I'm just an actor

Chapter 136 Imagine

Chapter 136 Imagine
Back at the hotel, Xu Rong first lay down in the bathtub and took a hot bath. He didn't take the film seriously for today's scene. Anyway, it was a script made up by Hu, and he wouldn't cut it into the scene when he edited it.

But the whole person was exhausted.

In order to create a different situation for Zhang Guofeng, and then observe his reaction, he almost tried his best at the end of the day.

He almost turned against classmate Xiao Zhang, but he also understood that he couldn't do that.

Xiao Zhang may be able to see that he is not really angry, but she can't think that far, and she won't accommodate him like the rest of the crew. Once there is a quarrel, he guesses that he may not be able to quarrel with her.

In that case, what he "does" will not be so natural.

But this matter, he can't get along with Jiang Wei, he can only do it alone. Under Zhang Guofeng's mask, there is another completely strange identity hidden, and he tried his best to hide it. This is his comprehensive acting experience and experience. from.

For Jiang Wei, this is an unstable factor that needs to be eliminated.

After taking a bath and putting on the water and cream, he first asked the hotel for a full-length mirror, and then called Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing over.

He wanted to try to rehearse several scenes with Xu Xing, and let Xiao Zhang observe the difference between his own behavior and Zhang Guofeng's.

After all, acting and reality are different. The difference between the two is like drama performance and film and television performance, but the principle is the same, so that the audience sitting in front of the TV can understand.

Although Xiao Zhang's business ability is so-so, her observation skills are sharp enough. She was the first to discover that Zhang Guofeng was similar to him yesterday.

Of course, this kind of words can only be thought in the heart, if you really want to say it, Xiao Zhang will definitely bite him.

"Ding dong."

About ten minutes after Xu Rong sent the message, the doorbell rang.

He put the script down, went to open the door, just looked at Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing standing outside the door, subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

A white T-shirt, denim shorts and white shoes.

The other has double ponytails and a pink skirt with a waist. This kind of skirt is not suitable for Xiao Zhang, but it is very suitable for Yu Xuxing.

Her capital is relatively rich.

The common point of the two people's outfits is that they both undisguisedly showed their straight and fair long legs. The difference is that besides the legs, Xu Xing also showed some other scenery.

Xu Xing is nearly 1.7 meters tall, comparable to Xiao Zhang's classmate, and looks a bit like Yan Danchen, a senior sister in the school, but she is thinner in comparison.

Xu Rong's eyes turned around the two of them, and the two girls had no good intentions.

How about dressing like this on a hot day to test his concentration?
As usual, Xiao Zhang blinked his almond eyes under the slender eyelashes, opened and closed his reddish lips, and asked, "What's the matter, Teacher Xu? Your expression is so strange?"

Xu Rongpi looked at her with a non-smiling smile and asked, "Is the weather this hot?"

Classmate Xiao Zhang glanced at Xu Xing, and said with a hey smile: "Don't you just say that you eat people's mouths? In this way, you can't get angry with us, can you?"

Xu Rong pulled his eyes away from Xu Xing's uneven curve, pointed to the direction of the corridor, and said, "Go back and change your clothes."

Since he came to the production team, he found that their make-up skills have soared all the way, because they stayed with the girls in the two make-up groups all day long.

"Mr. Xu, you are shameless!" Xiao Zhang said abruptly, "He came here to rehearse with you, but you pay attention to the clothes we wear."

But before she finished speaking, she and Xu Xing hugged each other and laughed happily.

Seeing the madness of the two, Xu Rong no longer struggled, and let the two enter the house.

Seeing Xu Rong and Xu Xing confront each other for three scenes, Xiao Zhang, who was reclining on the sofa and tossing and turning in various postures to show off his long legs, stood up, swaying back and forth in front of Xu Rong, and said: "Mr. Xu, I feel that you are still a bit different from that Zhang Guofeng."

Xu Rong also observed herself through the mirror, and when she heard her words, she asked, "Is the body more public?"

"Yes." Xiao Zhang took a bottle of water, twisted it twice, but didn't unscrew it, came to Xu Rong, stuffed the water into his hand, and said, "Teacher Xu, twist it for me."

Standing aside, Xu Xing looked at Sister Xiaofei's weak appearance, and felt goosebumps all over her body, because just half an hour ago, in their room, she watched her break an apple into pieces with her bare hands. two petals.

But now you can't unscrew a bottle of water?


Classmate Xiao Zhang took the water. Originally, she planned to dry half of the bottle at once, but considering her own image tonight, she only took a small sip of the bottle, and then screwed on the cap again.

