud that he could almost hear the cat slacking off in the corner of the shed clearly.

Hearing Xu Rong's roar and looking at him with eyes that seemed to eat people, Zhang Guofeng instinctively felt angry, because the mistake was not his fault at all.

He was also quite helpless, he only got the newly released script when he arrived on the set, and he didn't have time to prepare at all, so Xu Rong came to him directly to talk to him when it was over.

He is not a genius, if he can memorize the long and cramped words with a few glances, it will be really ghostly!
Looking at Xu Rong's face glaring at him, even though the other party was a head taller than him, he was right at all. If it was ten years ago, he would have punched him on the chin.

Who are you barking at?

Fucking star, as long as my fist is strong enough and fast enough, if I punch it, I will still cry and call my mother.

However, he is not Ji Shiguang, he is Zhang Guofeng who is kind-hearted and warm-hearted, Zhang Guofeng who never gets angry with others, and Zhang Guofeng who is good-tempered and helpful.

Ji Shiguang's anger cannot be radiated by Zhang Guofeng.

Therefore, after he squinted his eyes, he could only lower his eyebrows and laugh along with his eyes, saying "Sorry, sorry, Mr. Xu" repeatedly.

The only thing that made him feel better was that compared to now, when Xu Rong scolded Song Jia, it was really vicious.

When the twin tails heard Xu Rong's roar, they hurried over, grabbed his arm and asked, "Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, calm down, calm down."

The anger that stared at Xu Rong subsided a little, and then the two ponytails asked softly: "What's the matter, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Rong looked at Zhang Guofeng coldly, and said, "This is the person you are looking for? I can't even remember the words."

The two ponytails moved closer, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Xu, the play was added temporarily. He just got it this morning. Please be patient. If it still doesn't work later, I'll find someone to replace him immediately."

Xu Rong let out a "Oh" and said, "It turns out that's the case, so there's no need to change people."

He turned his head, as if changing his face, and said apologetically to Zhang Guofeng: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, it was my fault, I misunderstood you."

Zhang Guofeng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, Teacher Xu is too polite, it's my problem, it's my problem."

There were only two people who were surprised by this scene. One was the director Jiang Wei. He and Xu Rong stayed up until midnight to rush out the script last night. Many of Zhang Guofeng's words were designed by Xu Rong, which made it more difficult. It stands to reason Xu Rong should have expected the current situation.

Could it be that Xu Rong and Zhang Guofeng have Liangzi?

But Zhang Guofeng only started filming yesterday, and he heard Zhang Hongying mention that Zhang Guofeng is famous for his good temper.

It's just that Xu Rong repeatedly told him last night not to intervene no matter what happened today. At this time, he sat comfortably behind the surveillance to see what kind of trouble Xu Rong was going to make.

Another student who was puzzled by Xu Rong's behavior was Xiao Zhang, because she knew very well that Teacher Xu was not really angry or angry, because she knew that Teacher Xu would not get angry when he was angry.

When it was time for lunch, Xu Rong came to Zhang Guofeng's side with a can of beer and a lunch box.

Zhang Guofeng stood up without hesitation, and said rather restrainedly: "Teacher Xu?"

During the whole morning, he was really disgusted by Xu Rong's capriciousness. Sometimes it was aimed at him, and sometimes it was aimed at others. For example, when he went to the toilet, he even asked his assistant to hold an umbrella.

A man asked for an umbrella when he went to the bathroom?

Do you have no hands, or are you afraid of falling into the pit?

Xu Rong opened the beer, pushed it in front of him, and said with a smile: "Brother, I'm sorry, I am more serious about tricks, sometimes I can't control my temper, please take care of me."

"Understood." Zhang Guofeng smiled, seeing Xu Rong handing over the beer again, he reached out to take it.

He was actually quite puzzled. Although he was able to earn hundreds of dollars a day because of the special contract, it was the first time a celebrity apologized to him.

I can't bear it, I have to eat.