"But Mr. Xu, you are more handsome than him, haha."

She said, sitting next to Xu Rong, frowning extremely abruptly: "Oh, Mr. Xu, I'm so tired today, please help me squeeze."

She pretended to pinch her calf twice, and before Xu Rong could react, she put her smooth long legs on Xu Rong's lap with both hands.

"Teacher Xu~"

I don't know if she did it on purpose or not, but she rubbed her inner leg twice.


"Ah, ah, Teacher Xu, it hurts." Xiao Zhang was hit by the script in Xu Rong's hand. Under the pain, he hurriedly withdrew his foot and looked at him with a haha.

Xu Rong pressed her head and pushed her aside. At the same time, he raised his chin at Xu Xing who was already lying on the opposite sofa, kicking his legs in mid-air, and pointed at the door: "You guys Why don't you stay cool for me?"

The two laughed harder.

After he stopped laughing, Xiao Zhang glanced at Xu Rong who had a serious face, and asked, "Do you really want us to go?"

Xu Rong pinched the script and said, "Let's go, hurry up."

When the two of them reached the door, they still didn't forget to turn their heads three times to be coquettish, bit their lips, and said sadly: "Teacher Xu, are you really gone?"

Xu Rong still didn't put down the script, but pointed at the script with the other finger, and said, "Didn't you see that I'm busy? You two are just messing with me."

Classmate Xiao Zhang pursed his lips and said, "Okay, then you should do your work first."

Just as the two of them were about to go out, Xu Rong paused, then stopped them again, and said without thinking: "I can't be defeated in the spy war."

But he knew that Xiao Zhang should be able to understand what he meant.

He heard from Xu Xing that when a girl said "Then you are busy first", the subtext is relatively rich, and there are probably two meanings when explained.

The first level is: I really want to chat with you, but I have to be more reserved and sensible.

The second layer contains complaints: you are busy, who is not busy?I've made time for you, so can't you just put down what you're doing and stay with me for a while, I'm so mad at you!
He wasn't sure whether Xiao Zhang's words had two layers or only one layer, but she was a living person with emotions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. One day it would explode, and he didn't want that to happen.

"Haha, Mr. Xu, you have so many thoughts, I am teasing you."


Back in the room, classmate Xiao Zhang and Xu Xing were lying on the bed. They were not too tired during the day, but they still felt very tired after waiting for a whole day.

After chatting for a while about Xu Rong's previous embarrassment, Xu Xing asked a question that made Xiao Zhang quite embarrassed: "Sister Xiaofei, you and my brother, is that?"

"Which one?" Before the words finished, Xiao Zhang immediately understood Xu Xing's meaning thanks to Jiao Junyan's tireless teaching and accumulated influence over the years.

She hesitated, then shook her head slightly.

Xu Xing sat up, looked at her with great interest, and asked, "Haven't you guys known each other for several years?"

"Yes, we have known each other for a long time." Xiao Zhang nodded, "But we haven't been together for so long. We only got together when we went to college."

"Then why?"

Xiao Zhang's lips twitched twice, and in the end, he could only roll his eyes and said, "I don't know either."

After saying this, she turned over, turned her back to Xu Xing, like a thief, quietly took out her mobile phone, and began to search in the browser: How can I make Yuexiong bigger?
She has searched for this question no less than three times, and the answers are all kinds of strange.

The reason why she searched this question again was because she found that Teacher Xu's eyes were always aiming at Xu Xing's chest subconsciously.

Teacher Xu is really stupid, she just put a mat on it!
She touched her chest, and she padded it herself, but she still didn't bulge her T-shirt as imagined.

Before coming to the set, she had already made some psychological preparations, but she finally took advantage of the safety period to muster up the courage, and was driven back by Teacher Xu.

"My professional ethics don't allow me to do this, and I'm not that kind of person, Xiao Zhang, if you think that you can take over by sleeping with me, I advise you to get rid of these unrealistic thoughts as soon as possible."

Even now, every time she thinks of this sentence, she can be so angry.

Teacher Xu is really disgusting!

But on the other hand, she was also convinced that Teacher Xu must have thoughts about her, because he would react when the two kissed for a long time.

Just like before, hahahahahaha.

On the second day, although there was a drizzle in the sky, it did not affect the normal shooting of the crew because it was in the studio, except that the lighting was a bit more difficult.

Xu Rong filmed three scenes with Song Jia, and at noon, he started filming a scene with Feng Anhe and Wu Gang.

One thing Xu Rong regrets is that he doesn't know how Zhang Guofeng gets along with his girlfriend, but he can't chase him to his house to observe, and Jiang Wei's setting for Yu Zecheng and Cuiping is "Interesting", not depressing.