"Brother, have you learned it?" Xu Rong squatted on the spot with a lunch box in his hand, and asked, "I think your acting is pretty good, and many actors with professional backgrounds are not as good as you."

Zhang Guofeng shook his head with a smile, and said: "That's not true. When I was a child. Hey, I dare not say that God rewards me with food in front of Mr. Xu. Maybe it's because I run around too much, and I understand a little bit about acting."

"Hey, then you are really good." Xu Rong gave him a thumbs up with the hand holding the chopsticks, "I heard that your accent is kind of kind, is it from Yuxing?"

Zhang Guofeng said very naturally: "No, but it's not far away, from Lu Province."

Although Xu Rong lowered his head to eat, his attention never left Zhang Guofeng for a moment, and said: "When I was doing group performances, I met an actor from Lu Province. He was really ugly, but now he has red hair. Zi, I look at your business ability, sooner or later you will become popular."

Zhang Guofeng laughed twice, as if he was embarrassed, lowered his head and picked up two mouthfuls of rice, and said: "Don't expect that, I just eat for a living, and I am quite content with the current situation, although sometimes I have work, sometimes I don't." If you live, you can earn a lot after a month."

He seemed afraid that Xu Rong would ask again, so he asked instead: "Ms. Xu also ran over the group performance?"

Xu Rong smiled and said: "Well, my family was poor and couldn't afford to go to school, so I followed the villagers to work in Jilin Province. It happened that director Guan Hu was going to pick migrant workers from construction sites to perform in the city, so I followed How can I think that, walking and walking, it is today."

"Haha, Mr. Xu is amazing." Zhang Guofeng complimented, half of what he said was for the occasion, and half for the sincerity, because he knew too well how much pain a group performer had to suffer and how much care he had to accompany him if he wanted to get to where Xu Rong was now. .

"Hey, what's great or not, just get better every day."

"What's the matter with you today?" In the middle of the afternoon, Zu Feng finally couldn't hold back anymore and asked the doubts in his heart.

Xu Rong is really abnormal today, like a pile of explosives, if something happens, it will be blown up with a "boom", making the whole crew not dare to breathe.

But his emotions are repeated very quickly, and when the explosion here is over, he will change into another face when he turns his head.

Xu Rong turned his head in surprise and asked, "What?"

"Does it feel like you're not normal today?"

Xu Rongdao: "It's not that I'm abnormal, it's that you are too normal, so you think I'm abnormal."

Zu Feng looked at him in astonishment, and said dryly, "Maybe."

Different from Zu Feng's astonishment, Yu Zhang Guofeng, today is a painful day. He cooperated with Xu Rong for the first time, but he found that this person is like a psychopath. Fist greeted him.

Finally, after getting off work at night, he took a breath, and the filming of his scene with Xu Rong was over.

Xu Rong, who was sitting in the car, also took a breath. The day's performance was finally over.

He is quite sure now that Zhang Guofeng's usual performance is definitely not his real appearance.

For example, when he is emotional, he will subconsciously have a Northeast accent. Although Xu Rong is not from the Northeast, he is very familiar with that accent.

When Xiao Zhang was impatient, his standard Mandarin would become extraordinary.

Xu Xing sat silently in the back row, motionless, she was really afraid that if she did something wrong, her brother would scold her, and she had already been scolded once on the set today.

Xiao Zhang didn't have so many scruples, and asked a question that he had been holding back for a day: "Mr. Xu, why did that Zhang Guofeng provoke you?"

Xu Rong glanced back at her, and Xiao Zhang could see it.

"That's not it."

"But why are you always angry at him?"

"Because I'm learning acting from him."

"Follow him and learn acting?"

"Yes, his performance is very real."

Xu Rong didn't explain the specific reason, but he was sure of one thing, Zhang Guofeng was deliberately hiding something.

But these are not his concern.

What he really cares about is Zhang Guofeng's different reactions in the face of various situations related to himself or irrelevant, good or bad.

He kept all these in his mind.

Those should be the daily behavior of a real lurker.

(End of this chapter)

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