In the play with Cuiping, his purpose is to interpret a Yu Zecheng who makes the audience feel happy.

The plot of the scene to be filmed is that stationmaster Wu asked Lu Qiaoshan to put aside the matter of liquidating Mu Liancheng first, so that he can continue to collect, and then Yu Zecheng pushed the door in.

"Get ready~"


The first thing to film is the scene of Station Master Wu and Lu Qiaoshan. When Lu Qiaoshan was leaving the house, he happened to meet Yu Zecheng who was entering the door.

The moment Wu Gang opened the door, both of them showed genuine stunned expressions at the same time.

According to the previous schedule of the two, Xu Rong should have pushed the door open, but Wu Gang grabbed the shot and opened the door himself.

This is what Wu Gang thought up when he left the scene, and the purpose was to make Xu Rong show a real "surprise" for a moment.

But Wu Gang was surprised that Xu Rongju made a knocking hand in mid-air, which was also not mentioned in the previous rehearsal.

The reason why Xu Rong deliberately misled Wu Gang when he left the scene was also for the same purpose.

Under normal circumstances, when entering a leader's office, how could anyone not knock on the door?

The expressions of the two changed extremely quickly. After a moment of astonishment, they changed into smiling faces at the same time. Wu Gang slightly raised his hand at the position of Station Master Wu, while Xu Rong smiled gently, showing a few teeth. , nodded to him.

Because he found that Zhang Guofeng always smiled like this when meeting unfamiliar colleagues, gentle and even honest, a trustworthy colleague.

Xu Rong: "Station Master."

Feng Anhe: "I saw you coming from the window just now, you shouldn't be here now."


Feng Anhe: "This short period of peace is very good. I'm busy collecting it. If you talk about love, why not do it?"

"it is good."

Xu Rong first lowered his eyebrows and sighed silently, then pulled the corners of his mouth down before laughing, and said, "I'm going to talk about love."


"The things in Mu Liancheng's hands cannot be measured by gold bars. You don't have any grudges against gold bars, do you?"

"Gold bars, of course I like them."

"His niece is also very charming."

"Hehe, I'll go then."



In this scene, Xu Rong laughed a total of four times. The first time he smiled politely after meeting Wu Gang. Because he was facing his colleagues, he smiled gently, but only politely.

The second time was when he talked about "talking about love", the corners of his eyes twitched a few seconds later. It was almost like when Zhang Guofeng faced him yesterday.

The third time was "Of course I like it." In this sentence, his smile widened and his eyes narrowed.

The last time was when Feng Anhe said the word "style". When he smiled, his mouth didn't open, but his eyebrows flew up. This is a smile that can only be understood among men.

He thought about this scene for a long time yesterday. At this time, Yu Zecheng had not yet witnessed Zuo Lan's death, so his belief could not be said to be firm. Facing Station Master Wu, he was indeed flattering, but on the other hand, he was also It is the embodiment of the character that has been beaten by itself.

As for how to highlight these aspects, the change of lines is naturally the first, and secondly, to use four different smiles to highlight the character of this character step by step.

Under the obvious sense of hierarchy, what is brought to the audience must be a real person, a small person who faces the leader, and laughs with him whether he likes it or not.

Feng Anhe looked at Xu Rong, and breathed a sigh of relief. He was acting in the opposite direction. Stationmaster Wu was a villain, but he took him seriously. For example, he called corruption as "collection", and it was quite righteous Positive words, as if talking about business.

And Xu Rong is a reversal of the main drama, a positive hero, he has been shaped into a small person's daily life.

This does not conform to the usual black and white image of spy war dramas, but it meets Jiang Wei's requirements and can create a stronger impact and sense of reality for the audience.

Today is also performed according to Jiang Wei's request.

But in the process of filming just now, he suddenly found that Xu Rong's delicate expression has almost reached a big level. It seems that even without the background of his acting, the role of Yu Zecheng itself has a very strong impact.

And this kind of completely different change compared with the previous one took only a short time. He couldn't understand how Xu Rong made another dish out of the original pile of "ingredients".

Behind the monitor, Jiang Wei and Hua Ming, who came to the set early in the morning, looked at each other, only smiled, but did not speak.

Hua Ming hurriedly patted his arm and said, "Look at the playback, look at the playback."

After the two of them went through the replay again, the smile on Hua Ming's face gradually widened, and he patted the table and sighed, "This 30 yuan is worth the money."

"Yeah, he's right, it's really beyond my imagination."

(End of this chapter)

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